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� �� <br /> 1���� . � . - �. <br /> - _ �__- . —� '- <br />__�.'�� �'- •�• ..,:,�:-� .�:u.•��.�- ------ <br /> 1�� <br /> . �.i L <br /> " __.... S� �A'7 s �►r w� w <br /> -_--- .; ��— �V a b.1.�G <br /> condemnation or othcr takin�of any part of Ihe Propeny,cx Pur conveyancc in licu af cond�mnation,ure hcrcby assigned aod <br /> ,sha11 be puid to l.ender. <br /> ln the cvent of a totpl tukin�of the Propcny. �hcprc�ceedK xhall be applied ta the xums sccured by thix Securiry <br /> Inxwment.whethcr ar nat then due,wilh any exceas paid ta Bc►rmwer. In the event of a partiul�uking of�hc Propeny fn <br /> ��u� whkh the fair market value oi�he Propeny immrdiately befare�he tuking is eyuul to ur grcutc�thnn the umoun�of the Kuma --- <br /> a <br /> securcd by this Security Instrument immediwtely beforc thc taking,unlexv Borrower uoJ L.ender olhenvir,c ogr+ce in wrfling, <br /> -- lhe nuine securd by this Secudty Inauumenl KhAll he reduced by the umaunt�f ihe pn�ceedx mu�liplied by the following <br /> fmciion: (a)�he totnl amount of the Rums recured immecliately befam the takin�,divf�kxl by(b)ihe fuir marke�vulue of the <br /> - ---_--: � Property tmmedintety before the taking. Any balance shall be puid to Borcowee In Ihe event of a pnrtial taking of Ihe <br /> Propeny in which the fair market vnluc of ihe PropenY immcdiately betare the taking is less thun�he umount uf thc hums - <br /> recured immediately before the tnking, unless Borrower and Lender ahenvi�e agrec fn writing or unlexs applicahl� inw <br /> otherwise providec,the proceeds she��be app��ed to the.r•uma secured by thia Securiry In�trument whether u�not ihe xums are <br /> then due. <br /> If the Propeny is abandoned by Borrower.w If,ofter n��tice by Lendor to Borrc�wer thu�the condemnix ofterx ta mnke <br /> an award or senle a claim for damages,Borrower fuilti ta respond lo Lender witbin 30 duyti afler the dute�he notice in giv�n. ` <br /> _-�� Lendcr is uuthorized to collect and apply the prceaeds,at its optian.elther to res�orntion ur repair of the Property or�o�he — <br /> _____ � �umY secured by thia Securiry Instrument,whather or not then due. <br /> � Unless Lender and BaROwe�otherwi�e ugrce in w�iting,w�y Application of proceedg to principal shnll not exiend or _ <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymen�s referred to in parngruphx 1 und 2 or chunge the amuunt of wuch paymenls. <br /> — 11. Horrower Not Rele�sed; FarbeArance By t.ender Not A Wafver. Ex�emion af the time for payment or <br /> -�---- — modificatiun of amortization of the sumx secured by thiq Securiiy In�rument granted by Lender�o ony succex�or in intereyt <br /> � of Borrower shall not opern�e to releuse the liability of thc originul Borrower or Borrowerk succe4sors in interest.Lender — <br /> ahdl not be required to commence proceedings agninst uny succeg,or in interest or refuse tc►extend time for puyment or <br /> -- � -` � otherwise modify amonization uf tDe sumti secured by this Security Instrument by reusnn of any demund mode by the ariginul _ <br /> M�:-� Bomower or Borrowerh successorx in interes�, Any forbeurunce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shull not 6e u <br /> -- ---= waiver of or preclude the exerciFe of uny righ�or remedy. <br /> --�3� 12. Successors and Asaigns Bound;Joint and Several Liabilily;Casignerx. The covennnts and ugreementx of this <br /> � Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit�he s�uccesxort;und acsigns of Lender und Barrower,Subject to ihe provixio�»of <br /> � paregraph 17. Borrower's covenunts and Agreements shall be jaint und tieverul. Any Borrower who ca-signs �his Security <br /> '"��'= � lns�rument but dces not execute the Note: la)iz co-signing this Security Inxirument only to mortgage,gront und convey that <br /> •-� ,��"'� Borcower 4 interest in the Property under thc terms af this Securiry Intitrumen�; l b)iq not pen�mully obligated to puy the sumx _ <br /> '� secured by this Secu�ity Inatrument;und(c)agrees that Lender und nny other Bo�rower muy agree ta extend,modify,forbear <br /> ---'"�"°� or make any uccommodptions wi�h regurd�o the terms of this Securiry In.rtrument or Ihe Nae wilhout tha Bortower�c <br /> -- �:°9 cansent. <br /> ..