. x��.�`•� p, � ..... „ , ----_,..,... -- "e-.. . ---Y-� . 1r, ..'�'"�" ..
<br /> ; 9�. �s�►
<br /> � �����. ��������������
<br /> � � �ppt�or�t wl�icl��b.a sa b wra..an.b+y wid�bele. .�f eoenovv�er r.ih w awiaaia ca.a� de�c�bea+�bow,l,.aa.r m�y.�t
<br /> ��r
<br /> treaa�ti optioa,oa�aR�vee��e to prole«I.�d�ti ri�a m nb�y ie.aoed,na wi°td p.n�l,�.
<br /> Alt Mwr�noa pollcia md rooewala c1Wl be moept�bb w �nd�hsll Lulwle�sundwd mortjate clawe. La�da .
<br /> � �II bave tbe d�ht W hold d�policiet��a�ewds. U[.aider�oquira.Barowa d�all pran�ptlY�ivo to Lender�U reaiph
<br /> oP prid promiw�u sod�e�xswal nodca�. ]n the evau M loe��Bomower tludl give pnampt notic;e to�iw L�wr�e cartia aad
<br /> La�de� 1.e�1er m�ty auka p+aot of!as if not n�ade p�ar�tly by Batrower.
<br /> - ---- Unle��l.endnr end Aon�otf�erwiee�gzee in writing,inwnnce ehall 6e applied m reatoretion ar�ai�of
<br /> tha If d�e mtaratbn or rtpadr i�aoonomic�lly feul�l.endarl� :ocurity is not Ie�uened. If tho
<br /> re�w�or�not eooeomic�liy fe�ibk ar La�derl�aocurity would bo la�nad,tb�a ineut�e pmceod� �11 be
<br /> applied to the sum�secund by thie Securiry IruwmaK, whether or na tl�en due,with any exceas paid w Barower. 1P
<br /> Barmwer�b�tkions the Propeity.or does not an:wer within 30 day�a rrotice f�am L+ender that tM inturance�xrriar h�a
<br /> ot'f'erod to aeub a cl�im.Ihen Lender may croUect the lawr�nce p�rnceeda. Lender may uu��ee thu pracade w�ir or ratoro
<br /> °"� -- - - � the M+apeny or w pay sanu socioed by tl��ie�urity lnstrument,vvl�ether ar not u�en deio, 7?w 3U�d�y perkid (w�1 begin wba�
<br /> the noNce Is giv¢n.
<br /> Unktss l.ender u�d Barowec otherwise a�ee in wridnS,aaY apPlicetton of pr�ocoeds w principal shall not eattrtd or
<br /> postpona the due date of the maithly payments nfemed to in pArag�hs 1 and 2 a ctim�ge tlw wraunt of the paymeats. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the P�operty is ocquined by Lender. Bonvvrwh r�ght to any iasurmce policfas and p�occeda resuldag
<br /> from domage w�ha Pnope�ty pdor to the acquisidon slul!p�ss ro 3.ender W t6e extmt of the suma�ocured by thy Security
<br /> L�swment immcdiately prtar to the acquisition.
<br /> 6� Occup�ncy� P�+nervNlo� 1N�inta�aaoe aad Pno3ecfloa o� t6+e,E'rapert�'i aorro�ver'� l.oaa AppUa�tioai
<br /> I.ea�te�oids. Bor�wer:1u11 occupy.esttbl�ah.and use the N�opetty as�ulrawer�p�ilcipal aesidenco wlthIn sixty daya atter
<br /> nc�execution of d�ts Securiry Iawument and sh�il cor�mue ta occupy the�as Horrower�principal reaidencx for u
<br /> least one year after the da[e of accupancy, uate�s [.eadar atl�etwise pgrees writir�g, which consent shall not bo
<br /> unreasonably withhcld.or unless extenwUng circ�enstanoes ex;st whlch are beyond Bartowerl�con�ol. Botrowcr shall not
<br />_ , destroy.damage or impair the Property.allow the Pmperty ro detedorate,or commk woste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> 6e In default if any forfeiture acdon or proceiding� whether civil or crimin�l. i�begnn that in Lendori�govd fa�th judgment
<br /> - • could result in forfelture of the P�operty m otlienvi.se matori�lly impair �ha lien c�d by thia Security lnstrument or
<br /> Lender's security intercst. Borrower may cure such a default and reinslate,as provided in parrgroph 18.by causing the action
<br /> or pracxding W be dismissed wlth a mling that.in Lenderd gc�od faith determinadon. procludes forfeiture of thc Bomnwert�
<br /> _ • interest in�he Pivpaty or other meterial irnpairment of she lien created by thie Security Insdument or Lenderg sxuriry
<br /> � . interest. Borrower shall �Iso be in default if Borrower.during the loan applicuian proccss. gave mate�is►Ily false or
<br />-_ inaccurate infomution or statements to Lenda(or taUed to pruvide Lender wlth any inatcrial infom�ation)in connection wlth
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Nou. including,but not limited to, representatioas canceming Bors»wer`x occupancy of the
<br />�- Property as a�ipol residence. If this Sccarity tnsaume�t is on a leasehold.Borcower shall comply with all the provisloru
<br /> �-• of the lease. IP Borrower aex�uircs fee dde to�he Prope�ty,the leacehold end the fee dde chull not marge unbss Lender agroes
<br />' w the merger in writing.
