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<br /> wppliabk law may �pecffy for reinstatemcnt) befat+e eale uf Uic Pn,pr�ly purauant to any powcr of sa� containcd in this -
<br /> - Socurity In�qumant;or(b)entry of a judgment eniorcin�this Security Inauument. Thoce condilionA ue Ihat Bomnwer: (a)
<br /> pays Lender all suma which then would be due under lhis Security Insaument and the Note as if no accalerutlon had
<br /> ----�------------.� accurrcd;(b)curce any defAUlt of any aher covenant�or agrcementa;(cl pay�all axpencea incuaed in enfa�cin�thir 3eeurity _
<br /> lnurument, iocludinR.but not limited to,re.ason�ble anomcys'feea: and (d) takes auch ection ax Lender may ressanably
<br /> roquim w aasure U�at the lien of this SeGUrity Insdument,Lendcr�s rfghta in the Propeny and Bormwcrk obligadan to�wy tho
<br /> °- »um� secured by this Secudty lnntniment ahall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security
<br /> Imuument and the obligations recured hc�+eby shaN remain fully effxdvc as If no accelemtion had accun�ed. Howcver�lhis
<br /> �__M___. _ __ __ _-� right w reinstete shall not apply in the case af acceleration under parugmph 17.
<br /> 19. s�k ot Naes ctwa�e ot I.oan Se�wksr. The Notc or a psutial imertst in 1he Nate(together with thir Securily r
<br /> Inctrument) may be snid one or moro times withoul prior notfce to Borrower. A sale mny resull in a chunge in the entity
<br /> -'_� (known xs tho"Loam Servlcer")that callects monthly poymentR duc under thc Note and this Secudty Instrument. There alxo
<br /> may be one or more chw�ges of tho Loan Servicer unrelatod to a sale of the Note. If the�is a chenge ot the Lowi Servicer.
<br /> — Bomowet will be given written notica of the change in accordence with paragraph 14 ubove and upplicnble law. The natice
<br /> _,;=;-� ,wfll atate the name and sddrcss of ihe new Loan Scrvicer and Ihc addreas to which paymenta rhould be mude. The notice wili
<br /> __ _ _._ . _��-�.� also contain any other information requirrd by appdcable luw.
<br /> _ .�,., 20. H�sardous Sub�fances. Borrower chall not cause or permit thc presencc,use,disposal,stomge.or release of any
<br /> - -��:� ,Hazardous Substancea on or i�the Property. Bortower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anylhing affecting the
<br /> Propetty that ia in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences Rhall not npply to the presence.use,or
<br /> -- storage on the PmpeRy of small quantities of Hazardoua Substwncea thwt ure gene�ally recognized to be appropdate to narmai
<br />��----��--"='� reaidential uses and to maintenance of the Property. �
<br /> "'�� Bortower ahall prompdy give I.ender wrftten notice af any investfgation,clnim,demend,lnwsuit or other uction by any
<br /> �-=� governmental or regulatory agency or private perty involving 1he Property and any Naxardous Substonce or Environmental =
<br /> `-"� Law of which Borrower has actual knawledge. If Barrower learns, or is naitied by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> __ __ _.
<br /> - authority,that any removal or other remediatlon of any Hazardaus Subsu►nce affectMg 1he Property is nccessAry,Borrower �
<br /> __ �,ti� ahall promptly take all necessary remedial acdons in accordance with Environmentul Law. -
<br /> �� As used in this paragruph 20,"Hazardous Substancea"sue those substances defined as toxic ar haza�dous substAnces by
<br /> �=�=1=:�:,;� Bnvironmental I.aw and the followjng substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flwnmable or toxic peuoleum products,toxic
<br /> _,�„;��7 -- pesticides and herbicides, volatile salvenls.materfals containing asbestoa or formaldehyde,und radioac�ive materials. As _
<br /> -- �i:�;==�� ured in this�wragaph 20,"Environmental Lnw"means federul laws und laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located -
<br /> ,� that relate to health,sufety or environmenta!protect�on.
<br /> NON UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender futther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> � -�=���':.:� 21. AccelerAtton; Remedles. Lender sl�all give notice to Borrower prior to AccelerAtion following Borrower's
<br /> " breACh ot any covenAnt or agreement In thEs 3ecurity Instrument Ibut not prior to Acceleratbn under ps►rAgrAph N
<br /> �_�.::_�li��•°�,
<br /> —_ -_ _�,,,r,:. _� upless ApplicAble iww provides otherwise). The notice ahqll apecify: (a)the defAUlt;(b)the eclion required to care the
<br /> --�;�y� default;(c)n date,not lesa Ihan 30 dAys frora t6e date the notice is given to Borrower,by whkh the default must be
<br /> -- _ � -° -� cured;And id)that f�iiure io cure the deiswH un ur ixW�ii�e d�4e s�ified io the natice rwy�esuit in�cceier�iloa ot
<br /> ��-- .
<br /> :���,N°_'. .. .
<br />_���r�=��,•�� the auma secured by this Security Inatrument and sale af the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower oP
<br /> �`-"' the rig6t to reiastate aRer acceleratlon and the right to brinA a court actbn to asseM the non-exi�tence of A default or
<br />_ —��.._, f��, any Mher defense ot Borrowe�to acceleradon and sAle. lf the default Is not cured on or before the date specl0ed in
<br /> �•o`•:•�;��_ _ the notice,Lender At its option mwy require immediate payment In iYdl of All sums secured by ibb Security Instrument
<br /> _= wit6out furlher demood And mwy invoke tbe power o f se l e an d any o t her rem e dies permi t ted by appNcAble law.
<br /> �•-' .�,;:,j; I.ender ehaN be entpled to collect all expenses incurred in pur5uing Ihe remedies provided in this pa�aQraph 21.
<br /> �-• --- ,,..j,�,;. including,but not Ifmited to.reASOnable attorneys'tees and cos�9 of title evidence.
<br /> �;,.:..�' ��.-',,.. [P the power oP sale is invoked.'Irustee shall record A notke of default in each county in whkh Any part of the -
<br /> ��C�'►��°:`V" ' Properly is loc�ted wnd shall mail cople.s of such notice in Ihe manner prescribed by upplic�ble Iaw to Borrower ond to -
<br />_ ,h.�„_��.�.,,,
<br /> - -- --�-;, : the other persons prescrfbed 6y applicable Ipw, A�ter the time required by applicable I�w,7Yustee shpll give public
<br /> �,,,� � ' notice of ssde to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law 7lrustee�without dempnd on Borrower.
<br />_--�e� * a.���-� ' ahali seH the Property at public aucNon to Ihe Mighest bidder at the time and pl�ce end under the terms designoted In
<br />.�- 4`�i4���:`l.;• : —
<br /> -• y;r,�•: the notke of sale in one or more pprcels and in Any order 7lrustee determines. 'I�uslee mAy postpone swle otall or any -
<br /> "���4--����•--. ••• pArcel oP the Properly by public announcement ot the tfine and place uf any previously ischeduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> '� ��•� � ` desi�nee mpy purchase the PropeHy pt�ny stale.
<br />_�-�:'""'�t�c,c'" Upon receipt of paymenl oP the price bid,7lrustee shall deliver to the purchaser 71�uctee's deed conveying the
<br /> Property. The recitalx in the'I�ustee•s deed shAll be prima facie evidence of the truth oP the atntements made Ihereln.
<br /> II�`�"� ' ��` 7�ustee shall apply the proceeda of the sWe in the following order: IA)to pll casls wnd expenses af exe�cLSInQ the power
<br />�,���� '�.:
<br /> -_�.,:��;�`i:A . ,. _
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