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:. . . ... _. <br /> ----_ . .. � - <br />�. �_,.,,`,-�-.�nn . - - x ' �„`'`-- <br /> �_`�-,.�.�:;;a;:.. � --_ '- <br />-. ,��._., . .-..__r� _..,.:� _._. _.__� - - - - - =_ .�_ <br /> ���R'i.. . . y �y <br /> '-��- �� • � n��•/� _. <br /> --;r.�"---r'-�^�*�m ���� J.V R�V • i <br /> �, r. pe�lads Ihat Lender nquircx. Tiw ineurn�ce corrier provfdin�the insurance ahall be chasen by Borrawer aubjec�to Lendorl� <br /> __ — �ppouv�l which ritwll not he unm+tranubly withheld. If Borrower fuils to mnimain coveru�e deKCrfbed ubovo,Lender m�y,ut <br /> Laider'a option,obwin covemQe to protect l.emier's�i�hla in the Prapeny in accardence wi�h parng�ph 7. <br /> a � AI!insunurce palicieq und rrenowelR�hall 6e uccePWble tQ l.ender and:�huil incluJa u nlundurd moAgage claur.e. Lender <br /> � xhAll havc the ri�!�t to lMld tho policicr YnJ rc�rcv►�ulK. If Lender reyuircw,Bormwcr Khuli promptly givc l0 4ender nll recefpts <br /> �f paid prcmiuma w�d rcncwul naicca. In Iha ovont at luxa,Bnrrawer ahpll pfva prnmpt noticu to Iho invwanco cwriar an4 <br /> Lendcc, Lcnder may makc pmof aP losr iP nut mwde promplly by Burrower. <br /> �- -- -� -�� Unlcss Lcndcr und Burn�war�therwitie egrcc in wdting,insurwuc pnxeeJK tihull hc applied to rer�ura�ian�r rcpuir oi _ <br /> - �he Prapeny dwm��ai, if�he rextoratian or rcpair ix cconumicully feuaihle unJ L,cndern cecurity ix o�H Icsxened. If ihc <br /> -- re�torntian c►r rcpai�ix nat econanieolly few�ible ar l.enderk xecurily would be Icxx�ned,tlw inKUrunce praccedK�hall be <br /> ' - �pp��cd to�hc suma sccurcd by �hix Security Instn�ment. whc�hcr ur nW �hen duc, with uny cxcesv puid�o Burrowe�. If <br /> - Bormwer AWmdons ihe PropenY.or daes oat nnswer within 30 duys u natke from I.ender thu� the in�urunce currier hus <br /> - offercd ta xelUe u claim.then Lender moy callect the inaurance praceeds. Lender muy uxe�he procecdw�o repoir or re+tare <br /> _ the PropeAy or to pay�um�secured by this Secu�fty In�trument,whether ar oat Ihen due. The 30-dey period will be�in when <br /> ---_- -- . - thc natice is given. <br /> -- Unless Lender und Bortower otherwise ngree in wr�ting,uny applicution of proceeds to principul Khull not extend or <br /> ",� pastpone the duc d�tc af the monthly puyments refened to ln parugruphs 1 und 2 or chunge ihe umount of the payments. If <br /> "- under parng�aph 21 the Propeny ix Acquired by Lender. Bortowcr's right to ony in�urnnce policies and procecds resulting <br /> _�"_`-�' from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition xhell paxs to Lender to the extent af the xuma sei:ured by�his 5ecudty <br />--°-- ------_-,j� bi�,uument immcdfatcly prfo:w the acquisition. -_ <br /> - 6. (kcupancy, Preservation, Mpintenance And Proiection oP the P�aperty; 8orruwer'a Loan Appllcatton; <br /> --- I.eACehdda Borrawer shull accupy,establish,und use Ihe Property ux Borrowerk p�incipal residence within sixty days nfler <br /> � �� Ihe execution of this Securiry Insirument und whall continuc to occupy�he Prapeny as Burrower?