'� a?iYYf�l����'-`"�, . �.o.—__ __-_ . .
<br /> > r,kw
<br /> ,. ..',:.r,r'�,"s.�S'�Ofi"`.�"',r. '. , -
<br /> :tiw .r� �.,. _ -- F-- -
<br /> " � 91--
<br /> �� - . . .. 10�5�
<br /> � � d�faiM by Trusta in th�pa�rn�nt of a pKfamonc�of tlM tKnu condi ions of
<br /> 11.AeaN�liw Y/M Odw1�1 Riw�M�t�N. Upon
<br /> xt�nsbns th�nof,a tlw of an�otlNr tnd�bt.dn�:s ucur�d M►�b�a in fM pafam�onc•
<br /> ' �` th�Not�,a omr r�wals,nadlfkations a� PpY� �
<br /> "° of a�y of tM conwnants a opr�n�MrN�nd�r.9�fklarl►mop aclon cll wms acund k:�.:�irnnwdbtof�dw and poyabk and tho samo -------
<br /> ,, � �t��.� sholl tMr�upon bcan�dw and poyabb without p�s�ntm�M,d�d,prot�st a notia of,rnr ki.�d.Th�nafhr,e�fitiary rtwy doli�r�r to —
<br /> Tnnt«a writt�n d�clarotian of d�fauit and dmiand fa saN.TrustN siwll hov�tM porwr of soe�.f th�Propety ard if 8�tieiary d�cid�s�h�
<br /> r�� '' � ' prop�rty fs to M sold it sholl d�posit with TrustN this ONd af Trust and tIN Not�or not�s ond anr otM►docwnints wid�nclnp���dHu�s =_
<br /> - •.�,� ',�";�' s�cur�d hK�b�.ad thall d�Nv�r to TrustN a writtm notk�of d�fault and�I�ction to caus�ih�PrapKty to b�sold,ond TnntM,in tum.shall
<br /> _ •�_ _.�. r_ •-. p��o a=imilar notice in the fotm requind by law whkh aholl b�duly fil�d fa ncord by TrustN. �_ _ _ _
<br /> � r'"~ ' (o)AN�tl�lops�of such tirtN as ma�r b�rpufnd b�law followinp tM ncardofion of Notk�uf D�tault,ond Notko ot Wf,wlt and Notica of
<br /> �A.: � ��,i�p pNn pfv�n as r�quind b�law,T�ustN,without d�mand an Trustor,siall s�ll th�Prop�rty in on�or more parcds and in such adK --
<br /> .� � t� ot lic auction to th�hiph�st bidd�r, tho pur. _—
<br /> °�---t� � as Trus t o r m o►r d�t�►m f r N a n t h�d a t�a n d a t t M t i n W a n d p l a c e d�s i p n o f o d i n t a l d N a t k�o f S a , p u b ___
<br /> �,: . . .. � —.