����.:i-_i <br /> ..,;�_� l3. I.oan Chargea If ihe loun xecured by this Secu�iry Instrument is aubject to a low which sets muximum loan <br /> cherges,end that law is finully interprcted w that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection <br /> --�=�:;,, wNh the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (n)+my such ioan churge xhuil l,c�niuced by thc amaunt necessary to redec? <br />--V�:�3s the chnrge to thc permitted limit; and(b)uny sums ulready rollected from Borrower whfch exceeded pertniued Ilmits will be <br /> f� refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to muke this refund by reducing�he principul owed under the Note or by making a <br /> -- '' • direct payment to BoROwer. If u refund reduces principul,�he rcduc�ion will he treuted u�u partial prepuymem without any <br /> —'-` ai�':°.y y ' prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> '�`n""""'• � 14. Notlery. Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in thix Security lustrument�hall t►e given by delivering it or by <br /> _ T:�;�-... <br />_� r - � mailing it by fi�st cluss muil unletis upplicuMe luw requires use of unother method.The notice shull be directeJ to the nipeny <br />-„� !.' y• Address or uny other address Bonower dccignutcs by notice to Lcnder. Any notice to Lcnder shall be given by�nt cluss <br />- t`-�-�- moil ro Lender's addrcsx stuted hcrcin ur uny othcr address Lender dcsignules by notice lo Borrowcr. Any nmice provided for <br /> _'.��a:czl:.i'�.�..7^..._ <br /> - in thiF Security Inxtrument shull bc deemed to huvc bcen givcn to Borrower or Lender when givcn us provided in t s <br />`-;s�;��r:�� paragroph. <br /> -:a��.� , 1S. Governing Law; tieverAbllity. This Security In+trument xhall be governcd by tederul law und the luw of the <br /> -- - �"" jurisdic�ion in which Ihe Propeny is locuted. In the event thut uny provision or cluuse of this Securiry In,�rument ur the Note <br /> ���_ canflicls with upplicable luw.such contlict shall not uffecl other provisions o1'ihis Security Inxtrument or the Note which r•rn - <br />—_ ;,�:.e,�,;;,n�.- be given effect without�he wnflic�ing provision. To�hir;enJ the provision�of this Securi�y Instrument and�he Note ure <br /> -.,� ��!r��� declered to be�everuble. <br /> °=T� 16. Borrower's Copy. Bormwcr tihuU tx�Eiven un�conl'onncd c�►py ot'�hc Notc and ot'this Sccurity Instrumen�. <br /> -` '���•��y� 17. 7Yansier oP the PropeMy ur a Beneflcfxl lnterest in Burrower. 1 f ull or uny purt of�hc Property or any interest in <br /> _.�--�.�:� ..�. <br /> =`-,1;;���{�: it iti sold or�ranxferred(or if u bcneficiul interest in BoROwcr i� ,old or truntifer�d und Bornowcr iti not u naturul person) <br /> *�..a�e.::_. withuui Lendert prior written cament.Lcixlc�muy.+d i�s i,p�ion,rcyuire immediutc puymen� in t'ull��f ull+umti tierured by <br /> -�� this Security Intitrumcnt. However,thix opion rhull not be cx�n:ised by Lender if cxeni�e is pmhibited by feclerul luw ux of <br />.—_—.__.. nal_illt..� <br /> ��_.��-,.. the date of thix Security Instrument. <br /> �' +�=:.� If Lender exer�ixcs this option.Lender shull�;ivc Bnrmwcr notirc��f urcelerati�m. Thc notirc�hull provide a perial of <br /> '�����'�-'�: not less thun 30 Juys fmm thc du�e thc notice is Jelivrmd or muilcd wi�hin which Burrowcr mu�t pay ull sums.ecured by this <br /> :.;.: <br /> �'_ <br /> �:;,��»�����• Security Instrument. If Borrowcr fuils t��pay thesc sum. prior to Ihe expir�tiun of�hi. peri�xl. LenJcr mny invo e uny <br /> �� remcdies permiued by thi.Securily Ins�rument withou�1'unhrr nulice��r ikmund on Borrou•cr. <br /> �;��,�� 18. Borrower's RiRht to Reinstute. If Bam+wcr mrci. c�nuin cunditiun�. Born►��cr >hull have�h� right to huv� _. <br /> .�.. , enforcement of thi+Securiry Intitrumrnt di+cuminucd u�any �imr priar t���hr e��rli�r��I': I+i)S Jay.lor such �wher periexl u� <br /> • ,:�, <br /> Singk FamJy••Fuanle�tac/Fl�cddlc�1ac l'\IM'11N;1f Ihtil'RI�NF.\'1'..Undum�l'or�nam. 415q r/�+R�•���l r�P��R�•+l <br /> :c.� - .,: - -- . , . . .' . .�k?r�P;sr:y'.1`b�r7yEOa!rp`r...:.:R,:..�,-_�,•r,�-T: _r <br /> . , ..., ,.. .. . , ,r :v��-- a��. <br /> d•�•"StuY�.tr_a�j,,... � <br /> —��.a , <br /> -.. _ - - -- - -_'-.- -_`-`--. . ..._._. _ _... ._ . . . . . ..- ' - '-- - -- - - - _° <br /> _•_ - . --, —...-- -�-- --- -� '�. ''- ---- �:. . . ... . . . .'•- - - ------- --. . <br /> . - ,� • . . . -' ' ._ .. - .-_"- <br /> 4. . � .� <br /> . 3 . <br />� �y�� , � ,.� . . <br />" . ✓ t <br /> � <br />-�.. - '; �• �. - � <br />