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=.��1� �. .� �„�-:�_ _ .. . �:: <br /> ���, Y _, 'r^� . ..._�_— _ <br /> _•-�i�`�� � � ` � � -,�s. ����'","°-.. � . _ ' � ;._ <br /> h� �.: �� <br /> ..�1,':Y,•, . - -._ <br /> r���� .� <br /> ��a�:�:�.:.�..,:-.�'..�.e�:, 91..: 10 5 510 <br /> � �I condemnation or athcr Iakin{{of uny purt of thr Hrnperty,or t'ur cumcyamcc in ifcu ut'cnndcmnution,ure hc�cMy usaiancd anJ <br /> -0' ch�ll 6c ptoid w lxndc�. <br /> �.��° - ---- 1�� �he nvent af a Iotul taking of Ihe Pmrehy. �h�' proc�edx Khull tw uppNed �o the xum++ �wured My thir+ Secu�ity -- <br /> In�lrumcnt,whQthcr ar not Ihen duc,wi�h uny excc+s paid�n Burn�wer. In thc cvenl uf u puAiul luking of�hc Pro�xr�y in <br /> :��� which the f'uir market value of ihe Pru�xrty immediutcly tx��'im�hc taking iK equnl t�i or�rruier thun the um��unt of�iie sumx <br /> -- Ke��ured by thix Sccu�ity lnhtnament immcdiutcly beti�re tho wling,unlcti+ Hurn�wcr und l.rndcr uthcrwi.c ugRC in wrUMg, <br /> ihc Kumx xecured by�hf�Securf�y I+�s�rument shull he reduced by �he umount ui�he pr�xced+:muUiplfed by Ihc tiilluwMg <br /> -'_�.._ ---,,..—, Pra��iun: lu)dic tawl umount of Ihc s�umw xrcured immcdiiucly Ixf�xc the�uking,Jividcd by lbl lhc fulr murkut valuc aY�ha <br /> pa►perly immcdiatcly t+cfittc Ihc tuking. Any buluncc shull Ix puiJ to Rwruw�r. In thc cvem �+1�n p�inful iaking��f thc �_.__ <br /> _ - --__�,___.:.., Property in which the i'air murket vulue oP the Prupeny immediutcly lxtiire lhe�uking is Ic.�Ihun the umuunt of the xumx c <br /> ----� r.ecured immcdiutcly heforc Ihc tukfng, unlcxs Burruwcr und Lcndcr uthcrwisc ugrec in writing ur unlc�� uppNcuhlc luw <br /> .r-,_ othcrwihe providc4.the procec�K hhull be upplicd lo the sum�sccund by�hi�Security Inxlrumen�whcthcr ur nw�hc xumx ure _ <br /> _ _ -_�� then due. � <br /> If Ihc Piraperty fK ubundoned by Borrower.��r if,uticr noticc by L.endcr io Burrower�ht�1 thc c�►ndcmnor afi'cr,t��mukc <br /> _s, -_ - =�•-� nn nwnrcl or xetde u cluim for dwmAgeti,Borrower fuilx lo re.r��nd tu LenJer wilhin 3Q duyx ut'icr thc du��thc notice iti gfven, _ <br /> �' '�_� � Lender ia authorized to collect and apply the praeedti,ut i��option,eilhe�w re+loruiinn or�epuir uf'Ihe Propeny c�r to the �__ <br /> ��`�'' suma r�ecured by thix Securiry In.r•trument,whelher or n��t Ihen duc. <br /> .�:._;��': � Unler�x Lcnder und Barrawcr o�hcnvi.c ugrec in wri�inp,uny uPplirutiun of pnwecdr:�o prirkipal tihull nul cx�cnd ur <br /> �_ _____ -:y postpone the due dnte af the manthly paymentx n:i'erted m in purugruphti 1 und?