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<br /> _. 91--10564
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<br /> - .;�
<br /> .=,���� If I.ender requind mo�tp�e imur�ncx u a caadition of a�alcln� tbe lan�ecured by thfo Security In4trumen� � _
<br /> - Bonawer stull p�y the premiunurequirod to maint�ie the in�ur�nce in elfxt until�uch time u tho requiranent for t6e
<br /> inwcmce terminata io�ccordance wltb Borrower'��nd LRnder't Mdtten aprametit or�pplieAbk bw. �_,
<br /> - ix� i. I�p�etloe, l.endM or its a4mt may m�ke twonabk rnt�fa upon�nd in�pecti4n�of the Property.I.ender
<br /> _. �hali`ive Borcowar nottce at the timo oPor pdot to an ln�pection apecif'yin�rea�on�ble c�uae ior the inepection. �-
<br /> '- g. Co�depwtla. The praxed�of any aw�rd or cWm lor dama�a.direct or conseyurnti�l,in connection with
<br /> � �u►y co�demnation or other talcin�of�ny patt of the Property�or for convey�nce in Ueu oP coademn�tion, ue hereby __
<br /> -°' �i�ned and�h�ll be ptdd to Lender.
<br /> -_ '""�' In tho event of a total akinQ of ehe Property,the proceedi shaU be�pplied to the sum��ecure�by thi�Security _
<br /> =J• -�'� Instrument.whether or not then due,with any eacas piid to Borrower. ln the event of R p�nia!taking of the Property,
<br /> _ .�>. unlas Horrower and Lender otherwla sQroa in wridng,the�um��ecured by thh Secu�ity lnstrument shall bc reduced by =
<br /> � °'``�� � tho unount of the proceeds multiplied by the foUowing fraction:(�) the total Amount of the sums 9ecured immediptely -
<br /> - - °_,;�� before tho tal�in�,divlded by(b)tha fair muket vdue of the Property immediakly beforc the t�kina.Any b�lance slull be _N
<br /> �:a�+��-.' � p�id w Horrower. —.
<br /> ^�-��s�� .__ If'the Property i�abuidoned by Horrower,or if��fter noticx by Lender to Horrower that the wndemnor offe�s to �@
<br /> _ .�._ '-.'�'�'°� toalca an awan!or eettle n daim for d�mn�ee,Borrower Pdix w rapand to Lender within 30 dnya aRer the dpte the notice is c .
<br /> ee
<br /> F�����•� given,Lender is authorfzed to coUect and apply the proceod�,at iu option.dther to ratoration or re�ir of the Property or
<br /> �'�"�`:..:: to tbe oums sxured by this 3ecurity inurument,whether or not then due.
<br /> �- �`�•�,��'� �` Unles�Lender and Horrower otherwise agra in wriNng.aey sppAcstion of praceeda to princip�l:hall nat ea�tend or � ,
<br /> '������_�s enu referred to in 1 pnd 2 or ehnnge the amount of auch psyment�.
<br /> ,��,���. pcntpone the due d�te of the a�onthlY psym P�B�P� �,�c��.
<br /> u�!._����, .: 10. Borrosa' Not Rele��adi For6arwce By Leader Not s Wd�er. Factension of the dme for paymmt or �-
<br /> -.+• modiftcation of amortization of the sume secured by this Security Inetrument grantal by I.ender to any successor in
<br /> __��F"�i���,,.,.
<br /> _ -�°�•:�:'..� • interest of Borrower stWl not oper�te to rele�e thc liability of the ori�inal Hc�rrower or Sorrower's succe:sors in interest. ��'�
<br /> '���"��' . Lender ahaU�ot be required to commence pracadinga againet ony wccessor in interest or refLse to extand time for __
<br /> �-���� �;. � ' mcnt or otheraise madify amortiTation of the�uma secured by this Security Inatrument by reason of any demand made - _
<br /> - - � •�• �" ' WY -
<br /> --- � �•..�:. . :, b y the ori g inal Borrower or Horrower's auccesaor�in interest.Any for6eArance by Lendsr in exercisin�any right or remedy �,..,�,.
<br /> ��� 't''' tlull not be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of any ri g ht or rem e 0y. --
<br /> ��;, �. . 11, Suceaton�nd Aal�Hoasd�Jotot ad Se�eral LubiUtyi Co-dp►en. The covenanta and agraments of �;
<br /> . �' n
<br /> -_ '� �` this Security instrument shaU bind Artd bene8t the euccessors end assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provlsions
<br /> �..,.:.. ._... ' . .
<br /> ��`;�. af puagraph 17.Borrower s covenants and agraments ahell be joint and several.Any Borrowe�who ca�igns tbis 3ecurity _
<br /> '� �''�"�"`� �'° lnsir�ment but da�aas axxute itse Note:{a)is co-atgning th;R Security Instrument only to mortRage.grant and convey �
<br /> � �� �� �
<br /> � that Barrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security In�trument(b)is not personally obligated to pay ==
<br /> ::�;,:ui. .. .
<br /> -:fi�, the sums secured by this Security Inatrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree ro eatend,
<br /> ;'s;'� ��� ��. � � modify,forbear or make any aecommodationo with ropard to the terma of this Security lnatrument or the Note without ���
<br /> :�•`� �. . ths►t Borrower's consent.
