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<br /> period��iat Laidar requnes. 'R�a ira�a�oc carrie�prorldins t6e in�uran�r stiti br c�en by Bamwer subjest w l,eode�t� �
<br /> appnwd which shdl not be anceacanably wilAdeid. IF Borsower fails to maintain rnverage described above.Lender may.sit �
<br /> -_ - --��pernrerage Protect�L n8Ms�rrthrPcdpe�tY• ���„t�� --
<br /> to -endee's' tn xcucda►�ae wittt,.....8._,..... �
<br /> A!1 incurancc policies and rerKwaLc sha[I be aaaepta6le to t�endcr�shaU irxtude a stanQard mortgage clause. Lender- .
<br /> s6all,have the ri�ht to l�oM thc pnlicies�td�enewats. if Lender requi�es.Bo�rnwer sh�l1 l�nptlY give w Lender all r�eceipts
<br /> �. of y�id preedums�d`�enewal notices. te tbe eveat of loss.BamQwer sdall give prompt notice to the u�urance curifr and
<br /> /,en�}ar. Lender�ry m�lce pioof of toss if aot m�e Qrompt�}�hy 8amwer. •
<br /> . Unlesc Is�nder�nd Bortower otl�wise agm in writing,i�.surancr p�ocads sha11 be applied to Yrswratia�a repair of ,
<br /> the propecty.darnagcd.if the�toration oc npair�s e¢onomipity feasibk ancl Lender�security is nat kssened. if�he
<br /> tesWratia�ar neprir is aat econanicsifly frasibk ar Lender's securiry would be tessened.tiic insararne proceeds shaill�e
<br /> ����syp�s secu�d(�r this Socuriry Instrumai�wl�ether or aot then due.with any excess paid to&xrawu. If.
<br /> �prtower abandons tbe Pmpe�ty.or doe's not auawer within 30 days a ndice ftom Le�er that the insurma curier has
<br /> a�fferod w settk a cl�im,thrn t.efider maY rnlkst the inwrance p�ocuds. l,snder mag use the proceeds ta nepair or restore
<br /> �e Fropecty or w pay surtic sauc�ed hy this Securiry insttumen�whether os not then due. 't1K 30-day period will begin when
<br /> _ ttx r�otice is given. . `
<br /> ouc
<br /> LTnkss I.ender ae�d Borrower oihesw�se ag�ee in writin&any aPPtication of proceeds to principal sha11 not exund or
<br /> postpone the due date of d�e monthlY paynients eefea�ed w in ParaBr'aphs 1 aad 2 or cf�ange the aawunt of the paylrxnts. If _
<br /> - ander puagr�pt��1 the Pmpe�ty is acqua�ed by I.ender,Borrower's cighE to any insurance policies and proceals t+esuIting .
<br /> -- from d�mage to tht Pmpetty priar to dx.$aluis�hon shall pass ta Lender to the extesii of the sums secured by this Secnrity
<br />:�_ [nsuument imatediatety priar tv the acqt�isitioo..
<br /> -_� f� Uccop�nc9. Preservattoo. Maintenance md Protectioe af t6e Property, Bono�rer's Loan Applicatlon:
<br />--- Lea�eMoldt, Barrower sha11 occapy.establish.and use the P'rapertY ns Bormwer's pcincipal residence within suty days after
<br /> -- the e�cocution of this Secutity L�shvrtKnt and shaU continue to occugy the Pcaperty as Aorrower's principal resideace for at
<br />::�,_ . laat one yeu after dx date of cecupaacy. unkss Lender odxrWrise ag�ees in writing, wdich consent shall not be ,
<br /> _ �,�b7y y���,or u�less exteuuating�ircumstances exist which ac�e beyond Bamwer�contml. Borrower sball not
<br /> d�n.vy.damage or impair the Ptoperty.allow the Prespeet�_tc�deteriaate,or cpmmit waste on the Pc�perty. �ormwer s1�aU
<br /> , be an defautt if any forFeilun actiat or proceeding.whet3�cr s�vil ar crisninal.is begun that in Lender�s good faith judgment __ �__
<br /> 'couYd idsult in forfeiture of the Ptoperry or odtetwise•�3:�siaUY impair the lien created by this Securtty Inswment or �`=
<br /> � ` . Ixnder�secarity intenes� Bomnwer may c�s,ic�a default`�nd tieInstate.as p�ovtdtd'm�ph!8,by causing the action - -
<br /> ., �or proceediag to he dismissed witb a ruling cL�t,in 1.ender's goad faitf►de�cmination.pieclades forfeiture of the Bomawer�s =-____
<br /> intercst in t2�e.Propeny ar otl�er material Impairment of the lien cr�ate�6y this Secasin-Tnstmm�e�t or I.enderh.securiry U�—
<br /> inferest. Borrower sha11 atso be in default if Barrower. during the toan a licatio�+process,gave materis!! false or ' ���`'�'
<br /> PP Y �u�_:.
