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: ... -.. ; . , <br /> , ; . _ <br /> _ . —z -- .-- , . . <br /> --;- .--.- r=_,..-.-- --- >�.r- - - - -----. ... _,....-_=-_ - - - -- <br /> _. - _ -�. �-- <br /> . , ;= - .—. � _ _ �5�:� <br /> s a � _ . _ _ �.. . <br /> ,� . -- - —, ---' -- — _ <br /> - ..� _ _ . ____� - . .v-- - �--- -�,- , z - =— - . <br /> ., - � ; - �: � - .- __- —_ _= � � •--__—--- _��_ �_ �-.- - _- - _--- - <br /> .. , <br /> -`: . . :. � i - �. - � . , f. �..—.� ._ _ . __�._-_ <br /> .__. _ _ . __� _ --_ __. __ . :- ... ._.- __ -_ . _ -___. .____ __. _. .-_ . - .[__ ._ _-_—__ . _ '—__- - _ ... _._._`.-_. _ . _ _ -..._.._-.. .. .._._ <br /> � �- � . . � � . _ � �91�.� ���3 . � <br /> - � . - . - . _ � . - <br /> `' pariods th�t Leedet roquires. 'l1�e�r�we rarrier pvridin�tGe inwr�nce sliaiPfie cliasen�y Baruwsr aubjece t�tx�+ierk. . ` <br /> . sppmvtl nfikh slwll nat 6e un�onab�y withheW. If Bamower fYib to maiM�in covera�e de.rcrihnt above.Lcnder mry.�t . <br /> l,ender�aptioe.46tsin coven�s Yn pro��l.enda's d�lM.K in�hc�ny in ucc��c w��h p�r�►aph 7 . <br /> ' AU.ins�in�Iw,Y pc�lkks ond nenewal�xiwll be aecept�bte to r and�hati tnctude p�tnndud m�xtg�8e claese. Lencleer <br /> - ui p�id prcmtums and rei�wa)c�atics:9, in the cvrnl c�f tos�.Borrower s �i vr prampt notac a �nsu <br /> ` i.errder. I.ender Fnay m�(ce pr�wf of tass if not u�ck p�empttY OY 8ormwer. . <br /> ' . U�fess knder and 9orrov►zr otherwise agreC proceeds slmlt be aPptied to restoratian ar repair of . <br /> — � U�e Frvpetty Qamaged.if d�tesmratia�br`mp�air is eeaxirntcally feasibk a�ed l:e�derg secutity is nos I�srned' If the <br /> - resWruian or tep�ir is not ecanomically fessibk ar Lendes's security wouid be_lessened.the insu�ance pruceeds shaU 6e <br /> apptied to the�ums saaued by this Securiry instn►ment,wixti�er or not then due,with a�y exce�.c paid to Borrower. [f <br /> _ Bamwer abandans the•Ptnperty.or daes not answer within 30 days a r�otice fmm Lender thae the insur•uxe carrier has - , <br /> _ off'ered to settte a cfaim�dKn Lender may collect the insucuM,�e p�oceedc. Lender may uce the p�acceds to wpiir orn wjhert <br /> - tl�e ptoperty or to pay sums saviced try this Securiry(nstrunxnt.ahether or na then due. 71�e 31l�daY t�� � - <br /> -- tbe natica is given. <br /> -- Unless Lender and Borrower otl�erwise agree in writing,any applicatian of pcoceeds to principal shatl noc ex nen�1� , <br /> . postpa�e the due datG of tl�e monthlY payments.referred to in paTagrapl�s 1 and 2 ar change the amaunt of�P�Y� , <br />-��.�� uqder paragraph 21 the Psqietty is acqaired by Lender,Bomower5 right to any insurrnce poli��i�.s and pracceds msuiting <br /> ;�;;. ftom darnage to thc Prnperty prior to tFie acqwsinon shall pass to Lxtlder to the eatent of the sums secured�y this S�urity . <br />=_ Insuunxnt immediately prior to tAe acquisitian. <br /> _ 6. Oavp�acy, Preservatiae, Mainteaance and P�otectiat o� the Praperty; Borrnwe�'s Loan Application: - <br /> I�eholds. Bo�rower shall occupy,establish,and use tbe Property a�Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after <br />-- the execution of this Security Insm�ment and shall continue to accupy the Prnpeny as BoROwer's PnnciPat�s�dence for at <br />:yt,,�` least ane year after t6e data of occupancy, unless Lender otherwnse agrees in writing, which consene shall not be —_ <br />=_:;;:• " vn�easonably withhet4 or unless eafennatiMtg circumstanees exist whieh ace beyond Borcower's control. Borrowcr shall not __ <br /> - ' destroy.damage or impair the Plraperty.altow the Propercy to doterioratc.or commit waste on the PropeRy. Borrower shall _ <br />..``� 'be in default if any farfeitune action vr proceeding.wi►ether civil or beg�n that in Lender's good faith judgment <br /> - � coutd resmlt in for6eit�ue of the Property ar od►eiwise materially impair the lien created by this Secunty Instrumer+t or .-`-.--.- <br /> �-�'�� ' �l.endec s s�eurity interest. Borruwer may cure such a defauit and ravided in 18.b causin the action <.�r'T`__ <br /> ., ot pracee8i,-tg m pe dismissed wiih a cuting that,in Lenders�oad faitlt determinatioa.preclu�eitum of the Bar�uwer�s '1 ° <br /> �,.a�'!` � �� _ — _''_ <br />.,,,, interest In th�propecty or othet material impairment af the fien c�eated by this Secdriry'insaument or[xr►�er?� <br />� ' ' '•• interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower. during the loan applicaaon process. gave materially faise'or �"'���� <br /> ='Y = inaccurate informauon or statement�to Ixnder(or faz�ed to pmvide l.ender with a�r material infunnation)in connection with ��� <br />,':�:�� '� �"�; 3he toan eyidenced by tt�e Note.inclading. but aoF Iimited to, oepresentatIons conceming�oirower's occupancy of the = - <br /> ts.;rc:::_,_ <br /> �^��• � Ptopercy as a principal residence. [f tbis Securiey In+�uument is on a ie�sehold,Borro�ver shall comply with all the provisions "�s <br /> .� <br /> of the lease. If Bormwer acqulres fee titie to the Property.the Ieasehold and the fee titte shati nat merge uniess Lender agrees • �«_ __ <br /> - f�. ta tbe merSer in writing. . � � � <br /> . 7. prntection of:Lender's Rights(n the Property. !f Borrawer fails to perfoma the covenanxs and agreements _ �-- <br /> .. �o�ta�ned;h this Securety fnsuwnent,ar there is a legat praceeding that may signiRcantly affect I.ender's rigt►�s ia the ��� _ <br />: �, ��_, Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnatian or fort'eiture or to enforce laws orregulations>.then —_m---�-�.. <br /> ,�':: Lender may do and pay for whatever is neces�ary to pmtect the value of the Property and Lender's righ�s in the Property: J r. —__ <br /> ,-q;= Lender's acttans may indude paying any sums secumd by�lien which hav priority over this Security Instrument.appearing '.%�`�'ih:��—�— <br /> i�coun,paying reasonabie Attomeys'fees and entering an thc Prapeny to make repairs.A1lhnugh l.ender may take action , �.