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� <br /> � -- �" ��a_ —��'�- - � . <br /> . ,� _.__ -- ., <br />`_: ..;:.�.�..,�.:�....! <br /> - -- - ��� �.Q559� <br /> ..a �--- condemnwtian ar ather takina at�Any purt ot�hc PropeRy.or for convoycui��:in li�u af cwidemnatian.w�c fun:by ossiQr�ed and --. <br /> �Iwll bc paid tu I.endcr. <br /> In �he evenl of u total laking of the Proporty� thc praceeds shull bc applied to �hc �ums �;ccun�d by thix Sctiudty <br /> -- • Instrument, whether or not then due,with any Gxcexa�id to Barrower. In Ihc cvem M u puniAl taking af thc Praperty in <br /> which the fair merket vulue of the Property immediutely befare�he taking ix eyual k�cx grculer than Ihc amcwnt af Ihe Rums <br /> securcd by thiK Securlty InRtrument immediately befare the�okin6.unlexc BorrUwer unJ L.ender otherwise agrce in wriling, <br /> the sum9 secur�ed by this Security Instrument shull be reduced by �hc amoum oP the prcxeed, mul�iplicd by ihe folluwing <br /> fraction: (u)ihe totnl umaunt of Ihe sumx secured immediately befare�he�s�licing,divided by(b)the fair murket volue af�ho <br /> -- m � �� PropeRy immediately hefcxe Ihe tokMg. My balance shull be puid to BoROwer. In �he evem of a partiul taking of�he <br /> - Propeny in which the Puir murket value of the Pruperty immediutcly befare thc taking ia lesx thun �he+uiwunt uf�he�,umti - <br /> securcd immediutely before the taking, u�less Borrower and Lender aherwise ugree in w�iting or unlexr applicuble luw <br /> --- athenvise provides,the proceeds shall be upplied ta the sume secured by lhic Security Instrument whe�her or nat the xum�uns <br /> - �hen due. <br /> - If the Praperty is Abundaned by Borrower,or if,af'ter natice by Lender ta Borrower Ihut the condemnor offen to make <br /> _-,;r un awnrd ar senle a cloim for damoges,Borrawer foils ta rexpond to Lcndcr within 30 duy4 ufter Ihe dule ihe na�ice is given, <br /> - - '� Lender ia au�horized to collect und opply the proceeds,At its option,either to rc4torntion or repoir of�he Prapeny or to the c <br /> -= sums secured by this Security instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> - _� Unlesg Lender�nd BoROwer othcrwise u8ree in w�idng,any upplication of p�rxeeds to principul ahull nrn extend or <br /> '-' postponc the due date of tha mamhly payments reFerrcd to in parugmphs I und 2 or change the umount of xurh pAymentx. <br /> R° 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbeerance BY I.ende� Not a Waiver. Extenwlon of �he timc for puyment or <br /> "" madificutian of amonization of the sums secured by this Securiry In�trumC�n grunted by Lcndcr ro:uiy successor in intercat - <br /> = af Borrower shall not opernte to�+eicase the linbility of the originul Bortower or Borrowerk successorx In interest. Lender <br /> —=� shall not be requi�ed to commence proceeding�against uny successur in in�erest or refuse to extend time for pAyment ar <br /> - _�,��:,';� otherwire modify amonization uf'tEre xums�ecurcd by thix Security Instrument by ren�nn of uny demund mude by�he�riginnl - <br /> -� Borrower or Borrower5 successor�in intere4t. Any forbeamnce by Lcnder in cxerci,ing uny right or remedy ghall not be a <br /> Y waiver of or preclude the exercise af any right or remedy. <br /> -_=`��•.� 12. Successors And As�vigns 8ound;Joint and Severul Liability;Co-signers. The covenuntx and ugreen�ents uf ihis - <br /> _ __.,_ Security Instrument shall bind und 6enefit Ihe successors und u�xignx of Lender unJ Bo�rower,subject to the pravitiions�f <br /> . puragruph 17. Borrower'.s covenuntx and agreemen�s yhall be joint und severul. Any Sorrower who co•signs this Security <br /> "'""'`�=�'•=�x-'� Instrument 6ut dces not execute the Note: (a)ig co-signing�his Security Instrument only to mongnge,grunt and convey thut = <br /> _____ _ � Bonower F intere��in the Property under the�crmx af�hiti Security In+trumenr Ib)is nw personAlly obliga�ed to pay the sums _ <br />����;,'��•- secured by this Securiry Instrument;and(c)ugrees that Lender anJ uny aher Borrower muy ugrce ta extend.mcxiify,forbeur <br /> ---=�;�_ .. or make uny accommadaticxis with regurd to the �erms of thix Securily Insttument or the Nate wiihout thut Borrower's _ <br /> =�•". consent. <br /> -�---=+ 13. Loan Chargea. ff the loun xccured by �his Securiry Insirument is subject to u luw which setti muximum lo�n _ <br /> -��"' _ chur�tes.und ihat luw is finally interpreted so�hal the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connectiun <br />==��;�!',,;;�� ' with the loan exceed Ihe permilted limits,then: (u)uny�:uch ioan chnrgc,i�aii i�e rrJuced by ihc amnunt neceesrq�so reduce <br /> ..