�.. • . �. . , � �[�iV. ..-- --
<br /> �� ��." •%I _--
<br /> , il. .� . ._.
<br /> ..�a . .. . . . ... .
<br /> .-?_�-L�.��_ ,..� ' . ._ ..__. __.. _.
<br /> �93- 1o�z�.�
<br /> 1.'AtlML�NT 0'rRINdPAL AND INTFREST.Trutla ah�ll promplly p�Y wMn dw�h�pNneNHI ot ub Int�rKt on Iho mdWt�dn�q�0 by
<br /> tll�NW�.and W WhM ChupM and NM a�provMNd in Ih�NoU.�nd IM pinelpal al�nd Int�r�tl on�ny Futw�Advu�I�aw�d by thb TruN OMd.
<br /> Z.WARRANTIf O/TITLE.Truqa fo I�wluliy ae�ed and pawusd o1 pood�nd indNou�bN uiN snd�k�t��o th�Prap�Ay h�rNry conwy�d�na
<br /> fw 1M riphl to pnnt and conv�y tM Prop�rty:th�Propnty 1�Irw�nd cls�r ot�II INns�nd�ncwnbranus�KCpt N�ns now al ncord:md Tnatar wW
<br /> - - - - - wmlmt aml de/erM 1►M IHis lo the PropnAy egaNnt�0 cldms�nd Mm�eda.
<br /> ';�f: 3.tI11A1NTHNANCB ANO COMPLIANCH WITFI LAWB.Trusla th�U kasp Iha Prop«ty in pood�p�ir�nd conditbn and ahdl not commit Wast�or parnfl
<br /> Impakment a deterior�lbn a1 tM Propsrly�nd rhall comply with the proWSfon�01 any Is��II IN�Tru�t Daed I�on a I�aa�hoW.No Improvsm�M now
<br /> =" a hwsther e►eclW upon iM PropMly s�hall be allw�d.remowd a Aanw�ished wflhout the plar wdnen eonsenl ol8wislidary.Truaa sh�ll aomplywUh
<br /> aN 1�.adln�nas.rput�ibns.cown�nb.condidons and re�hktlons aM�cUnp ths PrapKty and nol commlt.suna a pem�t any�ct to 1w done�n a
<br /> - - — -- � ��pon tlw�ihoputy in violtlbn ot any uw.ordlnu�ee.ropulatWn.covenaeb conditlon a nshklfon.Trustor ehaU compbto a rastore prompty and in pood `
<br /> worknwnlike m�nn�r any Improvamant on tha WapeAy wh�Cb mAy be dama0�a�royed and pay.when dus.WI cl�lms la I�bor performed and ma1KMk
<br /> - IwnlsMd thwafor and ta any allaa►ona theraof.
<br /> 4.INSURANCB.Trusta,at ils expsnse,witl malnlaln w�th I�surors appovsd by 8ene11clary,mwrancs wlth reapecl M Ihe ImprovemeM�anQ pawn�l
<br /> propsAy.aansti[u1Mg the Fhoporly.ag�lnst ksa hy Cwe.Ilphtninp.tanado.end aher pe►ils and hazards cavered by s1MKlerd e�tended covH►ipB itldOrienleM,
<br />--__� in an emouM equ�l to At lea�l ana hundrad percent(100tib)M the lull replecement value thereof and lnsurance agalnsl such other haxarda and fn cuCh
<br /> amounte as Fa custanarily cartted by ownero and operators o1 alm0ar propertfea a ae Benellclary may requiro ta Its protecllon.Truator wNl apmply with
<br />-_� 'I� sueh olher requlrements w Benet�elery may hom tlme to 11me request la Ihe ptotectfan by Insuranes ol lhe Interesla ot the respectiv�pe►tle�.All Inausnca
<br /> �`=•* polkbe makiUMed punuant to thls Trusl Deed shall nsme Truslor and Benetlaiary ao fnsured.as thelr roapeclfve Interests may appsar.�nd provlda thal
<br />'��.. � Ihx�bs no car�cauot�a�a madi8cation wfthout at le�st 1 S daya prla wrltlen notlfication to Trustee and 8enxficlary may procura auch inwrerks N�a000rd�nce
<br /> wllh Ihe provisfon�of paragreph 8 hereot.Truslor shall detiver to Benehcfery Ihe orlpinat pollcles ot Msurance and renewals thereot or mamp cpples of --�
<br /> wch poBeles end renewals IMteol.Faflure to fumish such Ineuranae by Trustar,a renewals es reqWred heraundrr ahall,at tM opdan ot Bene(kfary, --
<br /> ' '`w�-'•� conctNute a defaull.
