;,�' .ac�_��ir. :�u1...;�yi,i_ .. ,. ;;=��c,r. -
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<br /> �,,�� : �
<br /> =�i�� 7'OC3E77�ER WITH all the improvemenu now or hereaf�a aroctod on the property.�nd all eaccmenir.�PP��+•
<br /> — = ind fl�ctuna now or hac�tkr�put of the property. All�epl�oenKnu�nd additionr shwll Alw be covaed by thiQ 3ecwky
<br /> - Gtsttument. All of the fore�oing ia retcn+ed w in thi:Securiry Inrwment u the"Property."
<br /> �� BQRROWER CaVENAJI7'S th�t Aomower i�I�wfully�eised of�he atate liereby conveyed and iuc the d�ht w�nt
<br /> �nd convey tha md tluit the Property is unencumberod,except for encumbrmces of rccoid. Borrower warr+nt4 uid
<br /> �� �� wW defend Qa�eN�aaa��n�r�o�y,►�a��c ai�w�w w�a a�n,.na�.�ubJect ro any encumbrances of rocaM.
<br /> .,..
<br /> '^ THIS SECl1R17'Y INSTRUMENT combines uniforn�. covenonts for nadonnl use and non•unitorm eovau�nt� wbh
<br /> ..__ -__----?' _ .. ,
<br /> .;� ;:` limited vari�dom by jurisdicqan w can:dtute n unifonn:ecuriry imuument coverin�real property. '- �
<br /> � • ' ._ UTIIFORIy CpVEN�N7'S. go�rower u�d LetMer covenant�nd�gre.x�s fdlows:
<br /> �., ti.�; .
<br /> - _� �.�••� i. Payment otPrincip�l and Inte�ti PreWYmeat aad Late Ch�rQa, Hmrower ahaJl prompqy pay when dua the
<br /> of�u►d intar,�t en ihe debt avidenced by the Nou�n�my prepayment md I�te cbarges due under the Nou.
<br /> '�Y-=i'+ �� FLnd�for 7Yxes aad Iasurine�. SubJoct w nppUcable law or to a written waiver by 4endar.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> !".: '��- l,ender on the day montiilY p�yments ere due under the Note.unt�l the Note is psid in fuQ.a sum("Fundc")for:(A)yeu1Y
<br /> - --� twcea and asaessments whlch�aey attein priodty over this Securlty Instrument as a lien on the�roperty;(b)Yeuly IeASehold
<br /> _ '��» �^ pa yments or grow�d rents on the Property. if eny: (a) Yeuly hazard or property insurance premiums: (d) Yearly flood
<br /> —•,+�•:. .
<br /> ���. ':�-","5??:� , iasuruKx premiums.if any: (e) Yeady moRgage Lt�urancc premiums�if any:and(fl any wms paynble by Borrower to
<br /> - - _:J�,�;,;;, � I,ender.In accotdance vv�th the provlsions of p�agraph 8,in Ueu of the payment of mortgage jnaurance premiums. These
<br /> --_ �� _• items are cAUed"Escrow Itcros:' Lender may.at any time�coUect and hold Fl�nds in an amount not to excxcd the meximum
<br /> - -- - _- — w,�ount a laider for a fedenilly related mortgage loan may requiro for Barrower�s escrow ucount under the fedenl lieal ` -
<br /> - _ ':�'�"'�-•.`. gstate Settlement Procxdu�es Act of 1974 as unended from time to dme,12 U.S.C.$2601 et sc ("ItESPA").unless mother
<br /> �_. �.�,.�•� 9•
<br /> `� 'i•`�'? " law that applies to the Fundc sets a leaser amuunt. If so.Lender may.at any[ime.collect and hold R�nds in an amount na to
<br /> - -_--•�`.%'��'- excad the lesser amou�. Lender may esUrrute �he omount of Funds due on the basis of cument data and reuornbte --- -
<br /> "�'"-� •� eQd�oates of eaepaiditures of future Escrow ltemt or otlunvfse in accordance with appliwble law.
