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<br /> ��� opplicabk law may �pecify for rolnstatemenq bcfbro xAlc af thc Property pureuwnt to ony power af saie contwtnod in Ittls
<br /> =�_ ..�� ' Security Inspvment;or(b)entry of a Judgment eniarcing this 3ecurfty Inalniment. Thcue condidonr en th�t Horrower fw)
<br /> ;,:rr Lender�11 wms which then wauld 6e due under thi� 5ecurity Instniment And tho Note Ar if no �cceleradon hod
<br /> �� occumal;(b)cures onY default of any aher covenant�or ngreemen4g;(c)pays all expensea incumed in enforcing this Secu�ity
<br /> Insuumcnt, includin�,but not Nmited ta.rcasonnble attornays'fees; and (d)takea such �ction pe l.ender may re�onably
<br /> �„� requirc ta asauro lhat ihe lien of this Secudty InanvmenL Lenderk right�In Ihe Praperty und Botrowcr'»obUgutiun to pay�he
<br /> - sumr securcd by qiis Security Inatniment shdl continue unchanged. Upon reinsiuternenl by Qorrower, this Securfry
<br /> Instrument and the obligutiona eecurcQ hereby shall remein fully effective ax if no occolemlion hud occurted. Howover,�hi�
<br /> d�ht to rcins�a�C nhall nut apply b the ca�e of acccicra�lun undcr puagraph 17. E
<br /> _ , 19, 3ale ot Notei Chaa�e ot Lwo Servker. 71m Nate or A ppnfal interext in thc Notc(tage�her with Ihic Security
<br /> — ��_;,�.,;� Inatrument}may be sald onc or more timas wNhcwt prior noticc to Batrowcr. A �wle muy re�ul� in a changc in the cndty _
<br /> (knowa os the"Loan Serviccr')thal collects monthly poymcnta due under the Note and thia Secu�ity Inalrument. There plso
<br /> �__=,a,�;,�� may bc ane or more cdanges of�he Loan Servkcr un�elated to a eale af the Notc. lf thcre is a change of the l.own Serviccr.
<br /> "+���.�;� Borrower will be given written notice of ttie clwnge in accordance with pnragmph 14 ubove and applicuble law. 'i'he notice
<br /> _�-�`"�:' ,9 wlll atate the name And addrcss of the new Loan Servicer and the pddresa to wh ic h paymenta s huu l d b e m a d e. Thc naice will
<br /> � �� alw conlwin any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> �.�:?�; ; TA. Hpzardoue Subctnnces. Borrower ahall not cuuse or permit the presence.use,disposal.storage.or release of any
<br /> �"��� Hazardous Subs�ances on or in the PropeRy. Borrow¢r shall not do.oor ullow unyone else to do,anything effecting the
<br /> :���-:::•
<br /> ---..- Property that is in violation of any Emironmental Luw. The preceding two sentences shall not upply to the presence,use.or
<br /> -- --°—��,L_ -= stornge an the Propeny of Kmall quontiUes of Hauirdou�Subatances lhet are Renerally rccognized lo be appropriate to namnl
<br /> -__--. resfdenQul uxes and to maintenance af the Property.
<br /> '"ID"`°'' Borrower shall promptly give Lender wriucn notice af any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> �.._—_m"""`'y"' �• govemmental or reguletory agency or privete party involving the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Environmental
<br /> - ---`�"-'�� Law of which Borrower hns actual knowledge. lf Borcower learns, or is notified by nny govemmental or regulatory
<br /> .,.� ::�;�.: . -
<br /> �. ^� authoriry,thet s+ny removal or other remediation of any Hazardaua Substnnce affecting the Propeny is necessary,Borrower
<br /> —�;:.��r�.; �..
<br /> `+ shall promptly take ull necessa�y remedial actians in accardance with Environmentul Law.
<br /> ''�� �. . Aa used in this puragroph 20,"Hazardous Substances"ure those substanceQ defined as toxic or hazardous subswnces by
<br /> —---=-�r A
<br /> ;;�� -q�_.".�� 8nvironmental Lew and the Yollowing sabstaaces: gasoline.kerosene,other flammuble or�oxir petroleum producis,toxic
<br /> ••�;r��,_ " � pestfcides And herbicides, volutile solvents, materiuls contuining asbesros or formaldehyde.and rnd�uactive materials. As
<br /> ----°:� used in tltis paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federnl laws und laws of the jurisdiction whe�the Property 1s locuted
<br /> .�;,,,����*;w�4:�;,,�,�,�, that relut�ta heallh.safety or emironmental pm�ection.