��r chunge thc umount af.uch p:►ymenlx. _ <br /> °"� 11. Bor�ower Nat Releasedt �arbearance By I.ende�� Nat a Wulvcr. Bxtenyfon of Ihc �imc fa� puyment ur � ,_ <br /> +� „�,�°::,� ---.. <br /> _._ ,�.,,, madification of umonixution of the tiums securcJ by thix Security Instn�ment grunteJ by Lender to uny tiucce,sor in interext <br /> - �`—_ -_u'_� of Borrawer ahull not aperute tu releusc�he liability of�he nriginul Barcowcr ur Borrower�+uccc+xorti in io�cres�. Lender � _ <br /> shutl not be rcquired tu commence prcxeeding„ uguin�t uny succeri4or in intere�� or refuse to extend tiim for puyment or ` <br /> J�"'� otherwisc modify umnnixotion af the xumx secured by thi�Sccurity Inti�rument hy reu�on af uny Jemand madc by�hc uriginul <br /> `"�P��:�.f,:,,�: Borcower or Borrowerfi xucreas�rx in ia�erest. Any forbeurunce by Lender in exercisi�g uny righ�or remedy shull nut b�u �s?� <br /> _ ,+,y�;,;,..,- waiver of or precludc thc cxercisc of uny right nr mmcdy. <br /> �...�,�;: . IZ, Successora And�ns Bound;Jof�t And Severul I,iability;Cu-vfgners. Thc cuvenum+und ugrecmenis�iP this �:i�_.°_ <br /> ----;�-,,, , ��, .. Securfty Inr�trument whall bind anu benc:fit �he+uccessor�und asxign+af Lender und BoRawcr,tiubject to the proviziony of �'°, <br /> -=�_ :,: ,r ,. pnrugruph 17. Borrower�covenuntx and ugrcemen�r xhs�ll be joint und.evcrul. Any Borcawer wlw co-sign� �hi� Securi�y �" <br /> ����-;.=� lnstrument but daes not execute the Note: (u)is co•xigning this Security Instrument only�o monguge,�rant und cunvey thut � <br /> :;�r;�?•' Bnrcower�intercct in the Propeny under Ihe terms oi this Securiry Instrument: (bl is not penanally obliguted to puy the sumti �-� <br /> -_^„��,. �":"•:�' secured by thiw Security Instnimcnt:unJ(c)ugrecti�hut Lcndcr unJ uny othcr Bunowcr muy ugrec to extenJ,m«lify.fort+ear —. <br /> "�"'"`�"'� or make uny accommcxlnlians� with regard to tl�e terms of ihia Secunry In�trument or the Note wfth�wt thut Bonowert .ur�_ <br /> �`� con�ent. . <br /> �j��N; : '- ' <br /> - � -, 13. l.aan Chorges. If�hc loun secured by �his Securi�y Inz�rument i+ +uhjcr� to u tuw which sets muximum luun P�ai: <br /> - = ?� charges,And that iaw is finuiiy iuirip�aied ho that th¢ interent ar uther loan cha�rZ�P��o�����eJ or to be c��llected in connection _ <br />-_ �2.: �-� with the loan excecd the permilted hmi�x,then: lul uny such loun churge xhull lx reduceJ by the umuunt neceswry to reduce �._ <br /> "-� , '•�� ' �he churge to the permitted limit;und(bl uny sumx ulreuJy collected from BuROwrr which excecded�x:m�ilted limits will lx � <br /> �;?;�' '` • refunded�o Bcxrower. Lender muy chooxc to mukc thi.refund hy rcducing thc principul owed under�he Notc or by muking u �:,:•. <br /> e <br /> '`- dircet puyment to Borrower. If u rcfund reduce�principul,the rcduction will he�reuted ux u puni►►I prepuyment without any � <br /> .;�'�. � .i�!`;- . ., prepuyment churge undcr�he Notr. �::• <br /> _�r,; ��"k • 14. Notices. Any noticc to B�rro�ver provided I'or in �his Scwriry Instrument ,hull Ix given Ny delivering i� or by �z;, <br /> _ ,_...� _ muiling it by fin�clu�s muil unlcx,upplicublc luw rcyuire.u+a of unothcr meth�xl.Thc ninicc rhull Ix dirccteJ ta the Pmperty <br /> - {,� � . „ Addre,s ur uny othcr uddretis Borcnw�r dc� no�icr to Lendcr. Any mnicc�u Lrndcr+hall tx givcn by tint cluxz �..'