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�` .•b�i' �• !�. :t = •Y. <br />�.-.�Il. ..._... .�...1 _... � .�1R1�t . . _ - _ ,�! <br /> .1 . . " <br /> I� � - `�. -t ?1 � ..:�1:-'"' . ._ <br /> _ f ...�r---- <br /> - ___._ � �' 91 <br /> -:�:�;�-t:_� -_�� — �.0546 a _ <br /> i:�� <br /> ���I. condemnulion ar ather tuking of�ny pun of tho Pruperty,ar for cunveyunca in licu��f cundcmnutiun,un�hcroby uxxiyneJ und <br /> ---=�� = shull hc paid to Lcnder. <br /> In the event of u total laking of tha Pru�xrty, the pnx.ecJs xhull be applicJ Io 1hr. r+umri xecur�J hy �hi++ Security <br /> =•:ri�� InRtrumepb whelhcr ur not Ihcn du¢,with an,y cxcesy paid tu Eiorc�wer. In�he even�ot'o puniul tuking�►t'Ihc Proprny in _ <br /> -����, which the fuir market vnlue�f the Property immodiately hei'on the�uking iK cquul���ur greutrr�liun�he amoum uf ihe KumK <br /> .�:��1:.. 't' �;ecurcd by this Securlty Inhtrumcn� immcJiutcly lxfore thc tuking.unlc�x Hnnnwer+utJ L.cnde���Ihcrvvi,c ugRC in writing, <br /> __. <br /> ��- <br /> •.. the �uma recurcd by lhfs SecurUy Invin�mcnl xhull tx:reduceJ by Ihe umoum of ihc pr�wccJ�, mulliplicd by 1 c a uw n <br /> -�' � frucdon: (ul the lotal amoum ai'thc numR�cureJ immedialely before thc iaking.Jivided hy Ih)the fair murket volue ai the <br /> . _--_. <br /> °° ------- ' property immc�liatcly Ix:fi�r� the tul:ing. Any hnlunce �hull he puid ��► Burr�iwer. In �he even� uf u puniul takiog o t � <br /> '�� _ __ prc�perty in which�he fair murket vulue oP�he Pro�ny immcdiu�cly l+ef��re thc�uking is Icti+thun�hc umount of ihc+um� ` <br /> f:ecumd immcdiulely befare ihe �uking, unlrh. Dorr��wer and l.cndcr��thenvi+e u�tme in w�hing or unlc4x upplicuble luw <br /> �`.�'��•.•� otherwir.e pravfde.r•.the pmccedx xhall be upp�icd w ihe xum�l:ecurcd by this Sccurity Inxtrument whctlscr nr ncx thc surnx un: <br /> ` then duc. <br /> _--=-";'�;h, . If thc Propcny is ubundoned hy Bom�wcr,or if,ufter nntice by Lender to Rorruwcr Ihut ihc amdrmn�►r offcrv to mu e <br /> •.:, an award ar seple a cluim for damuges,Barrowcr fuil+ta respund to Lenckr wi�hin i0 duyx ufler thc d:Uc thc noticc ix given, <br /> °'�_ -� Lender is nwhorized tu cullcK:t und apply Ihe pnx:eedx.ui its option,eilher w reztaru�ion ur rcpair uf�he Propeny or�u Ihe � <br /> �_.R�;��: • xums recured by this Security In�trumen�,whcther or not Ihcn due. <br /> ��:..<. Unless Lender and Barrowcr uthenvitie ugree in wdling.uny upplicuti�m af pnxeedn 10 prinripul xhnll not extend or <br /> --- - pos�pane the due dnte of the m�►nthly puymcnl�rePerted ta in parugruph� I und 2 or changc�he umount of ruch puymen�x. <br /> - -- ��� �" Il. Bonowcr Not Reles.�d= FbrbearAnce By Lender Not A Waiver. Extenxian of thc lime for payment c�r ` <br /> - -"�::! '�. mcxlifieation af umartization of Ihe,umx secured by thix Securily In�tn�ment grunted by Lende�to uny succe.+ur in Inierest - <br /> ="'.'