�principal resfdence for at - <br /> "'�'�; least ane yeur after the dute af occupuncy, unless Lender atherwi�e ugmez in wriUng, which consent shull not be ` <br /> ___�M.'``.� unreasonubly wi�hheld,or unksa eatenuating circumatunces exibt which ane beyond Borrower R wntrol. Borrower shall not <br /> _,��'+l destroy,damege or impair the Property.allow the Praperty ta deteriorate,or commit waste on the F'roperty. Borrower shull <br /> —= be in defuult if any forfcitum action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is bagun that in l.ender�good fnilh judgment <br /> ����:� � could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair Ihe lien creuted by this Security lnxirument or <br /> �� l.ender's secur�ty interesl. Botrower may cure xuch u defuult und reinstate,us provided in paragraph 18,by cuusing the action <br /> __ or procading to he dismissed wilh u ruling thnt,in Lender�gaod faflh determinution,precludes forfeiture of thc Borrower4 <br /> -"'�''• interest in the Propetty or other mAterial impairment of Ihe lien creuted by this Securiry Instrwnent or Lender's security <br /> =:�i',uiF". <br /> e�a� interest. Borrowcr shall also bc in defuult if Borrower, dudng �he loun npplicution process, guvc male�iully fulse or <br /> �--_ - inaccurnte infonnation or statements to Lender(or fniled to pmvide Lender wUh ony muterial informntion)in conneciion with <br /> ,�,;� the laan evidenced by �he Note, including, but not limited to, representutions conceming Borrower's cecupancy oP the <br /> - Properly ns a pdncjpnl residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leusehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisfonx <br /> ---- of the laase. If Borrower acquires fee tiUa to the Ympeny,the leuschold und�hr f�iitin�iiuli uot axrge unless Lendcr agrcc� <br /> �`�' �Y�! to the mergcr in writing. <br /> �",�i��,�.� '�� , � <br /> ;,��r,�<« 7. Protecdon of Lender x [tights in fhe Property. If Borrower fuiiz to perfarm the covenum.r• and agreements <br /> _—'�;,;��,�A. . contained in this Security Instrument, or there i� u Icgal prc+ceeding �hut muy Yignificandy uPfect Lender's righ�s in �he <br /> -� �°�°'�"; � Property(such ax u proceeding in hankruptcy,probute,for condemnation or forteiture or ro enforce luwx ar regulutions),�hen <br /> .�' y + �,�" Lender mny do and pny for whatever is necessury to protect the vuluc of the Propeny und l.encler.righ�s in�he Property. <br /> �� ,r*�.,{�•�- <br /> i•�r�S, Lander!s actions muy include paying uny+umx secured by u lien whirh has priority over�his Security Instrument,uppearing <br /> ����'=�'�`�"'�`'�' in court, a in reasonable utrome ti fees und emerin on tlx Piro rt to muke re .�irs.AUhou h Lender mu tuke uclion <br /> „�r,•..f�. p Y � Y•'� B P� Y P' 8 Y <br /> �"�a�n;� under this pamgraph 7,Lcndcr docs not huvc to Jo so. <br /> �`°�5"-�-� Any umounts dixburseJ by l.endrr under�hir puruga►ph 7 shull hrcome uddilionul debt oP Bc�rrowrr .ecured hy thi. <br /> .— ,�r�ry..�,;.n <br /> _-:_.:�:�=!!�!