Y,�T._ . ;�'�iyw 1 _ . ---._-
<br /> •'�
<br /> . r . r . . -'----� - -�-- .
<br /> s I � �('�,�
<br /> --= �-"' -s_�."°� ,w'�fai�tl�fY Mulva�lt nnNE�inaunu�ce cover�ge is not�vdhblo. Borrower sFullp�y ta�nder�Hf11D11m1�eqwl w
<br /> on�tw�illl�q�t!w�y �f!,y mort��e inwrar�e premlum beinQ ppid by Bomower when U�e insurarrce oovua�e lappad or cewod co
<br /> be in�I�'iM�i�nd�t ywW.x�alpt•us�and rohin U�eso pryments�u •I�sa n�erva in lieu af m�rt��o insur�noe. l.oc� rcaava
<br /> paymcnto m�y no Ianjer borequirod.�t tht��pion of Lender. iP murtgaQe inw�anuc oovor�c(in the�mount and for tho priio�d
<br /> th�t Lend�cr requircy)Provlded �by u�inr�rcr approved by l.�Mer a@ain b000n�es�vail�blo aid i�abudood.Borrower�Iwll PNy
<br /> 1he promiunp roqulr+ed to rtuimain moh�a:e i�aura�oe In etfed.or to�xovlde�toa rcaerve,un�il Ihe roqulrement for mort�e
<br /> iawrmoe a�in�oeord�nco wi�h�ny writttn aQtaern�M bdween Borrower and I..ender or y�pliable Ww.
<br /> !. terpettlon.Letder or itr�etH m�y nuke�or�ble ent�fes upon uid inspoctk�s ot tho Property. Lender�fWl �Ive
<br /> Borrowcr r�ico at tht time of or prior to�n inRpo�vion�pocifyin�reaw�uble wusc iar the incpactiun.
<br /> 10. Ca�dmwlloa. 'Ih� proraals oP ony awud or claim far damagcg,diroct or cancequantid, i�rnnnxtion wlth my
<br /> �rxdemn�tion or dher utin�of my pRtt of the Propeny.or fix conveyanoc in lieu of owidemnulon,ua hereby sc�i�ned ard
<br /> �• _-- --�=-� chall be p�W to l.ender.
<br /> = _ � In�he even�of a total taking of tho Property.thc procoods siwdl bc npplial to thc�urtw securod by this Secudty I�uumrnt.
<br /> - whethe�or nat then due,wi�h any exce.cspaid ta Bortower. ln�ho event af a partia� laking of tha Property ia which the fair
<br /> market v�luo af the Property immodlately befone Ihe talcing ls equal to or gceater than the amaunt of tha wm��ecurod by 1hi�
<br /> Secu�ity Instrumcnt immaliatcly beforo 1he taking,unless eorrawu rud Lender aherwise Agta in wriUn�.Ihe cums serurod by
<br /> - �his Sxurity Inctrumenl tfWl be roduced by Iho am�wnt of tho procecdi multipliod by tha following fnction: !al the wta!
<br /> �utwutu of the sums sxured immediately bePare �he taking, divided by(b) tho fair market valua aF�hc i'ropeny immodi�cty
<br /> = • - -__- 6eforc thc tuking. Aay balapce shall be paid to Borrower. In Ihe event of a partiel taking af the Property in which the fiur
<br /> ---- market vAlue of the Property immodiately bePorc�he taking is lesa than 1he enaunt of the auma�sccurod inunediwely befan tha
<br /> — toking,unless Borrower and Ixrnler dhrrwise agrce in w�ldng or unless applicvbla law olhenvise provides, the praceods �ball
<br /> be applied w the aums savrad by�his Sacudty Insuument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �'" If the Property is ab��doned by Barrow�r,or if,Atler notice by L.eixler to Borrower thwl the mndemnor afFers to make an
<br /> -- awerd or settle a ctaim for damages. Born►wer fails ta respond to Lender within 30 days after �he date�he notice is given,
<br /> _��+�' Lender is authorized to ool lect andapply the proc�eeds,at its option.either to ratoration ar repair of tho Property or w Ihe wuns
<br /> ��• savred by this Security lnsnum�cnt.whethar ur not then dua.
<br /> _Y � Unlrss Ixnder u�d Borcower otherwise egrce in writing,any npplication of pcac�eeds to principal ahAll rx►t ex�end or _.
<br /> , postpone the due dute of�he mo�thly payments refemed to inparagrapbs 1 end 2 or changc the amnunt of such payments.
<br /> . � 1l.Borrower Not Reka�ed;Forbearance By Lend�NW a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modificsuion
<br /> ' . <` � .���� of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grunted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower slu�ll
<br /> �j��i����� . �ot aperata ta releise che liability of the original Borrower or Borrowe�s sucressors in mterest. l.ender shall not be required to
<br /> ;. . ' rnmmaice proceedings against any succes.gor in ituerest or reiuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify emortizatioa
<br /> '��' of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrawer or Borrower's
<br /> ���"'t` �a+� suoc�essors in interest, My forbea�mnce by Lender in cxcreising any r�ght or remody shall not be a waiver of or precludo th8
<br /> .3►;,s�4�L�4;�.�1� rb
<br /> _ , ;��.,�,,, .�,.,,, ;, ..., e�rrisa of any right or remody.
