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<br /> �`�, � raidemnution or oihar takin�of uny purt oP the PcopertY•or for conveyance in lieu of conckmnotion.aa hercby as�igned and
<br /> ���� �iwll be puid to Lander.
<br /> �� !n thc event oY a taal mking of the PropertY. tl�c proceedx ahull be upplied to thc Rumx tiecurcd by this Secu�lty
<br /> � Instcumcnt.whether or ea thm due,with any cxcesa pnid to Borrower. In the avent of a partial tukin�ot the Prapercy in
<br /> {� which th�fair merkec vulue of the Property immediately befo�e thc takf�g is equal to o�grcuser tian the umuunc of�he sum�
<br /> securcd by this Secucity Instrument immediutely beforo the toking,unless Borrower und Lender othcnvise a8rce in writinq,
<br /> � the sums secured by this Security Instrument shull be rcduced by the amount af the proceedg multiplied by th�following
<br /> fruction: la)the total amount of the sum�securcd immediately beforo the toking,divided by(b)the fair morket vulue of the
<br /> - -- �� property immediataly beforc the tal:ing. Any b�lance shall 6e puid to Bormwer. In the event oP a purtfal taking of the � __
<br /> � •o� Property in which the fair morkct value oP the Property immediately before the taking is kss than the umount of tha sums
<br /> °� secu�+ed immediately bcfore the taking, unlds Barrowcr und Lender othcrwise ngrce in w�iting or unless applicuble IAw
<br /> _ � �• ' atherwise provides.the proceeds shull No applied to the sums seaured by this Secudty Inatrumant whether or not the sums em
<br /> �.�_`�'�`,.. ; th�n due. -
<br /> -i��,� lf the propeny is abandoned by Borrower.or If.aRer notice by Lender to Borcower that the condemnor offern to make �
<br /> _-='; ' an nward or senle a claim for damages,Horrowe�fals w rospond[o Lender within 3Q dnys after the date the notice is given,
<br /> -�=�"'��. Lender is uuthorfzed to collect und apply the proceeds,at its option,either to rcsw�ation or�epair of the PropertY or to the ___
<br /> �:��� �: -:� ''` sums secured by this Security Insttument,whetheror not then due.
<br /> — •�...
<br /> ��'�""'`"• ' Unless Lender and Bortower othenvise agr+ee in writing. anY opplication of praceeds to pdncipal shnll not exten or
<br /> �,-- ��'''=' •� ' postpone the due date of the monthly pnyments referred to in parn�raphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount of such payments.
<br /> -�=��s��'•� 11. Borrower Not Rekasedi Forbearance By Lender Not a WAlver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> :�,�,.�� �� moditication of amortizutfon of the sums secured by Ihis Securiry Inswment gr,uited by Lendcr ta any successor in inte�ast �
<br /> � �:�°14'�_" of Bartower shall not operate to releuse the IiabiNty of the original Borrower or Horrower's successors in interest• Lender
<br /> - =- �-�=�=�= shaU not be required to cornmence proceedings against any successor in intereat or rcfuse to extend dme for payment or `_
<br />--;,���:�"�.�.��;:�' otherwise modify emortization of the sums secured by this Secudry Instrument by rcasan uf uny demend madc by the origin�l —
<br /> ° �-�h;��,.••,,,, Borrower or Bomnwer's successors in intercsG Any forbearance by Lender in exerci�ing any dQht or remedy shall not bo a �
<br /> ,�� � waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or�medy.
<br />__-:^�;� �" ' 12. 3uccenora wnd Asei�na Bound;Joint and SeverAl LiAbility;Cas(gners. The covenants and ug�eements of ttiis Y_
<br />-- • ," . Secudty Instrument shall bind end benetit tho succe.gsors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the provisions of
<br /> -:,_�;,�'4�` � parugmph l7. Borrower'a covenonts an d ag►cemen t s shull be joint and snvernl. Any Borrower who casigns this Security -
<br />__ - ,.,1<-�;;;, Ins[rument but daes not execute the Note: (aj is casigning this Securfry Inatrument only to mortgage,granc und convey that -
<br /> Bor[ower s intemst i�tha Property under the terms of Ihis Security I�stniment; (b)is not personally obliguted to pay the suma =
<br /> �:�:;; � ,��;�" � �� secu�ed by this Security Inswmenr.ond(c)agrecs that Lender and uny other Borrower may agree to extend.modify.forbear ___
<br /> - ��;t�,^,;��, or meke ony accommodations with rsgru+d to the terms of this Security [nsuument or the Note withou[ that Bortower's _..e.
