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_ . _.. . . . e=f __ <br /> �i J�ti:�� �w�� � . :�.!.r � - - <br /> . . :q � x., ..._.-. ---- . <br />_ _ _ r;;.y i� __ �.• —• <br /> _--,.-�_,.:�� yl-- 1u5572 = <br /> � period�i thwt L,endcr rcquirc9. 'I1�e iru�u�nncB�Artier provfding iho InAUtancC sholl be rho�en by Bormwer xubJect to l.enderk <br /> appr�ovnl which rhall ncq be um+caconobly wlthheld. If B�rawer frilr to mpinlpin covctaQ�dcxcribod above.La�dcr may.ut <br /> — (,�dcrlt option,obtain cavera o lo pratect l.en�r'x d�htx in thc Prapetty in acconlunre wfth parpgraph 7• _. _. <br /> AU lneurance policiex�renewal�shal�be ucceptabfe Io l.ender And xhall include a xwndard mongeQe clpure. Lender <br /> aholl have thc rfght�o hold the policics and renewul++. If LenJer rcquircx,Borrawer hhall p��umptly give to Lcnder all nxcip�a <br /> oP paid prcmiums ond ret�ewal notices. In the event of loss,Bartowcr shall�{Ive prompt nwice to�he insurnnco rairic�wnd <br /> __ -- Lender. l.ender muy make praof of loss if na made pmmPdY bY Bon'°wer. <br /> --- -- �' Unlesa L.ender and Borrower wherwir�:+�8rw in writing.insurnnze pmca�l��hull he W�licd�o rcstoru�i��n or repuir of <br /> the �op�rty damaged, if the restaration or rcpuir ir ecanamically fo�.vible md l.cndcrk xecurity ix nat IcKrened, if�he ` <br /> rcatorntion or repair is not economicully feavible ar Lender�security wouW be lewr.ened.�he insurance procaeds shull be <br /> applied to the suma �secured by this Security instnimem. whether or not�hen due, whh uny exce�s puid �o Borrowor. If _ <br /> - --- Borrower ubandons the Property,or daea not answer within 30 days e nMicc from Lender thut�he in�uronre carrier hux <br /> r_ lI1E P(pj1C(I)I 6i IO�1YY um�s ured by this cSecu�lt hlnauutnem�whetiter or n t the due u�The 3(Way period will ibeQin wh n _j i <br /> -- �he notice is given. <br /> _`� Unless Lender and Borrower o�herwi�e ugree in writing,uny ppp�icution of proccedx to principul xhull nut extend ar <br /> "-- postpone�he due date of the monthly paymen4g referred to i�paragrnphs I und 2 or changc the omoun�af thc puymcntx. If <br /> --=_' under parugraph 21 the PropeRy ia acquired by Lender, Borrower'x dght to eny insumnce policiex and pracecdK reguUing <br /> -;:_� fruu�damagc ta thc Propeny pdor�a the acquiRition siwll piws to Lender to the exieot oP the sums�cured by lhiK 8ecurily <br /> Insuument immediately prlor to the acquisition. — <br /> b, Occupancy� Preservation, 1NAlotenwnce apd Protecfion ot Ihe Propehyt Borrower•s Lonn Applicntion= <br /> ,-� l.e�sehold�. ti�rmwe�ahall occupy,establish.nnd use the P�roperty w+Borrower a pnncipnl residence within sixty dnys ofter <br /> _-� the execution af thix Secudry Instrument und ahall continue to accupy the Propeny us Borrower's principal residence for at � <br /> least one year nfter the date of accupancy. unless 4ender athervvisge ngrees In wdting, which coment ,hall nat be <br /> -��_',,� unreasonably withheld.or unless extenuating circumsta�ces