rir .�t��.l�:��� 1 . . - . . .__ _ ..
<br /> --- . . g3= ��t.�
<br /> �M �rM q W�n a d�d�LM�d�►�N Miw MM qNlon�In IM�oN Mid�MoNA�dMo►�Ilon.b ypAr�II�uoh/�� • .
<br /> MM►�d�diNi�p�'an MI ae�M�M�d��M�ow'tid q►k N oonn�oMon wNh woh�roo�upon Myl M���wM
<br /> ANrby t�nd lh MioA o�dM p I.�tIdK n�r dM�rn�M�,�x b�pply all Mah of h�oMd��wlnO�b�Md1MM Ma�M N�Mnd ar p4M{iOrM
<br /> I�M dui d�a�n�r p�y�eN�w�M�M,a�a�►��anr dN�uN��qlMwndM o►hNNNbM.My wM{IpN�d Iu1Mb MwM br ald b
<br /> T�j�MiN�wMO�Mr L�M�Uqon tl»ooaun�ol an Ewnt d OM�uR1��wid�►�a M�r�at N tdan a Mp�t p�oo�Mp
<br /> oonrn�nad wl�loh nMbM�ly�M�at�L�bw'�Inbnst In MN Prop�1Y.L�uM►m�Y In Ib own dNanllan,but wiwout�b do ,
<br /> sp,�nd wirwul noNo�b a dMnWd upon Truqor�nd wNhout M�Inp TtuMar trom aqt abllydion�da�l wt whioh rwla►hM
<br /> ytNd but�iN lo do and mry�o do anI►o1f1K�ot It dNn��ry b M�tlM MourNy h�noL TruMar N1�M,MnnMdMMy
<br /> upon d�nd tAK�lo►by Lwid�r�P�Y b Lmdu�II cosb�nd�xMn�Inaumd�nd wms�xPM�d�d b1►L��In oonmoMon wNh
<br /> aa.x.roa.�r i..na.►a a,.io�.00irq�n�.,a�.��wnn imK.a a�.no�.e a»�wn►.w aowa.a in n�.nia..wn�on.n.W a
<br /> �ld�d�o tl�Ind�brdn�Mow�d I�rb!►•��drr NMII not inour�nY N�bluti b�e+uM a�n�lhinp It m�y do a anM b do
<br /> � - Ma�ndou�MMwW�.Tnator tlwll kNp 1M Prop�rly In campli�nc�wMh all�pplloabN I�w�.ordln�ncM�nd npt�tlon�
<br /> nl�tln0 to Induqrid h�lpl�n�a�nvlronmm4l praMaHon(coll�ctiwty rq�►r�d fo h�ln u"Emi►onm�nW Laws"�.Trwbr rhall
<br /> IcMP tiw�Prop�h irN hom aN sub�nc�s dNnNdb bNui�nrdou�a tcxb und�r ru►Y EnvironnNnW Law�(aotl�ctiwwly nNrnd b
<br /> hwNo a�a"Flaxwdau MabrWa"1.Tnutor h�r�►w�rrand�and�Ni►�^e�b L�nde th�t tl�n an no H�sudou�MaMrld�an a
<br /> orwir 1h�PropKyr.TruMa f��b1l�Ona to p�d�mnify and hotd h�umt�a I.�ndK.ib dlaato►�,o1NcKa.MnployNS�nd p�nb,arb
<br /> a�ry suoa�oi�to L«�s InINrM.frOm und apalntt�r�nd all clNna,A�nw�,losw u�d IIablNtiw�rltinp In contwcflon wi�
<br /> �Pr�.uw,d�Wc�a)o►tranaport ot any Hulirdow Motuhls on� und�r�Irom or�bout th�Prop�ty.TME FOFiEDOINQ
<br /> — 10. AMip�wd d R�Tm�tor h�nb�r uWpns W t.aid�r tho��ia�ues snd proNls ol the P�opMy;provid�d Ihat T�1or
<br /> sh�ll,untll tl�occurnnc�of an�vent oi ONault henurM�r.Mvo ths nphtto colNat�nd�Main wch renb,i�w�s and prdib as�
<br /> b�com�dw and p�Y�bN.Upon th�oacurnnc�ol�n Ewnt of Dohu1R L�nd�r msy,eflh�In P�non a bY W�nt,wNh a witlio�A
<br /> _ _ _-=- - ' bNn�kg anr aadon or procs�dinp,a by�r�csive appolnted by�court end wNhaut rep�rd to ths�deqwcy of fb s�curity.�nb►
<br /> ----- upo�and fdce poapsion ol th�Propwty,or anr Put tl�erool�In�ts awn n�me or In the nanb of ihe Trust�s,and do any acb whlch N
<br />....:+- sMem��UCM�I a de�fnWe to Proarv�tM vakie,mark�tabilNy or anfablliry of th�Propsrly.a any p�K thsnof a IM�n�t therMn,
<br /> -- -- increate the incomq thsrohom or protsct the aecurity honof�nd,w{th or without fakinp po�ton of th�Propwty,suo ta or
<br /> - -- o4herwi�e colhct tlN rents.I�swt and proNb thenof.Inaludlnp thos�Wst due u�d unp�id.and�ppqr the anN,I�a cosb uid
<br /> = �xpqn�es of op�ratlon and collecdon Inotudlnp attomey�'f�a,upon any indebtedness�acurod h�r�by.all in woh order as L�
<br /> __ — — m�Y drtsrmin�Tfw snUrinp upon Aod taklnp po�ussslon ot the PropeM,�collecNon of suoh ranb,luus�and profib�nd!�
<br /> — applic�don th�nof u aforwid,�h�ll not auro a waive eny dsf�ult o►notice of default henunder or Imralld�t��ny�ct don�in
