._/� � '�j�� � _ . _ -
<br /> y._ _ �...� �- �a� . ' :
<br /> Tlfe Futds �lull Ira held in �n inuituUon whoco depo�its �re inwrod by a fakral agenGy. in�trumenWity. �entity
<br /> (lncludiog Le,nder.lt Latder i�wch un instiWtton)or In any Faderal Home Lor�n Benk. Ld�der�►all apply Ihe Fw�di to�y tho
<br /> B:ccow Iwm.l.endcr may rat chv�e Borrower for latding ad q�yina the Funds,annwdly analy�3ng�he�acrow aa�unt,or
<br /> verifyin�Ihe E:�cr�ow Iters�,unle�s C�nder py�Horrower intenat on the Fwda md llcablc law permiu I.ender to rtWca wch
<br /> �d�e. Howava,Latder nu�y�quim Bamower to p�y�one�ime cluu�e for�n l��epende�N n�l aule wc�eponin��ervioe
<br /> usedby I.ender in ccmnxtjoei witt� this lan. unlas applicabla law provkla atberwise. Unless an �roament i� mrde or
<br /> •ppNcablo law requircs lnt�re�t to be paid, l�ender ahdl nat be requirod w p�y Borrower ony interctt or e�mings on tho Fur�.
<br /> Bormwer and Lender may agm in wdting.howevcr,that interrst ehall be paid on the Funds. Lender ahall give to Borrowa.
<br /> withaut chu�o. an pnnwl accountii�of the Fw�da.chowfng crodiu and debits to�he Funds and the purpo�a for which ach -
<br /> dcbit w Iha E�unds�wu mde.The Fund�xtc pledged a addilioml �ocudty for oll sums sxured by lhis 5ocu�ity Insuutnc�t.
<br /> - .� If the Funds held hy l.ender eaceecl the mm�unt�permitted to 6e ixld by applic�ble lww.Lender shall A000unt to Bomnwer _.____
<br /> for�ho exces�Funda ln�ao�dance with�ha�cyuirements of applipblo Iqw. If�he�nount of the Funda held by L.ender u�ny
<br /> timo ia not sufflcknt to pry the f?scrow Items when duc, l.ender may so notiFy Borrower in wrlting.and.in wch case Bomower
<br /> -- — shall pay w Lender�he anwunt ss�ry to ma{ce up the dGflciency. Borrower si�ll tn�ke up the deficiencyr in no awro U�n
<br /> twelve motuhly paytaentr,at I.cndcr'�s wla discretion.
<br /> -- - Upon payatent in ful! of e!1 uimg rerured by thls Securitp lnsttuaient. Lender shell p►�unptly rcfund to Horrower wyr -
<br /> — Funds hcld by I.ender. If.under parograph 21, Lender shall aoquire or sell ihe Property.l..ender.prior w the acquisition or�le
<br /> - ��-�_� of�a Properfy.shall apply any Funda held by Lender at 1he time of acquisitlon or eale as�cnedit ogainst 1he wm��ecurod by
<br /> this Security Instrurnent.
<br /> 3.Applicatbn of Pa�neate.Unless applicable law provjdes othcrwise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shali be applied:finst.to any prcpayment chuges due under thc Nac: second. to amoun�payablo under pArs�tiph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due;faurlh.to principal due;arK!last,to any late chuges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Clwrges;l.aet�s.Borrower shall pay all taues,asFessments,charges, fines�i impositions attdbutable to the Property
<br /> which may anain pria�ity over this Secur�ty Instmment. end IeASeliold payments or graund renis. if any. Bortower sfwli pay
<br /> - thacc abligatious in the manrrer provided inp�agrapii 2,or if not paid in that nnanner,Homawer s6a11 pay them on dme directly
<br /> to thc person owcd paymant. Borrower sha! pl romptly furnish to L,cmder all notices of amounts to be paid under�hiR par�graph. _._..
<br /> If Borrower makes thesa puymenta df�ectly. Borrowcr ahall promptly furnish to l,teYkr receipts evidencing the payments. _
<br />�- Bamower shall pmmptly discharge any lien which has ptiodty over�his Sexurlry Instrument unlcss Borrower: (a)agrces 1n
<br />' � -�� • • • wridng to thB payment of the obligAtion secured by the lien in a matu�ec acceptaMe to L.ender;(b)contests in goad faith the lien
<br /> ..„ �... . ., :... ,
<br /> ' by.or defends ugainst enforcement of the lien in. legal proceadings which in the Lender's opinian operate to prevent the
<br /> '' �. enforcement of�he lien; or(c)secures from the halakr of the lien en agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> .. .. �a;'�;;.,�.-.. � �. _,__.
<br /> •� �• ; ., . .. . . this Security Instrument. If L.ender determines that aa�•Aart of ihe Property is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry over ..
