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<br /> , pe�ialx thpt L.cnder roquires. The inauranco cartler pmviding ihe insurance sh411 be cha�en by Borrower eubjut ta Lenderti
<br /> � �ppruval which�Itall not be unrc�sonubly withl�eld. If Barrower fails 10 m�intain coverogc described obove.Lender may.at
<br /> I.ender�uption,abtain coverage to protest Lenderts dghte in thep�ropeAy in nccnninnce with poragmph 7. __
<br /> All insurance policies and renawals shull be acceptable to Lender wid ahail Include a atandard mottgage cluuse. Lender
<br /> shull huvc the�ight to hold the palicies and rcnewalx. If Lender requires,Borrawer shall promptly give to L.ender all rcceipts
<br /> °°—"- of paid promiums ond r+enewal natices. In tho cvent of loss.Borrower shall�ive prompt notice to th�inrur�e cw7ler and =_
<br /> L.ender. Lender may mako proof of loss lf nat mwde promp�ly by Borrower.
<br /> - -. --,� � _� Unless L.ender and Borrower wherwise a�rce in writing,insurunce praeedr r�hall be uppUed to restoration or repair af R _
<br /> �he Property dumaged, if tho reatoration or repair io economically feasibte �u�d Lenderls security is na lessened. If thc
<br /> - -- -� restoration or�epair is nat economically feasible or Lenderk secu�lty wcwld be le�ened. �ha insurance pwceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Secur{ly Instrument,whether or nat Ihen due,with uny excess puid to Borrower. !f
<br /> Bonowcr abandons Ihc Prnperty.or does not answer wNhin 30 dnys a notica From Lender that the insumnce car�lcr hav
<br /> offend to s�ttle a claim,then Lender muy collect the insurance proceeda. Lender mny use�he proceeds to repuir or restore
<br /> �"� the Propeny or to pay sums secured by this Securiry Inswment,whether or not then due. Tl�e 30-duy perfod will begin when
<br /> s---� the nat�ce is given. �-
<br /> � Unless Lender und Bo�rower otheruvise agree in wdting,any applicatian of praceeds to pdncipal shall not extend ar
<br /> --`-`= postpone 1hc due dnte of the monthly pnyments referred ro in purugrnphs 1 nnd 2 or change Ihe amount of the puyments. If
<br /> - under paragraph 21 the Propeny is ucquired by Lender,Bortawerk rfght to tmy insurance policies smd praceeds rexulting
<br /> __� .: _ �, from damege to the Property prior to the acquisilion shall pnss to Lender ta the extent of the sumr secured by this Secu�lty
<br /> ���_�' Instrument immedintely prior ro the acquisition. �
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservation, MointenAnce and Protectbn oP the Property; Borrower'a I.oan Applicatlon;
<br /> _ �`-`;;� Leaseholda Barrawer ahnll accupy.estnblish.and use the Propeny as Borrower�principnl residenco wi�hin sixty days after �
<br /> the execution of�hi�Securily Tnstrwnent und shall eontinue to accupy the Property av Borrower's prfncipul residence for c►t
<br /> ��"�'� least one year after the date of occupuncy. unlesa Lender athenvi.�e agreea in writfng, which consent shall not be �e
<br /> ���rr� unreasonAbly withheld,or unless extenuoting circumstancex ezist which ure 6eyand Borrower�control. BaRawer shull not
<br /> - ---= destroy,dumage or impair�he Propeny,allow Ihe Prapeny to deteriorate,or commit wuste on the Piropeny. Borrower xhall
<br /> —-- be In default if any forfeiture actian or proceeding,whether civil or criminol,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgmen[
<br /> -�-`,�, could result in forfeiture of the Praperty or olhenvise mUteriully impuir the lien creuled by thir Security Instrument ar
<br /> Lender ic r,ecurizy interc�t. Borrower may cure such a defuult and reinr.tate,us provided in parugraph 18,by cuusing�he action _
<br /> ____ ._ or praceeding to be diamixsed with a ruling thai,in Lender�good faith determination,preclucles forFeiwre af the BorrowerR _
<br /> �.� interest in the Pruperty or other materful impuirrnent of the lien creuteJ by thix Securlty lnFtrument or Lender v security
<br /> _��:� interest. Borrowcr ahall also be in defuult if Borrawer. du�ing the loun upplicution process, guve muterially fulse or
<br /> -���•r•• inuccuratc information cx xtutements to Lender(or failed ro provide Lender with any material infomnationl in connectian with
<br /> -=-�-,� the loan evidenced by the Nate, including, but not limited to, representalions concerning Bcxrowerti occupuncy of the
<br /> — = Propeny�.4 a principal rexidence. IF this Security Instrument is�n a Ieuxehold,Borrower shall comply wi�h all the pmvixions
<br />,;� -�'�' of the Ieose. If Borrower ucquires fee tide to the Propeny,the I�oxehold and the iec[ide ahail not mergc uuiCri,La�ider abraa,
<br /> =�••�9�s.�`a,, to the merger in writing.
