� , .
<br /> -."• , �'< � �"� _ ��r ��� _ __ ��� �_ � _. � _ _(T . t F a r� _ - .. _
<br /> _� -._:o.�r..�-� ` _ _ - _ _— — — -__ _ _ _- _- -_._
<br /> ' .. . • �+a:,+S�..--��i7' . , � - - - . - _ _--
<br /> -
<br /> -. . �. . . . ' --
<br /> � r . . � - ,,. 7 �' . . . - . . . . .. . . - � - ' - -- - -- +�- -- - +p-- - - - � .
<br /> __ _'__F __y__ 'iF_= _. �'__- . ._-- .. –_—�_ ___—_ __ __ �___—'__ _ _.':�i�-#V•�'iV�"—�_- � _
<br /> 'th�Prvp�y N so f�ke�or d�mp�d.LM�d�r�ha11 havr th�option,in ib sot��nd ab�ohde di�crMior��o appl�rsll iud+PrvoMd�► , .
<br /> - a�d�dac�in�thereUam ail ccsb and expens6s incucrod by k ia connection wfth such Proce�d�,e�poR any►ihd�Drdn�s s�c�+r+d
<br /> = - - - ��by irfd ir�suC1►ordK ast�rtder msYdeoermh�s�orto apptp vt'a�ctrEYoceede;afie�wci�da6wctlon�tatlse�n.,e*!�!. .�
<br /> = PrOp�rtyupon suchcondi�onsas Lsndu miydeLermi�MyaDD�ICatlonolProeaa�to U�bddnMa�hallrtOt�lR�d orpa�ans
<br /> - . 1M dus dste d arry.p�ymenb under ths Nols.or eura arry datstutt thersunder cr h�unda.My nnapplhd tands shsll 0�pNQb •
<br /> 'iruNor.. , . � � � . �
<br /> _ 8. ►Me��w�by LM�UD�tfN occuirancs M an.Event ai Oe�auitAsnundet,or it ury act ts tak�n.or t�l procNdUQ : .
<br /> _ � canmNfcedwhkhmaWWiyafFSCt�L�ndersi�sresttnlhsProperh�end�rmsYinibowndi�crNlan�buEwiCto�ubli�Wa+lfa0a
<br /> � -:s�and witlw�R f�otle�io cr amand upon Ttu�tDr uW without relaa(�p Tiustor irom arry oDiiQttlon.do any act whMfi Tivaor ft�s � —
<br /> - — a�Nd but faibto do snd m1►�►aiso do,any atlNr�ct tt dNms�scestary to proMct tl�wcutlty h�riW.Tiusbc sh�i�knrtwOi�MM
<br /> -= upon d�mand tfNrNa b�r t�nd�r.WY t�Lend�r ait eosts�nd sxp�nws incurred and su1��xp�nd�d by I.�nar in conMCtiafl witl�
<br /> ° tA��xKCia�byl.�l�r otth�lorpWn�rt�hb.lo�NMr with tnt�lthK��tt��fautca0�provW�din tlM t�jol�.whlch�hail b�
<br /> : added b fh�ind�bl�dnNS�scur�d Mr�by.L�ndK sh�l!not incuv any 1(abillty b�cawe ot anylhirq n rt�y do or anK b da
<br /> --- ' . Iwr�nda.
<br /> • = p�Nas�edMr WM�Wr.TruNOr�11 k�p th�Rrop�ty in cornpt�witn all applicabl�t�ws._ord(nanc�s sn0 nW+litions .
<br /> ' ,-< rs�tlrq b industri�t hlraiNl�o►�nvucnin�nW proacUon(colircti�rsiy.tehtn0 to McNa us"Environm�nW Laws"►.Tnabr atWt �
<br /> tcNplh�Prap�rtyfrN/romiNwb�tancada�medtobshasardousorWxicund�►anyEnWronm�nWLawa(colN�tivNyr�NrnOb �� - -
<br /> h�r�(n as"Ha:ardous MaariW 7.T[unor hereby waRants an0 repreaenb to Und�r that there aro no•Huardous M�4►ials a�a _
<br /> underlM propety.TruNor hKebya�ressto tnd�mnHy aa0 hold hartnleu Lender.itsdirectpr�,olficero.einploywssnQap�nes,and
<br /> - , any suc�s to l.ender's intere�irom anQ aqRinst any as�d ail claims,damage�tosaes and iiabitities�i�in�in cannection wi9� _ -_
<br /> � ";; ths pr�a�nc�.u�,di�poat a transport of any Hazardoua Materiats on.under,from or about the PropbRy.THE FORE(iOIN(i �:
<br /> � tp.A�Npw�w�t al RMN�.Truator hereby aasipns to Lertder the rents,issues and profits of the Properry:provkkd that TrusWr �_�
<br /> - shatl,unh'11M occurrence of an Event oi Defauii hereunder.have the�ipht w coitectand refain such rer�issnes snd proflts asth�y• '�`h-
<br /> becane dua and AaYabis.Upon the occu►rence pt an Event of Detaut;Lender ma .either in person or �"'�'�Yti=-
<br /> y bfl app�rt.with or wiritout �;,�__
<br /> � _ brinpinp sny scdon or proceeding,or by a receiver appainted by a court aad without re9ard to the adequacy bf itsascuriry,anter -,_�
<br /> - upon and takeposse�on af the Property.or any paA thereof,in its own rtame or in the name of the Trustee.and do snyacts which it -`_.;.