<br /> � - '" `�� • f' t2. Su�cessocs and Asstgng Bound;Jdnt and Several Liabiflty;Casigners. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> - r;;r:.., ,.�-•.;
<br /> .. . p:.. ., ��s,, •�;�t�r• Securiry Instrument d�all Wnd and benetit the successors and assigna of Lender and Borrower. subject ta the provisions of
<br /> • ��f:�f:,;:•;;,,;{:�:��•'�y, � paragraph 17. Aorrower's rnvenants and ag�ecments shnll be jolnt and several. Any Borrower wha casigns this Socurity
<br /> � •,� Insavment but daes not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instmment only to mongage, g�nt and convey�hat
<br /> �'�"`��� :����� Bumuwer's inirmi io iix Fr under the tcrms of th'ss S.:arit Ir�st�um�e: !b)is sscs s5ona!! e�li�ated m �he wm�
<br /> '7!i}:�r`�!'+{:o-`;, 'i ��i' 3� � � Y o Y
<br /> , :'".s`,;,:,1;+t<s'�;,";i' ' , •,r secured by this Security Instrument; �nd(c)agrees�hut l.ender and any othe�Borrower may agree ro extend,madi y.forbearar
<br /> ,t•;•;;>{,",tiEy"�,�r?!i`���` �� make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bvrrower's consent.
<br /> �,°�f"�.�,.;�.�`•;�,<<'1, ' '.t� 13. I.oan Cdtug�a,[f Uie loan securcd b this Secudt Instrument is sub ect to s�law which sets ms�cimum loan charges.
<br /> ,,�, ...,�.ti�i�,;,,�., , . Y Y
<br /> � ",��;��.••. �+r`• • and that law is finally imcsrpreted so that the interes[or aher loan charges lected or to be cullected in connection with Ihe
<br /> �� � ``��'`''`�'� � loan execed the permitted timits,then:(a)uny such loan chstrge shall be reduced by the amount necessary ro r+educe the charge
<br /> - y. �I�.�,!.:•.-.51=1. �.y.
<br />�.� .- ��'�;•��,',.:;.; to Une permitted limi�: aad lb) any sums almady collected from Borrower which exceeded�ermitted limits will be refundad ta
<br /> - &�rtower. Lender may chooxe w make this rcfund by reducing �he principul owed under the Noto or by making a di�et
<br /> ,� � �-' payment to Borrower. IF o rcfund reKiu�:ex principul, the reduction will be �reated as u paniul prepayment whhaut Any
<br /> � prepay�nent charge underthe Note.
<br /> - ' '•'� 14.NoUces.Any �wtice to Born�wer provid��d f'or in thi�Security Instrumcnt shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> -0 x it by first class mail unl�ss applicnble luw reyuires u�e of another n�ethai.The notice shall be directed to the Property Addiess
<br /> ,A: or any ather address Burcower de�ignutes by n�xice to I.ender. Any ndice to Lender shall be given by frst cict�s mail to
<br /> :s��� L.ender's address sw�ed herein or any other uJ�lress Lender desigrwteti by notice to Borrower. Any notice pruvided for in lhis
<br /> '� --- -- Securlry Iactrument ShA11 bedeemed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this parngraph. _
<br />�� ,� - lS.Govcrnlnp� Law; Severabillty. This Security Instrumcnt �hull Ne governcd by federul law and �he lawof the _
<br /> '�`� ��� � � jurisdiction in which the Ptoperty is located. In the event thnt any provision nr cluuse af this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ,`'' � .;ti. , conflicts wi�h applicable law,such conflict shull not�ffert��ther provisionti of�his Scruriry lnstn�ment or the Note which can be -
<br />����j�;�,�.. , given effect without the oonflicting provi�ion. To thiti end the provisians ot this Security Instrument And the Nate are dec4rc�d
<br />;1;ri,.': . r y�': : .�� '`'�� . to be severnblc.
<br />'���,:�••. • 16.BorrUwer•s Copy.Borro�ver shall be Fiven one conformed cop�•ot'�he Nute und uf this Security Instrument.
<br />�:;.,,�.`.,.. '� t,� ..
<br />�-.. . •�t; ";1;;?�%t ly.Transfer ot tlie�roperty or a 8eneficial Interest in Burrower.lf all or any purt of the Property or nny interest in it
<br />�'.� • �='� � �. is sold or transi'erred(ex if a bencficial interest in Bonower is sold nr transfened und Borruwer ic not u nawrul person)without
<br /> - �✓�'� Lender's prior written consent, L.enJer mny, at its option, require imrnedisur payment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> °�+� �, 5ecurity lnstrumcnt.Howcver. this option shall not be exercised by l.ender if excrcise i�prohibiteJ by fedeml luw s�s of U�e date
<br />� ��� '-�� � '' ofthisSecuritylnstrument.
