-r�i'r ,.:°���r..� I�l��l�i5�''�``' -�_= .
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<br /> —� periala lhpt l.cnder rcyui�+c!+. Thc insurnncc cwrricr proviJing►ho{nsurnnrc Rhnll be choxen�+y Barrnwer subjcct to Lendcr4�
<br /> � uppraval which shall not bo unmusonubly wi�hhold. IP Bamwer foils ta muintoin cuvc�uae deKCribed above.Lender muy.+��
<br /> L.endert�aptian.oMoM ec►vera�o ta pratect L.etuk��+�l�h��in�heP�ap�Hy in acconlaice wi�h parogroph 7.
<br /> . �� All inxur�+nce policicy and rcnew�dK�twll he ecceptublo�01.�.•nder and shull IncluJe u��unda►d mortgpge clauFe. Lanlder �_
<br /> - - ehpll have the ri�ht io hold du policles ond renewo�++• �f Lender n�ulrcA,Barrower xhpll pmmptly give w Lcu�ler o��rcccipts
<br /> `'"—'�!?� af pald premiums und renew�l naticex. In Ihe cvcnt�f luxx,BoRawcr Khull�ivc prampt nuticc to�hc inxunmca curricr and
<br /> — L.end�r. Lendar may make pmuf oi la.rx iP n��t made pn►mpUy by Burrower.
<br /> � Unlesa Lendcr w�J Borrower aherwixc ugree in wridn�,inKUrwnce pracceda�hull lie upplicd tu rcwtaru�ion or repuir af
<br /> ---�� tho i'raper1y dwnuged, if thc rcstomtinn �r repnir iR eccN►amicully featiible und l.ender� recurf�y iw not le�zened. If�he r
<br /> restomtion or rcpair iu not econamicully fea.vible or I..enderk securiry wuuld bc Icsxcned, the inaunuree pr�xccdti nhall be
<br /> 1° appUed to the suma xecurcd by thia Security laslrument,whether ar nM �hen due,wiih uny excess puid to Borrower. lf
<br /> "'�'^"' Bomower �►bandons�hc Properry.or Joca not nnxwcr within 30 dayx u naticc from Lender�hu� the insurame cuirfer has _
<br /> __�_,. .� offercd ta senlB u cloim,then Lender may callect Ihe insurunce proccedx. Lender mny use the proceeds w repair ar re�tor+e —
<br /> ___:� the PiropeAy ar to pay sums r.ccured by this Security Inxlrument.whe�her ur not Ihen due. ThN�l►-duy pe�iod will he8in when
<br /> _,�.:.V� the notice ia given. ��u���n p` ��dx tu rMci ul xhull not extend or �
<br /> _ . �..,,�,� Unle,�r Lender and Barrawer atherwise ogrcc in writing. uny app p P P
<br /> �� � postpone the due dute of�he monlhly payments refr.med to in puragmphs I and 2 ar chunge�hc umcwm�f�hc pnymen�r+. If
<br /> under paragrnph 21 the PropeRy fa ucqui�ed by Lender. Borrower� right tu uny in�urance policie�und pmcecdx resulting
<br /> •-�+.:.� from damage ta the Property prio�Io the ucyuisidon shull p�x�to Lender ta the extent af the xuma secured by thix Security �
<br /> - � +� Instrument immediately prior to the acquisiUon.
<br /> � —� --� 6. Occupwncy, Preservpdon. MAintenance +�nd Peatectbts af thc Property; Rnrrower'K �.uon AppllenNoni ____
<br /> __;J.�� I.easeholdw Borrower shall occupy,egtablisb,nnd usc tha Property w+Horrower K principnl re+idencc wl�hin sixty duyY ofter
<br /> - ---- the execution of this Sc,:urity Insuument und shall co�tinue to accupy Ihe Propeny us HorrowerR p�incipul rexidence ior ul
<br /> ...�_ --_ -__� y _
<br /> -"'S'� leust one yeur nfter �he date af occups►ncy, unlr+w Lender atherwise ugrees in wriling, which cansent shall not _
<br /> L.
