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<br /> =' — p�C that i,e�dcr raqni�es, TNe ins�uance cartier pruviding the insur�nce shall be,clwsen by Bortower subject to f�enckr's .
<br /> =�� ° • .app�ova!which shali r�be unt!easonabty�ithixid. if Burmwer f�ils to�rtaintnin coverage described abavo.Ixnder may.at
<br /> _•— -- � --l�et�onticat,.t�btain_co_v_er.�.e to_Qtutect I.ender's•d�his ia the I'roperty in accordaace with�aragra{�I�?. �__...._ _ ----- -—-
<br /> , •--- - `
<br /> '� . Atl insur.uice poliries and ieaewats�haU be accept--�a Te to Lcn�er ar�-.�iali mciQ�e�s�ana�a mor��c tw� ��.
<br /> - shatl have the.right to hatd the palicies and cenewais. If Lender cequires.Bormv►er�hall promptlY gice to Lender�t!receipts -
<br /> - � , of-paid prrmiums.and m�ewai notices• [n tlie event of toss.Burmwer shat!gice prompt notice to the insurrnce rarricr and
<br /> - ' Lender. L�nder may make pcooP of loss if not made prumptty by Barrower. `
<br /> — Unless Lender and Bocrowcr atherwise ngrcc en writing,insur.�nce pnxecYls shsll be applicd to r�nr.ttion ot iepair of � - —___.--- _..
<br /> g� " the praperty d�maged,if tAe nstoradon ar'repa'u is economicaltp fe�sible and l.ender's�c�urity is noc lcssened. If th�
<br /> },_. restoratiort or�epais is not economicalty fe�sibte or t.ender's• secunty would 6e lcsscned.the insurar�ce pr+occeds shall be �
<br /> .°a - applied_to the sums secured by this Security fastrumen�whether or no[then due.with:my eacess paid to Barrower. If �_,
<br />,:4 • gaROwer abando�.s ti�e Fraperty.or does not answer within 30 days�notiee from Lender that the insurance carrier h�s , . �-`="=
<br /> offered w settle a claim.tl�en Lender may collect the insurance pcoceeds- Lender may use the praceeds to rep�ir or�ore �--
<br /> � �the Pmpetty ar to pay sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen�whether or nat[hen doe. '[tie 3Q-day period will begin when , - -_ —
<br /> .. thc notice is given. : �`-�'=.�_
<br /> Untess Exnder and Borrow�r othenvise agree in writing.any apPlica�ion of proceeds to principal shali not extend'or . _
<br /> �., postpone the dae date of the monthly payment�refeaed to in patagraphs l and�ar change the amount of the Qayments. If —__— - v
<br />� �±�` Wtder parag�aph 21 the Pmperty is acquired by Lende�.Bamnwer's right tu any insur•uece policies and praceeds resoiting ' - __ �
<br /> a
<br /> _. from dam�e eo the Properey pnor to the acquisition shail pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry . ,,__::�•
<br /> ;t Inmument immediately prior to the acquisition. . , '::�__-
<br /> . - �6. Occupsncy, Preservatinn, Maintenance and Prutedion of tbe Property: Bo�rowers I.oan Applicatton, '..,,�.,_-_
<br /> Leasedoids. Borrower sha11 accupy,establish.and use the PmpeRy as Borrower's princ�pa!re5idence within sinty d�ys after . = _.��;-
<br /> the execution of this Sectmry Instruinent and shall continue ta occupy tlte P�uperty as Borrower's principai residence for at = . ,._
<br /> � least one year afeer the.date of occup�utcy. unless Lender athemise agrees in writing. whicb.coaseat shaB nat be _',;`��-
<br /> . ' � ��`� unrr,asonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are�beyand Borrower'.s concrol. Bortnwer�hall not ,�_�',�.?��'-
<br /> .�'�
<br /> i-. destroy.damage or impair the ProQertY.ai�aw the Froperty to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall '� -.�;._.
<br /> : =�� be in default it'any forfeiture actioe or proceeding,whethec civil ar criminal.is beguq that in l.ender�e good faith judgment ° . -
<br /> � . �` - �°��'.,'?�,',. ' could c+esult in fodeiture of the Properry ar otherwise maierially impair the,lien cneated by this Securiry tnstrument ar . _
<br /> - � � '� - L.ender's security intecesi. Bocmwer may cure such a defautt and rei�.state.as provided in paragaph 18,by causing the.action • ,� .�_ �_
<br /> - �•=����;�:�^, or praceeding ta be dismissed with a nJing tha4�n 1-ender's good faith determinatirn►,precfudes forfeiture o�the Barivwer's �_ 4 .:: � �,�
<br /> •�`=�:: ' �"'
<br /> •� • � • interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Security lastrumem or l.ender:s Security �-
<br /> _ ."'::s'��.'�. •� `,: intsrest. Borrower sitall also be in defantt if Bvmnwer. during the ioan application praress, guve materiatiy faise or _ . , �
<br /> ' ` ;�r_',�-_" �,' inaccurale infortnauon or statemenu to I.ender(or failed to mvide l.ender with an material information)in ronnectian with • '�, �� .
<br /> '� �� ' the loan evidenced by the Nate, inclading. but not limited to, represeatations ronceming 8arrower's accupancy af the :.}, .< , , ��'-:
<br /> �" �=:. .•�. _. .