<br /> .inaccurate infarmation or statements to l.ender(or faited to provide l,ender with any material informatian)in connection witb
<br /> ' tbe loaa tridenced by the Note. including, but not Gmited to,rep�sentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the , -
<br /> Pmperty as a principal residence. !f this Security Instrument is on a leasehotd.Borrower shap compiy with all t1�provisions
<br /> of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee titte to the Properry.the leasehold and the fee tiUe shall not merge unless l.ender agncs ��;_
<br /> to the merger in writing. �
<br /> 7. Pratectton ot Lende�''s Rlghts in t�e Propertq If Borrower fails to pef�rm tl�e covenanu and agreements _
<br /> cantai�ect in ihis Security fnstrumenl,or ihere is a tegal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's righ�s �n the �
<br /> ' Ptoperty(snch as a proceeding in bankruptcy.prabate.for condemnatton or forfeiture orro enforce taws or regulations).then — _
<br /> Lcnder may do and pay for whatever is aeoessary ta pratect thc value of the Praperty and Lender`s righu in the Property. �_��-
<br /> Y P Y S Y• bY P tY �+ PP� S :�=�;�.-
<br /> l.ender's actions ma include a in an s-umc secured a lien which has riori over this Secun l�utrument.a rin t-TrT;
<br /> . tn coun,paying reasonable attameys'fees and entering on the Pmperty to make repai�s.A[though Lender m�y take action . r•_�,
<br /> under this parapaph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. �`� ;•_�
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become addivanal debt of Borrowe�tecured by this __::.�-�-
<br /> Security Instn�ment Unless Borrower and Lender agce ta other terms af payment,these amounts shall beaz interest from the -
<br /> - datc bf disbarse�a�ent at the Note rute and shall be payable,with interest.upon notice fram l.ender to Bortowcr reyuesting -�� '_
<br /> t,-.
<br /> payment. � . _-;.;, y-
<br /> S. MoMgage Insuranca If Lcnder required martgage incurance ac a conditian af making the loan secureA by this !.;;,.�,_:
<br /> Security Instnimen�Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mort`age in�urance in effecl. If.for any ,;,�:�^;.:�;�.
<br /> r�ason.the martgage insurance coverage rec�wred by l.ender.lapses os ceases ta 6e in effeet. Barrower shall pay the •�- �':�
<br /> pn,tniums required to obtain coversige cub�tantially eyuivalent ta Ihe mongage intiurance previously in effect,at a cost � "' "'`
<br /> substantially eyuivatent to the cast to Horro�vrr af Ihe mongage insurance previously in cffect.fror�n an Altemate martgage ;��,: .
<br /> • insurer approved by Lender, If substanua�d�eyuivalent mort�ge insurance coverage is not available,Borrower.rhall pay to y ,,• ::;
<br /> • L.ertder cach month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the ye�u1 y mortga�e insur�ncc pmmium being paid by Borrower when the �*.�,4,�-�_�=
<br /> � • insurancc coverage tapred or eeased ta be in cifcc� Lender will acccpt,use and retain there payments as a lass rc�ervc in licu �°J`=,";_
<br /> of mortgage insurance.�i�ss�:serve payments may no langer be reyuired.at the optian of Lender.if mort�age insurance �%��'•' ��`
<br /> { tovet�ge lin the amount and far the penad that l.cndrr rcquircr)proE idec4 by un in�urcr approvcJ by Lcnder�gnin becomes ����'` '
<br />' �r`'� `�: uvailable and is oD:a;ncd.Bonower shaU pay the premiums rcquircd to maintain mangagc intiurutne in effect.or to provide a
<br /> • •''�`i' � lo�.�reserve.until the requircmcnl for murtgage imurance ends in uccardancc with any written agreement hetween Borrower ••
<br /> � and Lender or applicnble law. �"•�: �
<br /> ';�; 9 /nspectian. L.en@cr or its ugeni may makc rea�aaabtc cntric�upun an�impections af the Praperty. Lcndcr tih:�ll
<br /> :; .,., " give Borrower notice s�t the time uf or prior tn an inspretian sixcifying reasonaMe cau.e far the inspectian. •. .
<br /> '` 10 Condemnation. The pmceed�uf any uward or claim fc�r damage�,direct nr ron�eyuemial.in c�mnec�ion with any � �
<br />- + '>;�� tiingW F:�mily..F�eie�t�elFrcddlr�tac 1�1F1)NZ11�5'�RC�1F;tiT••1'ttdum�Co�cn�ntr 9l90 ipu¢e t r,l��paer�J
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