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<br /> �':I � wer oi awle contained in thi�
<br /> -__ epplicablc law may specify for rtinsWtemeny bcPoro eale of thc Property pursuant to any po
<br /> — Securfty Iastrument;or(b)entry of s judgment enforoing thle Sxu�lty In�uvment. '17wcc wnditions are thet Borrower: (a)
<br /> p�ys Lender all aums which ihen would be due under thi� Secudty Instrument xnd the Note us if na nccelerad�n had
<br /> �„�� occumed;(bl curea nny default of any other c�venw�ta a egrcementa;(c}pays all expensea incumed in enforcing this Secu�ity c
<br /> - - Inadument, including.but not limited to.reasonable attornays'fees; und(d)takeA aucb octlon as i.ender may reoROnably -
<br /> - � mquire to assure th4t the li=n of this Secudty Insaumem,Lrnderk r�ghts in the Property ond Borrowcr's obligadon ta pey the
<br /> - -- --- '�°� guma �ecurnd by this Security Instrument shpll condnue unchanged. Upnn rcinstatement by 8orrower, this Security c_
<br /> _ ,.,.,� Inswment and the obligations secured hereby ahall rcmuin fully effective as if no xceleration had occun�ed. Howaver.thia
<br /> _ ---------- ----�� rfaht to rcinatate shnll not apply in�he case of acceleratlon under purugraph 17. �
<br /> - -- 19. 3ale aP Note;CdwqQe ot I.oaa Servicer. 71�e Notc ar a partlal interest io the Note(together with this Secu�ty
<br /> - *- inspvment)muy be sold onc or more times without pdor nodce to Borrower. A sale may regult in a change in thc entity �
<br /> =`:� (known as the"Loan Servicer")that coliects monthly payments due under the Nate and this Securfty Instrument. There ulso �
<br /> may be une or more chenges of the Loan Servlcer unrela[ed to a sAle of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. �
<br /> �� � ' Borrower wlll be given written notice c►f the change in accordance with pnragmph 14 atwve and applicable luw. The notice __
<br /> � ^~�?:.� will aWte the neme and address of the new Loan Servlcer and the addr�sa to which payments shauld be made. The notice will =
<br /> ..1._.
<br /> ��� also camain uny other infom�adon rcquired by applicubk law.
<br /> ,,�.,j- 20. Haz�dous$ubsipncea Borrower shall nat cause or permit thc presence,use,disposal.storage,or release of any —
<br /> -- Hazetdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nar allow anyat�e else to do,anything affecting the _
<br /> :����;� Property that is in violation of ar�y Emlronmental Luw. The preceding two sencences ahall not apply to the presence,use.or �,
<br /> slorage on the Property of smell quentides of Hc�ardow 5ubstances that are generally recognized to bc approprfate to normal ��,
<br /> . -�--_--_"_-".� residentiai uxas w�d to maintena�cc of thc Property.
<br /> 's��''� Borrower shall promptly give L.ender wdtten notice of any investigation,claim,demand,IAwsuit or other action by any �;
<br /> �:��'y�?`���� govemmentel or regulatory agency or private paRy invalving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentel
<br /> °�"` — Law of which Borrower has actuni knowledga. I f Borrower Icams, or is no ti f i e d b y en y governmental �r re gulatory �;.
<br /> "�',,�4�o�(i.�, authoriry.thet any removal or other remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary.Borrower =:,.
