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<br /> ���-�'��1 TOOE7'HBR W1TH all t�he improvertientc now or hereafter encted on tha prop�ty.and�11 easemenu,appurunu�a�.
<br /> —►� md flxture�now or here�fter�put oP the ProP�rtY. All repl�cemenu u�d�ddidon�siWl dw be coverad by thi�Sxurity
<br /> ,'�� IourumenG All oi the foregoing i�refirred to in thi�Secudty tnsavment as the"Propeny."
<br /> � ` BOR[tOWEIt COVENANTS tiut Bonower i�lawfully ki�d af the eatue hereby conveyed and h�s the ri�ht w�nt
<br /> �" ond convey the Propaty and thwt tha Property i�unencumbend,exceQt for encumbrances of record. 8orrower w�rr�nu and
<br /> .. �;: wW dofend Qenerolly the tiqe w the Proparty a�dn:t dl oW m��nd denwnds,subject to any encumbrance�of rocord.
<br /> �. .n l 4.�r_- . ___
<br /> ., - - • THIS SECLiRITY INSTRUNIEN'J' cambines unlfarm covenants far netianal use and non•uniforna covenotw �►'i�h
<br /> f 1 .��'�.r z=...-_:....,.,
<br /> limited varfuians by jurisdiction to con:dtule a uniform acurity inqrument covedng renl property
<br /> '�'• �•'`�'�° UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd Lender coven�nt and ag�ee As follows:
<br /> _ ` - --�u=�"'". 1. P�yment of P�fadp�l and Interati Prepayment aad Late Cha�a. Borrower shWl promptlY paY when due the
<br /> —�'���. ' p�inci of and interca[on the debt evldenced by the Nae and any prepayment end late charges due under the Note.
<br /> - y�.,;�'-.-�_�. - �. ` � Ftindc tor'Ihxes aad lasuraoce. Subject to applicable l4w or to a wrinen waiver by Lender,BoTrower e6a11 p�y to
<br /> - :.�'""`�':" l.ender on the dwy monthly pnyments an due under the Note,undl the Note is paid in fuU.a sum("PUnds")for:(a)yearly
<br /> �•�•a����,"",;' wces and pssessments which may attain pdorltY over this Security Inswment as a lien on the Property:(b)Yeatly leasehold --
<br /> � payments or graund rents on the Ptoperty, if eny: (c) Yeady hozaM or property insurance premiuma; (A) Yet�rly tlood
<br /> -"��'��t, `' �, . i�sur�nce pr+emiums.!f any: (e)YerulY mongage insuru►a premiums�if any: end(fl any suma payable by Borrower w
<br /> -�,;:����•,.,...,_ --�
<br /> - Lender, in accordance wlth the proviaions of par�agraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgege�surance prtmiums. These
<br /> �'�'�=s--����_.:__ items a�+e ceUed"Escrow Items: Lender may,at any time.collect and hold FLnds in an amount not to excad the maximum
<br /> _ T�-�"`'�`` -'�—. . emount a lender for a federally�+elated mortgage ioen may rcyuire fur Boaower�cscrow sucounc undtr the fe�l Re�l _- -_-
<br /> =_,.i.�....., . . . .
<br /> --__ ,�t._:, . „
<br /> -�-� •� pstate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as wnended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA").unless suiott�er
<br /> -� °"'�'�-`�� • •' - lew that app l ies to t he F u n d s se t s a l e a r e r A m o u n t. I f s o,L e n d e r m a y.a t e n y t�m e,c o l l e c t a n d h o ld Fwids in an amount not to �_ _
<br />��i��'��` ' � excced the lcsser amoun� Lender may esdmatc the emount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reatonable
<br />;:+*.��•��.,� ' ° . atim�tes of eaependitures of funue Fscrow Items or othawise in accordonce with applicable law.
<br /> b•��: The Funds shall be held in an insdtudon whose deposits arc insured by n federal agency,instrumentaUty.or entity
<br /> - (lncluding Lender.if Lender is such en institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.ender shall apply the Funda to pay • i_
<br /> �_�` ° � , , the Escrow Items. l.ender may not cherge Ho�rower for holding and applying the Funds.annuellY eiwlYzinB tha escroW
<br /> account. or veri f ying the Exrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower in[erest on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> •'` � Lender to make such a chuge. However,Lender mey require Horrower ta pay a one-time charge for an Independent eesl
<br /> ; ,� . V ° " eswte ta�c reperling service used by Lcnder in wnnection with this loan.unless applicable law provides otherwlse. Unless en
<br /> �:�� .� •- ^ �• " Agrament is made or applicable law requins interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or _ _
<br /> , ,.. . �� eunjngs on the F�nds. Borrower and L.ender may agree in writing,however,that intercst sholl be paid on the Pwtds. L.er►der -
<br /> J'�r r BIIBU�VC l0 HOlIOWCi�without charge.an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Punds and t�e
<br />-:• , � .�. :.;. ;_,,:_ Putpose for whleh each debit to the Funds ws�made. The Pundc are pledgal�addidonal seeuciry for aU cuma seeured by ----
<br /> '--- �'—"' -- tdi�Security In�munenG
<br />