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<br /> --- _'F_." —C "_i�s I � .- - ,-- - �-. — �-- -. - -� � -- l_ - - -----'_. _ ,. � ��� ._ . . . .
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<br /> �[QG�'I�1��11 f�IC I111QrbYq11C8tS dD�Y Ot�!![dRE►QOC[!d 011 t11C p[t1plR3►.i[!d 71�q5l11iG�.�`.
<br /> ` aod futmres now`or 6aeafter a pai[of the pcoperty. All ieplaame�s and�dditions s�U atso be roveoa3 byr 16ts.Sec�ity.
<br /> — _`-Leswaxnt All ef the fargoi�is nfaiedto m sbis Se�uriry.[nswment as ehe"Pru�e�ty" - , . � _ —
<br /> . BIXtROWER C�VENAN'�S thst Barowtr is hwPolty seiseQ of tbe esnte lia�eb�r cunveye�and Nas the�ght tu gnnt
<br /> s�canvey the Ptoperty an�dut the Propaty is•�TM�.•�••,w•Rd.ezcept for eiuumMancos of rcaxd. Bamwtr warrants aad '
<br /> wili defend geoerally tde titte w t!x PiropeAy ag�inst ill ciaims ud demands.subjeM to any encumbrances of tecad
<br /> 'i'HIS SEtURlf1F INS�RUI4�NT comDine.s uuieifars�cova�aats for mdonal use �nd�n-unifaim covenants with,
<br /> � limitod variations by jurisdiction to coostitute a unifoimi security.instrument coreriag�eal pe�opeitY.
<br /> UNIPORM�YENAN'fS. Barrowetard I.enda covm�nt aad�ree as foUows: whea due tl�e
<br /> � • 1. Fi�j�t d Pri�cipd a�d I�tere�PreM9mnt sad I.�te Cdarae�. Bamwer shall promPUY PaY ,
<br /> �and interest ao d�e debt evidenoed by the Naa and�►Y P�WY���id lue charges due w�der the Note.
<br /> = --� �F1r�3r[�'liute��t Ias�a�ee.Subject to applicabk taw or to a wnjti,m waiva by Isnder.Bamwa sd,tl p�y to ,
<br />-`_=: ` l.eader on the dai'�Y WY��are due undec the Nate.una'i.the Na�e is paid in full.a snm(°Fimds")far.ta)Yearl�►
<br />',�. _ � tuss_�md a�sessesx�ps vvhich nr+g�wua PciqcitY over this Securiry I�at as a Len on the Ptoperty;(bj Ye�tY kasebotd
<br />_ �y,ne,� or�ouna�,cs on we�oQacy. �aay: (c)raay nszara or pm�ertY „uuraace �nium� E�1 y�r �
<br /> ins�aaooe piemiums,ff any:(o) Y�Y�895���P�ums.if anY:and(�aoY sum�[?�Yable by Borrowa w
<br /> ns�
<br />— �- — Lender,in acca�d�nce wnd►the pmvisians of puagnph S,ia iiea of the payment of mo�tgage insurance prenuums. 77KSe
<br /> items ue eAited"Escmw Items." Leade�may,at any time.colkct aad hotd Fiu�ds ia an amount not to eaceed thc maximnm
<br />-� ��- amount a k�Wer far a federaUy rei�ted mortga8e loan may�+equire for Bamwer�s escrow accaunt uader the federal Rea{ _
<br /> ':.G.'. Estate Sealaaent Pmceduces Act of 1974 s�s amendea fram tim�to time.l2 US.C.¢2601 e�seq.("RESPA"),untess anotl�er
<br /> l�►w tb�t aipplies ta d►r£w�ds sets a ksser ama�un If so.Lender maY.at any tune,collect and hald Fands ia an araoaat not to — -
<br /> exceed the lesser amaau. I.ender may estimsate the amoant of Ruids due on the hasis of cucient data snd s�able ��
<br /> ' es�mstes af expaidiaues of fature Escnow items ar oEherarise in occordance with applicable law. �._�
<br /> - 71ie R�ads s1�i!be held in a�1 institutian wlwse deposits sine insated by a federal agency,in�ntality.or ernit3► _— _
<br /> . ('mctad'mg l�ender,if Lender is such an institutioa)or irt any F�ede�at Home i.�aaSank, i.ender shall apply tt�Funds to paY �__
<br />- the Escraw Itans. L e n d e s may not c h a r 8e H orrowr,r f o r h o i d i a g a a d a�Q l y m g t h e F u t�d s.a�m u a ll y anat y z i n g the ascmw ��__
<br /> '. accoun�or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Leader pays Baiawer mte�st on the Funds and appticable law permits �
<br /> �:_
<br /> _ - . Lende�to malie sucA a ctiarge. Howet►er.I.e�der may requue Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independeuE zeal ��y`_-
<br /> � ` estate tax repo�ting service used by i.ender in connection with tlds toan,tmless applicable iaa provides otherwise. Untess�� ' �_;-;.:T��-
<br /> s vi
<br /> -f.. agtehnent is made or appticabie law requires intecest to 6e paid,C.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inte�est.�as '.���y
<br /> . eamings on the Fund�. Borrawer and L.ender may�in wntmg,Iwwever.tAat intet+est shaii be paid an theFnnds. [.ender ..,_z:,_. -_
<br /> shall give to Borrower,witbout charge.an aimuat accounang of thc Funds,showing ccediu and debits to�e Furtds and the 'T'�'.";,
<br /> PiuS_pco�se..f_a w'h_�ich eaMch debit[o the Fimds was made. The Fimds are ptedged as.addiNonal security for aIS sums secured bY ~'t.;�,�,:'-
<br /> " �1S�7R�Wi�YL1YW1�„� . . :• ♦ . erM1�K'�.•-:.:".