<br /> - `�%�:"�� � _-
<br /> , �� .� unreasonably wi�hheld,ar unleas extenuating circums�nnces exixt which arc beyond Borrower ti comrol. BoROwer s u not _
<br /> destroy,dtunage ar impair the Phroperty.allow the Ptoperty to deteriorute.ar canmit wa�te on the Property. Borrawer tihAll
<br />- � .�::.��,• 6e in defuult ii ony farfeiwre uction or proceeding,whether civil cK criminnl.Is begun thut in Lender�goad Puith judgmen� �__
<br /> - - ��-�� could result in forFeiture of the Property or otherwitie muteriully impuir thc lien creuted by Ibis Security InstrumeM ur
<br /> �'v��� ��• Lenderk secu�ity intereat. Borrower muy cure tiuch a defuult and reinstute,us provided in pnragroph 18,by cauaing the nction
<br /> -�-��_�.:.�:�•�' . or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thut,in Lender�good fuith deierminution,precludex forFciture of the Bormwer:s `
<br /> -- _��,,.;,�,�� � ___
<br /> interest in the Property or olher muteriul impuirment�f the lien crcnted by ihis Security Inn�rument or Lenderz security
<br /> ���;�°.':^� ibterest, Borrower shnll also he in defuult if Borrower, during Ihe loan upplicution praex�, guve muteriully fulse or �--
<br /> '�'� ' inaccurnte informntian or statememti to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with uny muteriul infarmution)in cannectiMi wilh �
<br /> n. yf:'F�. . �.
<br /> � .a�4_�f;,,�, _.ry, �he loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limiled lo, representutionx conceming Borrawer+ occupuncy of�he �_
<br /> -.::�+'�,_,,;� property ns u principul residence. If Ihis Securiry Instrument iti on u leuxchald,Bortnwer shull comply wi�h ull the provisianx
<br />— --_� +��u„�
<br /> - _ ,__.-___-_-._ _. 4S� of���en.e. lf Borrower acquires fee title to the Propeny,the lea�chold und tho fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrces
<br /> ..r—=---�`- to the merger in writing. —
<br /> -- •�y-��•� �..�.�� 7. Protectfon of I.ender's Rights in the Prope�ty. It' BoROwer foils to �xr�orm Ihe covenunt+und uRmemems _
<br /> -'�'"'�- ��;`'�•-� ' cun�eined in thix Security Ins�rument, or ihere is u legul proceeding thut may tiigmficundy uf'fect I.cnder's rights in the —_
<br /> '�ri���.,�.
<br />..,,��--.r �� .. propeny(such av a proceeding in brnkruptcy,probule,Por condemnution ur fi�rfeiture or to enforcc laws or regulations).�hen .�-_.
<br />_;'!{ t� _" . : Lender may do und puy for whatevcr is neccssury�o pratect �hc vulue of thc Property und Lendcr+rights in Ihe Pro�rty.
<br /> i. { ,,., W.; , Lenderk uctions muy include puying uny xum.r•secured by u lien which hus priority over this Security Inurumen�,uppeunng �F.'.`._
<br /> � J• 'l �� in coun, paying reasonuble attameys'fecs und entering on ihc Property to muke repuinc. AUhough LenJer may take uction �_
<br /> _:-;{ � ` ' °;F R__:
<br /> under�his parngraph 7,Lender dceti not huve to do xo.
<br />'�u��;i ,�.'�' Any umountti disbuned by l.ender un�kr Ihis pariigruph 7 tihull become uJditii�nul deM of Burruwer+ecured hy this �
<br /> -�;'`���,"�r;"'�' Securily Inxlniment. Unlesx BoROwcr unJ Lendcr vgrc.e tn whcr�emi+ot'puyment.�hrxe aunountti shall lxur intercxt from the ��;._.