<br /> •�ri thia Securiry In.gtrument. l.ender may give Borrower a aotice identifying the liea. Borrower shall satisfy the lien vr teke onc or =_:
<br /> �.+�.,.:� �v:=:
<br /> � .,��.Y�,,r:�, mnrc of thc ections set foAh above within 10 days of dx giving of notice. _
<br /> ��`r�X" 5. Hazard or Property Ltsurance. Borrower shall keep the improvernents nuw existing or hereafter erected on the =--
<br /> _ . - �%'t�'-'-� '-'`. � " Property insurod agai�st lass by fire. hazards included wUhin 1he term "extended coverage" and eny other hazards, including
<br />` ''a� flooda or itaodin for which Lender u�res insuraooe. This insurence shall be maintain�d in the amounts ar�d for the periods --
<br /> l�tttA�.:f'.:,k1�...�' g� �Q � —','
<br /> : �,��;�:�,-� that l.ender roquims.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be cha�em by Borrawer subject to L.ender's npprovel "�°__
<br /> _ -,.,.} u�fcls shss!! not!x atssL�asostably ►t itlsheld. !f B�ro� fs�ls to mainteln cnvernge�k�cdhr,l aFwwe, l.ender may, nt Lender's - :
<br /> `��t , "• optlon.obtuin coverage to protect l.ender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragreph 7. �"
<br /> � ' All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to l.ender and shell include a standard mortgage clause. I.ender �:._
<br /> ,.:�:. � � .^..� . shall hava tha right to hold the palicies wid mnewals.lf Lender reyuires.Borrower shall promptly give to I.ender all recelpts af -+-
<br /> " ., � ' �• paid premiums und r�newal nmires. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurnnce carrier and l.ender. �,��
<br /> ' .. . [.�der may make proof of toss if not made promptly by Borc�wer. �r��-
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrcw in writing, insurance praceeds shall be appllod to restorntion or repair of the �±�?;:,
<br /> . Property dsmuged,if the revtaration or repair i�ecocwmirally feusible and l.end�r s securiry is not lessened.U the restornlion or - �
<br /> . . • repeir is not econamically feasible or l.ender's security wauld be lessened,the i��urance proceads shall be applied to the sums _ _
<br /> secured by thia Security Instmment, whether or not Ihen due,with any excess paid to Borrower. If Horrower abandons the °T-
<br /> L"�•� � - Property, or does not answer within 30 duys n notice from Lender tha�the insurunce cs�rrier hns offered to setUe a cluim, then �'-_
<br /> `� � Lxnder muy collect the insurance proceeds. l.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Proparty or to pay swns
<br /> �• , secured by thix Secudty Instrument,whether nr not then due. The 3Q�duy period wiH begin when the notice is given. �
<br /> ' Unl�ss Lender and Borrower othenvi� agree in writing, uny application o(praceeds to p�incipal shall not extend or �`�`
<br /> �:-
<br /> — '"�� �,at�xn� tl►e:due datc of thc monthly payrnents r�feired to in p:�ragraphs I and 2 or chsnge the umount of the payments. If �. _
<br />;;,;;'��•� ���`�,��i�t under parngraph 2l �he Propeny is acquired by L.ender, Aorrowe�'+righc to any in�umnee policies and proceeds resulting f�om �;_
<br /> �.,,���' , � . damage to the Prnperty prior to the�cquisitinn�hall pass m Lender to the ex�ent of�he sums u�ured by this Security Instniment
<br /> ,', `. ,.��•, immedintely prior tothe a�quisition. --
<br /> �.�;��;��.��: 6.Occup�ncy.Preservation.MaiMenonce and Protection of the Praperty: Horrower's t.i►an Application; Leaseholdv. �
<br /> '"```'' Borrower shall occupy,estubli�h,anJ use the Propeny as &►rciiwer',principal rc+idence within sixty days uRer the execwion of _
<br />- ' '� this Security Instrument and shull continue U��xcupy th�Prupcny uti &�rcower'c principnl residcnce for at Icast one yeur after �-�=
<br />�.�::�� `� � �•��`��'•!�. the date uf c►ccupancy, unless Leruler utherwiw agr�ti�in writing, which comc:d tiFwll nnt Ix unre•r.wnably withheld,or unless �_
<br /> _ _.,l;;•�' .