<br /> ..-�:".� cho:�prk�payabl�in cash in lawful morN�of th�Unit�d Stat�s at th�tirta of ml�.Th�p�non conductinp tM wl�ma�,far anY cau:�h�or she �.ri,�.�:�---_
<br /> ' � dNms�xp�d(ont,postpons th�sak from tirrN to tim�until it shall be complet�d and,in w�ry such cas�,notiu of poatpon�mtrh sholl b�piv�r+ �i _
<br /> ;.;.;:-.: ' ' by pubik daclaration thereof b�such person ot the time and place lost appoint�d for th�sabs provid�d,if th�sok is postpon�d for lonper than �`" _ _
<br /> '�� � an� (1�doy 6�yond tl�e dar dtsipnot�d in tiw Notice of SaN, notfce ther�of sholl Iw pivm in the sam�monrwr as th�wipinal Notke of Sale. ��=��—•-"�°°
<br /> � ' TNStee shall exKUte ond ddiver to ihe purchoser its Dead conveying the Prop�rty so sold,but without any comQnant or warcanry,express,or —_
<br /> `� implied.TM recitals in?Iw D�d of any matt�rs a facts sholl b�conclusir�proof of th�truthfulnQSS thKaoi.My perwn,includinp without --@--
<br /> �� � ... limitafbn 7ruste�,may pu►chasa ot th�sala. �,,,:.--
<br /> . ,:�+F , (b).When T�ustee sella pursuant to th�powors heroin,Trustee sholl apply the praaods of th�saM to poyment of thQ costs and axpenses of ��_
<br /> ' ,.;.;�•• ex�rcisinp the power of sale and of the ml�,includGp,without Iinitation,the payment of Trust�'s hes kicurred,which Trustee's feei shall not � _
<br /> ; � �" in the apgrepote exceed the following omounts 6ased upon the amount secured hereby and nmoininy unpaid: 5 percentum on tlw bnlance ■ � ���L
<br /> � � .,. th�raof,ond than to the items set forth in subparagraph(c)hereof in the order therein stoted. �,,y„�4r,�p; _ :
<br /> �•.�:
<br /> (c)ANer poylnp the items specified in subparaproph(b),if the sale is by Trustee,or the proper court and other costs of faecbsure ond sole ;,,�_.,� �-'
<br /> ; �f , ;. �,ri+r�.,, if tiw sak is pursuant to judicial foreclosure,the praeeds of solo sholl be applied in the order stoted bolow to tho poyment of� , _�- _
<br /> „ �t'�, .r�,. � y q —,._,.__- .
<br /> ��., .;;�. (11 Cost of on evidenco of titte pracured in connection with such salt and of any revenue re uired to be poidr ' `;:i::�}:= ,
<br /> ' � �� ;t � (2) Attorneys faes: �.��__
<br /> (3) AM sums then secu�ed hereby s �_�_�_
<br /> " �+' f4) Junior trust deads,mortqapes,or other lienholders,and —° -'--
<br /> . . ,
<br /> • (S) Th�romoind�r,if any,to th�person or ptrsons lapolly entitl�d tMreto. �[M�s
<br /> . --=_ (di ti*i,.8wwficiary of ihis Dsad af Trust is e bank as defined bq N�►b►axka low,any statem�nt containtd in any other s�ction of this deed ���°-K_���
<br /> �� � J ., notwithstandir�,the Benefkiary shall not be ontitled to receive a take and debtor shall not ba obliyoted to poy a yive,any conf�ssion of judy- :- ',�.
<br /> �. . mmt,pow�r of attanoy to confess judqment,power of attorney to appear for a borrower in a judicial praeedinq or apreartwnt to pay the costs r
<br /> ��, of collKtian of the attorno�s'feos,unlass such ats of collection would not othe►wise be prohibftad by Nsbrosko law.Provid�d,hawQVer,thot +�'�
<br /> • • thls sation does not opply to the Trust�feo referrQd to in poropraph 6(bl.Provid�d furth�r,that thfs parapraph sholl rat apply to this Dted of ���A�u l �4..�
<br /> Trost,If th�Ben�ficiory is not o bonk. �.�
<br /> � �Z, ����Ms�M�.Trustor,at its expense,will execute and deliver to the Beneticiary,promptly upon demand,such secwi• � i
<br /> ° t�instrum�nts as may be nquired by Beneficiory,in form ond substance sotisfactory to 9eneficiory,coverinq any of the Property conveyed by �,�
<br /> this O�ed of Trust, whkh security instruments shall be additional security for Trusta's faithful perfamance of all of the terms,cov�nants and
<br /> -t—
<br /> conditionS of this Deed of Trust,the promissory notQS secured hereby,ond ony otFwr sQCUrity inst►umonts executod in connection with this tran- ,� ,,,�
<br /> sation.Such instruments shall be recorded or filed at Trustor's expense. °-'-=
<br /> 13. ApNN�t�t of Sua�uor Tnr�tN. Beneficiary mo�, irom time to time, by a written instrument executed and acknowledged by -_=•t `'
<br /> •� Bonefitiary,mail�d to Trustor and racorded in the eounty or eounties in whieh the Propeny is lacoted and b�atherwise eomplyinq with the provi- . _.
