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<br /> — � - 1Y�Ei'fi�R wPn�.0 tAe ie�pe�r�aa aoM►a�h«+at6a exacted an t�C Pro�ax*ai,a�u e�mb.-.pp+�rk++.NOe+. . .`� ` �
<br /> • ', aad fix4res ea�a liercatkr s pret ol tlre p�tr. All rcplacen�s and�dditians shali also ba cQvaed by this SecuritY < <
<br /> �i�uiiieM.-Alt of tt�faer�oins ia�ert�ed to in dds Sa�uriry'Ir�nunax a�tbe"FtopenY•" �
<br /> — = �_-HaRROWF�t.Q[)Y�[+DIINTS d�aE Boauwer is I�wf�lly seised af thc est�te he�ebi►oonveyed md,h�the rijht ta�nnt , . .
<br /> - -. . -and convey th Ptopeeey and that the Rap�erly is uoeacumbere�e?�ePt for e,ncul��tK'�es af ieca�d.-Borr�wer warrl��nQ - _--,
<br /> . �11 defeod ta�eNly the 8tk to the Roperty against oiU cl�imsand Qem�nd,�,st:6jact to ang encumbances of recad
<br /> ' � � SECIqRffY ;NS1RU11�1�Tf combipes unifam cavea�ets for national use �d nawniform coren�rts vrlth
<br /> lirnitedv�riatioas by jucisdicxian to consaawe a unifaffi sesurity��t covering real proQeKY� � ' " _ � ,
<br /> UNIFURM COVENAN't'$. BoROVircr and Lender eovemot and agt�ee i�s folbws: �. ' ` when due dre
<br /> � •j, PltJwe�E d Prl■cipd�d Ltemt:P�+epal�a�d Late CMwr�es Bamwer shall P�P�Y P�Y
<br /> ' principt]of wd intaest aa tbe debt evidaneed by the Nate ud anY P�WY�nt and Iate charges due utKier tbe Note.
<br /> 7. Fbuds[ae 1liures a�d I�a�Ssibjxt to applic�bie law or to a wriuen wtiver by Lende�.Borrowa si�l1 pa�y to
<br /> =- . I,ender on the day moathlY Wyma�ts me due under the Note.until tbe Na�e is paid ia full,a sum t"Funds")for:(i)Y�Y
<br /> � tues�d assesm�entc whi�h may auain priority over this SecurityIastrument u a lita oa tbe PcopeRy:(b)yar1Y larselpW.
<br /> = —= . . p�y�ts ar gioand tCnts on t6e Prnperty, if any, (a)Yeuiy.haT�td er property uunrmce pceauums: (d)Ye�r1Y flood'
<br /> nt abie Iiarovrer to
<br /> _ �asunnce proau�nss.if aay;(e)Y�Y�8�8��P�w�ts.if any;and(fl�Y�PsY bY,
<br />_ " i,ender.in aceoedance with the p�uvisioos of patagrapl►8,in lieu of the paytnent of moctgage insurance pc�emc�ns: Tfxse
<br />��='s ° ittms m calkd"Escrorv Items." L.mder may.at any time.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exc�sd the maximum
<br /> -��7 amou�a leader for a fede�alIy nlated mongage loan may iequire for Bamwer�s asctow account uader the fodcral Real
<br /> :;,.* - Estate Seulement Anceduns Act of 1974 as art�eaded fiom time w tlme.l2 U.S.C.$?b01 et s�q.("RESPA'�,unless another
<br /> "'� law dnt applies to the Punds seu a tesser amoon�. [f sn,Lender tnay,at any time,collect and hold Funds in aa amount noc w
<br /> `-=} excoed tTse ksser am�wnt Lender may estimaoa tl�e aawuat of l�unds due arthc basis of cur[tnt data and reasonable
<br /> - esum�tes of expeodit�ues of fatuce Fsemw Items or atherwise in accordance with applica6le law.
