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<br /> _ . . 19.4�ra�rtHe Ks •
<br /> — is�aid a�u�aced(a if� ietenet iu 9ormw�er is sotd a�i�ad�od Bc�avw�is tat a nMuisl paison)�vithoac .
<br /> <, �•s Mior +rriaen aoroeoc, ceaaer maSr:�its optiab_ �quice immed'�te P�Ya!ent in,cuu af dI. aocui�d.by eLis .
<br /> Seauity Ia�teumomt.Ao�►w;this aptic�n�11 aat be e�taaled bl►ltnder if eacet+cue u prolubited by.f�lt�u of We dUe
<br /> . . of th�s S+eauity Imnomeat• ` �
<br /> If i.eader e�ta�cius thi.s aptiao.l.tuder�a11 pve Eorru�►er ootia of aa�tention.T6e eotioe sA�q provide a period.of not
<br /> _— - _ - =��O 30�ys—fio���Yhe:aotioe is-delivero��r ' ' . Banaa�-mnst-Ps�-ui�sum�.s�cu�l.by_this-----_—
<br /> SeWriry tns�anaeat.If Boriawec�s to pty t�xae swm prior w t6e expir�ion a!this pexiad,Leadcr may invoke ury mnedies
<br /> �bY��Y�witho�u furtl�er notia or dem�ao Bor�x�.
<br /> li. aae:v�+'a l�t to Ret�hte.,If Bormwer meets oe�min caoditions. Borrowu sh�ll.havc thc right tn dtve .
<br /> - -- enfaoemmt of tiris Seau�cy I�m�t���ny teme prior to t!�adicr oE: (a}5 days(or suc�other Qeriod as
<br /> applicabb la�' mry spxifY fa reiastat�at)befo�e sak of t6e Prope�ty parsuant to any powtr of sde ooatainod in tbts
<br /> Se�vrihr Instmmea�or tbl enaY of a judgment eofo�tag this sea►riry Iamument.Those oonditioas anc t6�t Horrowrr:(s)WYs
<br /> - La�da all sua�afiich tLm woWd be dae under tEiis Sxurity Insuument aod tbe Note a4 it no aeoekntiob bad aociured:tb? .
<br />-- ard��ny dpfaa�t of any dlrs oaven�ots or agteanents:(c)PaYs all expeasa iacumed in eafoccing this Sacurity 1rat�ume�t. ,
<br />--- indud'inE,Mu mt limited'to,rn�on�blt atmmeys fas:aad(d)t9ioes sw�actaQ u I,cnder aay masun�D/y cequi�e w assute
<br /> � � tb�t tLe lia►of t6is Sautity Instrumait:Itader's n�s m the:l'ropettSt aad Sorrower's oblig�tioo to Qsy tlie�secu�+ed by
<br /> '1��. � So��i�y L�ume� s6aq ooetime und�god. Upaa reiustaameat by Horn�wer. this 5ecurity Iastrumak ud t6e
<br />= abiisatfom saa�cod heiabY swU tantin fpUY effxbve as if no accekration had aavrrod.Hawever,Ws tigdt m�einsate sbt�lt •
<br /> ��PP1Y in t6e c�e of aooelenaon utder par,�ph 17. wit6 this Sauri
<br /> _ - 1!Sde aE 1�iot�CA�e a�I.o�w Se�:vimt.The Nae or a putiai ifltecest in the Nate (togethcr �71
<br /> - �)maY be soid one or moce times�ariduwt paoe�to Homuwer.A salz may tesuIt in a change in the�itSr flmovvn � - --- —.---
<br /> .-.- ss tbe•Lflan Setviaer7lbaE coitocts anonth[Y PaY��d u e u n d e r t h c Note a d d lhis S a u n t y Insbsunent.7'het�e sTso ma�6e one
<br /> or�uo�e ebanges of t6e Loan Secvicer w�related to a srle of ihe Note.If thae is a ct�ange of the Lo�a Seivioer,Bomowu Nn'll be
<br /> se
<br /> " - given wrivan notioe of tde cbaaSe jn ac�dance a`!th�gr�ph 14 a6ove aod applirabk law.The notice will stam t6e n�tx aqd _
<br /> sddness of ihe aeN I.ao Servicer aad the addiess to whicb paymcros shwld be m�de:The aatice Wili also 000tain�ny ott�er _
<br /> G';-.'. infnm�On�equitad bY aPP�ir�bk ls�'- � • .
<br /> �BaaKda�s S�tw�a: Bormwer.shail not cause oc permit tbc p�esa�ce,use.disposai. stars�,or refpse of any
<br /> � H�dous Substanres oa or in the Pmpetty..Bormwer shall aat do, nor albw a�ryone eLse m do. wything affecxing the .
