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<br /> D��dOfTtWt bYL�ldMbaeyWCCM�O►kfiMNMtMBorrOwwMldlnOtopKartorMw�.klanynr�MM►.1fNlt��flyt
<br /> afh�urqi�l�eorro�w.r.na earow.r�s�ircc.MOrs M�nw..t.l.«�d.r,n:n na b.r.awna+o comn�na oroc�edkw�ap�iM
<br /> such wcc�or ornhn�b aMnd WrNiorp�ym�rtt�ora�wiw madiyamoAisaYOn oNh�wrtaNCUrad by�M OMddTn�t
<br /> by tMiort of ary d��rrrQu E�►1M orfpinN Borraw�r arb 8or�+owNr's�ucc«tors�rt Mhra�t -
<br /> (b��LMM�"s 1��.Witl�out d1�cY�g iht Iisbility at any atlnr Pwao�II�bN fa tlw paynNnt a�ny obNpMion MrNn
<br /> nln�tlOMd.a1b M►i1hOt�tlMMetln4fhE INnor charp�oHhis OMdMTiustupoiunYPalioc�Ottltt�Prop�h ncllh�torlNN'�btor�
<br /> rMwNdass�cu�Fhiotlh�fullamountWatlunW�dobliD�,tlons.LNxlKmay.homtlm�totlmianOwithoutnoticil��Nriwarry �
<br /> pt�on sOliObIR iN1�xNndifN nwquiry oralMrany of tMtittnsotany wch oDlipaBons.(fiij WantOfh��indutIIM�oN.(h9 rNMN
<br /> . a nconwy.a dws b e�niM�d ar nconwy�d et.u�y�ims at t.endera q�tion�nf►p�rca►.PaWx�a�q d th�Prqp«ty.
<br /> _ (v}Wc�or ni�a�.a�FOff�a�ddiUonal wcwit�!Mr�nY obii�a�on Mrai�msnHort�d.a�r(vl)it�atce compa�itlora or o1M►
<br /> __ srranpNtMnfa w(tlt d�blop in ntaflon if�eto.
<br /> - (c)Fae6Mrana by L�ndM No1�w1Nw�Any lorbesrance by Lendsr in exsrct�in�anY ri�ht w rarr�sdy hKeunder.a' ;
<br /> ---- : :_: • oKtwwt�s sflordsd by appUcabis taw.�ffall not bs a waiver ol or prectuds iAe exe�ciNt of any such�ht w r�medy.Ths
<br /> — procutansntot tnwnncs a th�psymeot ot taxes or other liens or charyes by Lender ahatl not be a waiver of Lender's ri�t ta
<br /> � acqlerst�1he mtlutily of th�ind�FN�dnqs sscured by fbts Osed af�rust ..
<br /> - (d��+eawors and/t�w�ound:�oM�nd swrrat Li�6�:Ca{fNon�.the.cavenants and a�reertisnts hentn con- -
<br /> - -- talnsd shail bind.and fhs�iphb hereun0er shall in�urs to,ths re�psctivs succeaeors and asalpns of Lender snd Tru�tor.AlI. .
<br /> - � covenaMs snd a�reertisna ot Truita�hatf bs joint and aeve►al.Ths captlona and headinss of ihe pa�rapAs of Mia Dssd a1
<br /> _° Tnat ara far ca�renidnc�aniy an0�re not to�s wed to interpret or deNne the pravi:ions t�ereo�
<br /> - -- (e)p�quNtbr NoMe�w.The psrtles heroby roquestitwit a copy Many notice of derauit hereunder and s copy d any notics
<br /> of�ai�heaundrr bs maitsd to e�ch party to this Desd of Trust at the address set toAh above in the msnner pracribed by
<br /> �(�3., spplkabl�law.Ezcept tor sny olher nof(ce raqutrsd under sppiicabb taw to be�iven in anotl�martner.any noUce providsd
<br /> tar in fhis Oeed of Trost shall bs piren 6y mafUnp wch nodca by certifled mail addressed to the olher parties.at thsaddresa set
<br /> ° � toN��bor�My AotlCe provided tor in this Deed of 7ruat ahatt bs eKecttve upon mailing in tha manner destQnafed herain.i! ---_
<br /> Tnu�or is mors than one person,natice sent to the addres!set fortb above shail be nodce to ail sucb peraons __ _
<br /> (q p�cNon.Lender may matce or cause tc be mada reasonable ermles upon and inspectlons of the Propedy.pravided =_--
<br /> , . " that Lendsr ahall give Trostor no6ce privF to any such inspection apecttying reasonabte cause tt�esefor retateQ W lenders° _
<br /> tnlerest in the Property. , � -_
<br /> (pj R�COnrsya�et Uppn p�yment ot all sums secured by thfs Deed of TrusL Lender sfia(t requeslTruatee to rsconvey the �__-_-�
<br /> - RroperlyanAahallaurrendef�ls0eedofTrustandaitnoteaevldencirtgt�debtednessaecuredbythisDeedofTnnetoTrust� --
<br /> . F�4-�—
<br /> . Truates ahafl�econvey!he Frop�erty wtthout warranry and v�rNhout charge to the parson or persona le�ally endtted thereto. ss::_ --
<br /> � , Trustor shali pay ail costs of recordatioM it any. -------