<br />-- " ��•., date of dixbunement ut�hc Nnte rutc und nhull bc payublc.wi�h intrrest.u�wn no�ice fn�m Lcnder to Borcuwer reyues�ing .,
<br /> ��u,�., r:,_q...
<br /> :�.�_�-.�.�..kr pnyment. —
<br /> �-::;�„�-,��i�:��� S. Mortgage InsurAnce. If Lender reyuireJ mortguge in+urunce ax u condi�inn iif muking thr loun s�cured by lbis �
<br /> 1n-,,���';. ' Securiry Inxtrument. Borrower tihull puy the premiums reqwred io muin�uin ihc mongu�c intiurcincc in efiect. If, for uny _
<br />-'- � °�''���' ,. reuson, the mongogc insurnnre covcruge reyuirrd by Lcnder lupse+ or r�ux+ tu Ix� in ct'fect. Bormwer +hull puy 1he v
<br /> vi�.����"'�'•-"` premiums reyuired to oMuin coverugc substuntially cquivulcnt u► thc mungu�� in+uruncc previou�ly in cffcct. •rt u rosi _
<br />..,.a�r�T.� �� �.. ----
<br /> aubxluntially equivulent to ihe rosl to Bom►wrr uf the mongc►gr in.rurunre prcviuu.ly in rl'I'ect, I'rom un u trrnute munguge
<br /> '�'�'��� `� inxurer upproved by Lcnder. If subtituntiully eyuivulcnt mun�uge imuramcr covcragc i,no�i►vuilublc,Born►wcr shall puy�o
<br /> ��ri; �'-�"`� Lcnder euch mon�h•r tium eyuul to onr-twelfth of Ihr y�urly mungngc inrurt�ncc pRmiwn Ix�ing paid hy Borcower whcn tl�e
<br /> �-,� �.. .��._•'--�'. inxuroncc c�w�ruge lupxed or rru.cd to bc in rl'fcct. Lcndcr will ucccpt.uxc unJ retiiin thr,r paymrn�.u.u lo�,rc.crve in licu —_
<br />—�:�i� �,,,�._.1...:;...,;;. . of mon�euge inxurunrc. l.u�x re,ervc puymcniti muy no lungcr Ik rcyuimJ.�u thc i�pliun of Lrnder, if nx�nguge imuruncc
<br /> 9�..,, `:��,*'�-., coverage(in�he umount und for the perioJ thut I.cnder rcquirc.l pro��idcd hy+m in,uitir appravrd hy Lender i�gain l�rrnnes �—
<br /> _'_- . . . � • uvuiluMe und i.ohtuincd.Borcower shall p•ry Ih�premiwm rryuired a�muintnm mor�gug�in,uruncr in�ffecl.or to pravide a �i-
<br />�•k�� .
<br /> ,� , _ ._. loss re+crvc,uniil�he reyuircment for monFu�e insuruncr end� m urconlancc wiih un�•wriurn i�grcemcnt t+etwccn Burmwer
<br /> �`��.� • � , und LcnJer�x upplicublc luw.
<br /> . • � . �.. 9. InxpertMm. Lcnder ur itti ugcnl miry mukr rcasimuhlr cnn•ir,upun:u�d in.�xrtiim+of�hc Pru�xrty. Lrnder.hall ,
<br /> givc B��rruwcr noiiec ul ihr Iimc of ur priur w+m in�pertion,�xcil�•ing rra�>unaM�r;iu+r fur�hr in,{xr�ion.
<br /> .. , . i 10. Condemnatiun. Thr pnxeech uf um•uw:�rd ur rlc�im liir d�ima�r..Jir�rt�n•rumcyuentiul.in ronncctiun with any�. �=_
<br /> . � Sfn�l�h:unil} •Fupnle�f�c�Frcddle�1�c l•11F11R\1 I�ti'1'HI�tt:�1'..l�miann Cu��cn:m�. 9�911 rp,ie��,f n�n�arei��� �=
<br /> - ��m:il I.�tr+Hu�mnu FmM.lur.� c-.
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