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n.�� __ ;,��=� _ <br /> � ' �����_. I ��. <br /> ; . :���uo����� .. � _ - - � �' _.� <br /> .�' ' + �.......,.«.i..�:►i�'"�`'`"v.`��.�' - --�-"---- -°----_.� • ..,r <br /> _ I �� _ _ <br /> _��i��- _ __ j gl..��,u���i • _ <br /> -}_�� <br /> �=-=�r'; periods that L,ender rcquim. The insurmce carfer providin�the insunurce rhs11 be chosen by Borrower wbject to Lenduti <br /> �+ approvd which dull not be unreasonAbly wUhheld. lf Borrower f�il�to m�inwin covera�o describod abovo.Lender nay.�t <br /> —�� Lenderk opdon.obtein cover�ge to prntect Lender'a dghu in the Property in accordmcx with par��rnph 7• clouse. Lendar <br /> •:� � Ali inwrmee policies�nd r�enewds shall be acceptrbie to l.ender ond:hwll include�:tandard mortB��o <br /> ,;? :tull Fuve Ihe dRht to hald the policies and rcnewnls, lt Lende�tequirec.Borrower sh�l1 promptly givc to Lender all nccipu <br /> :'� of pdd�mmiume�nd renewal notice�. In the event of lo�s,Bmrowr.r ahwll�ive prompt notice tu�he inwrnnce corrfer And <br /> - ^��� i,ender, Lender ntay m�ke proof of loss if not m�de p�omptly by Borrower. <br /> ' Unles�L.ender and Borrower otherwisc agree in�ehall be app�ied to reswntlon or rcpair of �T___ <br /> �� �,, T �pr d�maged.if the t�estoratlon or repair i: economic�lly fea:ble and Lender�a zecuriry is nat lescened. If the <br /> :�,�., ` r. �e� on or t�ir fs not ecanornically feasibie or Lenderlt security wuuld be la�saKd. the insurance Praeeda �hall be <br /> =-;��,'. t°�; a p pliod to the cuma secuned by this Secudry lnsuument, whether or nw then due, with any exceac paid to Borrower. [f <br /> �;,a.�_;.. Bmrowu abandons the PrepenY.or does not answer within 30 days p notice from Lender t h a t t he insuronce c a r r ier hw <br /> — —: �=" • offeted to ceule a elaim,then Lender may collect the insurance proeeeds. Lender may uce the proca d s to W;i�rco�to�n <br /> — - -„=:��e'�`"'�' the Property or ta p4y wmt eecw�ed by thjs Security ln�wment.whether or not ihen due.11u 30-daY!x� � <br />_- _�=�"°"•=;� tha notice is gtven. �_4 <br /> �K4.--'-.:,� Unless l.ender s+nd Borrower otherwlse agree in wrlting.any applicetiun of procads to pr�nclpal shell not extend ar <br /> �:�i:; : ; p��pone the due date of the monthiy payments rafemed to in paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymmts. If <br /> -"�;�:Y . '>: pnder paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by L.ender, Horrower's right to any insurance policies and pracerd� resulting <br />- -:�-�--��`'"--Y-- from dama8e w the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to�he extent of the sums cecwed by ihi�Security _ <br /> s:'" . '' •`�'`- In:wment Immediately pdor to the acquisidon. <br /> :�°- � ;�.,- ^ <br /> -���.�'� ., 6. Occupnacy, P�'lStl'VAIIOp� Malatenance wM Protection ot the Property; Borrower's I.oan Applicalloai <br /> - -=��:f. �� ; L,eaeehoWr. Borrower sh�ll occupy.establish,and use the Properry as Borrower's prL�cipal residence within sixty daya after <br /> ��'=� ����� the execution of this Security Instn�rnent and shall condnue to occupy�he Properry �s Borrower a principal residence for at <br /> `��• ' '' '`''�� leaut one year xfter the date of occupancy, unlec� Lender otherwise agrcec in wdting, which consent shall not be <br /> �'�'� „ <br />-- � d^� unreasonably withhdd,or uniess ex[enuating circumstences exist which are beyond Bartower's control. Borrower ah�ll not <br />-:.�� ,�� ^ .5 �:.� destmy.demage or impair the Properry,allow the PropeRy to deteriorate,or commit wasu on the PropeRy. Borrower shall <br /> ='�.� r�: . °;•:'. be in default if any forfeiture ac[ion or procading.whether civil or criminal, ia begun that in Lender's good faith judgment <br /> ;�'�'. , - � could recult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwfse meterially impair the Gen crcated by this Security Inswment or _ <br /> � � �;. Lender's r�ecurity intores� Barrower may curc such a default and reinstate,as pmvided in pare$raph 1�,by c4using the ection — <br />�����' or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling Lender's gaod faith determinadon,precludes forFeiturc of the Barrower's <br /> �'�" , `� intenst in the Property or other meterial impaimnnt of the lien created by this Securiry Insdument or Lender's security <br />�- ♦.