<br /> • deems necesaary or desirebte to preserve the value,marketabiltiy or renfabiliry ot the Property.or any pan thereof or interestthersin,' �.r ,r°. .--
<br /> . _ , inGteas9 the income theretrom or protect the secu�ity horeof and,witb or withoutlaking possesaion of th�Properry,sue br or �:. -, _ -_
<br /> . otherwise coitect the rents,issuea and proftts thereot inciading those past due and unpatd.and apply the same.teas costa and _
<br /> �• - expensesof operdtion and collection inctuding attorneys'tees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,si!fn such orderas Lender . _
<br /> .. ��; .t max determine The enteriny upan and takfng posaession of the Property.the cottecdon o!such rent�fssues a,�d proftta and the =
<br /> �,�, ; , . appticatlon thereo!as eforesatd.shall rtqt cure or waive any detauit or�oUce of defautt hereunder or invalida'a�any act done io .
<br /> � , ���•,.: response to auab default or,pursuant to such no�ce of defautt and,notwtthstanding the continuanca in possessiaa.�of the Properry or �
<br /> ' '" �e coikctlon,receipt and apDlicaUon of rents,iss�L�es or prcAts,and Trustee and Lender shalt ba entlUed to exafcise every rtpht ,, • � �
<br /> • provided/or in a�y ot the Loan tnsaumertta or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Oefaul�inctudinp without limitatlon the�iyht `:�'��=__
<br /> ` to exerctae the pbwer of aate Further,L�n�e�s rightsand remedies under this paragraph ahall be cumutative with,and in no way a —
<br /> 'x.��=��i.� .
<br /> �,,,ue, limitation on.Lenfkr's dgMS and remedies under any assignment of teases and�ents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee .
<br /> '- --- =":�'�=��� - and the receiver ahalt be I{able to account onty far 8�ose rents actuaity received. '�'�•`- `„ �_�
<br /> �z �'� '-.� ' 11. Ewdb d D�(�uN.The fo�lowing shall ccnsfitute an Event of Oefauit undrerthls Oeed of Trust ' � . � _r��:_
<br /> ` ,'��"�` • (a) Failure to pa�any inatatfinent of principat cr interest o1 any other sum sacured hereby when due: ' • v" -
<br /> � ;<`�.' _��
<br /> � , °, � (b)A breach of or detault uader any provision containe0 in the Noie,this Deed of TrusL any of the Loan Instruments.orany , • ,, �-�
<br /> � - � other lien or encumbrance upon the Property; ` � '`•:�:=_
<br /> . � �- (c}A writof execution or attachment or any similar process shatl6e eniered against Trustor which shall become a lien on ' . .`• �'-_
<br /> "'- � � �� the Property or any poRlon thereof or interest therein; ,-
<br /> .r `'_� ' •�:-��,�s-;.�. � (� There shall 6e fitad by o�against Trustar or Borrower an action undsr any present or future feQeral,state or other �
<br /> :-~� ��ya� statute.Iaw or regulaUon relating to bartkruptcy.insotvency or other relief for Qebiors;or there shaii be appointed any truatee. ,. t�
<br /> - . �= . . ,.. �-
<br /> ,����,��;•.., receiver or liquidator olTrustor or Borrower or of ail or any part of the Property,or the rents,issues or prpfiis thereot,ot Trostor �;�
<br /> '�,�..
<br /> _ " ��::>=�'•°< ,� or Borrower shell make any general assignment for the banetit of creditors: � '.;�:�;-
<br /> :-r,�..':�;�;, �;: , --
<br /> .��.� � (e)The eate,banafer,lease,assignmant conveyance or further encumbrance ot a11 m arry part ct v�any interest in the _�
<br /> PropeRy,either votuntarlly or invotuntarity,wit'iout the express w►Itten consent ot lender,provided tflat Trustor shall be t �
<br /> ''� ' �• � permitted to execute a(3aao at the Property that d�es not contain an option to purchase and the te►m of wns;,h does�ot exceed i '. �. f, u
<br /> f a,.,.'``, one year, � . ". :
<br /> . (q Aba�donment ot the Property;or � �. _ _
<br /> , � � (y) H Trustor is rtot an individual.the issuance,sale.transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a tot�l ,.�;j .
