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<br /> � pedodi tl�at I.cndcr mquircs. 71ie insuru►ce c�rrier provfdin�ihe insurnncc ehall be ciwsen by 8orrower uubjact ta Lenderti
<br /> �pp�ovd w61ch xhall not be unne�sanxbly wl�hheld, If Bamwer f�l�to m�intain covera�e de�crlbed above�i.ender nwy��t
<br /> L.ande�ti oplion.obt�in coven�a w protect Len�le�b d�l►u ie Ihep�peny in�ccotdwwa wilh pua�ph 7. ,
<br /> � All ineuru�ce palicles and renew�is�hdl ba�ocapublc to Lcnder and�h�ll includo a standud matt�+�ge cleuse. Lemder
<br /> ehall luwa the dght to hold tho poNcie��nd rcnawdw. If l.ender roquiree,Bortower sh�U PrompdY give to Lender�II rxelpts
<br /> of pnid pt+emiumc md rcnew�l notiecs. In the event of loce,Borrower shall�1ive prompt noNa w the inwr�nce e�ttier�nd
<br /> l.axlar.L.onder nt�y mdce proof oP las if rwt m�de promptly by Barmwer.
<br /> Unles�Lender pnd 9ormwer otherwlse��roo in writing,iosurance pr000ed�shall be�ppiied to rc:toration or ropwir of
<br />-=��Y��=--�--�- the Prnperty damoged if thc restornUon or RPair is ecanamically feaaible nnd Lenderh aecurlty is not lesscned. If the
<br /> rostoratlan or rep�ir is nat rcawmically fe�ible or L.endor�seeuriry would be lecaenod,the iosu�ance�roeeed� eh�ll Me
<br /> tpplied ta iho sume securcd by thir Secu�ty Inshument, whether or not then due.wlth eny oxcess peid to Borrowcr. If
<br /> Barower abwndaw�ho Propeny,or das not answer wlthin 30 days a nodce from Lander thut the inwuance carrier hws
<br /> otfered ta soqle e claim,then Lendcr may callxt the insurwice procads. Lender may use tho proceede to�cpeir or rcatom
<br /> the Pcaperiy or ta pay�umo securod by this Secu�ity lnedvment.whether or not then due. TI►e 30�d�y period wiN begin when
<br /> �ha nollca i�giveo.
<br /> Unlecs Lando�and Borrower othenvlse agt+co in writing, Any applicntion of proceeds to pr�nclpnl ahell not extend or
<br /> pastpcmo the duo dA1e of tha manthly paymenis rofemed�o in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amouot of the payments. If
<br /> under puagmph 21 the Prope�ty i:acquioed by Lendor,Bomnwerk right to aay insuranco policies and procads resulting
<br /> from dunago to tho Pnoperty pr�or to the acquiRitMn ahull pase to I.ender to�he cxtont of tha:ums secu�ed by Uus Sxurity
<br /> IncUumont immedlately prior to�hc acquisition.
<br /> = 6. Occu�wacy� Preservatiou, Maintenpnce a�d Protectian of the Propeny; Borrower's A.oan Applta�tioa;
<br /> I.encedeldw Bortower ahall xcupy.eswblish,and use the Propony as Normwer4 principal�sidence within sixty days after
<br /> the oxavtion of this Security Insdument and shall continue to occupy the Property ae Borrowerls princlpal r�eridence for at .
