�� . . . . _ .
<br /> � '�'°° ' •�-;,.. 4: ,�;�n'" . :_ - ._-- -__-
<br /> ��� � ��a:�,r-�.�
<br /> ,,
<br /> � � -�-,�,,� _.s.....�...__ -----
<br /> ' , ' 3 ��1'� -.� ,� � ' —
<br /> �� � Trusta•sholl all tox�s,ass�ssnMM�aed oth�►chaprs.tncludinp,without limitotion,f(n�s ond fm-
<br /> .,.
<br /> I 5.?aci. .�1 RWN�• Pol�
<br /> : 4 .. ._ .. .r �tbns othibutab{o to th�P►�e�y,ond IeosehoM poymems a pround r�nt�,N ary,btan th�sairN b�can�d�linqu�nt.Trosta sholl promp- .--------
<br /> � � � .J� `�. tt�fumish to 8�fieiary oll notk�s of anaMts du�un&r thi:paapraph,aed in tM�v�nt Trusto►sholl mak�po�n�tt dk�ctlr,trusta sholl
<br /> ►:,; p�amptly iumish to B�fkiory nuipri wid�ncinp such po�m�nts. Trusta shdl poy all tax�s ad a:s�ssmmts wi�ich ma�b�Nvbd upon
<br /> � j . B�fkiary's iM�r�st h�r�in a upon this DNd of T►ust wifhout rpr�d to ary low Nwt mo�r b��noet�d impo�in0 Po�n�M of ti»whoM a amr
<br /> .. .,
<br /> . �'�� j.,s, ��� port tiwnof upon ttw B�ficiary.
<br /> �� � : . b.��������y�'��ih.Trustor shoN mok�oll pa�rm�Ms of irna�st and p►Guipoi ad pa�rrt�nt�of on�
<br /> • .;•y�� "u��: athn cF�arg�s,fNS arb�xp�ns�:cantrat�d to b�poid to any�xistinp Ii�rAwld�rs or prior bonaf(ciari�i undor any prior deed of trust or mor- _ _ _'____ _^_ -
<br /> , . :�;1:. . � tyop�b�for�tl�dot�ti»y on d�Nnqu�nt and promptly pay and discha�ony ad all otl�li�ns,cloims a charq�s which mo�r i�opardi:�tlw --_—
<br /> sawlt y q�ont�d hK�in.If Trusta fafl:to mak�any sucM paym�rrt ar faAs to pKform aey of tFN covmonts ad opr�nts ca�tain�d in this _
<br />'�''`"�� �' " Owd of Trust,or ln any prior mort9op�or dMd of trust,of If any atian a praNdlnp Is canm�nnd whkh mota►lolly aff�cts B�rNficlory's in- �_—
<br />' :�� ivest in tM Prop�rty,includinp,but rtot Ilmibd to,emin�nt domain p►aMdlnps,a protNdinps invalvinp a daerd�nt,or if Trusta fail:to poy --��•_-��_ _
<br /> • °• ��'� Trusta's d�bts q�mrally as tlwy becom� due, then 6tn�fkiary, at B�n�fkiary's optlon and wlthout notk�to or d�mond upon Trustor ond E-=�^•�°-�
<br /> . .... , �, �_-�
<br /> ,; _ without nlwslnp T�ustor from any oMipotion hereundsr,may make such app�aranas,dfsbwso such sums,and take suth action as is n�c�uary ��:_;-°,•-_��_��__
<br /> to protect B�n�ficiary's intanst includinp, but not limited to,disbursomant of nosawbb mtans�'s fNS,poynNnt,purchos�,coM�st or com• �y'`b:__�`�"�'�Y'*��"
<br /> � � � promise of any encumbranco,charge or Ilen,and entry upon the Prop�rty to mak�r�poirs. In the evmt thot Trustor shall fail to praw�in-
<br /> ',w • •- surante ar to pay taxes,assessmenfs,or ar►y other charqes or to moke any poyments to�xistkp prior Ben holders a baneficiarfes,Beneficfary FJ�;+^'°--
<br /> �:= �-= :;��..��.-
<br /> .. . •�� may procwe such insurance and moke such payment.Any amounts disbursed by Bemficiary pwsuont to this Paragraph 6 shall buome additional _
<br /> ''`� � ind�bt�dn�ss of Trustor secured by this Dead of Trust.Suth amounfs shall bs paqabla upon notin hom Benefitiory to Trusta roquestlnp poy- =�-_
<br /> '`� , ' ment therQOf,and sholl bear interest from the dote of disburswnent ot the rot�po�rabk from tinM to time on outstandinp prineipal wider the �- _
<br /> � � ,��1�' �.° Note unkss payment of iMerest ot such rote would be coMrmy to opplicablQ law,in whkh ovent suth omounts shall bear inferest ot the hi�hest -';,.,;�r.