�°"'�"' � af Barrower shull not operute to releuse ihe liability of�he originul Borrower or Borrowcr++uccesson in interest. Lender <br /> -- `�' <br /> __ � °—=Y�=1=��"�?,. ., shall not be required to commence praceedingx uguin+t uny successor in interctil or rei'uxe to extend time tar puyment or <br /> =�g.`_�� athcrwire modify umoniaation of the xums�ecured by thi+Securily Intitrumcnt hy reuson of uny demund msidc hy the odgins�l _ <br /> �'�=�`.� z,�>:;; Borcower or Borrowerti succesxorh in in�erest. Any forbeurunce by l.ender in exerci�ing uny righ�or remedy�hull not be u <br /> ��9�'"� '�" % waiver af or pmclude the exercise of uny right or remedy. <br /> -=�•�::r.w�s�•. t2. Successors nnd Assslgns Buund;Joint A�d tieverul Liability:Cu-signers. Thc cuvrnunts;�nd uFrcementr uF this _ <br /> -- �►Sr.w:y�,�;�..`.,..� �. <br /> .r�r=`-.. Securiry Instrument�hall bind und lx:nefit the.uccexsan unJ a,+ign��►f Lender und BuROwer,subject to the provitiiom o( <br /> -=� �'�''`°'�a''" •' • purugmph 17. Borrowerc covenunts und agreements �hull he jolnt und sevcrul. Any Horrower who co-.ign�thi+Securiey _ <br /> �,:. =�'� '�`�;`• Inwln�ment bu1 daes not execute the Nate: lul thix Security Instrumrnl only to mortguge.grant und convcy tha�� _ <br /> .aa��,r�c,,..�x.; -�,.,;• :.�., <br /> --��•- Borrower's interetit in tl�e Pr�rty under thc termy uf�hi�Securiry In�trument: Ih)is nat penonully obligutcd w puy t e xum+ _ <br /> ,.,,��- •�,.,:•..:••:; - <br /> '�` '''`� '' r,ecured hy this Securiry Inxtrument:und(c1 ugree►thut Lenderund uny o�her Borrower muy ugree tu cxtenJ,m�xlify,fiir ar <br /> '"'-'�'�""'°f'-� :� or make Any accommodutions with regurd ro thc termr� ot' �his Security Inx�rument or�he Nate without �hut Borrower► <br /> .� <br /> '� %y� ., cunsent. -�- <br /> � a���.q�� ` 13, Loan Chargex. If the luan secured by �hi� Securiq• Inx�rumenl i+ zubject to u law which xc�. muximum loun <br /> �>"�°;"�` '`�f`- -;'� chargr.;,and thas lasv is fina!!y int�rpreted,o�hut the interest�x other Inun churgeti collccled or to Ixe colkc�ed in cunnectinn _ <br /> -" a— ��� �" ' � with thc luun exceeJ�hc�x:rmined limit+.�hen: Iu1 uny xurh loun chArge�hull he reduced by thc umuw�t n��e.�ary•to redure <br /> ='':.r _?•y�;��. � �hc churgc�o the permitteJ limil:unJ IBl uny wmti ulmudy rullec�ed i'rom Borcowrr which cxcceded�xmiined limilx will Ne <br /> .`yy ,' '�• ,'t•i, �• `�� n:funded to Borrower. I.ender muy ch«�+e u�mukc�hi.nfunJ by n�Jucin�:�he princip.d.►wrd under thc Nnte or by mukin�a _ <br /> "`°" �''l' ' direct puyment to Borrower. I(u rei'und rcducrx principul,Ihe reduc�ion will ix trcaled u+;�puniul pmp�y�nent wiihout uny <br />���..' .:'h.. �'..��1,.,�._ <br /> � !�;° prcpayment churge uncler�he Notc. - <br /> „ 14. Notlees. Any nutice li� Borrowcr pnwided lirr in ihi� Sccurity In.