exist which ure beyond Borrowerg control. Borrawer xhall not <br /> �,,�— destroy,dnmage or impair the Property,allow die Property to deleriorate,or commit wavte on thc Property. Barrower shull <br /> be in default ii any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,ia begun that in Lender�gaocl fui�h judgment <br />--- -�—�'7�'^-� could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise mute�ially impuir the lien creuted by this Securily Instnament or <br /> -,� `�;,,, Lender s security interest. Borrower may cure such a default nnd reinstate,aK provided in parugruph 1 R,by causing ihe uction <br /> '—��*'�';:�� or proceeding to be dirmissed with a ruling that,in Lender�$ood foilh de�ermination,precludes forteiture of the Borrawer4 <br /> �-•� =-_;;-j;� interest in the Pruperty or other mate�lal impairtnent of iha licn created by this Secu�ity Intiwment or Lender� �cudty � <br /> ,�. interest. Borrower shall alxo be in defuult if Borrower, during the loan upplicution procesx, guve muteriully fnlse or <br /> --"�"�$`";: inaccurate information or statamenta ro Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender wiih any muterial inParmn�ion)in connection wilh <br /> - - �'��= the loan evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited to, representatlons conceming Borcower's occnpuncy of the <br /> .�t- <br /> - - - - Prape�ty as a prtncips!residence. If th��C�curity Inatrument is on n lea.�ehold.Borrower tihull comply wi�h ull the pravisians <br /> _=� �- ��•+4 of the let+�e. If Borcower acquires fee tiQe to the Propeny.�he leusehold und the fee tide.r•hall not merge uniess Lendcr agnti� — <br />•�;�:�•� " to the mergcr in wr�ting. — <br /> 7. Protectbn of I.ender's Righls In the Prope�ty. Ii Barrower failx to perform �he covenuntti und agreemen�s <br /> "�""—"�"'�=�^' contained in �his Security lnstrument, or there ia u legnl prceeeding thol muy si�nificnnUy uffect Lenderi rights in thc � <br />""�`�;��'„��'qo�� property(such ns a pra:eeding in bankruptcy,probu�e,for condemnution or f�xt'eiture or to enforcc luw�or regulutions),then <br /> �� '�-x . Lender may do nnd pay for whutever ix necc.sury �o proiect ihe vulue of ttx Property unJ thc Pn��xny. �i <br /> '�-`-��'�. Lender�uctions may�nclude puying uny sums securt:d by a lien which hus pri�rily a�•er this Security In+tn�ment.oppeurin� _ <br />_��,�'---�:�� in court,paying rcusonublc uttameys'fees und emcring on thc Propeny ro make rcpuirs. Although Lander muy luke uction <br /> ;:�.._�`'�'�" under this purugmph 7,l.ender daes not huve to do xo. <br /> =u�,-,� I Any amounts di�buned by Lendcr under thi�:p�uugruph 7 shull bccumc udJitionul Jcht uf Bormwcr xecured by this <br /> n;',��'� : ' <br /> .�y►�. ,c•� ' Security Inktrument. UnleKa Borr�iwcr und LenJcr ugree to other�crtns of puyment,thexc um�uM+�hall ixur intere�t from t e _ <br /> ,:�,�;���. dute of disbursement ut the Note ratc and +hull he ps+yuble, with intere�t,up�n natice from Lendcr to Borrowcr reyues�ing `l <br /> :�°.;:.5�1,,,�;.';- payment. <br /> '����:-�':=- . 