<br /> � �,�:,��:�°�,
<br /> -- -;�;,�'�`.. The PUnds shall be held in an insdtudon whose depoaits ue insurrd by a federAl agency.incwmentality. or endry
<br /> .�� � (including Lender,if Lender is such an insdtut�on)or in any Federal Home Lorm Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay • --
<br /> :``"�:-�:�•-��: " the Bscrow Iterns. Lender may not charge Bmmwer far holding and applying the F�nds.annudly analyzin�the escrow
<br />��..�x��-� .. ,
<br /> ;., ��c.... account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable !aw permita
<br /> ,�'�� � ' L,tader to make such a charge. However.Lender mey requin Bo�rower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> _ ,,. . . _
<br /> ' � �r;k estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connectioa with this loan,unless Appliceble law provides otherwise. Unlcsa on
<br /> Y ��%,�,,5.r r agroement is made or appl[cable law requires intercst to be paid,Lender aheU not be required co pay Borrower any intenest or —
<br /> ��.a,:� ��ga��p�1s. Borrowar and Lender may agra in wridng,however.that Intercst shali be paid on the PWnds. L,ender
<br /> �:i. ��:��'�w:''� aholl give to Borrowu.without charge.en annual accoundng of the FLnds.showing crcdits ond debits to the f�unds and the -
<br /> �'-�� •.,� �.' Pwpose for which each debit to the FWnd:was made. The�nds arc pkd�ad as addidonol ucurity for all aumc secwed by
<br /> �`- ��ra�:�•�.�:u�__ this Security lustrumen�
<br />``'�`� �� �-- If the Pl�nds held by Lendcr excad the amounts permitted to be held by appiicabie law. I.ender siwil ac:WUnt tv
<br /> , � • Bornnwer for the excess Funds In accordence with the requirements of epplicable IAw. If the sunount of the Funds beld by
<br /> .�:�.� Leeder at eny time is not cufficknt to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so not�fy Borrower in wridng,and,in _
<br /> such cace Borrower shaU pay ro Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Hofrower shall make up the
<br /> ` ': o • deficiency in no more than twdve monthly payments.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ��; Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thls 5ecuriry Instrumen�l.ender shall prompUy nfund to Borrower any ,
<br /> - i Funds held by Lender. If.under parograph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lcnder.prior to the acyuisition or �.::
<br /> -�, •�� sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by L.ender w the time of acquisition or sate �a credit Against the sums
<br /> . eecu�ed by this Security Insavment.
<br /> . ., ..•
<br /> - �*�±• ' • 3. Application ot Poymento. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, aU payments recelved by Lenda under
<br /> " „ , paragraphs 1 and 2 shell be applied:first,to any prcpayment charges due undcr the Note;second,to emounts payabk under
<br /> • ' • para�ph 2;third,to intercst due:fourth,to principal due;end last,to any late charges due under the Note. _
<br /> ' ° 4. Chor�es; Ueas. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, cherges, fines and impositions atdibutable ta the ___
<br /> ' � ' � property which may attein prioriry over this Security Inswment.and leasehold payments or ground rcnts.if any. Bomower °-°_-
<br /> � ?� � ° shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paregraph 2,or if not paid in that maiu�er.Borrower shaD pay them on F�
<br /> " " time direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under �`
<br /> ������ �''`" � tt�[s If Bomower mekes these a ments direcd .Borrower shall mm Q fumish to Lender recei tc evidencin =--
<br /> ' t.. � paragraph• P Y Y P P Y P 8 ---
<br /> � �PaYments. —
<br /> . ..�'; ,,;yL�� � � "� Borrower shall promptly discherge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Insdument unless Borsower.(a)agrces F_"'.:
<br /> "�� :' ' ' ln wridng to the payment of the obligution secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contesu in good fajth the �__
<br /> - � lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the =_.
<br /> - �±�''"'"' enforcemrn[of the lien;or(c)secures fmm[he holder of�he lien an agrcement sa[isfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �.- .
<br /> � - ..� � to this Security Instrument. If Lender detertnines that eny part of the Property is subject to n lien which may at[ain priority �
<br />- ' ' over this Securiry Inswment,Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying Ne lien. Borrower shull satisfy the lien or toke
<br /> �• one or more of the ac�ions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �':-'
<br /> � � S. H�rd or Property Insu�ance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now•exis�ing or hereafter erected on the �
<br /> Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"ex[ended coverage"and any other hazards,including
<br /> o tloods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. '[l�is insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for�he E
<br /> t .. " '
<br />_ • Form 30=8 9f90 (laR�=al b/bRral t
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