•..ff •'� V-.1•' _ <br /> .,�±:.•° interes� Bornuwer shall also be in defnult if Borrower, during the loon application process, gave materi�lly false or <br /> �r,;:. , a��„� � ° inaccurate information or statemcnts to Lendcr(or failed to provide Lender witb any material informution)in connecdon wilh <br /> • . 'r • the lwin evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited to, rcpresentadons conceming Borrowers occupancy of the <br /> •� ., praperty as a ptiac;pa!t+esidence. If tliis Secudly inwn�ment is on a leasehold.Botrower shall comply wi�h all the pmvisions <br /> � •� of the lease. If Bomower acquires fee title to the Property.lhe lea�ehold and the fee titk shall not merge unte9s Lender agrees <br /> . to the merger in writing. <br /> •, 7. Protectbn of Lender's RiQhts in the Property. If Bomower fails to pedonn the covments and agreements <br /> ;,•>':�;;�'-. � contained in this Security Inslrument, or there is a Iegal praceeding that may s(gnificandy affect Lender's rights in the <br /> , �� pioperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiturc or to enforce laws or reguletions),then <br /> �;;: � , " Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessery to protext the value af the Property and Lender's rights in the Propetry. � <br /> ..;�., I.e�der's actiona may include paying any sums securcd by a lien which has prioriry over this Secudty Instrument,appearing <br /> . ' in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees nnd entering on the Propc�ty to make repairc.Although L.ender may take action _ <br /> '''' ' under this paragraph 7,Lcnder does not heve to do so. __- <br /> ,,,'�. .. ' My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become nddition�l debt of Bo�rower securod by this =-• <br /> Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower nnd Lender egree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall benr intercst from thc �-; <br /> �'° �� s dote of disbursement et the Note rate and shall be puyable.with interesb upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> �i " paYmen� t <br /> ,,;,�.. ' ° 8. Mortgage InsurAnce. If Lender required monEage insurwue as u condi�ion of mnl:ing the loan secured by this �v^ <br /> � Security Insuument. Bortower sholl pay the premiums required to muintain �he mongage insurance in effect. If,for any __ <br /> ri��.• nason, the moctgege insurance covernge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the ___ <br /> prcmiums rcquircd to obtain coveruge substantially equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effect, at a cost <br /> • • � . , substen[ially equivalent�o[he cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurnnce pnviously in effect,fram an altemate mortgage �, <br /> �.::, � insurcr upproved by Lender. If substuntially equivnlent mortgage insurance covemge is not n�•ailuble,Borrower shell pay to �_ <br /> ' � Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the ye�rly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the `�� <br /> . . ' . insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain tlxse payments as a loss rcserve in lieu &���•• <br /> of mortgage insurunce. Loss rcserve puyments muy no longer be the option of Lender. if mongage insurunce ���-: <br />' ' • ' �'� coverege(in the amount and for the penod that Lender requiresl provided by an insurer appro��ed by Lender aguin becomes � ; <br /> �� � �� available und is obtained.Borrower shnll pny�he prcmiums rcquired to mointuin rn�ngage insuronce in effect.or to provide a ` <br /> . loss rc�erve,until the requircment for monguge insurance ends in uccordunce with uny w•ntten ugreement between Borrower i.•,.�. <br /> r ' and Lender or npplicable luw. <br /> • 9. Inspection. Lender or its oFem may make reaconnble entries upon und in+pections af the Property. Lender xhull � � <br /> give Bormwer notice ut the tim::of or prior to un inspec�ion specif��inF rcu�onahle cuuse for the inspection. f <br /> ' 10. Condemnptlon. The proceed�nf•rm�award or claim far damage�, direct or con.equentiul,in connection with any <br /> Singk Famil�•-Eannk MrelFreddle Moc UNIFORAIIKSTRI'�1B\T••Und�um Coven�m, 9/9D qw¢�.+��Jn Ik+R«� <br /> t.fta�IHro BuNnnr tamr.(x� <br /> � To IHOer I:UN I�BOOS7YA7D3 O iAII 81&7B1•I131 . <br /> . 1 <br /> . � <br /> , � - t <br />