� �_ <br /> under this paragraph 7,l.ender does not have to do so. • . - � . �•��` <br />' Any amauatti disbursed by l.estder under thiz paragraph 7�hall bccome ldditionul deM af Borrawcr xecurcd by this ��"�'��., <br /> �� . <br /> Securiry Insm►ment. Unless Borrawer and Lcnder a�ce ta mher term�af paymcnt.these amounts�hall hear intcrest from the •- _��;_.' <br /> � date af disbunement ut the Note ratc and+hall he payable,witb mtere+l.upan nntice fram Lendcr tu Borrawer reque.rting _;. :� <br /> , m�: payment. �..'.�� <br /> ' �� -� 8. Mo�e Insurance If Lender ceqaired martgage insurAnce as a condition of makin�,the loan secured hy thi� _._.,... - <br />. � Security Instrument.Bormwcr�hall pay the premiums reyuired to muintain�he mortgage inrurancc in effcct. !f.far any • .. .K;,�,__ <br /> " reason. �he mortgage insurance cavcrage reyuired by l.ender lapses ar cea�es to be in effect. Barrower shall pay the � .?-,�:� <br /> , , �, premiumw required to obtain covcrage substantis�lly equivalcnt to the martgage in.�utance previously in eifect. Al A COtit �. ,:��i�:;� <br /> , substantiAUy equivalent ta the cost tn Barrawer oi'�he mortgage insurance previouvly in effect,fram an altemate mortgage '�� <br /> . insurer approved by Lender. li'.rubstuntially equivalent mortgage in�urance coverage is not available.8arrawer shall pay to � <br /> ��� Lender each month a sum equal to�ne-iweifth of�he ycariy mangage insurance premium heing paid by Barrower when the _ , � <br /> ��y insurance coverage lapsed ar ceased to be in efiect. Lender will accept,u�e:u�d reiain the�e payments a.w a laxs reserve in lieu :.,:-,s°- <br /> of mortg�ge insutance. l.oss reserve p.ayments may na longer bc rcquired,as the option of Lcndcr.if mortg:tge i�yurance - . � _ <br /> �� .; coverage(in the amount and for ihe penoci that l.n;nder tcyuire�l provided by an insurer approveJ by I.ender again becames . �`; <br /> uvai ta b 1e an d is o b ta i n e d.B o rc o w e r ti h a l l p a y t h e p r e m i u m s r c q u i r e d t o m a i n t a i n m o n g a g e in�urance in eifecl.�r tn prnvide a , <br /> • '- � 2oss reservc,uMil the cequiremcnt for mortgagc in�urancc cnd�in:�ccardancc with any wnttcn agreement bctwcen Barroaer <br /> ,`�'��� ' and Lender nr applicable law. � <br /> °�"`?`'?`"� 9 1� tioo. L.endcr or its agent may make reaticmabtc cntric+up�m and in�pcctic�ns af Ihc Property. l.ender chall , <br /> :<<i.' .•_.;. ; PCc <br /> F�;_�� _' give Borrawcr noticc at thc timc of or prior to an inspccti�m�pccifying rc:�+nnablc caurc for thc inspection. <br /> �r�'=-; ' 10 Condemnation. 'I'hc prcKced�of:�ay awarJ nr rlaim for damagcti.dirrct��r cun+cyurnti�+l,in ronnccl�nn with any <br /> w '."{"�:��,. Singtc i�amily..Fannk Hadiieddk S1ac f�IFOR�11�5'fRl!MF:Nf-•UnifurmCovcn:mtr 9J90 qu�qr t n/'h p«:�•u . . <br />.. - y',..�. . <br /> , '7%,•,.,.:.. GrcallatrxBusmrti+Ymro.lnt.� . . <br /> - - YoUMell;all 1.90D.'i3Df1(i�X10 VlLKli16TS11�113) . � . . <br /> . ' j����+��'� ' f�: ' , <br /> , .w•. � ` • i. • . --^- <br /> r� .•. . - <br /> ...s: .�. . . . . . . _. . ... .�___ _'___""' .. _... ._ . <br />. . ��; .,. ,. ��.�.�..-... . . . - �• .._ _ - _... . _ ' ' . ' ' _ '_ .._ ' ._ , _ . ' . . - . . <br /> , 3*. . .. . . . . . � . . . - � . . <br /> .c" . . 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