�.:_- <br /> .:��:��. r '.:; ��.i�� <br /> -.l, Y,� �. , muil to Lcndcr's uJJrc.y,tutcd hcrcin ar uny uihcr uddn.ti Lri�lcr dc.igniUcti by notKe to Borrow�r. Any n�nicc providcJ fur __ <br /> �� in this Security Inxtrumcnt ,hull tx decmeJ lu havc Ixecn givcn �o Borrower or l.ender wlkn given u. providcd in this <br /> _;'�.,;�� _ <br /> , ,;�-• . purugruph. - - <br /> ��,.y�`�"� � .': 1 S. (:overaing Law: tieverubilNy. Thi,5ecuriry In+trument shull lx �tovemcd hy feJerul luw und thr luw ol' Ihr <br /> --*��•�,�i�,�.�,. Juritidiction in whirh Ux Property i�I�xuted. In the rvent�hul uny provi.i�m ur cliw+c��i'thi�Serurity(n+trument ur th�Notc <br /> _d�•Y�; . �++� . ` n�e contlictx with upplicublc luw.+uch contUct+hull n�n afl'cct odi�r pruvi�ian+of Uii.Sccuriry Im�nancnt ur�hr Nutc which run �..• <br /> :..+�"` °� � � � be given eifec� wilhout�hc rontlicting provixion. Tii�hiti rnd the pravi�iuns of thix Sccurity Ins�rumem unJ�h� Notc ure �.,_ <br /> ��'�:+.�. `',� : dcclured to be sevrruble. _=- <br /> �v;r- _. . <br /> - �-' +�� ` 16. 6orrower'.sCopy. Borcow�r+hull Ix gi�en onr confomied cupy ol'the Nme iind ul'�hi.Srcurity In.trumem. <br /> -�"-?"`i� , V� 17. 7YansPer of the Pruperty or a Beneticiul Interest in Borruwer. If ull or uny part of ihr Pm�xrty or wiy intcres�in <br /> ~ � ,'�` "•"'"�" ii ix snld or truntifcrrcd lor if u ix�neticial imeresl in Rorrowcr i. �old ar trunsfcrnJ imJ Burrowcr is nut u nutural �xr���n► �„r <br /> "'�t - ' ''f � without Lcndcr's prior written run,enl.Lrndcr niiiy. ut it�op�ion. rcquir. imnxJiuic�ti�y�nem in full ot'ull.wns securcd by �.'. <br />.f�''-:'. ��'.+1,}j' ,'. .. --- <br /> �� : ��� -. . �hi,Security Instrumem. Huwcvrr.thix option�hull nin Ix rxercised Ny l.cndrr if exritiix is pr<ihibitcd hy federol luw us ot' <br /> - �; :r: ,,ys �hr date ol'Ihis Security In.trumenl. ��� <br /> - ,`�. �:•;�,. .;:;, If Lcndcr cxcrcises Ihis option.l.cndcr+hall givr Sorro�v�r notirc uf accclrralinn. Thr m��icc,hull pruvidc u�xri�xl ol' -- <br />_ :.p;':;:�"o .. not lesx than 311 duyx t'rom thc Jutr ihc nwicr i.Jclivcrcd�ir muilcd�vithin which Horn�wcr mu,t pay all+um.+ccureJ hy thix �"' <br /> . Securi�y In+trumen�. If Borr�iwrr fuil+ �u p:ry th«c .mm pri�,r lu thc rxpirmi�m ul' thi� �xri�id. l.cndrr muy invokc amY �:i:: <br /> rcmcdie��xrn�ilted by thir Srrurity hi,lrumenl u•ilhuul furthrr nntirc�ir demnnJ un Bi�rruwrr. <br /> 18. Borrower'S Riaht to Refnslote. It'Rurcuwcr mceh rrrinin cundition.. Rorru�acr tihull havr th� right li� h�ivc <br /> ' . enfurcenunt of�hi.Security In.trumenl di�c�mlinucd.0 any iinu priur w Ihr carlirr�►t': 1a1 5 d.�y.lor,uch ulher�xriixl us <br /> .1 , °� Sbi�l.l•:unil�-•Fimnle�lwNFrcddk�fucl�llFllR�11\ti'1'NV\1K\'1'--1�m1��nn�'��ccuum. 4�11U qaierJ,�/��/mar�� t�,�. <br /> • ' ��s'- <br /> ; . �: <br /> .. ,- - �.,,, <br /> --_ , � . . .. . . . i. . ••�.: <:II��+F.��.,.tpki�,, <br /> . ;' . <br /> � .. <br /> . u •. <br /> . >.., , <br /> . .. � <br /> ' .. V. . .i.. �.. .. � <br /> • ; � <br /> � � '. I .__. . <br /> � � <br /> 1� _ _ -- --- <br /> � <br />