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<br /> . AqCNO�NI.E04lM�NT OF D�0�'tRIJ�T .
<br /> '�'�oA 11iM�r►�11;�1'oil�aIONM�a ,
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<br /> 7hMM► i wM�doOi��eMllwtTkwlo►NIiDO�MbMMO��kf�rdolTiuM�'tidMl• � �t�l�Mw�r
<br /> MMN b1MO�atTlwtP�'onWM«�bM�eMMf►dMwn�krlOhM�obNp�llo�wb Ifwi� bNir��
<br /> N a . or bwoh M w�dpr 1M O�Md dTruK �+ot IImIMd 1q �qM b �oRM�!►�old
<br /> ►y M 7h�WiM�ak aai�� dbitl'pnoo��dlMq.TruMOr MnunnM Mru�o�lrtl E�r
<br /> �lh�lor MN�w IM�wa�o d 1r O�d�tiwl. r�
<br /> l
<br /> Tws o�w oF�T.a mad.a a n�s.12—d.r� ��Y .��br•�+�
<br /> J/1MB3 D ta000alIN 11ND QOLI.B�l1 M �i000FTIN
<br /> tf�TruMO�. .
<br /> w1aM nWWq addrw Ia S12 3� QI�itCB� (�iMID ISLMID N6 f98Q9 ����Trwto►."whM1�on�a nwh�
<br /> qw TrwtM, FIVB POI�TP3 B�T+XI� P O B�I 1507. C,R�ID ISI.i1t+� NB 68802-1507 .
<br /> w1aM n�illnp addnta Ia l�+M�"TruaN�'�.and
<br /> ��ry� @'I1B POI@Tl'3 8!1[�C .
<br /> w������ P O BOIt 1507• (�tAND I3GANID NE 6HH02-1507 ��"�„�
<br /> FOR VALUA8I.E CON8IDERATIQN,Includinp Wnde�'t axtMSbn of crMit kle�tlfNd h�mfn to JAMES D m0aAm1
<br /> (hsrein"BOnow�r",whether one a ma�)�nd ths tnnt herein crMbd.
<br /> U�e ncMpt of which is hsnby acknowladpsd,TrusFOr hereby Inevocehly�ranb,tranden,conveyi and�sdpns to Trutle�,IN
<br /> TRUST,W(TH POWER OF SALB,for th�bsnefltand acurfry of Lend�r,und�r and subjectto the terms and conditlons Mnimftar wt
<br /> bAh,lh�n�l propNiy,d�sribsd u folbwr.
<br /> LUm FIVB (5)� C�OODWIN 3[78DIVISIa1 IN Tp6 CIT!! OF GliAt�ID ISI.N[�ID� �ALL
<br /> QOI�Ti'Y� IJF�RASKA.
<br /> To�elNer with all bulldinps,Improvements,ifxturea,shaeb,olleys,peasepeways,eaisemenq,riphte,privilpes and appurb-
<br /> nanca loceted thereon or in anywfse pertalninp thereto,and the rents,iasues a�d proflle,reveraione and�emeindare thereof,and
<br /> �uch penonal property thet ie atfeched to the improvements so as to constitute a flxture,iocludlnp,but not Ilmited W,heatlng end
<br /> cootinp puipmenk and tosather wilh the homestead or merltel Interests,il any,whloh interesta are hereby reteaeed and waived;all
<br /> of whloh,Inaludinp nplacemente and�ddttbne thereto,ia hereby declared to be a paM of th�rwl oatate f�eund by th�Il�n otthls
<br /> D�sd d Trust�nd all of th�forapoiny bsinp roferred oo h�rafn a�tha"Prope►iy".
<br /> Thls DNd of Tru�t�hatl eecurs(a)the peyment of the p►Inoipal sum and Interest evidenced by a promi�sory eote or cradit
<br /> �pn�m�nt dabd JU[.Y 22. 1993 ,hevinp e meturlty dats of JANUARY 20. 1994 ,
<br /> inthso►i irud �����
<br /> y pHncipal unount of 8 ,and sny end�N maditfcatlons.extsnuons and renewets
<br /> Ihareot or thereto and any end ell futu�e advances end readvancea to Borrower(or eny ot them il more then one)hereunder
<br /> pursusnt to one or more promiscory notes Or credit aaeementa(herein called"Note");(b)the payment of other sums advanced by
<br /> Lendsr to protect tha security of the Note;(a)the pe�lormance of all covenants und apreeme�te of Trustor set forth herein;and(��II
<br /> preaent and future Indebtednees and obNpetlona o1 8orrower(or any ol tham d more then ona)to Lendar whether dlrecf.Indiroct,
<br /> absolute or contfnpent end whether ariaing by note,guaranry,overdrait or otfierwise.The Note,thfa Deed ol Trust and any and all
<br /> other docuenb thet�ecure the Note or otherwfse execWed In connectlo�therewlth,includlnp without Ilmltatlon yuarantaes,NCUriy =
<br /> �p�emenb end ae�ipnmenm ol leaaes end renta,shall be referretl to hereln ee the"LOSn Inotrumenb".