<br /> �' .,�:;
<br /> � • rote permissibb und�r opplicnble low. Nothinq contoinod in this Paraqrapn 6 shall roquin BNwficiaryr to incur any expens�or tako any actbn �,,,.
<br /> .�
<br /> i : ,•. '� iwreunder. ...-`- ,,, :;
<br /> �:� . • . , —_
<br /> �.;;�::���• �� 7.A��ion��t ot Rat�.8eneficiory sholl hove the right, power and authority durinp the continuonce of this Oeed of Trust to collect the k,a;j,,.,�;.�li
<br /> � � � �� rents,issues and profits of the Property ond of any personol property bcated thereon wNh a without taking possassion of the property affected ��+"� �;"
<br /> ,,.�y_;_
<br /> � . ' hereby,ond Trustor hereby obsolutely ond unconditionally ossigns oll such rents,issues and profits to Bert�ficiary.Benoficiory,however,hereby y r���i ,�,*�
<br /> • tonsents ta the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents,issues and p�oflts as they accrue ond become poyable so lorp os?rusta is not,
<br /> � '!�"� at such time,in dafault with respact to payment of ony indebtedness secured hereby, or in the performance of any apreement hereunde.Upon '' '' ���,�•_
<br /> • ' • ony such default,Bonoficiary may at any time,oither in person,by ayont,or bq receiver to be appointed b�o caun,without notke and without � �,{ .
<br /> � reyord to th�adaquacy of any seeurity for the indebtodness hereb�secwed, (a)ontor upon and take possession of th�P�opQrty or any part r•:'�;:,;.j�t .. • �
<br /> � th�nof,and in its own nom�sue for w otherwise colloct such�ants,issues and prof its,includinp those post due and unpaid,and apply th�sam�, ���;.�._._
<br /> -==_ -. ,�,-_
<br /> IQSS eostf and expenses of oporotfon and eafleetion, ineluding reasonabl�attorn�ys f�s, upon any ird�btedn�ss srcurted h�r�Y.and 3�sveh _��__.�. ___==-_
<br /> � ' ad�r os B�n�ticiary moy dat�rminQ� (b1 parform suth acts of ropoir or protection os mo�b�nocessary or prop�r to cons�rve tlw volue of th� ��-�±��-s
<br /> ,�:n,:�.,,
<br /> Prop�rty,(c 1 bos�th�som�or ony pah thereof for such rantol,tarm,and upon sah conditions as its judpm�nt moy dictot�or t�►minate or ad- - . ,_�` _
<br /> ' just tiw Urms ond tonditions of any�xistin9 lease or leases.Unless Trustor and B�n�ficlary aqr��oth�rwis�in writinp,ony applitation of r�nts, , • . -
<br /> �ssws a prof its to any ind�btedn�ss sacured hQreby sholl not QNqnd or poftpon�th�dut dote of th�instdlm�nt payrtNnts os provid�d in said � ; . ��
<br /> � ' • promissay not�w chanp�th�omount of suth installments, Th�enterinp upon and tokfnp poss�ssion of th�Rrop�rfy, th�collutfon of such L �
<br /> rtntt, issws and profits,and tha opplitotion tharao(os oforesaid,sholl not woiv�or cun any d�fault a notK�of d�fault he�undK, or in• �:
<br /> volidate any aN don�pursuont to suth noticc. Trustor olso assipns�o Bawficiay.as furth�r saurit�for th�p�rfamont�of th�obliyations h " `-�
<br /> �- �' s•cw�d her•b�,all pr�poid rents and all monies which m�y hav�lwm or may h�rralt�r b�d�posft�d wHh said Trusta by any less��of th�Pro• � �
<br /> �• p�rty, to s�cwo th�poym�nt of an�rent or damaqes,and upon delault m the p�rformanc�of any of tM provisions h�r�o(,Trustor oprNS to _.=1-- �
<br /> ' � d�liv�r suth r�nfs and deposits to Bonafitiary.Dalivery of written notite of Bemfkiary's�xacist of th�riyhts yrant�d h�r�in,to ony t�nont a• �;�
<br /> :� • tup�inp soid premisos sholl be sufficient to require said tenont to pay said rent to th�Ben�ficiary until furth�r aotit�. -;-,;;�_
<br /> ; g.C�i�fio�,lf titla to any part of ihe Property shall be takQn in condemnation prxeedlnqs,by riqht of emirwnt domain or similor ottion, � ' __
<br /> � or shall be sold under threat of condemration,all awords,domoyes and praeQds aa heraby assipn�d and shall ba poid to 8�neficiay who shall ,
