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• ' ���r � ' v!� <br /> . �.. ��I' � ..._�• .. ___ ""—__�—_—_„_�• .. •-_ <br /> ►g3- 106211 <br /> d tMm�N�M h��ntlihd to enlo�IAb Tnut W�d�nd�ny otlNr s�wrily now or haadt�r h�W by B�ndlalry a T�u�tM In weh ad�r rnd n�snn�► <br /> p th�y q cilh�r al tlNm m�y In lhsk�bwluls dllcretlon dN�►min�.No nnMdy Fw►Nn eonMmd upon a r�srwd to Tru1uM a B�Hei�ry I�1�t�nd�d <br /> w b��xeMwlw W sny otMr amedy h�rsin a by law provlUW a pNmNt�d,a,�acn.��n�eumui�m�a�d aMai a in�eaitla�tu�wry otlar rarr�dy <br /> piwn Mr«x�a naw a t�lt�r exUUnp�t law a M pulty a by�taM�.�wry poww a r�nNdy provldM w�d�r this Tnut W�d lo TruaM ar 8endiclpy <br /> or to whleh Nlhw of U�sm may ba otherwiw�ntitbd.mry b�oxerclisd,concurnntiy a ind�pendently.ham tlme to lim��nd�s oflsn u m�y b�ds�m�d <br /> �rp�Wmt bY Tru�tM a BM�f�lary�nd�ithw of thsnl may PWw�inoontl�t�nt remsdl�s.Nothinp huMn�hall b�oaaUwd a Wohibidnp B�M1loluy <br /> — ,� hom�Mirq�dMiebr�eY I�dO����tM Truqar to tM�x1�nt wch actbn I�permitt�d by I�w. <br /> 11.TRAI�FFR dF TME PAOPERTY;ASiUYPT10N. Ii dl a any part o}the Properly a kitereal thereln Is wtd.U�nsbnsd a dh�rwis�convsyW <br /> �b�,Tti�Mr wtthout B�rN{kiuy'o p,a writun ooment,axcludinp(a)the are�llon o1 a Ibn a encumbrance subordinats lo this Trust Qssd,(b)a d�n�fer <br /> by op�ratlon ol Iew upon tM dutM of�Trutta who it a Joint tsnant a(o)Ihe{pant of any baaehoW Interett of three(3)yean or le�s wbfah dos�not <br /> conqln�n aptlon lo pureh�M�wah ao�►on 1�a breaah of thla apreement,end Bsneflciary m�y,at Bensficl�ry'�option,declare all Ihs eums aecured by <br /> lhis Trust Os�d to bs flnmWletely due and p4yl�bts,provided,lurlher,this Truit QMd may,at Qanelkiary's option,ba declared immedfstely dua and <br /> , �__�_� ���H(1)Tru�tar i�e partnenhlp and uny intoreat In the parmerahlp ic sotd a assigned by any meana whatsoeve+.a(2)if the�ru�la is a eaporAllon <br /> — end s tranMer af 1he majority stock aMwrohiP ime►ea�In the corPoredon occurs.or th�Trustor corporat(on merqes in any fam wdh another corporsoion <br /> a sndry.BsneNclary shall hav�waiv�d auch optloi+to acceterete If,prlor to tM eats,transter«canv�yance,BeneHciary nrtd the peraon to whom ths <br /> Propsrty is to be cold a hansterred rach ayreansnl In writlnp lhet the credit W such person a safbiactory lo BeneBclary end Ihat 1M intM�q payabM <br />— on th�euma racund by tAis Trust De�d ehail W at ouch rata as Bene(iciary shan nquest- <br /> = 1p.ACCELERATIOM UPON OEFAULT:RE�IEOIE$i��The faUure by Ih�Trustur,to malca anp payment w ro peAam eny o1 the terma arKf ca�drt+ons <br /> _ :r°� pf thls Trust Deed,a the tarms and condltlons of the Nate,a any renewala,modifica{lons or eutenalons thereaf,a Ihe fallure to meke paymeM a�any <br />_.:u oUnr Indebtedness,(NIo�ot subsaquent to thlt Trust Deed,and secured by this property,w the dealh of one a more Truetas shaU De a b►ei1Ch And <br /> default of thls Trust Dead and ths 8eneficlary