<br /> ;,.•, •
<br /> ••�� • •� ` � lZ, Lo�n Cha�ea. If the loan socured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan ��"�'
<br /> �:_,L_� , �• . .. ---
<br /> �w�y �� � , c6erges,and that laa is 8nally interpreted so thet the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collceted in _
<br /> -'`-���y " connection with the loan eacad the permitted limits,then: (a)ony such loan cherge shall be reduced by the amount _'-�
<br /> ,. qu,�r... .,. ..-.„
<br /> . � -��-.,��n, necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any suma already collected from Borrower which eacaded �
<br />�-°�aa ,.�_, ar•<�. permitted Iimila wlll be rePunded to Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed
<br /> �_-�
<br />= �%� ����n `..�° •• under the Note or by making a dircct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated aw a '°'"
<br /> r�: :��" . .• parti�l prepnyment without any prepayment charge under the Note. �
<br /> ,,v�°�; `��,�+�^ � ° 13. LeQi�l�don Afiecting Lender'o RiQbb, If enactment or expiretion af applicable laws has the effect of __ _.
<br /> '-"'`''�' •� ° rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms,Lender.at its option, �
<br />_.,:•.r..�.
<br />--•`�;' '�� may require immediate paymtnt in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> j�_=���. permitted by pamgraph 19.If I.ender exercises this option,Lender shall take the steps speciflod in the second peragraph of --•
<br /> - _. . ';�r:.��': • _ paragraph 11. �.='
<br /> ;.�`% ,..,�.. ° 14. Notices. Any notice to BoROwer provided Por in thia Security Instrumcnt shall be given by delivering il or by ��
<br /> - ' ''��-� ., �• mailing it by 8rst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shnll be directed to thc �..,.,.
<br /> -__`� �' ���y.. . Property Address or any other uddrcss 8orrower designetes by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall bc given by
<br /> ��.'i.��'�:.e.;��_A�.� flrst class moil to Lender's address stated herein or any other uddress Lender designates by notice to Borr�wer.Any notice �-,
<br /> � ��:i- �, �• provided for in tbi:Security Instrument shall be damed to have been given to Bonawer or Lender when given as provided
<br /> �f Tt,.. . ���-.
<br /> _ . ,�� • . ': a in this para�raph.
<br /> •;•:c �-T=
<br /> � 1S. Goveroing I.ow;Sevenbiltty. 7'his Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> ' ju�iadiction in which the Propeny is located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security lnstrument or the —_
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> �. which can be given effect without�he conflicting provision. I'o this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the •:.
<br /> •' Note are declared to be severable. �i"
<br /> � � 16. Borrowe�'s Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy oP the Nnte and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � 17. Trcm9ter of the Property or p Beneflciol Interest ia Borrower. IP ull or any p3n oP the Property or any
<br /> • interest in it is sold or transferred(ar if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sald or transferred and Borrower is not u natural
<br />: �. person)without Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,nt i�c u�ion,require immediate payment in full of ull sums �
<br /> ! secured by this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by I.endcr if cxercise is prahibiled by
<br />� federal law as of�he date of this Security lnstrument. �
<br /> ' � . If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of uccelerution.The notice shall provide+�periaJ
<br /> ' " of not less than 30 d++ys from the dute the notice is delivered or muiled within which Borrower must pny ull�ums serured by
<br /> ' � this Seeurity lnstrument.If Borrower fails to pay these xumx prior to�he expirntion of this pericxi,Lender may invc�ke uny �
<br /> •' �� �• remedies permitted by this Security Instrument withaut funher notice or demand on Bc►rrower.
<br /> -�-- •- �-•-
<br /> -- ���� � �� 18.Borrower's Right to ReinsWte. If t3ormwer mee�s cennin condirions,norrower�iiuii iiu�r ii�c i��y��� �.���,..� � -
<br /> . enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at nny time prior to�he enrlier uP:(n)5 dryx(or xuch other{xriod us
<br /> "' • ' - applicable luw may specify for reinstatement)before sale af the Propeny punuunt to uny power uf s�le contuined in thi� i
<br /> .� Security Instrumenr or(b►entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Inztrument.Those conditium arr th��B��rrciwer.
<br /> �• . (a)pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security In�trument und the No1e fiud no accelerLtian ;
<br /> occurred; (b)cures any defuult af any other covenants or agreements; (r) pays all ex�xnses incurred in enl'urcing thi� F
<br /> Securiry Instrument, including,but not limited to, reasonable atrorneys•'fces;and Id)taketi tiurh acti�m vs Lrndcr muy '
<br /> reasonably require tc�assure that the lien of this Security Instrumenl, Lender's right. in the Property und Hnrrawer'�
<br /> � obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall cominue unchanged. Urxm rrinswtement by
<br /> •r� Borrower.�his Security Instrument und the obligations secured hereby shall remain Pully effecUve us if no ucreler,�tion hud
<br /> ' . occurred. However,this�ght to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under porngraphs I 3 or 17. �
<br /> t
<br /> . . �
<br />