<br /> ld •_
<br /> �°•' ' ahall pmmpdy teke all necessary remedial actions in accordence with Environmental Law. !'_
<br /> -- `�'���t" '=�• ^ As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hezardaus substances by _
<br /> '�`�-��.:;�.;..;.. Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline.kerosene.other flummable or toxic petroleum pro.lucts,toxic
<br />-� �"=i=f� pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materials conlaining ar,bestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materfels. As r,c
<br />�_,-_ -.�.��:;:dti_ �, �
<br /> �,,. used in this patagraph 20."8nvironmental Law menns federal laws and laws of the judsdiction wherc 1he Property is located =
<br /> � t��,�•�''��� ;� lhat relate to health,safety or environmental protection. �__
<br /> ,.;;,�,o,a� ` , ;. NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follaws: �
<br /> --- !��� ':�i�„� � El. Accelerallon; Reme�lies. I.ender shall gire notice to Borrower rior to accelerAtion following Borrower's
<br /> - - •��;';� : breACh ot any covenont or Agreement In thls Securlty Instrument lbut notprior to acceleration under paragraph 17 �;
<br /> ��''''"�°° t-�'-:�; unless applknble Ipw provides otherwise). TNe notke shwll specify: (a)ihe deiAUlt;(b)the action required to cure the ---
<br /> '�'-•t�"n='� '�:li detaultt(c)a date,not lea9 thpn 30 ds�ys from Ihe date Ihe notice is given to Borrower�by which the deiault must be _
<br /> - ----�•�
<br /> , - ���',_ � cured;wnd(d)thAt Poilure to cure the defwult on or before the ds�te apecii'ied in ihe noiic�c mwy.`esuit 1n accelerat3a�af —
<br />-� �' the aums secured by this 3ecurity Inatrument and s�le oP the Property. The notice shall Furlher intorm Borrower of
<br /> .�i;`:. � ...°�r.•
<br /> "-i,�. �.. , the right to reinstate wfter occeleratton and the rfght to bring a court action to essert the non•existence of a default ar
<br /> ,... ',�'• :. aoy other defense of Borrower to acce lerpt bn an d sn le. I P t he de tau l t t s n o t c u r e d o n o r b e f o re t h e d a t e a p e c i 0 e d i n �"��
<br /> �`�`��`{'� •� • the notice,I.ender At its n tion ma r uire immedl�te wyment in full oP all sums secured by this Security Instrument �
<br /> �?� ��„.ti� . " P Y �1 P _
<br /> �- � ��• � w it h out f urt her deman d an d may invo ke t he p ower oP sele and ao y other remedies permitted by applicAble Iww �_
<br /> ri � Lender shall be entltled to colkct all expenses incurred in pursuiag the remedies provided in this paragraph 2l.
<br /> '''"� �`a��� ,�����'�� including,but not limited to,rensonable attorneys'fees and cosfe of tiUe evidence.
<br /> �-*,-"�„ � • IP lhe power of sAle is invoked�7Yustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part of ihe ��i-r-,
<br /> •'.-� ...� ��,
<br /> -:s:�,� • Properly is located And sholl mall copies oi such notice fn the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> -�-:_ , '` the other persons prescribed by applicpble law ARer the time required by applicable luw.'I�usfee shpll give public --
<br /> �� .�.:. ,.,.�= .
<br /> ,�,.�•. .. - �� noNce of snle to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable IAw. 7Yustee,without demend on Borrower.
<br /> :�.�.;���h'1 'a�'� shAll sell the Proprrly at public auMion to ihe Nigl�est Mdder at the time and place and under the terms designated in —°
<br /> ��
<br /> ..;;��I�'d;���; ��;: t6e notfce of sale in one or more pArcels ond in any order'irustee determines. 'IYustee may poslpone snle of all or any �•.-
<br /> � •:>:� parcel ot the Prnperty by peblic announcement at Ihe time and pl�ce uf any previously scheduled s�le. Lender or ils �_
<br />�- r `' designce may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> �"�°�":..� `•�•�� •' Upon receipt ot payment of the prke bid.'I�ustee shall deliver to lhe purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the ""r-
<br />-=�`.%a ,.„��.'.• Property. The recitals in the'I�ustee's deed shall be prima facie e�•idence of the truth uP the stsNements made therein. °`
<br /> -���� •'`'� � � 7lrustee sh�ll apply the praceeds of Ihe sale in the Pollowing order: lal to all cosls and ezpen�ses otexercising Ihe power �._
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