<br /> �»�`~� �� of percent ot(i!a co�poratian)its issued and outstanding stock or(11 a pannership)a total of perceM of [ � ..
<br /> � _. . ,';�.: ::��'
<br /> ' ' `=� -� parMerahip intere�ls during the pertod this Deed of 7rust remains a pen on the Property. � "="`•" �
<br /> :��x' "• 12, pM�MdN�;ACeNaatlon Upon ON�uH.in thee�ent o1 any Event ot 0etauit Lender may,wlthout notice excepta9 required tsy �
<br /> � `�L��``� �� � � law,declare ali indebtedness aecured hereby to be Que and payabte and the eame shalt lhereupon become Due and payable � `.
<br /> . • - .,-•' . . ' without any presentment demand,protest or rtotiCe of any kind.Thereaf2er Lender may: ' �
<br /> • • :' (a) Demand that Trustee exerciee the PO'NER OF SALE granted herein,and Tr�s'�s�a:l t�ereafter cause Trustor's ;
<br /> ` . � interest in the Property to he sotd and tRe prcc�da to be distributed,au in the manner�rcv�eC in,Re Nebraska Trust Deeds �
<br /> . •.. � ,.. Ac� i ' .
<br />� �`�'�•' �;� Default and cise any and aU rigbts prov:Ce�`�m any o}the loan tnstrumeats or by�a+v upon occurrertce of any Event ot ;
<br /> F
<br /> _ ' � (c) Commence an action to foreclosa thrs Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a rece�rer.or specif�calty enforceany of the �
<br /> •. �� Covenants hereot �
<br /> • No remedy hereln conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or lender is intanded to be exolus�ve of any other remedy herein.in the = , �
<br /> � Loan tnahuments or by faw provided or peimitted,but each shall be cumulalive,shall 6e in addition to every other remedy given
<br /> � � ~ � • hereunder,ln the Loan In�truments or now or hereatter eMisUng at law or in equity or by statute,and may bo oxe�cised concurrenUy,
<br /> _ , � . independently or auccsssivety. - -- _ -- -- . ;
<br /> • 13. T�udN.The Trustee may resigri at any fime without cause.and Lertder may at any time end without cause appoint s . • .
<br /> � � ' ' • ' aucce�sor or�ubstitu2e Trustee.Trunee shall not be liabte to any partyr.Inciuding without Nmitativn Lender.Borrawer,Trustor vr any
<br /> , purChaser o1 the Property,tar any toss o�damage unie99 due to recktess nr wilHul misconducl.and shali not be required to take any '
<br /> � aCUOn In connacdon with the enforc�ment O1 this Oeed of Trust untess indemnitied,in writing,for ait costs,compensaUon Or
<br /> -�- •• �'� etrpenses which may be aasaciated therewlth.ln add�tion.Trustee may become a purchaser at mny sate of the Praperty Qudiclal or
<br /> � under the power of sale granted heremy;postpone the sale of all or any portion of tha Praperty.as prov�ded by taw;a setl tha
<br /> � �� �� Praperty as e whote,or in sepa►ate parcets or tote at Trustee a disc�atlon. - � .
<br /> • " 14. �anA Eup�n�N.In the event Trustee selis the ProDerty by exerclse o}power ot saie.Trustee shall be entitted to appty
<br /> • � . any aate proceeds tlrst te payment ot ai!costs and expenses o1 exercising puwer nl sate.inctuding a!1 Trustee's tees,and lender'a :
<br /> � and Trustee'�attorney's feas,actualty incurre0 to extent permitted by appticabte law.in the event Bor►owe�or Trustor exerc�se�an�r • ,
<br /> � �, �`. rigb!provided by law to eure an Ev�nt ot Default Lender shall be entitled to recover trom Trustor all costs and expenaes actually '
<br />. � (ncurred a�a resuh at Truatcr's defauiL including wlthout Iimitatlon a�l Trustee's and attorney's fee�,to the e�tent permitted by •
<br /> s` � appticabte faw. • . �
<br /> --.---- -_----.--_-- _- _!5. ft�s�w�as..itpatt requesl.gt�Qrrnwer.Lsndsr may.at#ts oAtton�make adctitienat a»Q tuture advartce�and.re- _ �.�___-_._._._____
<br /> . � , • advances to 8onower.Such advartees and readvances,witb interest thereon,sh�0 be secured by thia Oeed olTrusL At no time shaU •
<br /> ��, , - the pNrtcipaf amount of tha�ndebtedness secured by this i?eed ot Trus�noe lntlud�ng sums advanced to protect the secuNty of thu . • •
<br /> • � �. Oaed ot T►uat exceed the orlginai principai amount sfated heretn,or$ � � whichever is greater. : i�
<br />. . . . . , . . _ . F . .. . . .
<br /> , � �"' `
<br />