<br /> least one year efler the date of occupancy, unless l.ender dherwi�e ag�es ip wr�ting, whlch consent eh�ll not be
<br /> �•��� ueurasanably withheld or unless extenuatfng circumstances exist which are beyand Bomowerk control. Borrower shal!not
<br /> _....,.�::
<br />-�r�i°a�et� dcetroy,damage or impair the PropeRy,allow the PropeAy to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Propetty. Borrower shall
<br /> �1���� be in default if any forfeftune action or proceeding,whelher clvil or crlmin�l,is begun that in l.enderk goad faith Judgment
<br /> could reQUlt in forfeiture of the Property or otherwlse ma�erially impair �he lien cneated by thia Security Instrument or
<br /> - - - - -
<br /> _ Leaiderh securitv intenest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstata.as orovided in aaraQraph 18,by causina ihe adion
<br />- or practoding to be dismissed with a mling that.in l.andeT�s g�d fai�h determination,precludes forfeiture of the Bortowerk
<br /> intereat in Ihe Praperty or other materiAl impnirment of the lien creeted by this Securtty Insuument or Lender�security
<br /> �� intenest. Botrower shell also be in defuult If Borrower� du�ng tho loan application process, gave msue�a0ly false or -
<br /> - - — i�accur�te informaUon or suuemen�s to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with aay rtwteeial infom��tion)in connection with =
<br /> _ �he loan evidenced by the Note. Including, but not limited to,representudona concerning Bomowers occupancy of Ihe
<br /> - P�nperty ns a p�ncipal�sidence. If this Secudty Instrument is on a leasehald,Borrower shall comply with all the provlsians
<br /> of�he lense. If Bortower acquires fee tide to the Property,the leasehold and�fee tide shail not merge unless Lender aRrces -
<br /> '` .,,•„ to the morger in wdti�g. _
<br /> . � ` �t � � ?. Protectbn of LEnder's Ri�hta in the Prv� if BonoNer fai➢a w perFam� the covenants and agreements
<br /> _ contained ip this Secudty Instrument, or there is n le�aC poveedie�g that may signi�candy affect l.ender's dghts in the
<br />_'y Prope�t�r 4s�as a proceeding In bankruptcy,probate,for co+de��ian or forfei�ure or to enforce laws or reguladons),then
<br />;;� Lender�rnu; da and pay for whatever ia necessary to protect the value af the Propeny and Lende��rights in�he Propeny.
<br /> . L.endert a�tians may include paying any sums securcd by a lien which has priority over this Securlty Insuument.appearing
<br /> an court,paying reagonable attomeys'fees und entering on�he Property to make repeirs. Although Lender may take action
<br /> ueder this paregmph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any Anwunts disbur3ed by Lender under this parngraph 7 sholl become udditionsl debt of Borrower securcd by this
<br /> Securiry in�-aument. Unkss Borrower ond Lender ugree to dher terms of paymen�,these amoun�s shall be�interest from the
<br /> _ � �� dete of diy6�ursement at the Note rate and shall be paynble,with intcrest,upon notice fr+nm Lender to Bornower rcquesting
<br /> qayment.
<br /> � 8. Mortgage Iosu�anee. If Lender required morlgage insurnnce us a condition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> � '1.i4:.
<br /> •:�"•,:,,., S�cu�ty Ins�n�rnent, Borrower shall pay the premiums required�o mointain tfie mongage insurance in effect. If, for any
<br /> rea�on,thc mortgage insurancc covcragc rcquircd by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effect, Bonower shall pay thc
<br /> ,�,�,� premiums �equircd to obtain coverage substantinlly eyuivaknt to the mongage insumnce previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> - �•�,Yr��.:i.. aubst�ntit��1y equivalent to the cost to Bottower of the murtgage inxurance previously in effect,f�om an alternete mortgage
<br /> ,; .m:
<br /> �:, a•��•�� insurer approved by Lender. If substunliuUy equivalent mortguge insurance covemge is not nvailnble,Borrower shell pay to
<br /> ?'�f'•r��""' Lend�er euch month a sum equal to one-tµ•a0flh of Ihe yeurly mortguge insurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> Ayr� i .�f. �
<br /> _ ;,, .;,;�,.:,;;A�: insurance coverage lupsed orceased to be in effect. Lender wfll accept,use und retaio Ihese payments us u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> __ • �`��a:;;:���,,., uf martgnge insurance. Lasx re+erve puymemc may no langer be required,at the option of Lender, if mortguge insurunce
<br /> • :�k.�f�:.:.;.,: coveroge(in the amount and for the�eriod that Lendar rcquircsl provided by un insurer approved by L.ender again becomes _
<br /> ::+ �:�•. :,� • �, availnble�nd is pbtained.Bortower shull puy the premiums required to mnintain mongnge insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> i>'
<br /> ,r �� Y �••• loss reserve,unt111he requirement far mortguge inxurance ends in acwrdance w�ith any wriuen agreement 6etween Bornnwer -
<br /> �
<br />