<br /> sions of the applicable laws of tFw Stote of Nebrasko,substitute a succ
<br /> essor or successors to the Trustee nomed herain or acting hereunder. � ���
<br /> 14. Intp�etiais.Beneficiary,or its apents,representatives a workmon,ore outhoruod to ontar at my reasonable time upon or in any port �
<br /> � of the Property for the purpose of inspectinq the mme and fa the purpos�of perf�nii�tg�atn�t�'tl4��ts w is authrazed to perform under the � .-� "
<br /> `' t�rms of the Deed of Trust. ��� ,
<br /> �.
<br /> , 15. Option to fortebu.Upon the occurrence of any default hereundor,8oiiaf±cia►y sbo��huva�hr aplio^to forecbse this Daed of Trust in ,
<br /> ' the monner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on reol property. i _�--�=`�`.
<br /> wa�►r�-;�.
<br /> 16. lonb�arwa b��fkhry Not�Wd��r,Any forebearance by Beneficiary in exercising ony riqht or remedy hereunder,a otherwise : ,��,,Kb:
<br /> offorded b�applicable tnw,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.likewise,the waiver by Beneficiary of ( ; r-
<br /> I
<br /> any dofouk of Trustor under this Oeed of Trust shall not kw deemed to be o waiver of any other a similar defaults subsequently acurriny. ;
<br /> 17. Tr�tor Not R�I�atd. Extension of the time far poyment or modification or amortizotion of the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust
<br /> granted by Beneficiary to any successor in interest of Trustor sholl not operate to releose,in any moixier,the liability of the originol Trustor ond ,
<br /> Trusta's successor in inferest.Beneficiary shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for
<br /> poymem a otherwise modify amorti:otion of tlw sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demond made by the originol irustor ond
<br /> Trusfa's successor in interest.
<br /> � , � 18, M�fkl�ry't Pow�n. Without affecting the liobility of the Trustor or any other person liable for the payment of any obligotian herein
<br /> mentiened,und with����off?rtin�tha lian or rharge of ihis Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore releosed as
<br /> security fa the full omount of oll unpoid obligations, Beneficiary may,from time to time and wirhout notice. (�I release ony person so I�ab�e.���i
<br /> Qxtend the moturity or olter any of tiie terms oi any such obligat�ons. (iii)grant other indulgences, livl releose or reconvey, or couse to be
<br /> released or reconveyed ot ony time ot Beneficiory's options nny porcel,portioh or all of the Property.(v)take oi release any other or addifionol
<br /> sQCUrity fa any obligotion herein mentioned,or(vil make composit�ons or other arrangements with debtas in relot�on ihereto.
<br /> � ! 19. Futrn Ad�Mn�. Upon request of Trustor, Trustee ot Trustee's option, pnor to recanveyance of the Property to Trustor,moy moke
<br /> . (��fur��unn��c fn Tnicttu Such future advances. wifh interest thereon, sholl be secured by this Trust Deed when ev�denced by prom�ssory
<br /> notes stating thot said notes are secured hereby:provided that at no time sholl the secured principol, future advances.not includmg sums ad•
<br /> � vonced to protett the security,e.ceed an agy�egate principal amount of S •
<br /> J 20. R«o��.�.�.br T�•f...Upon writtPn request of 8eneficiary stating that oll sums secured hereby have been paid,and upon surrender
<br /> of this Deed of Trust ond the Note to irustee tor cancellation and retention and upon poyment by Trustor of Trustee"s fees. Trustee slwll
<br /> retonvey to Trustor,or the person or persons legally entitled thereto, without warranty,any portion of the Property then held hereunder ihe
<br /> recitds in such reconveqante of any matters or facts sholl be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof.The grontee in any reconveyanc e mny
<br /> be described ns"the person or persons legally entitled thereto".
<br /> �
<br /> t
<br />