<br /> . t 4;,;,:, .' . Property as a principal residence. lf this Securiry Instrument is on a leasehald.Barrawer shail camply with all the provisians , �:.,rl,,,._ ���,•
<br /> ��•'�':y` �•• of the lea.4e. If Borrower acquires fee title to the PropeRy.the teasehold and ihe fee titte shatl not merge unless I.enderasreeti
<br /> .. , .:;,:,.:
<br /> �'=�:; • to the merger in writing. ��_
<br /> ' .s';.:'.."� _ , +?�
<br /> . •,,-� �. Protection ot I.enaer s Righis i� the Property. If Borrower fails to perfarm the cavenants and ageements ..�._
<br /> � k�'�.:;���
<br /> ,�,;;,_f, contained in thi+ Securi lnstniment, or there is a legal prcxrceding ihat may sigmticantiy affect i.ender:s right� in the , -_.�
<br /> tY • ..�.:: :—
<br /> . *,�= ' Property(.uch a.c a praceeding in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnation nr farfeiture�x to enfarce laws ar regulution�),then . .'.:
<br /> ,,:':.�.� ' I..ender may da and pay for whatever is nececsary to protect the value oi�he Praperty and Lender's rights in the Property. : ; , ���-
<br /> =�•';;� ``�. Lender's•aetions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which hati priarity over this Security lnstrument.:sppearing . , � �.,�_
<br /> -�`� in caurt.paying rea.sanable attameys'fees and entering on the Prnpeny[o mal:e repair�,.Atthough Lender may take action .
<br /> ' ' under this paragraph 7.Lender dc�eti not have to do so. , �`'
<br /> Any amauntc disbuned by Lcndcr und�r tbi.paragraph 7 shall becomc additional debt of Burrawcr secured Ay thiti „ ,.t•-
<br /> � � �,� � ' ' Security Instrumen� Unte+s Borraµ�er and L.endcr agrcc ta other tcrmy uf paymcn�thesc amaunt.shall Ix.�ar intere.i fram ihc -
<br /> ' ia`"' :' ��-� date of disbunement at che Nate rate and shall be payable.with interert,upc►n aotice frnm Lender to Barrawer reyuetiting � �_
<br /> _�'. � =
<br /> r.�,:: : . payment. . -
<br /> . _�,. ;,; � 8. Mortgage lasuraace. lf l.endcr reyuired m��rtgage in�urance u�a candition of m:�king thc luan ticcured by ihis �. V
<br /> r � Security In�trument. Borrower sh:�ll pay the premium.r reyuind tu maimain ihe martgage inrurance in effect. li for any
<br /> ' :� • �=" ' re�.�an. the mortgagc insurance coverage rcquircd by l.cndcr lap,rti ar ccu+e� tn bc in cffcct. 8arrowcr .hall pay the E ,
<br /> � -�,:s,:,� ' . premiums mquired to nbtain crnetage tiub.rt�ntially eyuivalent ta the martgage in�urancr previously in eifect. a� a ru.t �
<br /> ,:�'"•', substantially cyuivatent to the cost ta Barr��wcr�►f�he mortga�e intiurance prcviautity in rffec�.fram an alternatc m��rtgage
<br /> =`l '.�``'�'� insurer approvcd by Lender. IP�ub�tantially cyuivalent martgagc insurancc cavcrage i�nnt avuilable.H��rruwcr.rhall pay to � , • .
<br /> f Lender eacb monfh a sum cyual u���nc-laelfth of thr ycarly martgage intiurance premium bcing p�id by Borrower when the ! '' , � .
<br /> ,�', �, ,'�;, insurance co�erege lap�ed or cea.ed to Nc in effect. Lender will arc�pt.uxe:�nd retain�hr,r puyment.a.a to�;ti reyerve in lieu i , ; ,,: ,
<br /> � ; af mortgagc insurunce. l.ars rescrvc payment.muy na tonger ix reyuirrJ,.n thc uption af Lcnder, if mortgagc in.urance .
<br /> � caverage tin the um�um and for�he periai that i.end�v re�{uireyl pr��vided by an intiurcr appraved by L.ender ug:�in becames � . ,
<br />.. ���'+.��, � -: avaitabte and is obtaincd.Barrc�wer.hall p:�}��he premium�rec►uimd to maintain muMg;►gr in�urancc in cffect.„r to prnvide:� �
<br /> • '�`': ; . • 1a�c rnerve.until the reyuirement for martgage in.urance e�a.in accord:mce with any u'fi�trn acrrement hetween Burrawev .�. .
<br /> ' • and L.ender or applicable law. � � •
<br /> � � � 9. Ittspection. l.cndcr�u its agcnt may makc re:aun:�ni����c�;��u�����:md in.�xctium ui thc Prnperty. Lcndcr,hall 4;
<br /> �,�"
<br /> � .. give 8orrower n�iice at the time��f nr prior to aa im�xcti�m�pecifying roa+anahl�c:ui«ti�r the in.pectiun. � � .
<br /> . 10. Condcmna�llun. Thc pr�xrr�is of s�n}•auard�fr claim fur danr.�gr+.dirrct ur run,rc�ucntial.in cunncctian wi�h:my .
<br /> � 1 Sm�lc hm�dy-�Faenie)far%FrcAdir�1uc I:�IFUNS11�ti'IHI'tlY.ti'1' �t'�it„nn 1'���camh 9� �pd���.+�,�b puce�� i
<br /> iRe,a I.�tn eu.m�,1'um•.Ia r - ' •
<br /> . . - C,y, iu UrJrr I:,J!Idtll�.itM1!Y.i!KI(;YA4111Ud!rt-1171 . � .
<br />� • - .�. . ---._---. '.. _. .. . � . - - ._ . , . . . . . . .
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