<br /> • �'• , � extenuating circums�unc��a exist which arc beyoixi Borr�►wer'ti contml. &�rrox•�r 5hall n��� destn�y, dwiwge or impair the _
<br /> :,:`;;�:' " property, Wlow the Propcny to deteriorutc,or cornmit wa.tr un �he Pn�perty. Bi�rn���•er xhull bc in defuult if any forfeiwre ��
<br /> �z actio�or praceeding, whether civil ur criminul, i.lxgun ihat in Lender's gaxi fui�h juJgmrnt rnuld re�ul�in forteiwre uf the �
<br />, �•� `� Property or dherwix materially imp�ir the lien crcatcd hy this Scruriry Inswrncnt ar L.cndcr'����urity intcrest. Borcower may �--�
<br />' ' ' wre such a default und reinstate,ati pruvid�*d in paragruph 18, by rau+ing tBe acyi��n ar prcx�ti*ding ta hc dirmixsed with a ruling ::
<br /> �; , • that, in l.ender's gaod failh detcrn�ination, preclude� Fi�rfciturc uf thc &�rcu��•er'�intereti� in dk Propeny ar ather material c''
<br /> .; lmpairment of the lien created by thix Security In�trum�m ar L�:ndcr'� ��tiurity inlcre�t. &�rrawcr shvll al�o be in default if �
<br /> Borrower.durin Ihe Inun u h�a�iim nxe+., �ave ma�rriall 1'alre ur inaccurs�te�n(ornw�ion�ir�tutcmcnl.to Lender lor failMl �'•�:
<br /> f ,.� S PP'.. P �. y. ,It;_
<br /> „ t��provide Lender wi�h any matcriul intiimiatiun►in conner�ion with the I�>•rn cviJrmc�1 My �hr N�itc, induding,but not limitcKl
<br /> ,� `� � � tu,rcprcxentati�m�ranrerning Ii�►rma•cr'.ixrupanry nf tlx Pro�rt�•a.•r prinripa) n�iJcnrc. II'thi�S�tiurit� Inrtrumrnt i�on a
<br />_� �. � Ict�sehc�ld. Borrower �th:�ll �imtply with uil th� pruei.i�mti ��f thr Ica.r. If Burruacr u�yuiro� ter tiUc to tln Pn�peny. �he „
<br /> ti;�; • . Icaschold and thc fcc tidc�hull not mer�e unless l.cnder agrces to the mcrgcr in wriling. •
<br /> .* .• `:;;�;' 7.Protection of i.ender's Rl�h�v in ttie Pr�perty. I(&�rrowcr fails to perWrni the covennnt+und agrecments contained in
<br /> �:.;`:� this Security instrument,or t{x:�t is a legal pr�x�txiing that may .ignificundy affi.c�Lender's rights in thc Pmpeny(sucb as u
<br /> ��_.,. � proceeding in bunkruptcy.pn�l+ute. tiir rnndemnatia�n ar ti�rfeiturc��r to enli�rce law.e�r regulatinn�). �h�n l.ender may da and -
<br /> • •s i;;,;: °. �►uy for whatever is nrcessury ta pr��tecl the vuluc oi'�hc Prupeny anJ L�ndcr'. right. in thc Pmpeti�•. Lerxfer's uc�iuns mry
<br /> - � =<�'�� � mcludc paying uny sums serun�i hy p li�n which has prioriry over thi+ S��urily� Instrument. appearin�t in rourt, puyinF
<br /> reusonable uttoroeys fer�and entering�m the Pn�rty to nwkr repxir�. Al�h�iugh l.ender may take action uncfer this pvn�Fraph
<br /> --- � �__.,__.,_ .w_ .,..
<br /> ..,_- . ,. u�..h.... ...,:.s:.;..m.c:s...,w.. -,-.
<br /> ��^ ` Any amounts disbunc�l by IxnJrr unJcr thi.r para�ruph 7 ,hall t►cronx additional debt of' &�rn�wcr ucured b}• �hiti
<br /> , � � Security Instniment.Unless &�rn��ver unJ Lendcr�ga� tn uthcr trm�x ut'payrnent,ihrx umi�umz shall lxur intrm.t t'nNn thr
<br /> ' �' . . - ds�te of disbursement �t the Notc rnte und +hull lx:p•ry�blr, with int¢rest, upon notice fmm Lender t�� &�rn�wer reyuc+ting
<br />--'` '� payment.
<br /> ` ' 8.Mortgage In�urance. If I.endrr rcyui��l monguge insuranc�c•r,•r condi�ion of nwking thc loan���urcd by thi.S«uri�y �.
<br /> r��. ' ' Imtrument, Bor�vwcr sh�ll pay the pre:mium. reyuiad tu main�ain the monga�c in,uranre �n efl'ect. It', ti�r�ny rca��m, thr k
<br /> ', . mortgngc insurance coverugr reyuircci by Lcndcr I,apks ar cc:i.u� to bc in rffert. Bnruxcer.hall pay thc prcmiumti myuir�til tu t
<br /> . , obtuin rnverngc substuntiully equivalem to Ihe mortgage imurancc pre��iuu�ly in c17at, at u r��s�xub�tuntiully� cyuivrlent tu ihr ,
<br /> � ' cost to Bc�rrower of the monguge insurwu�e previcwsly in rt'fea, from�n ultem:�te murtgagc insunr uppro�eJ by l.r�xler. It'
<br /> � ;.
<br /> i � "•
<br /> '�f Form 3028 8190
<br /> • .. � Payr j o1•
<br /> • ' • , �
<br />