moy declare a defauH and may declare atl surm�secured hereby Immedletely due As+O payable and Ihe <br /> --11Y �} aama shall Iher�upon become due and payable wilhoul preaenlment,demand,proteat o+aotkn p°ar.y kind,provuted.Trustor sh.t�P.t+ave eny atatutary <br />�i� .;�'+ rlpht[o eure Ihe del8ult before arty eoUCe a1 tletaL�t and demand fa sele mey ioe de��ve ied;`�e ust sha IehAve`Ir.e powor�of sale tthe Property and <br /> �written declarstlon of da}ault and demand 1a•�u�a.Trusta agrees and hereby¢z. <br />• II&meticlary decldes the Property Is lo be�EU�i shall deposlt wlth Trustee thls Trust ileed and t'he Note or notes and any olher dacuments evldencing <br /> - expendlturas secured hereby,and a�^all ciellver!o Truatee o written notice of defauN antl etectta�to ceuse the property to be sdd,and Truatea,In tum, <br /> -��� �h�ll pr�re�stmlUr nnticx in th�o torrn reqvit2d by law,whbh shall be duly liled for reCO►d 0y T�ustee. <br />.�`'= (a) Afler ths tapae of euch fimo as r+�y be requked by law following the recordatbn ol Nouce of Delaull,and Natice ol 0efault and Naice of <br /> Sate having been qiven ae requlred by law,Trustee.wlthoW demend on Trustor,shall sell the Property.ff not redeemed,In one or mora <br /> pareMa and in such ardor as Tru�tee may determine on the dote end th�tlma and plaee d�lpnated in tald Not�a ot 3We,at publ�aucllon <br /> eceordiny to law. <br /> (b) When Truatee sells pu►suent to the powere hereln,Trostee chatl apply the proceeds of the eale to poyment of the costs and expenass of <br /> " exerGsinp Ihe powe[of sale and af the sale,Including,w�*�out Ilmltatfon,epaney'e fees and Ihe peyment ot Trustae's Fees incurred.whlch <br />,'�� - ------ -°� T:usiaa'r Fass:halfno!fn thc ap��ts exceed the Iollovrlr!g emount�ka�J�rpon thw am�u�nt awcurwrl hereby and remaimng unpa;d at <br />_r - �.y,,,�;rr��.J�;t� the Ume seheduled for cale:6 percerwm on the balence thereoh,arJ�nen�o the Items In wbparagraph(c)In the ader there statea. <br />�:,;,�; �a�„�ya .:,,-;;�.-:,i;c�. <br />'•?� r�,�� �•r��;��. a ANer pa In the Itema specilled m suxpara a h b 11 the eale Is b Trustae,a If the aele le urau�n�to utllclal faecbsure,the rxeeds <br /> ,,:;k� ( 1 Y 8 G P ( 1� Y P 1 P <br />_`�:,' `,:,��+i�:�y��'�d of aale�hdl be apptird in 1he folbwiny o►der: � <br /> '�"_^ ;`;�,;.;: 1' !.•'�(� <br /> ,; '' ��ti�r,q?�'�+�„ (1)Cost ol aay evldence ot tllle pracwed in cannectlon wqh such eala antl ol any re�enue Iransler lee requlred to 6e pald; <br />:�.� }�o��,.,.� (2)AA obllgatbns secured by thle Trust t�d; . <br /> = . �•,��1:'fn�'•,: (3)Junfor trust deede,mortpegea,or other Ilenholders: <br /> •r.� <br /> .�7;�f!+'� (4)The remelnder,if any,to the persan legelly enlitled thereto. <br /> _ ~ 13.APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUBTEE.tleneffclary may,lrom tlme to lime,by a wrilteo Inatrument executed and acknowtedged by 9enellelary. <br /> – „��{.i;;�;.