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<br /> � - , =- _- �-- __-_- - -- --- -- " _- - -- - --- _--��:,,,� --1$�4Qv= - -
<br /> —= � . 'l�ooE�R wrrA at�it,c;mpcn,►«�s now ar he�eC«+e�ed arttee prope�ty.�,a�!�eas�iea�.��pp�s.
<br /> _ — aad�u�s now a hereafter a put oF We pmperty. AU nptacements and addifions shalt also 6e covered by this Sea�uiry
<br /> — -f_-- __._-_ -—� . � . •_ •_ __!___��_L�1��..8...�..�.:l�e 1nnlef�Mnnf �tiA� � ` . �_ _ _' __ __
<br /> _��E� -. /OS[�L1111(;(11.RI[OIIIICI�C�DIDg15IC[tiiC�iwmaus�cw+a�j�roa..s�qs�.w�Ct�--- ------.— _—_-
<br /> "�� ' BORRO�I�ER COVENANI'S tbai Boirower is lawFully seised of the estate i�eceby canveYed and t�as the right ta gr.mt � --__
<br /> -��.� and c�nvey,tfie Property and tbat the Pa6perty is unencumbe�d.except for encum6iances of record. Borrower wazrants and �
<br /> will defeod generrlly die utk m the Prope�'ty agamst ail claims and demands.subject ta any enc�nnbsances of recoc+d. �
<br /> � , THIS SECIIRII'Y INS'i'ItUN�NT com6iaes t�nifona covenai►ts for rnatiarat use and non-uniform covcnams with C� -_ -
<br /> limited va�iatitions 6y jurisdiction to cunstilute a uniforqi`security instrumrnt coveaing�ral PropeetY• ��'
<br /> � UNIFpRM CO�TEDIAN7'S. Bofrower and Lender covenartt and agr�ee as foltows: �--
<br /> � ` L �yment d PrLdpal asd�eterest;Prepa7meat ad Lat�ChaRSes. Bomower shatl pcomptly pay wh�due the ,
<br />- priacipal of smd intecrst oa the debt evider�ced by tt�e Note aad anY P�'ePaY._�and late charges due uader the Note. ���`..esf_
<br /> de ced ` �_—
<br />�`' + . 1 Fa�ds tar 1iu[es sd Iwraeca Subject to applicable law or to a arriuen waiver 6y l.ender.$arawer shall pay to � ��=:._�..
<br /> Lender ao the day maathtY PaY�ts are dut under the Note,unW tt�e Note is paid in full.a sam("Funds")for_(a)YearlY_ ' �'=.=-�--=___--
<br /> :� tases arid a�er►ts which may attain priority over tlus Security�t as a fieaan the P►vperty;(b)Ycarly teaseMW —�-�-_
<br /> :�•=-.--_--
<br />` . � PaY��S��rents on the P�opecty.if any; (c) yearly hazard or propert� insurance �xemiums: (d) Y�Y �� •"�`'�--- ��
<br /> � L x A �
<br /> . :na�M..�ni�uns. if aay:(e)Yeady mortgage insurance p�+enuumv�ii any;and tfl aay sums PaYable by Borrdwer w .,�:�r
<br /> l.ender,in acs.rndance with the provisions of p�r a g r a p h$,in lieu of the payment of martgage ins�aance pcemiums. These > — ;
<br /> :. �-�
<br /> - items are caIIed"Escc+aw Iteros." Lender u�ay.at any dme.collect and hatd Funds maa amount nat w exceed the maximum .;,�t��.;�t_.�_�j
<br /> amouat a leader for a fe�alty reiated mongage loan may require for Bocrowerr escrow accamt w�der tlie federal Real x�`�.�._:'?--'_—
<br /> • - Estate SeWement Proced�mes Act of 1974 as ameMed fram time to ume.12 US.C.$2601 et seq_("RFSPA").unless another , ;._�`:'€��__
<br /> m
<br /> . '� law that appt'ies to the Fimds sets a tessec amouat, If so,Lender may.at any time,coriect and huld Fi�nds in an amaunt not ta �-�:;�,�::;,_•
<br /> .t-..� . exc,csd tlie tesseramount Ixnder majr estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis a�ciiaent data aad reasonable . <�
<br /> :.'�r,_:.:;
<br /> ' � ';� estimates of eapendiaues of futu�Escmw Items or otheranse in accardance with applicable law. . � - T _ .�;.r
<br /> .: . . The Fwds shaU 6e held in an institution.whose deposits ate insured by a federat.agency,instrumentaliry.or entity ` , _�,,�,..
