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<br /> ,_, .=i , �a9�Ph sb��l requir� Ltndor to �sk� 'any �uah disburssa�nts o�
<br /> -�i: ' , take��u►y actioh�vHatsosv�r. � -
<br /> '-::, °= 7. Ian��r asy aaks or cau�� to b�'�ad� s�[sonabt� fnLri�s, . - --
<br /> _ - _ . . upon and fnspaation o! ths Prop�rty`. . - --
<br /> �-.` . - 8. The proaNrds o! any svard or alai� �or�da�aqa, dirsct�:;:�" ��: �.�..�:.:�;`:';-=::.:
<br /> , . �� o��.consequ�n�ial, ia cannsation �ith any condqt�►t1oA or ath�r ���- ���.�.:::`.:.;.,:: _
<br /> ,:.;.�.;
<br /> .�::<�� �. teting ot th� p ,�or part t.�rsot, os tor aodv�yanc� tn - __---
<br /> ��`'�:�;;``�� ^=- . 134n .o! aotWasn�.t on, ars har�by aufgn�d at�d sball-b� paid to - -_-- --------
<br /> ... ,.r... ...
<br /> �:`•`"'° }'f . . Lsader.to th� eut�nt ot th� tuZ� a�wunt ot th� ruainiqq unpsfd - - =__
<br /> , . .
<br /> - - � ---
<br /> . -�:..=-'� � � -- _ -
<br /> - abtedr�ss secur�d by tbis Ttust O��d. . . —
<br /> � - � � . � . . - ---
<br /> , _ �.-`;�`::s..y�- . 9.'� I! the Lender issues a partial s-�1�tM o! th3s Trust �h,��_=
<br /> .�...-.;;..:,.
<br /> . "°:���:•;�,. � • Deed, the proceads receiv�d th�rslor� shsll ba.cr�ditid to ths . _ '�r:�,;;°<,R__
<br />, �::��;.: � last�satnrinq installa�nts ot t.lt� iird�bt�dn�s� s�rrd h�r�by. -r��-�:
<br /> ` ,4.s.,-> � �..,.._
<br /> `� ./�. ����rt- � 1fl. _� th� Lendsr �ither voiuntarily or invoiuntarily .` . '�::� ._
<br /> r: ..:��._.: :�._
<br /> � - � � beco�es a to sn suit or lagsl procNding brouqht by or �:;:��,<
<br /> , =�-�' PartY Y_ -
<br /> � � aga�st the bc�rrwer relatfng to th� prop�rty..Not� or tbis Trust . ;::';;�';;;`��'�= -
<br />� . .. . :: -: , : .--
<br /> `�=, . , . Oeed, then Horrot�ter will reiwburse the I�ender for all co�ts ancl � '�.::`�::.':�, :`-
<br /> r ==s�:',�,.',�,�
<br /> ,�} . . � � � ` to the entent peraitted by laW, reasonabis attorney l��s iaacurrea . . _,:;.�.;�..: ,__
<br /> Yy�i ��.:i.:l:,;., . y-7.
<br /> . 1•`•.�. � _ \ -..:;.�',,..;. -
<br /> _.;-.����` ...` by the Lender relatinq to suah suit or lac�al proa��dinqs and �aid :��,.,,;_S;_. . -
<br /> . � ��,;,:� �� . . � sws shall �constftnte addit3onal ind�bt�dnsss ��aur�d by`tbta _ . �.�;.;°v>.�� ..:.� -
<br /> � Trust DeeB and bear interest at tha rsts psyabl� und�r th� Nots, . . -3-:� '`
<br /> :,�:_�: . . �tfi pafd. : ..,,.�,.... ,,. a
<br /> . '��'. , �
<br /> ' � i'���.'`,:'• ..: _
<br /> � .�� , � ii. lhs adc�ftion�l seaurit Horrower doqs hereb assi � "
<br /> Y Y �• �y7�;;:::,. � ;��
<br /> �-:::i:�.: ; ' c
<br /> � =�. . ��.:t . . transt�r �nc! set over to Lender. in case oi ct�taalt in th� �;:��.,�;:;.�.. , �._,�-�:
<br /> � ;:;�. � � � . �perlorsance ot any o! the teras or conditions o! this Tsust Oeed, �;..;`,;:': � .��.�;-
<br /> � .- th� Note, or the ter�s o! any indebtedness sacured h�rshy, all o! f � '':;s�;�_
<br /> � • the rents, revenues and any income ot any type Wbatsoever to ba ���'`"��� �'.�,�,.
