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- 91--- 10553 5 - -.--_ <br /> -- cw��ennqtian or othcr taking of any purt of the Property,or fcN conveyance in Ileu of condemnation.+ue hereby ac�iYncd und <br /> rhull ba paid ta I.ender. <br /> In thc event of u totul wking of�he Proparty, the pmceeds xhall bc upplicd to Ihc xuma secured by �hix Securi�y <br /> lnatn�ment,whether or not Ihen due.wflh pny exccss puid to Borrower. In the event of u partfal tuking aF�i�e Property in <br /> � which the fair murket value of the PropenY immalintcly befurc d�e�uki�g i++eyuul t�oc•grcutcr thon the amuunt of thr sum� - <br /> �ecured by t6ir+Sccurity Instrument immedietely hefore�he tuking,unless Born�wcr and Lcn�er aherwi�c ugrce in writing. <br /> the xumx Fecurcd by Ihis Security Instrumenl shall 6e rcduced by the amount af Ihe pmceed� multfplicd by Ihe following <br /> frwc�ion: (ul tho totul amaum c►f thc sums secured immedfutely b�forc the laking.divided by(b)�he fair morkct valuc af�ho <br /> Propcny immedintcly before the taking. Any bAlunce shall be puid to Barrowcr. In ihe evcn�of u paniul taking oi the <br /> _� Hoperty in whicb tha fuir markct vuluc uf tlic Piru�rerty immcdintely befarc the tnking ix Ics�than �hc umount of thc Ruma _ <br /> xccured immedlately before the taking,unlesg Bamawer und Lendcr atherwlse agrce in writing or unlexx upplicable luw <br /> dherwisie provides,the procads shall be upplied to Ihe xumc xecured by thia Securi�y Inswmant whether or not the xumx ure <br /> then due. <br /> If the Property is aba�tdoned by Borrower,or if',after natice by Lender ta Barrower that thr condemnor ufPer�to mc�ke <br /> nn award or seule a cluim far damages,Borrower fAils to respond to Lender wi�hin 30 days ufter Ihe dute the natice is given, <br /> lxnder is nuthorfud to collect and apply the praceedx,nt ils option,either to reqtorulian or�epulr af the Praperty or ta thc <br /> � auma secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then duc. <br /> Unlcss Lender and Borrower otherwise egree in w�iting,uny applicntion of pra:eedti �o pdncipul shull n��t extend or <br /> poxtpone Ihe due date of 1he monthly payments referned to in purugruphx 1 and 2 or change the umount of such puyments. <br /> �° 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbeamnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Exten++ion of the time for puyment or <br /> --- modiflcation of nmortization of the sums secured by thia Sccudty Instrument gruntzd by Lender lo any successor in interest <br /> of eort+ower sholl not apernte to t+eleuse the liability af the original Borrower ar Burrower's successo�in interest. Lender <br /> ahall not be required to commence pmceedings against ar�y successor in interext or refuse to extend time for poyment or <br />=— mhenvlse madify amortizution af Ihe sums ssecured by this Secu�ity Instrument by rea�on of any demAnd made by the original <br /> -� Bur•ower or 8orcower is successars in interest. Any forbeArance by L.ender in exercising uny right ur remedy shall�wt be a <br /> --- waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedl�. <br /> �,.v� lt. 5uccessors a�d As9igns Round;Jofnt and 5everal Llnbility;Co-signerx. The covenontx and egreen�enls of thix <br />,;,r.. Socurity In�+trument shnll bind nnd benefit the successon und a.4signs of l.ender and Borrower. subject to the pruvision+ of <br />_,.t� pnragruph 17. Borrawerk covenants nnd agreements shull be jant und severnl. Any Borrower who rn-signK this Sceurity <br /> , � Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (u1 is co-signing this Securlly In�trument only tu martguge,grunt und convey thot <br /> „_`,� Borrower's interest in the PmpeAy undcr the terms of this Security Instrumenr. (b)i+not personally oMigc►ted lo puy the sums <br /> secured by thix Secudty Instn�ment and(c)agrees that Lender und uny other Borrower muy ugree to extend,modffy,forbenr <br /> ;^`,� or make any uccommodutionK wlth regard ta the tem�s of this Secu�fty Instn�ment or the Note without Ihat Borrowerk <br /> -� conscnt. <br /> ,;,;, 13. LQYIt CMpt'gCe. If thc louo xecured by �his Security Instrument is subJect to u luw which sets mnximum loun <br /> �� charges.and that law is finully interpreted so that the interest ar ather loan churges collected or to be colkcted in connection <br /> -° uish shc losss exc�ed l4se pesmitted limlts,then� (a)ony�uch lonn charge shall bc reduced by the nmount necexsary ro raduce <br /> -= the charge to the perntiued limi�;nnd(b)uny Kum�alrendy collected from Burrower which exceeded permitted Iimils wUl be <br /> a��`` refunded a Borrawer. L�nder may chooxc ta make this refund by rcducing thc principul owcd under�he Note ar by muking n <br />-"' direct puyment to Borrower. If u rcfund reduces principul,thc mduction will6e treated ux u purtiul prepaymem wi�hour an�• <br /> a prepnyment charge under thc Note. <br /> :�, � 14. Notices. Any notice ta Borrowcr provideJ for in �his Security In�trument Shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by fi�t clu�c muil unle.r•s upplicablc law reyuires utic of unother melhad.The naice�hull be direcled to the Property <br /> Addrcs�or nny other uddress Borrower designa�es by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by first clus, <br /> mail to Lender4 address stuted hercin or++ny ather uddresx Lendcr Jcsignute+by no�ice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> ^"� in this Securfty lnstrument shull be decmed to have been given ro B�irrower or Lender when given us provided in this <br /> parogmph. <br /> =; 1S. Governing LAw; SeverAbfl lty. Thi� Security Ins�nm�cnt +hu l l b e gove r n e d b y fedeml law nnd the luw of the <br /> �:. � Jurisdiction in which�he Prapeny is locuted. In thc evcnt thut uny provision or cluusc uf�his Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicuble luw,such conflfct shull not��ffect other provitiions uf this Securiry Instrumcm��r the Note which cun _ <br /> ' be given et'fect without�he contlicting provitiion. 'Ib Ihix end the provixions of'thiti Security Instrument und the Note ure <br /> '� � decltued to 6e severable. <br /> -,� !6. Bor�uwer's Copy. Horrower shull be given onr confurmrJ ropy of the Note und of this Security Inslrument. - <br /> 17. 7lransfer ot the Property or a Beneflciol Interest in Borrow•er. If ull or uny pun of the Property or uny interest in <br /> - i1 is wld or trunsfemed(or if u tx:neficial intens� in Bormwer is soW or aumferred und Borrower ix not u nuwrul pe�son) <br /> ' without Lender's prior w�itten con�ent.Lender muy,ut ii,op�iun,rcyuire immediu�e payment in full of ull gum+secured by <br /> � � lhis Security Inxtrument. However,thi�option shall not be cxrrci�eJ by Lendcr if exerci.r•e ix prahibiled by federul luw ax of <br /> ., � the dute of this Security Instrument. <br />„« If Lender exereixes this option,Lender shull givc Bormwor nutice of ucceleratinn. The notice,h�ll provide u perincl of - <br /> �?, j n�t les,�hun 30 duys from thc dute the nntice is dclivercd or muiled within which Burmwcr mu+t puy ull sumx secured by thi+ <br /> Security Instniment. If Borruwer fuils to puy thcxe sum� prior tu Ihe expirati�m uf Ihis periud, l.ender may invoke uny <br /> mmedies pemii�tcd by�hiz Security Instrumem withoul tunh�r noticc nr Jemuixl on Borrower. _ <br />° 18. Rorrower's RiRht to Reinstale. lf Bnrrowcr mec�� ccnoin r�mditian.. Boirower shall huve the ri�ht tn huvr <br /> enfurcement of thix 5ecurity In.trumcnt disrontinucd at:my�imr prior tu Ihc earlicr��I': lu)S duy�N�r.ucN uther periai us <br /> Single Frmfly..Fonnle 11uc/FYcddle 11uc I�NIFIIRM INti7'NI�MF.N7'•-Unu�ttm t'ore�u�x. 9llIU qh��tr J aJ I��wxral <br />',3- �n..-�- <br /> _-- . �-.v:\. . • - � .. ......�. . � . � --".---i �-- -.•-__—._� ... _. .. ._ -•�--�.,�rA .fy�a��.. :a^.'iRr�i.� '-F` iR�"��3"..ia.+�.�, <br /> , � . • . *r <br /> .. •. :�1`.-. <br /> �. ._. <br /> - - - _ - _- -- -- ----. .- - -- - ---. _._ ._ -- - <br /> .------ _=— -== •,.� <br /> -°°---- <br /> __ ___ _ _ — _ . .. _ . : . _. _: . . . _ . _ �..�. <br /> � .. <br /> „ . � <br /> �,r � • � . . <br /> . <br /> . , <br /> , _ <br />