<br /> z`::: � (including Lender.i�l.ender is such an mstitutioa)or in any Fr.deral Home l.oan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds to paY . .,, _v
<br /> ��� � the Escrow itea�. Leader may not charge Bortower ior holding anli applying the Fiu�ds.annualty analyzing the escnnw ,,. � _ __
<br /> � `�'%�� • a c c o u n t,o r v e t i f y i n g t h e F s c r o w I t e m s,u n l ess Lender pa ys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pennits �,' :. .`�,.�
<br />��," ' � Leader m mate sncfi a cfiarge. However.Lender may neqain Borrower to pay a one-time chasge fnr an indepen d ent r e a l :' x-_°_°° -'
<br /> ' "�'w;" �• estate taa reporting service used by Lender in caanection witf�this loan,untess applicable larv provides othenwise. Unless an • �
<br /> �`��'� ' �ent is made o;applicabte taw requ'tres interest to be paid.Le�lder shaQ nat be required to pay Brnmwer any interest or ;::i���. � : ;;��"-
<br /> • .r,�`;.;�.,�.. -
<br /> �"'r`•-J, - eamings on ihe Funds._Borrower and I.ender may agree in wriring.howeve[.that interest sha�l be paid on the Fnnds. Lendec - _ :.�:.'
<br /> .� ` '
<br /> � sha11 give to Borrower.without charge.an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and depits to fhe Funds and the . �-:,_ �
<br /> ���= = � purpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are�ledged as addrtiona!security for ail sums secured by �. ;:�._—�
<br />. , -' .� • this Se�arity Instrumen� . < ' .�_°'
<br /> .•���`�'��" If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounu pem�itted to be held by applicabte law, Lender shaU account ta " . �=-=—
<br /> • �--="'�'""� Bamwer for the excess Fi�nds in accacdance with the requirements of applicable law. Ji the amount of the Funds held by �"'�
<br /> - -�-,-:, . .� .�;-`
<br /> ` �Y-`�'��17'� Lcnder at any time is nat su�cient ta pay the Escrow Items when due,I.ender may so,notify.Bormwer in writing..anA.in . �• � �
<br /> ;, ; . :;
<br /> � • - such c�se Borrower shaA pay to Leader the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the , =;�-
<br /> '��`.• . : deficiency in no more than twelve monihly payments.at Lender's sate discrenon. �, • .�.;��
<br />•. �r 1Jpon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen�l.ender shall prompdy refund to Bortawer any , . #'
<br /> • �',�� � ' Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lendet shall acquire or sell the Pcoperty.Lender.prior to thc acquisitioo ar '�� ' ���
<br /> . . sale of tfie Property. shall apply any Funds held:by l.ender at the time of acquisitian or sale as a credit ugainst the sums :���-
<br /> �, a`�y � secured by this Securiry Instrument ' �
<br /> 3. ApplicaUon ot Pt�yments. Untess applicabte law pravidcs otherwise, all paymen�s ceceived by Lender under ,. . � `
<br /> �"' paragraphs 1 and Z shaA be applied:first.to any prepayment chargcs due under the Notc:second�o amoua�s payable under . =
<br /> paragraph 2:ihird.to interest due;fauRh,to prin�pal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. ' ;z.
<br /> ,_ -. � : 4. Chatgts;l.ien�. Borrower shaN pay ail saxas.ass�:ssments. charges,fmcs and impositions aaabutable ta the � � . �:,,c:�-
<br /> �` • Prapetty which may nttain priority over this Security Instniment.and leasehold payments or ground ren�c.if any. Barcawer � , -
<br /> ��,;.�• �� . shaU pay these obtigations in the manner provided in paragrapb 2.or if not paid in that manncr.Borrower shall pay them on • -
<br />• � • , time directly ta the person owed payment. Horrower shalt promptiy fumish to Lender ali natices of amounts to bc paiA under �, ..
<br /> • �'� �� this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments dircctly.Bortower shall promptly fumish ta Lendcr receipts evidencing `
<br />. . ' , ' - the payments. � •}•,
<br /> , rY.�._ . Bortower shall Qromptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Secudty Insttument unless Borrower.(a)agrees • _ �
<br /> in writing to the payment atthe obligauon secured by the lien in a manner ucreptable ro l.ender.(b)contests in�ood faith the ` ,�'.
<br /> •. - `'��;',''�`,;��;•�;.... lien b y.or defends against enforcement of the Ilen in,lcgal praceedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to prevent the � � . -
<br /> �* ' ' cmfo�ement of the lien;or(c)secures f�om the holder of the licn an a��eement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien f . .
<br /> � ,., ..,• to this Security Instrument. If Lender cEetermines that any part of the Property is subject to a tien which may attain priarity I.
<br /> � �,�:`� ..`,�,.'l` . over this Secudty lnstrumen�Lender may give Borrowcr a noticc identifying the tien. Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or take s. , ' , , .
<br /> `'"'�" one or more of the actions set fonh above wuhm 10 days of the giving oi notice. � •
<br /> �� ��` ' � 5. Ha7ard or iMaperty Insurattce. Horrower shall kcep the improvemcnts now existing or hereafter erectcd on the ` '
<br /> ' � Property insured against loss by firc.hazards included within the tertn"extended coverege"and any other hazards.including < <
<br /> � ltoodg ar flooding.for which Lender c�quires insurance. This insa3rance shall bc maintaincd in the amounts and for the . . �
<br /> ��
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