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<br /> ==T�------� -_��t3.th_�any aad-sll_r�n�v�L.-_a�cditicatio�:._and �ctini4#.an!_thir�o! - -- _------ - -- --.
<br /> , . - - - --
<br /> - — , - a.ud subst#tn�ion ai axchanq�s ttter�tor�. bs�c� r�l�rr�d to a� � ' - .
<br /> _= th� t"xot�») in th� prinaipai atis o! o1TE.SILI.IOi1 ONE B�JNDRED ` . � � _
<br /> -- -- --° � �s�r�r T�sum �utu xofioo na�ss, .t 8i.iso,ooa oo} toqsth.r wl.th _ - -- ------.
<br /> _ = � , int�r�st �at tbs rata� provided th�r�in, witb a linal ssturity, 'it '
<br /> • not �oon�s paid, ot�.�uqust 15, 2006. � , --_
<br />- ;r-`-'�. This Da�d ot Trust. tha not�, snd any otl�r uot,�s or _
<br /> f.�. ;
<br /> � . . - _
<br /> �,_,r � , tnstsvrNnts giwn to avid�ncs or, furt�ur s�aurs 1:h� pay�snt ena , �
<br /> �s "� p�stosasnca o� any�obligatio� ;iaurinq har�bY ar� r�l�rr�d to" , -_- _
<br /> ' � , aoll�ativsly � tlu� "Loan Instrua�nts". ' ___- ---
<br /> �.: ���.^_-
<br /> .� =X_ HORR�WBR cavonants that Borrarer -is 2s�rfulT� �tslsd a! ths` :....;r�
<br /> ` , . - - ' prcpirt� h�r�by•convsy�iarud has ths right tq 9r�►t and aonvsy � '�z-_
<br /> : 1. `__
<br /> -�°. . is u�sncuabar�d by any awrt9aq�, F=-r.,�
<br /> ...,. � �th� ProPartY. t'hat:ths 3�roPer�Y _;r:�;:�
<br /> „=.r .".. � tsvst dNd, contract ta.�purahaa, or oth�rviss. 8orra�t�r turth�r .-r�� �._-
<br /> -.�.• -
<br />-- .--- -�- . oov�t�ants`t.o warrant � d�t�nc1 ths titi� to tLa:prop�rty aqsinat - -
<br /> '`'�'.�.-_ all olai�s and d�asncls. ' . ' - � -
<br />•.t �:�a,, ..�-,_ . . � . - -- __
<br /> °'�;.:;, �, ;- . Borrcwer and L�nder lurtber aovenant snd agrN s� lollowss - . _
<br /> � . :' ;�;~�.:,� - 1. 8orro`ter uhali pronptly pay when dus th� principsZ and . , •��
<br /> ' ' <�"�::�- :� int�r�st oa the indebtedness evidenced by th� xofi.�. �� ��
<br /> � �;: ' ---_
<br /> ;f -
<br /> �, ��s.��� Z. l�t ieast tea day� belore thsy becoi�e d�linqutent, �,-_��.� -_
<br /> `�'"�" Borraute�s shaii pay all taxes and special a�ssas�aents levied or r-•: ,: � _
<br /> ;�-.�_•: ��. � • ms��ss�d against the property, or nny part t hereo t, a n d a i l .=:'LL..
<br /> • - : ��-��"�* - taY�s� lsviss �and assessaents Ievied upon this Ts�ist Oe�d or ths . - ". �-�
<br /> ' ����' debt which it secures. ' -
<br /> � :.�-i�._
<br /> � ,; ��� .. 3. Th� Bo�crower sball keep the i�p�ove=ents s�nd buildinqa, .. ' ��'
<br /> °��:�:`�� .' . � i! any, upon the property insured, with a co�pany or co�paniss : ; ��,
<br /> - spprov4d by the Lender, for the asount ot $ 2,000,000.00 tor tire � �
<br /> ` %:-�' .� . dsaaq� with a standard aortqage o2au�e with los� payabl� to ths ��
<br /> �:•, �` I.�nd�r. Horroaer shaii deiiver said poliay or polici�s to tho -s
<br /> _- Lrnd�r. � _ -
<br /> °�`'�� ;: 4. Unless applicabie law provides otberWise; ali psy�enta f � ' � -
<br /> � � � ' receivad by the isnder utider this Note shnll ba a�ppiied by �� i � '. .
<br /> .. . `; �; Iw�d�r. Firat in payaent o! unpaid taxes and ass�sss`nts � � -
<br /> � '� ' �' sotorr�d in paragsaph Z. hereof, then to intarest psyable on th� � : . .-
<br /> r;•.:.:.,.:,��.
<br /> -� .�•~•� � . . � Not�, thon to tha principal ot the Nota, and th�n to inter�st and� . , � ' ', �
<br /> �.t:��.: . .�- � . ..
<br /> r: princip�l on any iurther advances or other ind�bt.�dnsss sacured
<br /> °i�' •, . . , b�r�by. � ' .
<br /> . 4 . ,'` ' . . • � ' ` .
<br /> , �� ''";; � � � 5. Horrowar ahall keep the praparty in good repair snd •
<br /> . , sball not comsit waste or per�it impairment or dateriorstion ot f � .
<br /> ' . , � , � th� property. � ��
<br /> .. � .
<br /> ;'`�� � � 6. i! Borrower laile tos a) saintain or pay the pre�itu�s ; �
<br /> _ � � � !or th� required insurance ot tha property, or b) psy tsxes ; .
<br /> � . bslore del3nquent, or a) pay any amount due under a prior �� �
<br /> . • aortgaq� or tsust d��d brtore delinquant, d) aaintsin th� t ,
<br /> .��� �. ' �• � .�, prop�rtiy in qood repair, or e) perform any o! the eov�nante or
<br /> � � . agr�u�nts vY thi� Trust Daea; then�,ender aay at its option pay .
<br /> � . �uah insurance presiuss, taxes, sortgaga or trust da�d or
<br />: � stipulat�8 payments, or aake repairs and disburee �uch swis and
<br /> . �' , � take sucb acti�n as it deems necassary to pratect its interoat .
<br /> ' �--, � -� � � vithout aaiving os atl�ating its sight to doalar� s d�lanit and . ,
<br /> :_ . _ aac�lerate the 8ebt secured hereby because o! any suah failure o! �_ .
<br /> , • . � � the 8o�rrower. Any amounbs so d3sbursed �y the Land�r shall . � � . �
<br /> � ,' . .. , eoneti�ute additional indebteeness o! Borrover seaured by this �
<br /> '. Trust Dead and �hall bear int�erest �ro� the dat� o! disbursaaent � �
<br /> • . � � st t.1t� rat�.psyabl� undor tha Noto. Nathing cantain�d in this � • ,
<br /> .
<br /> .»
<br /> . . : .
<br /> �:.. .`, ; _ . _. _ . . _. _ _ . �
<br />