�. � ,.: mafled ro Truslor and recorded In the couaty or countles fn wh�ch Ihe Prope►ry is located and by othe►wlse wmplying wllh the provlsiona of the eppllceble <br /> '- * Ey ��,rk Iewe of the State o1 Neb►acko cuballtute a successor or successors to the Trustee named hereln or aCtfnp hereunder. <br /> ia .�� r'fi:F ,�f. <br /> •.��r _ •- +�� {�j t�.INBPECT10N8.Benel�cfary,a�Is agents,representellves ar employees,are aulhorized to enter at any re98o�9ble Pme upon or In any part of Ihe <br />�,�° ` ;,�!;J_ Propsrly la the purpose ol Inspactiny Ihe same and for Ihe purpose of perfaming any o11he ac[s ft Ia authalzed to petform untlYr the torm�of the Trust Dead. <br /> . "r`–.S <br /> • •�� 'r.��.- r��t 15.OPTION TO FORECLOSURE.Upon the occurrence af any breach and upon the declaratlon of default hereunder,BeneBClery shall hovo the optbn <br /> �'' � '� to foreclose thls Truat Deed in the menner provlded by law for the forecloaure of mortgages on real property. <br />• �;.��, ,�.�,,.��,��.i�'.��._: <br />,,,, ,. �`.��.,,,;r ; ;�.;,.c� 18.FOREBEARANCE BY 98NEFICIARY OR TRU8TEE NOT A WAIYER.Any lorebearance hy BeaeWClary or Truslee In exerC�slny any Hght or remedy <br /> � _ •t,i;�':�r'�.' hereunder,or otherwlse a�lwded by applleabte law.shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exerelse of any�uch nght or remedy. Llkewfse,the walver <br /> " '�'' �%�^it�' " by Beneficiary or Truetee ol any defauN ol Trueta under tlNa Truat Deed shell not be deemed to be a wafver of any other or slmiler defeulls subsaquently <br />'..7�� .�+i�a�.tu acurcing. <br />- ` .•i�:,... #. :, <br /> • 1T.BENEFICIARY'8 POWERS.W�Ihoul aBecllny or releesing the uabll�ty of the Truator or any other peraon IIaWe for the payment of any oblipelbn <br /> a'.-V!. <br /> �;.� •�� • hereln mentfoned.aod wlthout aMectlnp the Ifen or charge of th�s 7ruet Deed upon any portlon ol lhe Property,Benellclary may,from Ume to tims and <br /> – � • wfthaul notice at Ihe request ol one a mae Truslors,p)release any person fiable.(fp extend a renew the maturlly or alter any of the terms of any 8uch <br /> `�`;,; '"''' ' obiigaUOns,plq grent other Indulgences.(iv)releaso or reconvey.or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time at BenellGery's optlon any parcel <br />��.-k �'"��'�` 'R'� or all o}the Praperty.(v)take or release any other or addidona�securlty lor any obligatan herefn menuongd,(vq make settlemenls or other arrpngements <br /> .�r. <br /> wlth Trustor In relatron thereto.All Trusloro shalt be janUy and severaNy obhgated and bound by the acllons of the Benellcfary or any one or more Trustor <br /> '�' `i' � • aY 81Ytod fn th16 paragreph. <br /> �` ,;ty..:. .' . ' <br /> �`�,,�;>,���; .;.�, � :�:;; 's 16.ATTORNEY FEEB,CDSTS AND EXPENSHS.The BeneUC�ary of th�s Trust Oeed Is enitllecl to Ihe peyment of attorney's lees,coals and expensea <br /> `, i uv; .,�. . . <br /> ,,�{,�.