8. MortgAqe Insurnnce. It'Lender reyuired mohgugc in+uruncc:�s n conJi�ion uf makin�thc lunn secured by�hi� <br /> ���u=..�°`��'`��� �; Security Inxlrument, Borcawer+hull puy the premiums rcquired to muintuin the m��n�ugc in+urunce in cl'Pect. If, for uny _ <br /> �_-;,,~�:u*;.r.. <br /> "II=�:a:s�.•. reuson, the mortgage in�uruncc covcruge rcyuircd by Lendcr lup�c. or ceu.c+to bc in effect, Burrower tihull puy � e <br /> ---�--w� premiums reyuired to obtoin cuveruge substuntiully cyuivulenl to Ihe murtF.�gc inxurunce p�eviuuxly in effect, at u co�t _ <br /> � -e .� <br /> - substwuiully equivulem w�he cost to Bnrrowcr of the nwnguge insurunce prrvioutily in effect.frum un uhernatc morlguge <br /> � - y:;��,•����;�.. insurer approved by Lcnder. If subtituotiully cyuivulen�mungugc insurunre cuve�u�r is nut uvuiluble,Borrower shull puy to <br /> _ . k..� . <br /> -� - '���ir''•�y Lendcr each man�h cyuul ro onc-twelflh uf th�ycarly nwnguge in+urancc premium t+ring p:�id by Burrower when Ihe !• <br /> -�_°'�'•='�Ft,;, <br /> �:�T.-.�� insurnnce coveruge lupsed or ccuxcJ to Ix in effect. Lencler will ucrept.use and retain�ik.e puyments ux u lox,rc,erve in lieu <br /> '��'=�"�"-� of mortguge insuruncc. I.oss rescrvr puymeni+muy no I�mgen c� rcquired.nt tlx uption�ri'LcnJer,if mongage insura�cc _ <br /> ��` '� covernge(in Ihe umount nnd i'or thc�xriuJ that Lcixicr reyuinsl pnwidrJ hy.m intiurcr c�ppruvcd by Lender uguin becomc� _ <br /> -:..,�.;,,: . <br /> -= ,�� uvuiluble und iti oblaincd.Borrowrr xhull puy Ihc premiurns rcyuircd�o muinmin nH►r�Eug�m.ursmcc in cffect,or lu pruvide n <br /> � �t�'':.•;, lox�rexerve,umil the r.:yuircnxnt far mortg+�gc inwrnnce endx in aca�nlunce wilh:�ny wri�tcn i�grcement t+etwern Borrower <br /> �;;:,;y;"u<u' � und Lender or c�pplicubl�luw. �` <br /> :r}�;. ,,. . ' 9. Inspectiun. Lendcr or it�:igrnt m:�y makr rc:���muhlc emrir.upun :mJ in�pertK�m of�hr Pri��xrty. Lender,h+dl f <br /> give Borrowcr notirc:►t tlx tinx uf or prinr N►nn insreclion ti�xrifying�cii�onahlc ruuu tix Ihc in,�xction. �;, <br /> .r `• 10. Condemnatbn. The pr�xeeJs of+my uw�ird or rluim 1'or JumuEc+.dir��rt ��r connecticxi wilh uny <br /> �a . �• �'�.�;: � <br /> ° ".� 5inEk Fwnlly••Fwnqle MuelFrcddlc�fur l�\IM'(18�11Vti'1'Rl:\1F.�'1'..l'�nwm�Cu�cnam, 9/9� �p,��,•?ujn�w�pc�� — <br /> _ � • �ar.nla►r+Nu•mo,Nl�� ■ ��`. <br /> . ` :�tl-> fn�q�h7[�II NMNFS:114939J(]PA41,I1i.71161171 _ <br /> �.:1..��'�-..%�:i•.w�� ` <br />. _ _— .. " '-� �..-. <br /> ,,,,,__ . . _"--._ ...... . i_ .-T ._ ._.� ....,-r.,.n.Ra�ynp..wwr+........�a�w�-a�co-��r�q1�nPRlYM�...' <br /> .'+' .. ' , .. . - . � :. . <br /> __'• <br /> .� <br /> —�...J.�` ',,...4'j2�____ � .. .. <br /> - "- --='--.-�„-._.. . .__ .. .. ..._ ... ... _ . . . _. .. . ."'-- . ' .-- --:.._.-. _.••°'--- >-°--.-'�' •; --"` <br /> . ` V � . .�.�. .' , .. , . .. � � - . - ' <br /> �•f:-,'� � . � .. ' .. . . . .. � . . <br /> � f <br /> A ' . ' . , ' ' � — _ I _ <br />