<br /> opply such awads,damayes and proceeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with tha excess,if any,paidto Trusta.If Trustor receives i
<br /> •.. ony notice a other inFormation reyordiny such actions or proceedings, Trostor shall qive prompt written notice thereof to beneficiary. '
<br /> 8eneficiary shall be entitled,at its option,to cammence,appear in ond prosecute in its own name ony such ation or praeedinps ond sholl b�Qn• j �',.,.,:J7_'
<br /> titled to moke any compromise or settlement in connection with any such anion or proceedings.
<br /> 9. R�dln Nof E�eludr�. Beneficiary shall be entitled to en�orce payment ond performance of any indebtedness or abliqotions secured , ;
<br /> hereby and to exarcise all riqhts and powers under this Deed of Trust or under ony other agreement executed in connQCtion herewith or ony laws i • �'�--.
<br /> ' now ar hereaiter in force,notwithstonding same or all of the such indebtedness and obliqotions secured hereby may now or hereafter be other•
<br /> � wise secured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,pledge,lien,assignment or otherwise.NQither the acceptante of this Deed of Trust nor its � •
<br /> enfortement whether by taurt ation or pursuant to the power of sole or other powers herein contained,shall prejudice or in any manne►offQCt
<br /> Benefitiory's right to reolize upon or enforce any other security now or hereofter held by Benefitiary,it being agreed thot Beneficiary sholl be
<br /> • en�itled to enforce this Oeed of Trust and any other security now a hereafter hold by Beneficiory in such order and monner as it moy in its ab-
<br /> solutQ discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to eeneficiary is intended to be extlusive of any other remed�herein
<br /> • , or by low provided or permitted,but eath shall be cumulative and shall be in oddition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter
<br /> ' existiny at law or in equity or by stotute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or to which it moy be ,
<br /> othervvise entitlad,moy bc exercised.tonturrently or�ndepe�de�Hy frnm timP to time and os often as mov be deemed expedient Benefitiory
<br /> and it moy pursue inconsistant remediRS.Nothing herein sholl be construed os prohibitinq Beneficiory from seekinq a deficiency judqment against
<br /> th�Trustor to the extent such action is permitted by low.
<br /> 10. T�s}�r of Propafpr MwMptkn. If oll or ony port of the property or any interest therem is sold,tronsferred or conveyed by Trustor
<br /> without Beneficiary's prior written consent,excluding�al the creation oi a lien or encumbronce subardinote to this Deed of Trust,Ib)the creo�
<br /> tion of o purchase money security interest fa household appliances.(c)a transfer by devise,descent or by operotion oi law upon the deoth of a
<br /> -'-- °- -r:. ,.. _
<br /> � � joint tenont a (d) the qront of any leosehold mterest of tnree years or iess not conioi�i��g a�� up4�as 4a N������ss, �Q:�...;�:;":o;. ..•
<br /> Beneficiory's option,dQClare all the sums secured b�this Deed of Trust to be immediotely due ond payeble,or couse the Trustee to f ile o notice
<br /> of dQfoult. Beneficiory sholl hove waived such option to accelerote if, prior to the sale,transfer or conveyaoce. Beneficiory ond the person to
<br /> whom the property is to be sold or transferred reath aqreement in writing thot the credit of such person is sutisfattory to Beneficiary and that
<br /> � ' the interest poyabte on the sums secwed by this Deed of Trust sholl be ot such rote as Beneficiary sholl request.
<br /> i
<br /> I �
<br />