��R� <br /> _;,��, : tha cF�urge ta the permitted limit:und lb)uny sums olreudy collected t'rom Bomnwer which exceeded permiued limit+will • <br /> _-_ ----- refunded to Barrower. Lender muy cha�se w make this refund by reducin��he principul owed under Ihe Note or by muking u ` <br />_� ,_��"-' ` direct puymenc w BoROwcr. If c�refLncl reduce,principul,the reduction will be trcuted us a pahial prepuymrnt without uny <br />+��_'�''_'T0'"� prepuymem churge under the Notc. = <br /> :�s. „- � 14� Notice.9. Any notice t�� Batrower provided ti�r in this Securiiy Instrument xhull Ix given by delivering it ��r by <br /> '""��`'' mailin it b fin+t clux,muil unless upplicublc luw reyuire+utic oi'unwhcr mr�hod.Thc noticc shull be directed lo Ihe Pmperty <br /> .,�:.-..:,�n�:. . R y - <br /> - Address or nny other udclrexs Borrower Jesignutes by notice to l.enJer. Any notice to Lender+hull tx given by first cluss <br /> '-���'��•�-� mnil to Lendcr�uJdresx stuted hcrcin ur uny othcr uddres,LenJer Je�ignutex by noticc to Borrower. Any notice provideJ fi�r - <br /> ���'�� ��� ' in Ihis Securily Intitrumenl +hull hc decmcd to huvr tx�en given to Barrowcr or Lcnder when given us pravided in Ihic = <br /> �;�9!9��:'.�'��.� parugrnph. <br /> -:�;���.,- IS. 4overnlnQ LAw; Severpbillly. This Security In.trwnent +hull 1►e govcrned hy federul luw und�he luw �if�hc <br /> jur�xdic�ion in which the Propeny is I��rated. In thr evcnt�hut uny pmvi.ion or cluutic ut'thi�Seruri�y In,�rument�w the Note <br /> �� conflict�with upplicuble luw,xuch contlic�shall not ui'fec�u�her provi.iom uf thi.Sccurity In,tn►mem ur the Nu�e which cun <br /> � be given effect without�hc contlicting pmvision. Ti�this enJ thr provisiuns o1'�hi�Secu�iry In.trumcnt und the Nae arc - <br /> '�'^:.T A declured to be severuble. _ <br /> �v• + 16. Bor�uwer's Copy. Borrowcr tihall lx givcn une confonncd ropy��f dir Notc:md of ihi+Security In+irument. <br /> �-=�>,t;�__�: 17. '11r�nsPer oYthe Pruperly ur a Beneficiol lnterest in Bor�uwer. If uU or uny pun uf thc Pro�x:ny ur uny intcrc,t in <br /> �*�' it iw sold or trun�fernJ I��r if u lxneficiul in�crest in [3orrowcr i+ suld or u�m+fcrred und B�►m�wrr is not u nuturul personl <br /> •�:,x.�. <br /> ::�,�.���_, . witho�rt Lender's prinr wriuen cnn+em.L�nJcr mary,ut i�,optinn,requin� immedit►tc pe�yment in full of ull +um�secure y _ <br /> _;�-:� -: : thix Security Inslrument. Howcver,thi�uptiun shall not lx cxcrci,ed by l.endcr if rxcrcf.c is pruhibited by fedcrul luw ux of _ <br /> ���=�1� - the dure of thiti Sccu�ity Instrumcn�. - <br /> _T� - .:f.. - _ <br /> �{. ',;Y �. �: If Lender exercisex this opiion,Len�ler+hall givc Borruwer nuticr ol'uccelcrutiun. The no�irc,hull provide u pericxl of <br /> ';'���.,�`:. .� �� nut less�hun 30 duys f'rom the Ju�e�he iwticc i�drliverrd or muiled wi�hin which Horrowrr mu+t puy+dl,umy.ecured by�hi� - <br /> � • Sccu�ity Instrumcnt. If BoROwcr f'uil+ a►puy tlxsc +um� prior to tl�r expirution u(ihi+ �xruxl, l.rrnier muy invokc uny <br /> � ° remedic.permittcd by this Securi�y In,trumcn�withiwt furthcr n���irr ur drnwnd on Norru�v�r. <br /> • •� a ` l8. dorrower's Ripht to Rclnstate. (f Bom�wcr mcct. ccn�iin rundition.. fiorrawer •hull have �he right la huve _ <br /> .' • .' enforcement nf this Securiry b�,�rumrm di�runtinueJ al any timr pri��r�o Ilk r:�rlicr al: la►S Jay.l��r such olher�xrial u. <br /> ' ' � tiingk F+inuly•-F�anle�f�c/FYcddlc Nuc 1'�IFYIN�t INti l Rl'�1F.\'1'-•l�nd��rm Cnvrn;uu. 9iW1 ip.i��•�n/��p��ur.0 <br /> , ' ���.. <br /> _'—=�--',- •• _ _..__ . . .._. _. . . . . . .. . , .. . .. . .:�L.., i:�l!�"\;�'�%7SN{ii,`�.:ts��.a,-�•r,��:-. <br /> {.' 1!�t� �Y . <br /> .. � . �1:-+..i..firw�w�r ��\,w�. :A., . . . . .� . .. w � • <br /> _ y�,�y���;.,,,,,���.y • , <br /> ..�i�lYtlfi�t�i.____----•_ _.-__._. . . ._ .. ._.. ._.,..._ .. ..__...__' '"_�' <br /> ",:%. . . . � <br /> ' ... ' . .. � . . <br /> . .. �, <br /> � , <br /> _�.. . . <br /> . ..4' . <br /> . �i�, ..(,t•V�•_'.� , . , . � . <br /> v � . <br /> ..o ' � <br /> o , � <br /> � � <br />