<br /> :` . ;:,.. . derived lrom the Property, including land contract psys�nts. '��'�-'::� �` "
<br /> � �� � � Lender, ia pesson, by aqents oz by receiver, Without r�gard to t`��:;�`.,�- ��
<br /> i..;,:.: . � '_,;
<br /> �f;:.�i . . th� solvency or insolvency at the Borrower or :h� va la� ot th� ` �� '°
<br /> � .. Proper�y sha21, be �entitisd to talce possessioA ot, r�pair and r�nt � : �•�;,;:;,,;+:.;._
<br /> ths property an� to collect the rents, revenu�s snd incoa� �:��.
<br /> • :K�' � th�r�lro� �nd it say pay out ot sai� incose sil �xpons�s o! �:�:<'-:`���.�
<br /> ' repair and costs incurred in renting and sanaging th� prop�rty ;���`�. . �. �:;.:'':;;-
<br /> . -�� � and eolieating rentals and tor pay�ent o! insurance pr��ivas aitU . � ''';::�°'��.���'
<br /> any re�afninq balance to be applied to the last aaturing payaont� , � � ''��''�
<br /> �g ,:�;,, .
<br /> . ?��a. .. . .. ��.�:.�-,�-,.. :.
<br /> ot the debt secured hereby. Upon presenting a aopy ot �his Trust ` ` • ��
<br /> � '"� _ Deed and deaand to any lease, tenant or coatraat purehas�r of th� i , �:�`.:`';� �:
<br />� � ; � � :;;:��. • proporty, such person ehall pay all re»ts, pay�ent� and prolits ; '
<br /> � � ' aacrued or therealter accruing to the LenBer until lurth�r aotic� .
<br /> , � . � � lroa the Lender. . .
<br /> � .. '.. � ! � � � .
<br /> 12. 2t all or any parti ot the propertiy or any int�r�st ' .
<br /> ' therein is deedecl, soid by ian� contract or otherwiee conv�yed, � . �
<br /> . � � alianated or further encumbered whether volu�tariip or �
<br /> irnoiuntasily Without Lendera written consent, or it eorrow�r is
<br /> � � a corporation and there is a chanqe ot awnership ot 50� or sor�
<br /> ' � o! tho aorpora�ion stvak or 3! tha Borrower is a partn�rship and � . � .
<br /> . there is a chanqe in membership ot dissolution ot th� '
<br /> . � . pastn�rsbip, alcaluding: . �, .
<br /> ' � � �1�) A trana�er by operation o! law upon the d�ath ot th� �
<br /> ., �. ioint tanant •
<br /> � ,� (e) The grant ot any lease hold interest not containinq an
<br /> � option ta gurchase aith the 2ease tera ot two years or ir�s � ' '
<br /> . .. � (Cj l�y chanqe accurs in the condition or a!lairi` � �
<br /> • . (finanai.al or oth.rwlse) of the Borrower or i! sny Guarantor ot
<br /> � � trnst dea8 whioh, in tbe opi�ian ot the Lender i�as3rir th�
<br /> � . ' . Lend�=•s seourity or 3ncseaseg itis risk �ith re�p�at to trust �
<br /> , ; � dsad not�, th�n LenBer �ay, at� itg option, dsclar� all �u� -
<br /> -- ; .. aaauresl�y. t.ht� 7.'ru�t IIe�B �o be 3mmQ3fal�1� Que ar�d payahla. ��t - ---- -�-= --� _� -�
<br /> � � . . , . .
<br /> , . , . { . .
<br />