<br />•���• .�:�:�:' 7. ProtecUon oP Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuilti t� pert'arm the covenunts and ugreements _
<br /> r+3• contuined ln this Secu�ity Instrument, or lhere i�r u Iegol proceeding thu► muy tiigni�cnntly nffecl Lender� rightti in the
<br /> --. �' � � ProJxrty(such es u proceeding in bunkrupicy,probu�e,for condemnu�ion or forteiture or to enforce luws or regulationx),ihen
<br />"��"��;�•t,�`i.^�' Lender muy do and pay for whutever is nece�sury to protect the vulue oP�he Propeny and Lender+ rightx in the Properly. _
<br /> �`�`'--=- 'r-, ` Lender's actians mny include puying any sums securcd by u lien which hux prioriry over Ihis Security Inxtrumen4 appeuring ��;
<br /> ��`°?" in cauh,puying renwnuble n�torneyti'feex und entering on �he Pro�x:ny to mukc repuirs.AUhough Lender may tuke uction -
<br /> '���':�;�, undcr this parugruph 7.Lender Jocx not huvc to do so. —
<br /> ''�°`�''�'"�i An umounts dixbursed b l.ender undcr thix uru ru 7 shull lxxcome udditional debt oF Borrowcr xccured by this
<br /> -- ?�y,�„�__ Y Y P 8 Ph
<br /> __,,�,,;r.�-_,..,�-. Securily Instrument. Unless Bnrrower und Lender ngrec w�ither t�rmti of'puymcnt,thcse umi+un�s xhall lxur interest from the `Y
<br /> ��°'�+�* dnte of dit�bunsement ut�he Notc ratc und shull br:payublc, with intcrex�,up�m naticc from I.ender to Borrower reyucsting
<br /> -.�.�c�,.Y �e . puyment. _--
<br /> �"�'' "'"�'�"" 8. Mortgage Insuronce. If Lender rcyuired mimgugc in�uruncc uti u conditiun of muking thc loun�ecurcd by �hix -�-
<br /> _`t�%���_..:n+
<br /> Security Instrument, Borrower tihall pay the prcmiums reyuired to muintuin Ux mortgugc in�urur�ce in rffect. If, fiir uny °--
<br /> �---_�_.:„'--� L'•
<br /> —°�•,�.,3,,,,;�, reason, the mongage insurunce coverage reyuired by l.e�xier lapses or ceuscs to be in effec4 Borrawer shall puy the _____.
<br /> :�n' �� �� premium� required to abtain coverage zubsluntiully eyuivulent li� the murtguge intiurunce prcvioutily in et'fcct, ut u cort ----�
<br /> -�`�p �-�+���,:• subgtuntially equivalent�o the cos�to Barrawer of�he mnnguge imuruncc previnutily in effect.Prom un ulternute mongage
<br /> --=-, � `- insurer upprnved by Lender. li'�ubxtuntiully cyuivulenl mortguge insurun�c rc�vcruge is not uvuilable.Borrower shull puy to -
<br /> �{T.��a Lender euch month u wum eyuul to imc-�wclfth oF�hc yeurl y mnrtgu�c inwruncc premium being puiJ by Borcower when the
<br /> •-==-_..: , inKUrunce coveruge lupsed or ceused to Ix in cffect. LrnJer will uccept,u�r unJ retuin�hcu paynun�ti u.u la+x rcxerve in licu
<br /> ���� of moRguge insurance. Loss rcxerve puymenl.muy no lunger lx requircd,ut �hr ��tion of Lender, if mortguge insurunce
<br /> � coverage(in the umount and for the pericxl lhut Lrndcr nyuirc�)providcd by un imurrr uppruved hy Lcnder aguin become� --
<br /> `�'-`�L avuilablc nnd ix obtuined.Born�wcr xhall pay the prcmium+rcyuircJ tu muimi�in murtgs�gc inwnmcc in eifec�.or to provide u
<br /> �•.'�`•.
<br /> •� °�� � � loxti reserve,until�hc reyuiroment I'or mortgu�;e insuronce end.in urcorcluncr wilh uny wriurn ugrrcment belween Borrowcr �_��':
<br /> .�,,;r.� ,
<br /> :,��:W,. -.. und LenderorupplicuMc luw. � .
<br /> - -'� � 9. Inspertiun. Lcndcr or i�x agent muy mukc rcas��naMe cntrir�upun nnd im�x:ciions of the Rop�:rty. Lendcr shull �� -,
<br /> ".�`'. � • ive Bormwcr noticc ut thc tim�of or rior to an im �ti�Ni ,x�if in�i�uwn��blc ruu,r ti�r�hc iin �tion.
<br /> g P f'�' I " Y � �' • ��
<br /> �.� 10. Condemnption. Thr pr�xced,of uny award ur claim litt d:imu�c+.direr� �K cun,cyuentiul.in connection wi�h uny �i�`
<br /> �.�:tz:v:.:`:.'�;,:; ° .
<br /> •,y�' �';:
<br /> Sio�kl'amlly••F'ynnlellfue/M�eddk\fucl'NIFIqiMI\ti1'RUMKti7'•-UnllimnCu�cnam, 91911 r/xter?a/n�a�g��u
<br /> . cma�Intn�+wmrc,Fame.�nr ■ a_�.
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