<br /> 1
<br /> ` � ��' ' 6.TAXEB.ASSESSIAENTB AND CHARRES.Trustor shall pay all la�ces.essessments and dher cherges.mctuding.wlthoul Ilmltation.8nes and ImposAlona —
<br /> '' � attrlbulable ro the PropeAy and leasehdd payments or ground rents,if any,betore the same becorne dallnquent Trusla thaq prompdy furnllh tp beneNciary
<br /> � � � " �• al{�roiices oi amounts due u�xier�his paragraph,and m Ihe event Trustor shan make paymant duectly,irustw sha�l promptly furmsh to 9enet�c�ary reeeipu ____
<br /> �s.,i'�1,��`.� evlOencing auch paymenta.Trusla chall pay all ta�cea and aesassments which may be Ievlad upon BeneGCiary's IMeresi herain a upon Ihls Truat ONd
<br />- � `Ks��y;'' wlthout regard to any law that may be eoected Imposing payment of the whale a any pert lhereol upon the Beneliclary. —
<br />_ _ . fti,,.
<br /> �.c[. 8.ADOITIONAI LIENS AND PROTECTION OF B�NEFICIARY'S SECURtTY.Trustor shall make aU paymenta of interest and principal and payment�
<br /> ,.�,_:�.. �S�
<br />- •f �.���Ai� • of any other chargea,fees and expenses contracted ro be pald to any exlsbng a suGsaaua�t Ilenhotder or beneliclary,under aoy exlatfng a subsequent
<br /> t'" � ` y'.�+i�.{�'��. mortgage a trust deed belore the d6te they are deNnquent or In delault,and promptty paM aod discherge any and all other liens,claims a charges which
<br /> �_ �'�`yr� mpy)eopardfze ths eeeurlty grenled herein.If Truata falls to meke any such paymeM w fails to perfam any of the eovenents and agreementa conlained -
<br /> �:>..N,+--:ti;��••';�. �i`° �n thia 1 ruel Qeed,a the Nole reterred io i�erein,or in uny p�i�N in subse�.e:�i trusi desd.ot i!atty�cl:�ar proteeding Is tattmtneed xrhlch msttCrl�Hy
<br /> .. •.yM:.f{�����:j�:,:;:;:Sin aNects Beneficlery's interest in the Properly,l�cluding.but not Iknited to.em�nt domain proceedings.pr�ceedlrps involving a decedenl,notlee o1 sale
<br /> ��
<br />� , '+"�''��{;°J.�;i-•�±t���;''•� by Trustee,not�eot default by Trustee,mongage foreclasure actlon,rn��drw„�r 1911810 pay Trus�or's debtspene�ally as lhey become due,lhen 8enelklary.
<br /> , ti;:��:�;j}4a;�t?y�5�.�a' at Beneficfary's opllon end without nolwe to a demand upon Trustor and wr,nou:ro�easing Trusta hom any abq�ation hereunder.may make such appearances,
<br />__ . ' �;�h�%;;;��;,.••,, dlsburse such sums and take such acllon as Is oecessery to pratect Benef�c�iry's interest,including,but not hm�ted to.d�soursement of reasonebla attaney's —
<br /> _.."r' �..�jr�.�_: •_ �. fees,payment,purchaee,conte8t or compramise ot any encumbrance.charge or Ben,entry upon Ihe ProGehy to make eepd��s,a decleratlon of defauM �
<br /> ..�;��:..�.
<br /> , � under Ihls Trusl Deed.ln the event that Trustor shall fall to procure Msura^.:e w to pay taxes,assessmenta,c•t�^y other cP�arges or to mai�e any payments �=�`
<br /> ' � ��''``' '�`.�' ' ' to any exlsting or subsequeM Ilenholders or exfstfng or subsequenl ben�fl:ia•ies.BeneOciary may procwre sucn insurance and make such 3�ymenl,but
<br /> } ��0;'�"•"'�;`'"'�• ' ahall not be obNgated to do so.Any emounte diabursed by Beneficlary pursua^•to lhia Paragraph B sha11 become addit�onal Indebtednesa o1 Tc,,ster seeured --
<br /> ' '�T�' .