<br />�x .' lf Lender excrcius this option, Lcndcr shull give Borrowcr natirc of accelcrution. The notice tihall provide u periad of not
<br />�!°. � less than 30 days from thr Jute�he notice ia delivered or mailed within which Burr��wer mu�t pa}�:+I1 sums secured by�his _
<br /> i .a ; � q Securiry Instrument.lt'Borruwcr fails tu p•ry thesc sum.priiir t��thc cxpiratiim of this perial, l.enJcr may invake any rei»edi�s
<br />- ,�.- '_ � permitted by this Sccurity Iro�rument without furthrr r�uirr��r demanJ��n Bcirn►wcr.
<br />'.. , 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If Borrowrr mectx ccrtuin rc�nJition�. Borro�ecr ,hull huvc thc right to havc
<br />,.z.� + enforcement of this Security In.trunxnt di.runtinu�ni ut any timc prior in thc rarlirr of: l:�) 5 Jays�or wrh��thcr periad ci}
<br />�.�. ' j,. appliwblc luw nwy sp��cify ti�r reimtutcmcnU hcli�rc +ale of thr Property purauunt to uny powrr nf wle wntuined in this �,
<br />!-'; . � �• Security Inurument;or Ib)entry of u judgmenl enforcing this 5ecuriry Instrument.Those condilions am that Borrower.(u)pays -
<br /> n�. Lender all sums which then would be due unde�this Security Instrument unJ the Notc a.ti if nu;KCeleratian hud occurred;(bl
<br /> f• f � cures any default uf uny othe� covenuntti or agrcemem�: (c) pnys all expenses incurr�l in eoforcing thi,Security Inatrument.
<br /> f`•�. �. ' including, but not limitcd to, rcaumublc auorney.' ti�e,: and (d)trkes such action u� Lender nuiy rea+onably require to assure
<br /> :�:t.,`;;_ � diat Ihe lien of this Security Instrument. L.endcr',r nght. in the Prupeny:�nd&xroWer's ob{ig�tion to pdy Ih�sums secared by
<br /> �,� - ` . �• •� thi� Security Instrumenl shall �rntinue un�hanged. Upon rcinswtcment by &►rmwer, thiti Security Imtrunxnt and tEi�t
<br /> k`�s_: ��;��,�_� ,._ obli�ations securcd hemby shull renmin fully �6fittivc as if nu accelcra�ion had a:curred, Huwever, thic righ�to reinstute shall
<br /> ._L 19
<br /> —� ••• troinppiy inincca.xoi K�iic�aiiuii iiin�ci j,u��K:aN�� �,.
<br />,�. '1`' 19. S�le of Note;Clw��e of Loun k�rvicer. The Nate or u prnial imeR,t in the Nutc (wgether with this Securiey
<br /> �. �� .: instrumentl muy Ik sold one or more times wi�hiim priur noticc ta &�rrower.A sale mt) result in a chunge in the entiry Ik�u�wn
<br /> �, , , '' as the"l.oan 5ervieer")ihat cullctts munthly payment�due unJer thc Nutc unJ thi�S��uri�y h�.irument. Tlwre ul���muy tx one _
<br /> - � .� ,, o�more cianges of the l.oan Serviccr w�rclutc�l tu u�alc ul'thr Nute. If thrr�ia u rhungc of thc Luan Scrviccr, F3��rruwer w•ill tx -
<br /> = �:.:..� given writtcn nrtirc of the changc in Lrronlan�ti witl�p•rrugruph I�3•rtxwe:uxl appli�aMc law•.Thc n��ticc v►•ill ,tate�hc numennd
<br /> i ��;;� '_ ucldresa of the new Loun Servicer uixi the uddre�r tu which payments sh�iulJ ln nwJe. Thc n��tice will ulKi cantain an�� dher
<br /> ����- infomu�tion n.�yuiR�l by applir.ablc luw.
<br /> . + . ` 20. 11�,ardoug tiub�tance.s. &im�u•cr shall nu�r�w.: ��r�xm�it ttx: pnsrnre. u.r. Ji.p�►�•rl. �turugc. ur rcicaxr�.f an�
<br /> • � Hazaninus Substun�rs un ur in thc Pn�perty. &�rr�►acr ,hull nut du. nor allow anyune cl.c u� d�►. :m�•thin� atfcr�ing tt�r
<br /> - ,�*. ,` PropeRy that is in vi��lu�ion��f:my Envimnmental [.aw. Thc prc«ding two kntcnceti�hull nut appl�• t��Ihc pr�xnrr. u.e, c�r
<br /> ,. ' sturage un thr Property ol'small yuanti�ic.��f H;v�nl��u.Sub+wncc� �hat arc Ernrrully rcrugniiad tu tk apprupriatc tu num�rrl
<br /> �:;3�`Y`�.,..
<br /> • residentiul uecs wKi to m�iruenvnce��f the Property.
<br /> o - , � .�... �
<br /> .. N,„n�.,r a �':�Fo►m 3028 8190
<br /> • . '
<br /> .
<br /> lk � _
<br /> � -
<br />