<br /> _,r 'I1x Flmds shal!be held in an iastitution whase depnsits at�insuced by a fedecat ageneY,insaumentality,a eadty
<br />�'::,.�:� tinctuding Lender.if I.ender is stu�h an instituaon)�ia�ny Federal Home Loan BaNc. Lender shaU apply tLe Funds to paY
<br /> - tbe Escmw Itans. Lender may not charBe Bomnwer for holding and applying the Funds.annually analYzing the escmw
<br /> . _ . �[.or verif}rmg ti�E.4crow Items.anless.l.cmder paYs Bormwer iaterest on the FundS and applicable law pennits_ --
<br /> . LeMer tv maice such a d►arge. However,Lender may require Barcower to'paY a one-time charge fot an independent rea! . _- --
<br /> ---- estate tax repordng servlce used hy Lendec in connec�ion with tWs loan;;unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an . _
<br /> .:.. _- - agreenient is made or applicabte Iaw nequires uttetest to be paid;�:ender sl�alt not be teqai�to pay Bonower any inten�st ar `�___
<br /> :• eaminga on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wnting,however.that uites�sCshaU be pud oa the Funds. L.ender ��.;�,:�-_,;,�.
<br /> shall glve to Sortower.without charge.an annuat accounting of ihe Funds,showing credits and dehits to t6e Funds and the �_
<br /> purpose for whicH eace debit to the Funds aas made. The fi�nds are ptedged as additio�st security for all sums setured by .. �,_
<br /> this Secariry Instrament. ���
<br /> If the Funds Held lry Lender exceed the amaunts permitted to be hetd by applicabte law,Lender shall account to ��*��°
<br /> :;; •Bompwer for the excess Funds in accotdance with the requirements of applicable law. If ifle amount of tbe F�nds held by
<br /> ; Lender at any dme is aat sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so nodfj►Bmmwer in writing.and,in _
<br /> ' sueh case Borrower shaU pay to Lender the amount nocessary to malce up the deficie�xy. Bocrower shall malce up the ��
<br /> ` M! defieieacy in no aiore than tavelve monthly pay.ments,at Lender�s sote dis+,•retion. � =
<br /> Upon paytnent in full of aU sums secared by this Security Instrumen�I.endet shall prompdy refund to Borrower any ��,= _
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shaU xquire or sell ti�e Pcoperty.Lender.prior to the acquisition or -^ .� ;_
<br /> sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the�urns ,�—
<br /> ;.. secured.by this Securiry Instrumen� ?: �
<br /> � "; '• 3. Applicptlon ot P�ymeets. Unless applicable Iaw provides otherwise. all payments rcceivect by Lender under • . _
<br /> "y � par�grapds t and 2 shaU be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Nate:second.to amoun�c payable under . . r__
<br /> �,, ' paragrapb 2;third.to irtterest due:founb.to princ�pal duc;and last.to any late charges due undcr the Nate. � -__
<br /> _�`' 4. CMar`es;Lkna Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments.chargca, fines �nA Impositiang amibutable to the . , ,
<br /> , �� ` -
<br /> ._: Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument.and leasehplQ payments ar graund rents.lf anY• Borrower . _
<br /> � � shaU pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Horrower shali pay them on --
<br /> • �;. time directiy to the person owed payment. Horrower shatl pramptly fumish to Lender all noticcs of amounts to be paid undcr ; ��_
<br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shat!prompUy iumish to Lender receiQts evidencing i _��,r
<br /> :i� the payments. -• � -
<br /> . ''�� Borrowcr shall promptly dlscharge any lien which has priority over this Security instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees : ..-��
<br /> ,. - in wdting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a mannec acccptable to Lender.(b)wntests in good faith the '� R,�+,�
<br /> +•: lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lten in.legal proceedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to pmvem the {;. .
<br /> � • rnfoncernent of the lien:ar(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien • • :,�-.
<br /> �-� ;.
<br /> y:: to this Security Insuument. if Lender determines that any par►of the Property is subJect to a lien which may attain priority . • , ';:� z,,.,,... _j�
<br /> . over thls Security Instrument.Lendcr may give Banower a notice ldentifying the lien. Bortower shall satisfy the lien or take : �� �
<br /> " ane or mon of the actions set farth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ..
<br /> � ' S. Haz�rd or Prapert'Inwnace. Borrower shall keep the�mpmvements now cxisting ar hereafter erected on the
<br /> ,'��. . Property insured against loss by tire.hazards inciuded within the term°exeerrded coverugc'and any other hazards,inciuding .
<br /> . ' . _`-'''� " � flaods or flooding,for which L.ender requires insurance. This insurance shall bc maintained in ihe amounu and for ihe �
<br /> • ��
<br /> .�
<br /> , • '�1" •
<br /> - �. � � Far�3s?d �!� fDaRe=olb0u8t�)
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