<br /> ,. • .t,, � •;� by thls Truat Oeed.Such amounte shall be pbyable upon notice Irom 8enet��ary to Trustor requesNng payment Ihereof,and ehell bear 1nte�est hom the
<br /> ,I�r"Y�n'�������•••��'. date ol dlaburaemen181 the rate peyable Iram tfma lo tlme on oulstanding pnnc�pa�under ihe T1ole untess payment of Interest at such rale would be caMrary �--
<br /> -�� �'>�"�:`�`• to eppllcable law,In whloh event such amounta shall bear mterest al lhq h�ghest rate pe�r^.ssible under apphcable law.Nothlnp contWnad in thie Parapraph ___
<br /> _L`� 'y`.�'���,: 8 ahoH requlre 8ene11c1ary to Incur eny expenae a take any acnon hereunder. °-
<br />--� _ ;5.,�,;,.'. .
<br /> . .:,�',.'..,'r:_..• �`�'-;.
<br /> • � ��,,hy' .� 7.ASSIGNYENT OF RHNTB.BeneNciary ahall have the righl,power and Au�+�onty during Ihe contlnuance of Ihis Trust Deed to callect Ihe rente.Issuea �;•�-
<br /> �-'=:����'�� �• � • and rotftG of the Pro rl and of en erso^a! ro ert loCated Ihereon w�tri or wdhout lakfn Ssession o f t he propert a Mect e d here b and Trustor
<br />°-� , .a,. .. .�. P P8 Y Y P P P Y 9 Po Y Y• �:'_,
<br /> �'�t . �,.',�r�>;:'„ hereby absolulely and uncondltbnaMy asalgns all Such rents.issues aad proHls to Beneflclary. Beneficiary,however,hereby consenta to the Truator's M+Y-
<br /> � . ' �;�,;,.,::. eollectlon and retention ol such renta,fssues and prut�ta ns tnay accrue and become payable so long as Truslor Is not.at s:.c'+tit+le,In defeult with respe�t
<br /> . '� • to payment of aey Indeblednese secured here�f a 1n 1:^a;.e�roimance of any agreement hereunder.Upon any such det�ull,BeneOcfery mey at any Ume. �``�
<br /> • ' '�;�••''"�'r„F elther In person,by agenl,or by a recewer 1C Ge appanted ty a tourl.wllhpu!rtotlCe and wdhout regard to the edequeCy o}eny security lor the indebtedness
<br /> �;,i;���;;� • hereby secured,(a)enter upon and lake�cssession o1 the Property or a�a Fa�!thereol,and�n�ts own name sue fa or othe►w�se collect such rems.Isaues �'-'`
<br />- : �..,��., . --
<br />- � �i,��; end pro�lte.�ncluding those pest due and vnpa�tl.and apply tho same,leas costs and expenses of aperotion end cdlectfon,mcluding reasonaDie attamey's �"
<br /> �' r�.., .,.' ,;' ;,�' fees,upon e�y mdebtedness secured hereby,and in such order as Benelicia�y may delermine;(b)perlorm such acts of repair or protecllon a6 mey be F.
<br /> ;r;�,,�:;° � } . . necessary or proper to conserve the value of the Property;(cllease the same or any pert thereol lor such rentui,term,and upon such conditlone as ds `�_-,-
<br /> �' ,a;: ��� • .. �udgment may dktete,w lerminete ar ed�usl the terma and condiUOns of erlsUng leeses.Unless Trustor and BenehCiary thereof agree othervvlse In wriG�g. `°
<br />-�-°�•�• �`�j�� i;,�.'� : 1 any applfcalfon ol rents,lssues a protNS to eny mdebtedness secured hereby shpll not extend or postpone the due date ol Ihe Installmenl paymenls as E
<br /> ,''�'" ' � provlded 1n Sa�d promissory note or change the amount o1 such�nstallmenls The enlering upon antl Inkmg possess�on of the Property,the collectfon `?-•,'�
<br /> � '� 'E' ' of such rents.fasues and protfts,a�d the apphCaUOn Ihereol as aloreseid.shall nol wafve or Cure any qalaull or nolice ol delaull hereunder or invahdale ;�,
<br />�6 �,' • eny act done pursuant to such nohce.Truetor alSO ass�gns to Benehciary,as lu�ther seCUrity for the peHOrmance ot the obllgalions secured hereby,all ��'
<br />.� �. . � re Y Y Po Y Y Y• P Y
<br /> � p pald rents and all mon�e9 whlch me have been cr me hereafter be de sded wdh said Trustor b an lessee of Ihe Propert to secure the a ment
<br /> � ;;� � " ol any rent or damages,or upan default In the performanCe 0�eny o1 the provi;lons hereo�,T�ustor agreert to deliver such�ent;a-�d deposds to Be�ehciary.