},,.,:�. �;,t;t•;':y as provided in Ih�s Trust Deed.excepl es otherwise prohlb�ted by law. <br />�'��' 'Y":�r t+•%�':�;�'�i'`�'``'"' 19.R�CONVEY�INCE 6Y TRUSTEE. Upon wntlen request ol Benehc�ary end upan payment by Trustor o}7rustee's fees.Trustee shall reconvey to <br /> ,•.�:•:;.f. <br /> ... �A:::� '�: �. � <br /> �"�.:�;n�•,�Z,�;;';�.�'�?;��.y"1 Truetar,or the person or persone legelly onldled thereto,wflhout warranty,a�y pertion ol lhe Property then he�d nerounder.HeC�tela fn euch reconveyance <br /> �� ' ';,�,��!'!;,`,,•"'�,�:�;, o�any matters or faets shall be concluelve proof of the truthlulness thereof.The grantee in any reconveyance may pe deacrlbed as the person or persone <br /> � �::}`i;�;, "';h;..¢.,.�,�,. <br /> �y ' ` 1��.,.!�� le�nlly entitlet7lhereto". <br /> 'i'S,..*; .'�� �,..':dr�G <br /> '„ ��_• •. ...�.t�,}:�� 20.NOTICES.Except tor notices,demands.►equeate or other commumcaUons reqvlred under appl�cable law to De glven m anotner manner.whenever <br /> -��' _�.''fs•:' 1 8enellc�ery,TrustGr or Trustee glves or servea any notice(lncludmg,wdhout��mnation,�o11ce of delault and nouce ot sale),demends.►equests or o1R6r <br /> . u� <br />;ti_�y :,-;�t, .,{y;S f?; CommuniCeLOn wilh re8pecl to IhlB Truet Deed.each auCh notice,demand.requesl or other Commurncetion shall Ca m writing and sh911 be effeCtive Onfy <br /> J-= H Ihe eame ia delivered by personal service or fs malled by certd�ed ma�l,postage prepaiq,&tldreesed b the address as set lo►th at Ihe beginning ot�h�s <br /> -'- � t.. _.n'_� ."'_'r.'�"'""""�'_�.'_��u' �..w.�..�a..�....M....�...�n��.....n..1.n..�n .��Lv�amd n nnf�Pn nf � <br /> � ,.�nw ��Vw Wf+u./a�T y������w���a..y�����v�.�.a.yv.w uw...w�.....................�..�.............y�_. .........�......�....._. �_..� .._._._.�-_"""'' '_ ' ' <br /> ""� � �.:°;i �l�`� suCh t,ange.Any ratlCe he�cunder shall be deemed to have been given to 7rustor or Benqlfaary,when gfven fn the menner deslgnated hereln. <br /> V•.,� '.:�,.��, <br /> ;� {�1i�Cy i rt,�.`t k.�i�,.,�. <br /> ''.1;..,��,•;.!,•.f t'�t�� 21.REOUEST FOA NO710E.Trusta and Benefic�ary hereby requesl a copy o7 an�nodce of defaull,and a copy of any notice o1 sale thereunder,be <br /> ����,�:;tl��• malled to each person who Is a parly herelo al the add►ess tor such person set torlh In Ihe Ilrst paregraph o�th�s Truat Deed. <br /> :�. .: � ,.,.; <br /> li��'n_:?�,,.�_:.V..,`;'.�:. <br /> _-�u;,,, �` 22.(iOVEpN�Nti LAW.Th�s Trust Oeed shall be govetned by Ihe luws o�the 31aIe of Neb►aske. <br /> -�t�:::.U...'i <br /> - .�,,:._ .:�; 23.SUCCESBORS ANO I18SIQNS.Thls Trust Oeetl,and all terms,condltfons and obligalions herein,apply to and+nure to Ihe benehl ol and binds <br /> '`�3 '�'�r y��_� • all pedled hereto.Ihelr hens,tegatees,dovlsees,personal represenlalwes,successara aad esslgns.The term Benehcrary"shatl mean the owner and <br /> — r.�•..�:�. ., ��.. <br /> --,X.;n. ;a.x!��, holde�OI fh9 Nole,whether ar not�emed es Beneflclary hereM�. <br /> :F.� 4k <br /> !'�;�� '� <br /> ��� <br /> ':�:' . <br /> 'a.��y r.. _. <br /> < <br /> ,__. <br /> __ , <br /> . . . <br /> •.,.. =. . <br />