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<br /> ' TOUB77iER W1TH ell Ihe improvemenis now ar hereafter crected on the property,and all casements,appuRcnu�ce�,
<br /> --__-_-__ , �rsd 8xtura now or 6ereaRer�part of the propertY. All rcplacements and culdidono shall alw be coven�by tt�ir Sxwity
<br /> - In�wment. All of tMs foregoing ie ncfcmd to in this 5ecurlty lnawment os�he"Propert�r.° �
<br /> � BORROWER COVPNANTS thnt Bon�ower is luwfully seised of the eswte hereby conveyed and has Ihe dght to gttutt
<br /> �nd eonvey the Property and thet�he Property is unencumbered.aacept for encumbrances of record. Borrawer wemntc and
<br /> will defend generally 1he d11c w the Property Against all clalm4 wid demwids,subject w any encumbroncea of rocord.
<br /> _�=��-_� THIS SBCLIRITY WSTItUMENT combines uniform covenanta for national use and non-uniform covenantx with �
<br /> limited variatlons by jurisdiction w conetiwte a uniform secudty inspument covering real property
<br /> - UNlFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender cavenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 1. Paymeat of Princlp�l s�ad Interest;Prepnyment and Lpte Cdw'�ea BoROwer shali promptly pay when due the
<br /> - princi 1 of nnd intercst on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargts due under the Note.
<br /> __.;� � Fonds tor 7bxes wnd Insur�ace. Subject to applfcable lew or ta a written waiver by Lender.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> •- Lendcr on 1he day monthly paynxnts are due under�he Note.undl the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly
<br /> - "--- � - taxes and assessments which may attain priority over lhls Secudty Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)Yearly leasehold
<br /> �� paymenta or gmund rente an the Prol�rtY. if anY: (c) yearly hazard ar property insurance premiums; (d) yearly flaod
<br /> __..,� insurance prcmiums, if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any; and(� any suma payable by Horruwer to
<br /> Lender. in eccordence with tha provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. 7ltese [
<br /> - - � -- -----� ilema ure called"Escrow Itema." L.ender may,at any time,collecl and txild Funds in an amount not ro exceed the maximum `
<br /> """ amount a Iender for a federally rolated mortgage loan may require for Horrower s escrow account under the federal Real
<br /> - Estate SetUement Procedures Act of 1974 ns amended from time to dme,12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA'7.unless aaother
<br /> _ __J__� law tha�epplies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so,l.ender may.at eny dme,collect and hold Funds In an emount not to �
<br /> _.� exceed the lesser amoun� Lender may esdmate the amount of Funds due on tha basis of current dew and �s�sonablc
<br /> �;,� esUmotes of expenditures of future E.scrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Punds shall be held in an instituNon whose depoaits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality,or cntity
<br /> •�--_��.�� (including Lender.if Lender is such an inatitution)or in any Fedcra�Home Loan Bunk. L.ender shall apply thc Funds to pay
<br /> the Escrow ltema. I.ender may not cherge Borrower for holding and applyfng the Funds,annually analyzi�g the escrow
<br /> - =- account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permils
<br /> �-�+`�-' Lender w make such a charge. Howcver, Lendcr may rcquire Borrower to pay a one-time cherge for an independent real
<br /> _�"'�.. , estate tax reporting service ur,ed by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> --= egreement ia made or applicable luw requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Sorrower any intc�+est or
<br /> -'-''`—"°�"=•� earnings on the Punds. Borrower and L.ender may agree in wrlting,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> i::���:.'�r?';• � shall give to Borrower. without charge,nn annual uccounting of the Funds,showing credils and debits to the FLnds and the
<br /> --.�:;:e puryase for which each debit ro the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additionul securlty for all sums secured by
<br /> - ��, -=�+`° ilei:Seeurily Inst�sntat.
<br /> �-�`���'�:`" If tho Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to
<br /> ��°'` Borrower for the excesa xunds in accordance wfth the requirements of applicable law. If the amounl of the FUnds held by
<br /> '�-���;���" Lender at eny time ia not sufflcient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender m�y so notify Borrower in wrlting,und.in
<br /> Nr�s •.; �,, such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necesssuy to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> �'_y�� dePrefency in no more than cwelve monthly payments,ut Lender�s sole discretion.
<br /> �_'^�'� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment,Lender shall promptly refund to Sorrower any _
<br /> ��°'`' Funtla hcld b L.ender. If,under ara h 21,Lender 4ha11 uire or scll Ihc Praperty,Lender.prior to the acquisition or
<br /> ��::,:�:.;.�..::, ; • Y P B�P �
<br />_ ��;,,,,--: sale of Iha Property,shall apply any Ii�nds held by Lender at ihe time of acquisition or sale a:u credil agelnat the eums
<br /> w�+�k�-
<br /> �— ,�,,,,;.�� secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> � 3. Application of P�ayments. Unless applicuble law provides otherwisc. all payments received by Lender under �
<br /> �"�-a�� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be appiied:first,to uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to emounts payable under _
<br /> psuagrnph 2;third.to interest due;fourlh,to principal due;and last.to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �*`�'�� 4. ChArBes; Liena Borrower shall pay nll taxes, asxe�sments, charge�, fines and impositions attributable to the
<br /> _ �lF1�lr�NC" .
<br /> :�': ,_;_ .��., . Prope�ty which may attain priority over ihis Security Instrument,und leasehold payments or ground renis,if any. Borrower
<br /> �'�"�_�`�'��.���... shall pay these ubligations in�he munner provided M parograph 2.or if not paid in that manner,RoROwer shnll pay them on _
<br /> :_�-��„.-,-:-�:` time dirccQy to the person owed payment. Borrower shAll promptly furnish to Lender all notices uf amounts to be paid under
<br /> it� � . this paragrnph. If Bomower makes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipis evidencing
<br /> ,...,
<br /> '� �`�.� ' . the ments. °
<br /> ,,.n�'7�.,e,�..,.:..,c'• ' PaY -
<br /> A"_��'?�� �,��x; . Borrower shall promptly dischurge uny lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees _.
<br /> ""-"— ' �'-•-'M��'� A�: � in writing to the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien in u manner uccepwble to Lender;(b)contesis in goad faith the _-
<br /> � �4��':�� .•;' �.
<br />-.__;_�_�� . . lien by,or defends against enforcement of the licn in,legal proccedings which in the L.endcr�opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ,ti,�.�.-; ;
<br />- ; ,.;::,, r enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from�he holder af ihe lien nn Agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the I en
<br />-���:q��L,�.�'`•' to thfs Security Insdumenl. Ii Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to u licn which mny nnain prioriry
<br /> 'i;3�•. over this Secudt y lnstrume�t,Lender muy give Borrower a notke identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> - :����°.�,•. �. one or mo�e of ttie actions set fbrth above wi�hin 10 duys o f t he g iving o f no tice. `�
<br /> y' �' S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep�he improvements now existing or hereafler erected on the �,.
<br /> `-"��- .�"''�1 _ P ro p ert y insured a gainst loss b y fire,hoznrds included within the tcrm"extended covernge"and any other hazurds,including _
<br /> =��"��� •;•. �.�� ° floads or Oooding,for which Lender requiress insurance. This insuronce shull be muinluined in the amounts and for the _
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