<br /> (h� PwsonN Prop�ly;8�u�1 A�n�rrW.As additional security for the payment of the Note;Truator bereby�ranb
<br /> LenOer under tha Nebraaka Uniform Commercial Code a secur(ty intarest in all fixtures,equipmenL and otber perraonal property ____ ,
<br /> u�sd in connpction witl►the real estate or impravements IocateA tharean.and not otherwise deciarea or cfeeme0 ta bs a part ot
<br /> . � - the reaf estate secured hereby.This insuument aha116econstrued aa a Securiry llgreemeni unEe�aaid Code.and the I.endsr ��_--
<br /> � shali have all the rl�hts and remedies ot a secured party under sa10 Code in addiUon to tha rlghta and remediss created under _�-_
<br /> � and accorded the Lender purauant to this Deed of Trusfi provided that Lenders rlghts and ram�es under this ps�a�raph shall =-==__=-
<br />' ` be cumuiative with,and in no way a Bmitation on,Lenders rlghts and remedies under any other security ayreement ai�ned by . �-}F��T32`'
<br /> �• ���; Borrower or trwtor. ..,�.
<br /> ' _ ��'��. (i)LMm snd Eecun+brsncM.Trustor hereby waaants and represents that there is no defautt under the praviaions ot Any �� -��'-•;:`
<br /> °4 "''� � mortyase,deed of truaf.teasa or purchase contraat Qescribing all or any paA of the property.or other contrac�instrumeM or .•. � � - .
<br /> . " apreement cOnstiUtuUnp a lien or encumbrance against atl or any part of the Property(cottectivety,"Liens'�.exiaUn�es of ihe a<,�::;•;;:, :_
<br /> �° • date of this Oeed of Trust,and that any and all existtn9 Liens remain unmaditied except as disclosed to Lender i�Trustor's _. _ _
<br />' T.� writteo di�closure of Bens and encumbraaces provldeA for herein.Tn�sWr shall tlmety pedorm afl oi Truators oDlipations. _
<br /> covenarKS,repraaentationsand werranties under any and all exisfUng and tuture Liena,ahalt promptty torwerd to�erlder coptes � -°
<br /> ot ail noUces of defauft aent 1�connecGon with any and all existing or future liens,and shail not wffhout Lender's prlcr wriusn _ .
<br /> , canaent in any manner mocltty the provlsions ot or atiow any future advances under any exi�tinp or tuture Uena. _
<br /> �"3_� : (p AppNcatbn M Pajrn+w�b.Unfess othenvise reQuired by taw,sums paid W Lender hereunder,inciudinp witlwut Itmitatfon �
<br /> payments o1 principal and irrteresf,Inaurance proceeds,condemnation proceeQs and rents and profits,ahail bs appfied by.
<br /> LenQe�to Me amounts due and owinp hom Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender in its aole discretlon deems desirabls. •
<br /> . (k)��bMily.H any provialon of this Deed of Trust contUcts with applicebte►aw or�S dectarea invaNd or otherwiae • �':
<br /> unenforCeable.such Con�ict or Invalidiry shalt not af(ect the other praviaona o1 this Deed of Trust or the Note whiCh can be :_;.l�j;�
<br /> �iven e(kct without the contlictiny provision,and to this end the provision�01 this Oeea of Trust end the Nete are declared to be .�-;_
<br /> seve►abb. � . :,�`'4:-
<br /> � �' (q Tirnw.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shail include both singutar an0 plural,and when the Trustor and 8onower � .:: _ _
<br /> � �'.`� aro tha ssme peraon(s),thoae ienns aa used in this Deed ot Trust shali be interchangeabte. •
<br /> . �;�
<br /> �� :�� (m)Qowr�p L s w.Thi s O e e d o1 Truat ahatl be governed b y the taws ot the State of Nebraska � . �
<br /> ' �-','�t'� Truator has executed thi�Oeed ot Trust as of the date wrltten above.
<br /> .. . .� .. . .e,s.s�ili a► '� Oi
<br /> .. ,; � ..� vr/�
<br /> • � � �� Trustor
<br /> ?�"��'=-��� 5 � G�rald F. Vaa D� Mail�
<br /> . ��t;. .. �
<br /> _ � ;:,,�^ :i?�' TrWtor .
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