<br /> � If the Funds hetd by Lendec e�ceed itie amounts pom►itud to be held by applicabte]aw. Lertdcr shaU account to " ��:;�T
<br /> - Earawer for the eacess Fundg in a�oardance wit1�the re9�ir�ents of applicable taw. If the amaont of the FUnds held by _ ::-
<br /> . L.ender at any Gme ia not sa�cieM to pay the Esccow ttems when due.l.ender may so naHfy Borrower in writing,and,in �s�`�i__r
<br /> such case Bomnwer shall gay co Lendcr d�e amount necessary w make up the deficiency. Borrawer shaU make up tt�e ;-�--"=
<br /> _ deficiency in no more than tweive monthty payments.at l.ender's sole discretion. ' ��{,�- • :•.-
<br /> - �! :r'�!. U p o n p a y ment in full of all sums secured by th�s Security Instrumen�l.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any . ,..,
<br /> i,.•,, Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seU the P r operty.L e n d er,pnor to t h e a c q u i s i u o n a r . ;r,..,
<br /> - sale of the Propttry.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums � :};'�.
<br /> ;:�'''`�: `' secund by this Security Insuumen� •
<br /> � ,�:.t1�. 3. AppUeatbo d Payments. Unless appticable law provides otherwise,al! paymenu received by Lender under
<br /> � ��:': �phs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firsb to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payable under _
<br /> • para�aph Z;third,to interest due:fuurth,to princ�pal due;and 1ast,w any late charges due under the Note. ,
<br /> - - .. •. 4, Cl�se�es; Liais. Sorrower shatt pay all taxes,asse.umeats.charges.fines and impasidons ata�butable to the ;` , .
<br /> � °" piropt�ty which may attatn priority over this Securiry Insttument,anA teasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Homnwer �
<br /> .- r�=� ' ? •
<br /> �r`�� shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paTUgraph Z.or if not paid'm that manner.8ortower shall pay them on
<br /> "° '" time directly to the person owed paymen� Borrower shall promptly fumish to I.�nder all notices ot umaunts ta 6e paid under �
<br /> A�'`.;--°-��' this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender reccipts evidencing '
<br /> .�= . .
<br /> � �d�. thc payments. � _
<br /> Barrower shall promptly discharge any lie�which hag prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ag�azs • _
<br /> � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the liea�n a manner acceptabte to Lender.(b)contests in goad fa�th the _
<br />- , ;;• lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in.tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br />- ' enforcement of 1Ne lien:or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien . .' � :
<br /> - ' r.•� to this Security Instrumen� lf l.ender Aetem�ines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority _
<br /> • over this Security Mstrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying ihe lien. Borrower shall satisfy the 11en or take .,
<br /> ; � • one or more oP the actions set forth abave within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> •';'`�"�`'; 5. HaTaed or Propertq 1t�sue�nce. Balrower shall keep the�mprovements naw existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> ,� ���;`• , ;,° Froperty insuted against loss by flre.hazards inctuded within the tem�"cxtended wverage"and any other hazards.including
<br /> • � ''`'y floods or flooding.far which Lender requires insutance. This insuran¢e shalt be malntained in the amounu and for the ,
<br /> ; �;,r�;�,. .
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