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_'�r.r #,�!� .r� ,,;.�'�`-. <br /> �"� �:tl.t1..uM'._a.!r''—" <br /> Mrr+w�✓I.__...__. . . .. ._.____-- __."` <br /> __—_ • I _ � � i <br /> —. _�_t .-. 1�__•�• � . .. <br /> 93-. i�1�4 <br /> Tp(3�THBR W17'H dl ihe impmvcmenl�now or heraflcr eroctod on Ihe property.w�d dl er�emome,�ppurteiuuxe�. <br /> �nd fixturr,�now ur I�fter R put of�ha property. All�+epl�cxma�t� +�nd�dditian�ihdl dw ba wvetad by�hi�Sxurity <br /> Inqrumen� All of the fa�e�oing i�roferted to in thi�Sacu�ity ln�u�nent u�ha"Propeny," <br /> BORROWPR COVBNANTS�tut Botrower i�I�wfidly�eised of tbo est�ta hcrcby convey�and he;the ri�ht lo gn�nt <br /> �nd convoy�he Piropaty�nd Ihpt the Property i�uneocumbend,except for encumbr�nce�oi nxord. 8onuwer w�rrmt�atd <br /> w111 defend Qenenl�y�he dtle to the Property a�ainst�11 cldms and demand�,�ubJect to wny encumbr�nces of rccurd. <br /> . THig SECURITY INSTRUMENT combinea uaifam coverunta for mdoml use wnd non-uniForm cova�snl� wllh <br /> :�.-_....�.�.�_�.._�..., lim{ted variatlon�by jud�dictiot�W conctitute�uniform security inraument cave�ing roal propeKy. <br /> (JIV[FORM COVENAN7'S. Borrowcr en�l I..ender covenant uid ogneo aA foUowe: <br /> - 1. IMymeat of Prladp�l aad Jnterati�Wi'�nt�nd L�te Ch��a. Borrower shpll pramptly pry whea due the <br /> . princip�I of and interest on tho debt ovidenced by tha Note and any prcpayment and I�te chergea due under the Note. <br /> 1 Piunde tor'I�xa and Inwr�ce. SubJxt to applicabie lew or to a w�llten waiver by Lender.Bomawcr nhsll psy to <br /> Lender on the d�y monthly payma�ts�ue due w►der the Note.until the Note is paid In full.w sum("F1mde")for.(a)yearly <br /> --- - ---�--_--� taxes und assessments which may�in prionit�r over thie Secudty Inetrument as a lien on the Property:(b)Yoiuly le�cehald <br /> paymeMs or ground r+ents an the Pr�c�pe*�Y. �f any; (c) yearly ha�srd or property insurance premiums: (d) ycarly flood <br /> �� ineurnnce premiums, if an�r:(e) yeuly mortSaBe insurance premiums. if any; �1 f��Y sums payable by 8orrower to <br /> ���?�`-' Lender,in accordance with the prov�sions of paragcaph B,in licu of the paXmet►t of t�wrtgage inswance premiums. These <br /> ltems aro colled"Esc�ow Items." Lender any time,collcet And hold Fiuds ia an�mount aot ta exceed the meximum <br /> ,.�,�.� a�wunt a Irnder for a federaNy rclued mongage loan may requi�e for Bor�ower�s escrow accaunt w�der the federal Rewl <br /> —•,,;v Esro►te Sctticment Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from t�me to ame.12 U.S.C.4 2601 er se4.("RESPA").unless enolhcr <br /> `�;` law that appliea to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If sa.l..ender rr� any time,collect a�nd hold FLMs in s�n r�nwunt not to <br /> �� eacecd the Icsser amoun� l.e�der may estimate the amount of FY�nds due an the basos af'i curtent data xnd reaaoneble <br />-- "�'� eaHmnt�s aF expenditures of fulurc E`rrow items or wherwise ia xcordancc with appticabl�!au•. �--- <br /> ��I <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institutioa whase deposits are insured by a federAi agency, insWumentaliry, or endry <br /> � (including Lender.if Lender is such au�institutior�)ix in any Fr.deral Home Loan Banlc. Lender ahall apply the Fuads to pay <br /> ,�;• the Escrow Items. Lender may not �harBe Borrawer far holding and applyfng the hl�ndg,annually analyzing the escrow <br /> o Fands and a licable law rmlts <br /> r s Borrower interest n the <br /> ess Lende Pe <br /> unl P <br /> v ' in the Escrow Uems. pay P <br /> eccoun <br /> ti <br /> or en <br />:.';�, "' � Lender w make such a cherge. However.I.ender muy require BoROwer to pay a one-tia�e charge for an independent rr�l <br /> ,.,_. <br /> -- — - • ' <br /> .`;:,� - ';.� esWte tax nporang serv►ce unea ay�xnde:m wu��o:uuu wiu�ii�ia 1uw�.ui�ic�appiicavi�e;�,w p�uv���uiY�c�.+��. .�r��e;�a. - <br /> '' ,+' .�.. ag�ement is made or applicable law requires intcrest to bc paid,Lendcr shai0 aot be r�equired to pay Borrower any intercst or <br />-: ; ,�;; eaminga on 1he Aands. Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing,however.lhat inlerest shall bc paid on thc Funds. Lcnder <br /> '� � shell give to Borrower.without cherge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credils and deblts to the F1nds and�he <br /> -_` ' - purpoae for which each debit to Lhe'F�ntds was made. The Flands are pledged as additiana]sxurity for all sums secured by <br />