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<br /> = — T'0C1Ei'HER WITH all 1he improvomenlr now or herca�ter erected on tlus propenY.pnd all easements.appurtenanccs.
<br /> 0C1
<br /> �._ — �nd Bxtunx now or hereafter a p�tt af tMe pm�erty. MI Rplacements and addltione shall alw be covercd by this 5eaurity
<br /> — I�qmment. All of the for+egoing is refemed to in this Security lnstrument as tho"Property." �_
<br /> BORROWE[t COVBNANT3 that Borrower is I�wfully seiscd of the estute hcreby rnnveyed nnd has thcs rigitt to grant
<br /> � wnd convay the 1'ropeny und�hut the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of recard. 8orrower warran�s wid
<br /> wiU defend�ener�lly the dUo to the Propeny aQalnst all cl�im�and demo+xl�,�ubJect to wny encumbmncen of record.
<br /> s—.,--_�_-_.-_---� TH13 3E('URITY INSTRUM6NT combinea unifcxm covenontx for nadonal use atid non•unifam covenpMs wllh
<br /> limlled vari�Uonr by Jurisdicdon to conctitute a uniform cecuri�y insuument covering rca�l pro�enY• '�_
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNAIVTS. Barrower end 4�nder covenant wid agrec es followa: _
<br /> — 1. Payment at Prlacipd And IutMeati Prepryment Aad l.ple CbArRer. Borrawcr xhull promptly pay when due ihe
<br /> — princlp�1 of and Inleast on tho debt evidenced by iha Note and any prcpoymenl and Ipte churgcr due uiuler the Note.
<br /> � �. I�Lnd�tar 71�xa�nd Imwranca SubJxt ta wppHcablc law ar la a w�fttcn wuivcr by�c�uler.Horrowcr xhpll poy�o
<br /> — Lender on Ihe d�y manihly pnymont�ara duc under thc Note,unUl thc Nu�c is poid in full.u sum l"Punda")for:(a)YcadY
<br /> --=-�i ta�►ea wkl wr�rsmemr whirh rtwy uttuin priodty aver this Security InRtrument as a lien on thc PrapcAy:(b)yearly lewehold _
<br /> -- y�r�� �ayment� or ground rcnte an the Propeny. if ony: lc) Ycsuly hazard nr prnpcny inautuncc premiums: Id) Yeprly floaf �
<br /> --=-w;� insurance prcmiume,If any; (e) yearly moAQage losurancinl eu of thcipf sp ment�of mort a e nsutance'eremiums�These
<br /> Lender.in accardancc with tho provisions of paragruph Y g B p
<br /> ��� items are colled"Escrow Iteme." L.end�r may,at uny time,collecl and hold Punds in an umount na to exceed tha mw�imum
<br /> -- - �8,�.� ruiwunt a Icnder for a federally celated mortge8e �na""�eY raluiro for Borrower's escrow uccaunt under the federnl ReAI
<br /> �,aar,,.
<br /> EsWte Senlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,12 U.S.C.§2601 er seq.("RESYA"),uniess another
<br /> _��� law that aPplies to the Funds scts a lesser amount. [f ao,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount n o
<br /> = exceed the lesser amou�t. I.ender may estimate the amount of I�nds du6 on the busis of curtem data and rcaconable ___
<br /> .'. esdmAtes of eapendltures of tutura Fscrow Items or otherwise In accordence with applicable law. _
<br /> —==-=•�Y The Funds shall be held in an inatitution whase deposits are insured by a federnl agency,instrumentality, or enllty
<br /> +���=��,"�� (including Lender.lf Lender is such c+n insUtution)or in any F�ederal Hame Loan Bank. Lender shell apply Ihe Funds to pey __
<br /> the Hscrow Items. I.ender may not charge Horrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyxing the eacrow
<br /> � �t;� account, or vedfying the Escrow Items,unless l.ender pays Bartower interest on �he Funds sind applicable law permits
<br /> —�- �-°°--� Lendcr to mwke such a charge. However. l.ender may rcquire Bortower to puy a one-time charge for un independent real
<br /> �°�`'=�� estete tax reporting service used by l.ender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> ---..w-,�-:w.. . -
<br /> --=�_a=�a�.�» agrcement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender shull not bc required to pay Borrower any nurest or �
<br /> �.'"_,,��:. > eamings on the PUnda. Borrower and Lcnder may agree in wrlting,hawever.that interest shall be paid on ihe Funds. Leader
<br /> --••--�-�,�� shall give to Bornower.wfthout charge,an annual uccounting of the FUnds,showing credits and debits to the Funds end the
<br /> ��wy;��: ;� purpose for which each debit to the Fl�nds was made. The FUnds ere pledged us additional serurity for ail sams secured by
<br /> -�•`�_� this 3ecurlty Inspument.