<br /> -��� � •� • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covenant nnd ugrea as follows: _
<br /> -=�'���. ,'. .�� • ,, . 21, Accekratlon; Remedtes. l.ender siwll give notice to Borrower prlor to s�cceleratioa tollowing Dorrower's
<br /> _��: �;;.•; e'.� breACh ot pny rnveeant or agreement in thia Security I�.st�ument(but not prior to AccelerAtion under ppraQraph l'7
<br /> ' un l e s s a p p l i c a b l e l a w p r o v i d e s o t h e r w i s e). T h e n o t k e a h a l l a p e c i f y: l a)t h e d e f a u l/;(b 1 t he ac t ion re qu tr e d to cure t he
<br /> - �"°`�`r '`'� ' 3 detau!!;(c?a datr,not less tl�an 34 slsys fcam the dete the nM�e is given to Bo�rower.by whkh the detoult muat be
<br /> � `�:y;;. -
<br /> -' ,�,,. cured;and(d)thwt�piiure to care the defauN on or before the date xpecified in the nodce ms�y result In acceleralian oP
<br /> .-��' � ' the sumv secured by this Securily Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall�lurther inform Borrower ot
<br /> '�"''` ' !he right to reinstate aiter accelerAtion And Ihe right to bring a caurt Action to assert the non•existence of a default or
<br /> .. ,;Ir•":.' ^ ,
<br /> �� , any other dePense ot Borrower to accelerafbn �nd sale. If the dePault Is not cured on or before the dAte specifled in
<br /> •.� „ the notice.I.ender At its opUon may require Gnmediate payment in iull of all sums�cured by thts Security Inslrument
<br /> '.-'� , •� • ' without iuMher demand and mpy invake tbe power af sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law
<br /> .�ti �, ,•,�; �•n. ��-�- �,, Lend�r shall be endtled to collect all expepses incurred in pursuin� the remediev provided in thly paraQrwph 21.
<br /> • :; �,•,.,:., Mcluding�but not Ifmited to.reason�ble uttarneys'fees and costx�f Utle evidence. _
<br /> � �••""'����" If the power of sale is invaked,7lrustee shAll record a notice ot default In esch cuunty in which Any part of Ihe -
<br /> ''�` � ''��q' ' ""`�� Property is IocAted and shall mail copies of.ruch noUce in�he manner prescribed by appllcAble luw to Borrower And to
<br />_ '' �� the other per.sons prescribed by applicuble luw A�ter the time reyuired by+�pplicable law.'11�uslee shall give public �
<br /> �• �`;�� � nolice of ssde to the persons and In the manner prescribed by applicoble law. 7lrustee�withnut demand on Borrnwer. _
<br /> �•'�� �Q"'`"" shpll sell fhe Property at publir auction to t6e hlRhe.st bidder at tbe time and ploce and under the terms designaled(n =
<br /> � :..3 ..,.fi. . .
<br /> ._ + _,��, :, • the notke of sale in one or more parcels and in Any order'I�ustee dete�mMcw. 7Y�ustee may poslpone Rnle ot all or any 6
<br />:,ly y , parcel of the Property by public onnouncemenl at the Ifine und place uf ony previuuslv scheduled sale. Lender or its =
<br /> ;.,..,�, k�� �� � ° desi8nee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br />�_.. . �,. •-. Upon receipt ot payment uf the price bid,71�uatee sholl deliver lo the purrhager'I�ustee's deed conveying lhe
<br /> �,;,;;;� ad►'�: - Property. The recilals in the 7Yustee's deed shull be prima fACie evWence oP the truth of the slatements made thereio. -
<br />' - 7� � 7Yustee shall apply lhe proceeda oP the sale fn 16e fdlowfnp�order: (A1 ta all cosls and expen�x oP exercising the power
<br /> -t�,� ;�: . _..� . _
<br /> •i � ,
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