<br />-_.µri�. . . �: �.n COflIIC01. —
<br /> _ ,h,.,k„s; , 13. Lown Chargea If che loan securcd by thfs Security Insuument is subject to a law whtch sets maximum loan —
<br /> - - - - ` cha�es.anJ that faw Is t3�ally iate�reted so that the in�erest or other loan charqes collected or to be collected in wnnecdon
<br /> �t, with the loan excxed tha petmitted limits.therr. (a)any sueh loan chargo shall be reduced by the amouot necessary co neducc
<br /> '>> ; '� �� " .. the charge to the permitted limtt;nnd(b)any sums alroady collected from Borrower which exceeded peirnitted limits wW be �
<br /> � ., ^ dlfreCt paymBnto Borrower�. If u refu dsreduceskprincipalfithebreductfon wil be trer+tped as u partinl p paym nt withoutnany =-.
<br /> , '� prepayment charge under the Note. °
<br /> _ .a ..•�,,. " 14. Notices. Any nodce to Horrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by v
<br />_. , ,.:, , mailing it by first class mail unless npplicnble luw requires use of anothar method.The notice shall be directed to the Property
<br /> Addreas or nny other uddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by firsc class __
<br /> ;,,�, ..; mAil ro Lender's address stoted hercin or nny other nddress Lender designates by noticc to Bortower. Any notice provided for
<br />- • ° in this Secu�ity instnrment shail be deemed to huve txen given to Borrower or Lender when given as pro�ided in this �=Wr
<br /> ' . ara ra h f �°:
<br /> � �'•� P g1S Governing Luw:Severability. This Secu�icy [nswment shull be govemed by federal law and the law of the ,�
<br /> , .. �''� ° �� � jurisdict�on in which the Properry is located. In the event that uny provision or clnuse of this Security Instn�ment or the Note
<br /> - •_ conflicts with ahplicable law,such con8ict shnll not affect other provisions of this Securiry instrument or the Note which cun
<br /> • . � be given effect without the conflicting provi�ion. 7b this end the provisiona of this Secu�ity Instrument und the Note are
<br />-• �:� : � declared to be severable. -'-=
<br /> ,� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. �,,:.
<br /> '�. 17. 'Mmsier of the Property or a Beneticlwl Iaterest in Borrower. If all or any purt of the Property ar unY interest in
<br /> - ��, , it is sold or trnnsferred(or if a beneficiul interest in Borrower is sold or trunsferrcd;u�d Borrower is not a nuturnl person)
<br />- ' without Lender's pr�or written consen[,Lender muy,at its option,requirc immediate puyment in full of all sums secured by
<br />_ . � ,'� ' ;, this Secudty Inatrument. However,this op�ion shnU noc be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federul law us of _ _;
<br /> - ',:�s 'f • the date of this Securiry Instrument. (.''.':
<br /> ' x � " If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Bortower notice of uccelarntion. The notice shall provtde u period of �
<br /> � j� noe less than 30 days from t he dute t he notice is delivered or mniled within which Bonower must puy all sums s�cured by this
<br /> � .:�� � Security Instrument. If Borrower fnils to pay these sums prior to the expirntion of this period, Lender muy invoke ony �
<br /> � remedies permitted by this Security Instrument withaut further notice or demand on Borcower. �-;
<br />- 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstate. If Bnrrower meets cenuin canditions, Borrower shull have the right to huve
<br /> s ' � e�forcement of�his Security Instniment discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (n)5 dnys(or such other period as �
<br /> " :. SlnQle Fumlly..Fonnk MadFreddle Muc UNIFQRM IrSTRUMEVT•-Unifo�m l'uveaan�s 91911 qmge d��j4 pugesl �
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