<br /> Trostor covonants and eprees wilh Lender as follows:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt of Ind�b4dn�p.All indebtedness eeau�ed hereby ehall be paid when due.
<br /> 2.TNN.Truator Is the owner ol the PropaAy, hea the riyht and euthorlty to convey the Property,end werrente thet the Ilen
<br /> created hereby la a tiret end prlor Ilen on the Property.except for Ilena and encumbrancea set IoAh by Truetor in writinp and
<br /> delivered to Lender before executlon ol thfa Deed of Trust,and the execuUon and delivery of this Deed of Truet doea not vlolate any �"'
<br /> conheat or other oblfpaUon to which Truator ia subject.
<br /> 3. Taxp,Ass�um�nb.To pey be(ore dellnquenoy all laxes,apeclal aesasamenis and all other cher�ee apafnst the Properry
<br /> now or hereaRer levled.
<br /> 4. Inwrana�.To keep the Property Insured agaiast damage by tire,hazarda Included wfihin the term"extended covaraye".and _-
<br /> euch other hazards as Lender may requlre,ln amounte and with companles accepteble to Lender,naminq Lender as en addiNonW =__
<br /> n�med Ineured,wlth lote payable to the Lender.in case oi lose under euch pol�ies,the Lender is euthorized to edJust colleat end
<br /> compromiee,all clalms thereunder and ehall heve the optlon bf applying all or pan ot the Insurance prxeeda p)to any Indebtedness =
<br /> •saurod hereby and in auch order ae Lender mey determine,(ii)to 1he Truetor to be used br the repalr or re�toraAOn o1 the Property _.
<br /> or(Ilq fa�ny other purpoae or obJect eetlelaotory to Lender wNhout aflectinq the Nen of tMe Deed of Truat for the iWl emount aecured --
<br /> hsreby belore such payment ever took plece. Any appUcation of proceeds to indebtedness ohall not extend or postpone the due -
<br /> dat�of any paymenb under the Note,or curo eny default the►eunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6. Etarow.Upon written demend by Lender,Truetor ahall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may desipnate,suNiclent �'
<br /> ��uwti�r�......�.1�1�w .� w�w..�.... �..i:::'v�Ciiv::��.a�.x p.. � ��r �.��. ' � i�i'�
<br /> �v�>�� ) ��� V ViiV v�iiiv V V y���0 V/�o�wp��i�p��N Y��N V q�NI�PiyOp�p 0\ �-�-
<br /> fhe PropeAy,(Iq fhe pnmlums on the property Inaurence required hereunder,and Qfi)Ihe pramlums on any mortpape Inaurance _
<br /> nqulr�d by Lender. —
<br /> 8. YdntMU�nc�,Rpdn and Compll�na�wlth I.�wi.Trustor ahell kaep the Property In pood condltlon and repalr,shall �,,;
<br /> promptly npNr,or rep��ce any Improvement whloh mey be dam�ped or deatroyed;ehell not commtt or permlt any waste or
<br /> detWio►atlon ot the Property;ehall not remove,demollan or dubttenllally alter eny of the Improvements on the Property;ehell nat "�(
<br /> commlt,ouffor or permlt any nat lo be done in or upon Ihe Property in vlotatlon af any law,ordfnence,or repulatlon;and ahall `�-
<br /> pay and �:
<br /> prompdy dlsoh�rpe�t Trustor'�cwt and expeme ell Neni,mcumbrences and char�ee Iavled.Impo�ad or au�Ned apelnat tho :-`.
<br /> Prop�rty Or any p�A thN�ot. �
<br /> 7. Ee�IMnt Do�ndn.Lender Is hereby atslpned eN componsatlon,awarda,demape4 and other paymenb or rellet(herslnafter _
<br /> "Proce�d�'y in connectlon wlth condemnatlon or othertakinp ot the Prop�rly or part thereof,or for conveyance In Ileu ol condemne- -
<br /> tlon.Lende sheli bs enNtlod at Its optlon to commenoe,appear In and prosecute In Its own name eny acUon or proceedlnpt,and
<br /> �hall N�o bo�ndtlod to maks any comproml�e or�etllKrwnt In connecNon wlth�uah teklnp or damape.ln the w�nt any portlon ol
<br /> INC i1N(IirrOrkW�vY OM41bv.t0/M �
<br />� O 1�M 11�twiw Mnt d camm�a T�ur«r tw�ANOCwaon.LL.:,,.:i.R.6.rd. �..
<br /> _
<br /> ---- �
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