<br /> -�m-��� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amoun4c pern►itted to be hald by uppiicabiC law, Let�der sha!! accaunt tQ _�
<br /> �'`����'"''. Borrower for the excess Funds in accordunce with�he requiremen�s of upplicuble law. If the anwunt of the Funds held by
<br /> �'�`�y~'� Lender at any time is not sufficient to pny the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,ond,in
<br /> ::.�r., �.:.,r �:
<br /> ��,�, ;n_�;'�, � such case Borrower 9ha11 pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bcxrower shall make up the —
<br /> �.;i .,., deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender s sole discretion. —_
<br />- .�. � Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security instrument,Lender shall prompUy refund to Borcower any
<br /> -- `��'���`�' Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acyuire or sell the Property,I.ender,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> - ?•._,.�:�,,:
<br /> sele of ihe Property,shall apply any F1mds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit againat e sums �I
<br /> - �"�'-�=-'� secured by this Secudty Instrumenc.
<br /> �'*+ °• ��:"• 3. ApplteAt(on of Payments. Unless applicnble luw provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under ��;
<br /> .;;�' �:,':"�"' puagrapha 1 end 2 shall be upplicd: first,to nny prepaymen[charges due under the Note;second,to amounls puyabk under �,
<br /> . - ' -`'�'�"�• paragrnph 2;third.ro interest due;fourlh,to principal duc;und lust,to any Inte cnarges due u�der the Note. __
<br /> �;��;,,;--kc ": 4. ChorQes;Liena. Borrower shnll pay all tuxes, ussessments, charges. fines and impositions attribuwble to the �-
<br /> -_ � '' °" property which may attain prioriry over this Security Insaument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. 8orrower _._
<br /> r� � �`'%S'� � ' shall pay these obiigations in the mnnner provided in parngraph 2,or if not paid in thut munner,Borrower shull pay them o� �_.
<br /> a:='rs'�---�::�
<br /> ,,��.�._.-:�� o time directly to the person awed payment. Borrower shull orompUy fumish to Lender all notices of amounts tu be paid under �
<br /> j this pazagmph. If Borrower mekes theEC payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evideacing
<br /> c
<br /> w,�t t; : the payments. v
<br /> '�±�,;;;,.`�,... Aorrower shall prompdy discharge nny lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument unlesx Borrower.(u)agrees �
<br /> -�% .�,�r�� in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by�he lien in u mAnner uccepwble to Lender,(b)contests in good fuith ihe
<br /> . —�:��, lian by,or defends oguinst enforcement of the lien in,Iegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> _ _ ::��h1,;�:- enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien un agreement sutisfoctory to Lender subordinating the Ifen T
<br /> ::.;,�;-��,� r.:.: to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines thnt uny purt of�he Property is subject to a lien which muy uttaIn priority �,;,;�
<br />'���:"�-• �� over this Secudry Instrument,Lender muy give Bortowcr u notice identifying the lien. Aortowcr shaJl sutisfy the lien or roke �
<br /> � ��._ � �
<br /> �t�'�' one or more of the actions set forth ubove within 10 d�ys of�he giving of noticc.
<br /> ...= �..-�..,c,���:.�
<br /> 5. H�rd or Properly Inaurance• &irrower�hnll keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erccted on the
<br /> ���;� � -� Property insured ugainst loss by fire.huzurds included within Ihe term"extended coverage"and uny other hazards,including —=
<br /> , ° �
<br /> .::,,;� floods or tlooding,for which Lender reyuires insurance. This insurance shull be msuntained in the Amounts and Cor the
<br /> . . � ��.
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