<br /> :'r;• `• Dellvery ol wr111en not:ce or ge�e0uery's exerase ot the Nghls g�anted herein,lo any tenent occupymg said prem�ses�haU be auNicienl ro requlre sa�d
<br /> • .�; ...
<br /> '�•. :, f.. . , , • tenam�r vay+Rnt:u tne 8enefic�ary untu further nouce ,
<br /> . �� �_ . ��..,,•
<br />`'!`��''�5t ���� ' "" 9.CG1'AJDENINA410W.If Iltle�o any paA o�Ihe Proper�y 8hd11 be t��en m coademnat�on proceed��gs by nght ol emment dompm or�imddr ect�on.or �
<br /> .. 1f,��._ , p�,,.';,�'�fi;;�; � .
<br /> 's�J,;,s,;i� :, rN�r7,1'�j�1;�;" shall Qe sc�J untle•Ihreat o'condemnalwn,all awards.damages and proceedL are hereby ass�gned and shall be pa�d to Benehaary who ahall epply 1
<br />�:''i� 1.,.2. . �•.��1�'F'.�t/r„ '
<br />� �, ' �� r.,., suth awards,tlamar,es and praeeds to the sum secured by th�s Trust poed.w�th the eYCess.�f any.paia to Trustor It Trustor recewes any notrce o�
<br /> �� '''�"�'�i �� {��'�S' �J' dher inlamelion�r����9ic. •uch aclions or roceedm Trastor shal! rre rom t w��lten notice Ihereot to Benehc�ar -Benehcia shall be enmletl.a: � :
<br /> ;:•:;�; .., . , r:.. . a �� P 95. 9 p P Y �Y
<br /> -=s!�"•, ° ''''�'�.:{:'� �.. 1ts optlon,to commence.aapear In and prosecute m�ts own name any sacn acUOn or praeetli�gs and sha�l be enulled lo make any comprom�se or senlement
<br /> _- +.d��� ,..,_ , . , t;:�
<br /> �;•*.";=: ' fn connectlon wdh any such eChon or proceedmgs. Y;��
<br /> . C. �.�,}T r.
<br />- � �'��`5�;"�� ���� 9.FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon request o�Trustor,8enehuary a'Benehciary's opbon,pno�lo reconveyance of Ihe Propeny lo T►uslor,may make �''
<br /> ' � F�__." lulure advencea lo Truslw.Such lutae advenCes.with mterest Ire�eern,snai:�e setuted Gy lhis T�ust Oeetl vihen evidented by prom�ssory notea stdtmg '�'
<br /> a.-
<br /> t _ ."t that sa�d notes are secuted hereby:promded that et no tlme s�a�'t}�r eecu�e4 prmCipa'anC 1ulure apvences not�r��athng sums advanCed to protect t-'.
<br />_ ,,,, . , , . °; the seCUrity,exCeed two hundred percent(20046)ol the ong�nai pn^��q8 amounts SecurRG'rereby ;
<br /> -- �,�,'•• • 10.RE�IEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and Beneflciary.and eacn o'them.Shall be enlitled to en'arca paymenf and perfamance o1 any�ntlebtedness '
<br /> ' .<:,.- • '' or obligations secwed hereby and lo exerclse all rfghts and powera under Ih�s Trust Deed a under eny other aQreement executed m connect�on herewilh
<br /> �� � �P � a eny laws now or herealter In lorce,notwdhslandmg some w all of the such mdebtedaess and obligaUOns secured hereby may now or hereafter be �
<br /> � �' otherwise secured,whelher by mortgage,truat deed.pledge.l�en,asslqnment or otherwise.Neilher Ihe acceptanCe ol Ih�s Trusl Deed nor qa entorcemenl �
<br /> 't ' " whether by couH actron or pursuent lo the powe�o�eale or other power5 herem conlamed,shall pre�udice a fn any menner alfeCt•Truslee's or Benelic�ary's
<br /> '' . � � rlpht to reallte upon or enforce any olher seCUnty now or hereafler held by Truslee ar 8eneliC�ery,il bemg agreed that lruslee and Benehclary,and each •
<br /> � �. .Lf
<br /> 7 �:.
<br /> ��. R, f' ,I�1}��� .
<br /> ` ��i���i' �. ..'C�.. �`.
<br /> ' �� . . �
<br />