<br /> �-'. rNpons�ro�uch dMauft or punwnt to�uah notlo�of dNsult and.notwHhapindlnp the contlnwnce In poassulon oHhe Rropeuty or
<br /> - the collscNon,ncNpt and applicatlon of nnte,tauss w proflta,and T�ua�ee and Lende►shMl bs entltled to sx�rclis ewry ripht
<br /> praylded!or!n enyot thel.oen Mehumenas�•by law u�wn ocourrenco of any Event of Dehu1R Includinp without IimiqiUon ths�ipht
<br />�s'�� W ex�wcia th�power of wls.Further,Lend�r'e riphts and nmedie8 under thl�paraproph ahall be aumuladve wilh,and in no w�y•
<br />':� limiqitlon on,Lender's riphh and ramedle�under eny aaaipnment of leaees and renb raaorded�yaina tl�Properly.l.erWer,TrwfM
<br /> �nd ths rocelyK shdl bs liable ro account only tor thoae rents aaWally reaelved.
<br /> �r 11. ErM�b of D�hult.The fotlowinp shall con�dtute an Event of Oelault uoder this Oeed of Truet
<br /> �h
<br />--,':•.� (a) F�Ilure to pay any installment of p►inclpal or interest ot any other aum eeaured Fwreby when due;
<br />��.•�•�� (b) A breach ol or d�tault under�ny provi�lon co�talned In the Note,thl�DNd of T�u�t any oi the Loa�InsbunwrMa,w��ryr
<br /> �-!S, oqwr Ilan or enaumbrsnce upon the Properiy;
<br /> (c) A writ of exacudon or atfachment or any simllar prxea ahall be entered apainst Trus�r whfch shall b�come�Ilen on
<br />_;� tl�e PropeAy ar eny po�lon thereol or Inte►eat thereln;
<br /> (d) There thall be tlled by or apainat Truetor or 8orrower an aeUon under any preaent or tutura ledaral,etete or other
<br />��,` .. .+ etatute,law or repuledon relednp to bankruptay,insolvency or other rellef for debtoro;or there ahall be appointed any truetee,
<br /> -:-° � f Y;,�.��; �ece�var or Ilqutdetor of Truetor or Barrawer or of ell or eny paA of the Property,or tho ronte,isauee or protlts thereof,or TruYtor
<br /> n�' , or 8onpwer shell make a�y ye�arel assignment tor the benellt of credltoro:
<br /> .. „�:;�,
<br />:.� (e) The aate,trenster.leaee,aselpnment,conveyance or turther encumbrence o1 all or any pert of or any interest in tM _
<br /> . - •�-,�• -,,7 Properiy,alther voSu��iadly Or lnrolunterRf�, W!thcu!!hc az;.rc� writtn�� consent ot L�entler,provided that Trustor afiall be
<br /> permlfted W ox�cute a I�se of the PropeRy thet does not contaln an optfon to pwchase and the te►m oi which does not exc�d
<br /> , .t�.,�:•,.?�S�•�i:�l�l' one yeor, �
<br /> .,$� .. �r,• �• (q Abandonment ot fhe Property;or
<br /> • �i�;;�:'`,. ;•:'�.��• (p) If TruaWr Is not an Individual,the iesuance,eale,trensle►,a�eipnmen6 conveyance o►encumbronc�of mor4lhan a WUI
<br /> . �:'. �..; . O
<br /> �;;.,,;,;.. ,;.: ol percent of(if a corporatlon)Ita iesued and oulstendinp etook a(I}a pertnenhip)a total of � percent al
<br />'���:� ,�y,,�.,..,.,.:: paAnerahip f�tereata duriny the perlod this Deed of Truat remelns a Ilen on the PropeAy.
<br /> '�:��'. r;,:El.:•.;:` 12, Rwmdi�r,Ac�tlon Upon DNwH.l�the event ol any Event ot Oelaull Lender mey,without nodce except es rtpulred bp
<br /> "«��:;' ,�•� law,declare all indebtednees aeaured hereby to ba due and payable and the aeme ahall thereupon become dua and payeWs
<br />_�" ;!�,c . wNhvut any p►eaentmenf,demand,protest or notice of eny klnd.Thereafter Lender mey: _
<br /> ` �� (a) Dwnend thet Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE yranted hereln,and Truatee ahall thereaRer cause Truetor'�
<br />�.,t" ��'' � Inter�tt in fhe Property to be told and the proceed�to be diatributed,all in the manner provided In fhe Nobraoka Trwt Deed�
<br />