<br /> ��� 7. Protecdon ot I.eader's Rights ia lhe P�+operly. If Borrower fails to perform tlte covennnts and agrcements
<br />- cantained in this Security Insuument, or there is a legal praceeding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the
<br />- P�operty(such es a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfei turc or to cnforce laws or regulut�ons).then
<br /> Lender may do and puy for whutever is necessary to protect thc value of the Property and l.enders rightv ln the Property.
<br /> l.erufer's actions may include paying any surns isecured by a lien which has priority over this Security[nswment.appearing
<br /> in couA,pnying rcasonable attomeys'fas and entering on the Property to make apnirs,Altixwgh Lender may take action
<br /> under�his puragraph 7.I.endcr docs not have to do so. '
<br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this paregraph 7 shali become xddltional debt of Bo�rower securod by this
<br />.����� Secudry Insnument. Unless Borcowcr and Lender agree to other terms of payment,rhese amounts shall bear intercsl from thc
<br /> — ;�. �-;• dote of disbu�sement at the Note rate and shdl be payable,with intcrest,upon naice irom Lender to Borrower requesdng
<br /> pnyment.
<br /> S. Morlgage Insuraace. If Lender required mongage insurnnce as a condition of makinA Ihe lav� securcd by this
<br /> • ;;';: Securiry Instrument,Bomower shall pay the premiums required to maintuin the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any
<br /> reason, tlx mortgage insurance cavernge required by lender lapses or ceASes to ba in effect. Borrower shull pay the
<br /> ,;:; premiums required to obtein coverage eubstantially eyuivalem to the mortgnge M�urmce previously in effect, ut s� cost
<br /> subs�antinlly equivalent to�he cast to Borrower of the murtgage insumnce previously in effect.from an alternnte mortgage =
<br /> -�;5;, insurer approved by L.ender. !f substantiully eyuivalent mortgage insurnnce coverage i s not avuilnble,Borrower shall pay to �
<br /> �� �� Lender each momh a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance prcmi um being puid by Borrower when the
<br /> �T ���''' ' insurunce covera e la sed orcecued to be in effect. Lender will ucce t use And retain those a ments�n loss reserve in lieu
<br /> - *� �,_.'�' � P' P� P Y -
<br /> - �'. �- 'ty of man a c insurance. Loss reserve a menls ma no lon er be uired,ut tha o t�on of Lender,if mort a e insurance
<br /> - 4�;;;x . 88 PY Y B �+1 P � 8�
<br /> ,��,.�.;�;~ coveroge(in the umount and for�he period tlat Lender requires)provided by an insu�r npproved by Lender aguin becomes =
<br /> - �.._.:;;; �..- availabk and is obtained.Borrower shall pny ihe premiums required to maintain mongnge insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> � ;�;,�,.�� loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage insurance ends in accordence with my written ugreement between Borrower �
<br />=�� '.,,,��„'• �.' and Lender or applicable law. °
<br /> I` � �"`� • ' • 9. Inspectbn. Lender or its agent may make rensonoble entries upon and inspc�ctionK of Ihc Property. Lender shall -
<br />- a. .. �,• �,.
<br /> ;•=�, 'c.;�I.,:;;., give Burcower noUce at the�ime of or prior to en inspection specifying reasonuble cuune for the inspection. A_
<br />_ � y� � 10. Condetqnallot�. The proceeds of any awurd or claim for dumAges,dircet ur conr,equcntial,in connection with Any
<br /> ..., ,,,r< �w r ---
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