<br /> , Pmperty th��t is in viol�tion of any FavIronmrntal Laa.The p�ocoding two se�es shall not apply to the pc+esence,use,or
<br /> - sto 0o tGeprope of sm�A quuuities af Hvardous Substanoes d�ace generally nocogaized w be apProPri�te to aorm�l ��-----
<br /> • res"M�eatial¢ses end w mainua�rxx of t0e Pe�nperey. , �``���_
<br /> � �#~ ' 8orrower stiait Pmmptt9 S►ve Ze�e*written�of any investig�tion,ctaim.demaod,tawsuit or other action by aay. �:�_-r,-_
<br /> " n•�; govtma�ea�tal or ngulatory agency ur private party involv�csg the I'roperty aad aay Ha�clous Substance or Environtnental Izw ���
<br /> • �,�. ma e
<br /> • � of wbieh Borrower ha4 actual kaowledge.If Bomower teacsrs.or is noufiod hy any govemrtxatal or cegulatory autborit�,that �- �- _ -
<br /> �.:' aay ieaavai or athec mnediation of any Haza�daas SuG�e affecting the Propetiy is necessary.Borrower sda11 pmmptly take �,��---�_.� —
<br /> . � ' "` all nece.ssary ranedial xtioas in accordance with Envim�ental Law. ' �^=-
<br />. . .-' . As used ia this paragraph 2Q"Ha�ardous Substanae.s' are those substances defined as toxie or ha7asdous substances by .
<br />� Eavirnnmental La w a n d t U e f o i l o w i ng s u 6 s t a n e e s: S�• kerosene•.other flanu�ble or tosic parolcum praducts. toxic �_��_
<br /> � _ pe�icides atd hecbicides,vcriaK.'�ie solvents�materials�-..�g asbestos or farm�ldehyde,ard radioactive matenals.As used in -�`-�= .
<br /> cr" --.
<br /> _ ��20, "Havic�n�nental Law" �ans feders�Taa�s�nd laars of the jurisdisnan where the Property is located t1�at ����
<br /> - nLae w balth.safdy or envitontnenW protocbion. �"—___
<br /> �' NON-iJNIFORM COVENAN'j'S.Borrower and fxrxier futthcr coc�aat and agree as foAows: .��'`- - -
<br /> �. :•-�,c:,., ---
<br /> - . 21.Aeakradoo;'Raeedle�.I.ender sbali give aM�Ce to Bono�s p�ior to sioodentlon idbWing BorroWe�'s 6teach ._;-�.:�•--
<br /> - of�ay onren�et oe s�neaaa�t In t� Secodty In�mna�t (but nat prtor to�kr�tbn under par�p'aPb 17 unk� �:�-
<br /> � applicabk!sw pruvWes Mhen�ise).The notWe shall specity: (A)tLe detaalt;(b)the aNion t�aired to cane tUe def�dt; '�';�?.:�
<br /> �,�.:-',� te)a d�tq ad le+s thao 3Q d�ys tmm t6e date the ratice is given to Bon�aws�,6y which tbe defaolt mast be cur=d;aad .
<br /> (�tid fa0ure to cure ttie detault on os 6efore ttUe date specifkd in t6e notice mny resWt ta aoceleratloo ot the sums " ��'��
<br /> ' ' - �+ed b'tl�SecaritY�+trmnent sad sAk o�tbe Pr�upecty.T6c notice sbsU furtba intono Bor�ovrer ot tbe t to ' `"��—
<br /> � ,��_�',.
<br /> ��^
<br /> �drtate�aoodenNon Aad Uie �ht to 6riag a comi sdioa to acserl We non�sxbteeoe of�ddaaH oc smy at6er :-��
<br /> ddese o�Borr+nwer to soode�ation and sWa It tLe defadt i�not cured oa or betae the date specltkd in tbe notioe, k � . . .,��
<br /> . ' ,. l.e�dee.at its oOtios,aaY e+equire immedlate psymeiN ia iWl ot all smt�sea�tred by this Seourity.Imtr�ent eithoat �e , ,'..."--:
<br /> . _.r_ .= fartl�er demsnd sad may ievoke tAe power o�sak s�ad aay other ree�edies permitted by appOcabk law.l.ender sba116e . --
<br /> . .. ' at�Hed to oolleet all a[pertse.g incurr+ed in pursui�the r+enxdies provided in this p�ragsiraPh 2l,iocludin�,but nat limited � : � w�=��::,
<br /> p T.. . ,
<br /> . _ to.eraeo�bie attome!'a'fas aad co9ts ot titk evidmce. � '. :-:�-..
<br /> If t�e power a�sde b ievoked.Tra�ta shsll i+ecord a notla o�detanit in each�ounty in which�ay p�t ot tire • • , '?`*���:
<br /> � pr�uperiy h located�ad slaill mail copks oi such eotia in Ihe nwnner prescrfbed by applka6k IaR to Boreo�va�,9d rte� _ � . ���r
<br /> - , fre atbar P��so�P�c�ibed bY 9VP�kabk isw.Aner the itme ra�Wred by applicabk taw.Trustee shall give.p�fie�otic�e °' ,�'�_
<br /> s�wU sel! '�_�-�._
<br /> • a�sak W tUe pusom aad iu tbe m�nner pnescrlbed by applicabk isw.Tr�tee,wit6out de�oand oa Borew��er, • . � -,.-,:.
<br /> , • -�. ;� tie�ropK�tY a/pabik andion to t6e hlgt�t 6i�Wer at/6e time and piaoe aed under the tenns daip�tcd�¢ie notice o� � �:.
<br /> � sde is oae or niors p�r�oeis and in any onder Tnsta determt�us.Tn�tee may postpane sWe of ail or aa�y'p�r�1 oE Lhe , • _ .
<br /> �u
<br /> .' , � p�ty 6�' P�pUc s�ouecement at t�re Hme and pl�oe of anY WsviaustY sct�ednl�s�k. I.aRde�or its d�aip�ee�ay ; .. :. k,r .
<br /> '�f��:��:.._ Q�+�i�e tYe Ptoperty it sut}'sWe' . .
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