�rument xhall he �iven by drlivering ii ar by � <br /> _ , , ., ��i` � � muiling it by first class muil unles,applicuMc luw rcyuin+u�c��f unuthcr mclhal.Thc n�Nicr�hull lx dircrsed ai the Property -- <br /> • '�,� r, Acklmss or uny othcr uddre+ti Bi�rrowrr Jr.ignu� n��ticc�o l.cnikr. Any notice io Lcndcr zh►dl I�given by first rlux+ - <br /> ' :�... : muil to LenJcr's udJre,s stulcd hcrrin ur any uthcr addrr.�Lendur dc+ignatr,hy nuticr tu Burruwer. Any rn�lire prov iJcd 1'cx — <br /> ' 7i����'• in this Securily In�trumrnt tihull hc dcemeJ lo huvc heen Fivcn lu Borcnwer ur l.rnJcr when �ivcn a� prnvided in Ihi� -_ <br />-_;.;.. -'•y .,-L•.... parugr�ph. _ <br /> `� `� 15. (:overninR Law: Severubility. This 5ecuriry In.�rumem .ha�� Ix guv�mcd by fcikrul li�w und �hr law of the r <br /> ����' 6� `F'� jurisdiclion in which Ihc Pro�rty is locuicd. In thr evcnt�hui uny provi.ion or cliw.c�►f Ihi+S�rurily Inslrumrnt or tlx N�itc <br /> :� S'�"' <br />`~,;,;;' ;:•�::,: con0ict.with upplir�iblc luw,xunc���nilict tih.�l)nut►dtcct uthcr pmvi.ions uf this Srcurily In.tnimrnl ar thc Nolc which r:m �' <br /> ° ; " . bc given el'fecl �vilhuut thr c�mflicting pnwi.iun. 7b�hi. cixl �hr pravi.ion.��f U�i. Secu�i�y In,lrun�nt and ihe Notr t�re _ <br /> °�5.�A ..,;��' V declared to br,rvcriihlc. -- <br /> . �,t. <br /> _'�,s.. ,,�,,. ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower,hall Ix�i��rn unr cunliirnud rupy ol'Ihr Nute anJ ul'�hi.Srcuriry Instrun�en[. <br /> :. .., 17. 7Yansfer of fhe 1'roperty��r u Beneficiel Interest in Horrowc� (f ull ar ainy pan�►f thc Pm�rly��r uny intcre+t in <br /> �'t'� ' it i.sold or tramxl'rrred lor il'u Ixnrtiriul intcrc�� in Hum�wer i.,uld ur irun.IcRed und Rorrowcr i,�x�t u nuwrul �r+c�nl <br /> .�. ..-. � �c � • . , . wilhout Lrn�kr;priur wriurn c��mem,l.cndrr il.upliun.r�quire immrdisur p:►ymrnt in full��f all sum.�ecureJ by - <br /> «;�:�:� ��� •: , this Security Inxlrumen�. Howcvrr.thi.��plian�hull nol lk exerri�cJ hy Lender il'rxcrri�e is�irohihiled by 1'edrad luw a� of � <br /> :"_;'''�' , .t�'"'"�" � Ihe dute oP this Securiry Instrument. � <br /> �:.,� ., If'Lender cxerci.c.�hi+option.l.rnJar.hull givc Rorr��wer n�►ti�c of ucccicru�ion. Tlk notirr.hall pr�wide u�xri�xl nf <br /> ,;;'�,..-�- , • not letis�hun 311 Juy.fnmi thr Jutr�hc nntirc i.Jclivrr�d ur nu�ilyd wi�liin�vhich I�on•a�c.r mu�t pay 1>>•thiti = <br /> . " Security Instnimcm. 11'Borrowcr fuil,tu pay thr+c .um. priur tu Ihe rxpirauiun �,1' thi, peri�xl. Lrndcr muy inv��ke imy ` <br />• • ,i� remedirx�xrmiucJ My thi,tircurity In.�nimrnt withuut I'unh�r n�,ticr ur drmund un Narrwv�r. � <br /> ' IS. Borrower's Ripht to Rcinxlatc. II� Bi�rca�v.r mrel. r�iy;►in rondili�m.. Nurra�+rr �hull hsi��r Ihc ri�h� lu h:�ve � <br /> • enforcement M'�hi.r 5ecurily Imtrum�iu di�runlinucd�u:�nr limr pri��r�o thr�iirli.r�►t`. �a►S du�•�lor wrh ulhrr{xriixl a� <br />_ , tim�h I�amil�••Funnlc�tucr�'mldk�fnc 1\IFIIN�I I\�'fNl�tl•:\I -t m�rnm�'���cn.uu. 4�70 i p.�.w��,�n�u.iru I <br /> --- . .- , �.�. - . . �,�'r <br /> � • a. :.irtr�.-... .. • <br />.. - : � Sr' ' . -_—. _— . ' . <br /> � . <br /> t ' ., , � __.. _.__..___- __ —_ � <br />