`; Securily Instrument. Unle„Borcower und l.ender ugrce ta u�hcr tertns of puymem,these amount�yhull bcur intcrest fmm�hc <br /> � �'`'r`'''� du�e of disburaement ut the Notc rutc und shAll be payuble,with imerest, upon noticr from Lcnde�to Borruwer reyucsling <br /> � ��``� puyment. <br /> '-'°`' -'"'=''_�.:.� g, MortgARe Insurn�nce. If Lender required mortguge inxurunce us u condition of muking the loan xecured by this <br /> �,�:��'£r-�4,j' Security Inslrumenl, Borrower shull puy the premiums reyuired to muintuin the m��ngnge insurunce in effec�. If, far any <br /> '�j�:;,,., _ reason, the mongoge invurnnce coverugc reyuired by l.endcr lupsc+ ur ccuties to hr in cffect, Barrower �hull pay thc <br /> �;, premium� requircd to abtain cavrruge xub��untfully cyuivnlem io the muqguge in+urunce previuu�ly in effect, ut ii cos� <br /> - �!�•`�:.,,,;, -, subxtantinlly eyuivulent to �he co.r•t to Borrower of thc mortgugr in+uranrr previoualy in cfl'ect,from un alternule monguge <br />�--��"�°'�s• insurer uppruvcJ by Lender. If substantiully cquivulent mungu�c inrurunce wvrrage i,ncn uvuiluble,Bormwer xhull p•ry to <br /> "�--```-''� ����°• Lender euch monlh u,um cyuul to ono-twcllih��f'1hc yeurly mortguge inaurunce p�mium being p�id by Borrower when the <br />--9���,.;r,:-•":•,;. <br /> ������ insurance coverage lupsed or crau:d to lx�in et'frci. Lender w�ill ucccpt,uxr und retain the.e�uymenM u�u luss rtitiervc in lieu <br />- --°�� --�;'s�; = of morlguge in+urunce. Loss reserve puymenh muy no longer he rcyuired,ul the option�rf Lrndrr,it'mon�tuge insurunce <br /> � ��'�;,�t�ni+, <br /> �, . ,,,. coverage(in the unwunt and fiir�he perwd�h�t Lrndcr requirexl pmvidcJ By un in.urer a�pprovcJ by Lrnder uguin lxrromes <br />- ��•W=r-..�'.::,;:-: uv�U�blc und is obtuincJ.Borrower.hull puy�he prcmium�reyui�rJ u�maimnin mor�pu�r in.urunr�in efl'ecl.or to proviJe a <br /> �• � ��`d�''` loss rescrve,umil�he�yuinmcnt 1'or nwrtga�c inxurunce rnJti in accordunce wiih uny wrinen ntimemrm het�vern Burmwer <br />_�i.� '}�� e',•I.. <br /> �� � �4'., und Lender or upplicuble luw. <br />_� r; '. . '��. 9. Inspeclion. Lcnikr or itti a�rnt m;ry mokr mutiunahlc rnlrie,upun imd in�pcctiam ot'Ihr!'ru�xny. Lendcr,hall _ <br /> := . . .. • give Burmwcr noticr ut thc limc uf or prior d�un ins�xrli�m.�xcil��•in�reuwn:ihlc rauu li�r thr in+�xrti�m. <br /> 3 •. �� 10. ('ondemnuNon. Thr pnkred,ul'any a��•:�rd ur clnim tur Jam:�gr..Jircrt nr ruu,cyu� runncclian«•ilh nny <br /> , tii�tl�hwnily..Vunnk NwdF}eddM\fuc UNIF/1N�t IN1'1'Bl'NF:N'1'•-Unuunn e'arenunh 9/9Y qruAr,i nJ 6/hlgPSl <br /> . •.� • ��ral Inle�HwW+*Fmn.Inr � <br />. fn�h�M�:ull I�MM►S(16A'V!'1 f]Y\%UI(4fit•1171 <br /> , h �• . <br /> _ __ �•>_.Y <br /> . iJ�'. ��� . , ...Y.Y.. -�,� .... '�T�.w+-..a:.:. .. .. b. - . .. .. , .....lal.iW.vVP�`�i.{}!taln��;'L��'j�-. .'-.�e-1_.�a�m-�r��P 1�.^Y�"T-'�:-- <br /> 4, �i. , „ ' , ' . ' <br /> . jy���� r <br /> .. <br />...� � Sl�l�t._ . <br /> __ _.-_ -_ - _ __— " _ '_ "' ' " " " " . .. " _,___ --__ <br /> -...__ _'_._-- ____ _.r . _ .._ __.�-.� . — . "" . . . . . . . . .. . . ."_' _ _.—_. __.. <br /> .�. � ._. . .. . . ,� .. . . <br /> .- �.� �� . . . . .. <br /> _.['S'_.. � .. • _ � <br /> _ ._J ., � � � ' . . <br /> `� � .,_. <br /> � s _ � _ _ <br />