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<br /> — ` _ :- -- — - . . __ -'� sva,��ri _ ._ -
<br /> � � fa��!►�1���rea:it m��up�on of ILeaaa.if a�ir��e oo�►«a�cis tbe amouai aoa far Ihe p�im.,. , �.
<br /> .- - Ii�Isadec teq�s)peorided 6!►+����'�bY��Wa 6eoomr.s tvac1�61E aa�is abtuoed.Harow�er s�d!p�j►` -
<br /> t�e p�n�eq�iiipd b m�io�ia maetp�e Inau�ia�tfa1.or to piovide a ia�s rnerve,uiittil�requi�ea�etit fa a�octp�b .
<br /> in�t�e e�i is�caoi�pce.�rith��rritt�a a�teea�eat 6et�!�ea Hoimwa aad t+aodbr os�ppikybie lavv. ,
<br /> s,L,*,eft.,�,Lepda or its.�m m.S►m�e�ra+omble eaaies w�oe�na ia�pections or the c'mP�m►.Is�nd�r�u jive `
<br /> - --��-- --=- —_----- -. ... __ .. . ` k-c�;;:�.�: —
<br /> ._ _ _
<br /> TT�tveimttoe�[tle-dmEaf�t�. . �.
<br /> ' ii,t'wiiir■ilba.The qooeods oi�e�aw�u�d or ctaua for damtges.djrict or coa4oquentLl, in ooaneaien-'epitb+oX
<br /> ooidmw�ilon a otber hkia�of aeqr p�ct af the P�upe�ty.or far oonvey�ee in tieu of�n.are 6enby assianed�md •`.
<br /> ep�tl.i�p�id ta Lend�er. . . _
<br /> en e �
<br /> In tbe evmi of s tntai taid�of ttie Pmgetty.t6e pt+n��als shall be appiied w t6e snms sxured by this Seeupty Ia�ntmatt. i
<br /> w�hether or aut thea due.wltb ay e�cess P�id to Borroaer. Ia t6e evenc of a p�rtial t�tcing of the PmpeRy in wAich t6e fair
<br /> _ — marlcet vatue of the Hropeety immedi�tely befone the taking is equal to or g�rater than thq amount of the sumis sxund by this
<br /> Seeutity Ia�ttuineat uamed�oely befae We tab�.ualess Homnwu aed Lender other�vlse agra in writiag,the sums secured by
<br /> - � �Sepuiry I�tnuaeat st�1l be iedn�d by tbe�oa�of tAe pracads tauttiplitd byr tbe foltawing ftactioa: (s}tbe toql
<br /> -__- aiaouot of tb�e aums aav�ed iqmedi�tely bdae We taking,div�ed by(b)thc fais muicet watue of tLe Ptopetty i�eedi�tety , .
<br /> � - �tbe dcin�. Aay balwoe sb�U be�p�id w Bomawer. Ta the svent of a paKa�i talCinB of the Propetty in wbich the Iair
<br /> - m�rket value of tbe Propeety inrnodi�cety�before tbe taking is less than the�nouat of t6e sums sa�uted immaliately befoc+e We
<br /> -- qkJa�,unlas Bonnwer aod Lender otberwise a8m in writing or unlsss applicabie bw othuwise provides:the pcoceads s6�11 -
<br />_-,y._ � se�pptie�ta die smns sauiod by this Saeurity Instzunxnt whethu or not tlie sut�ar�ihe�s due. � -_ -
<br /> _ ` If tlie Pnnperty is abiodoned by Hormwer.or if.after aotioe by Lender tu Botrnwer thst tlre oa�nde�mnor o�'crs to m�ice an
<br /> - � sMa�d or se�te a cla�m for d�ges. Barrower fails to nspond to L�ender within 30 days aRer thc date tbe notice is given.
<br /> _. Leader is�whorixed w oo1bR�od sppiy t6e p�oceeds.at its opGon,-sitfier to resto�ation or�ir;af d�Pinpetty ar ta�snms
<br /> aecu�od yy this,Savrlry lmtn�ment�.whet6er or uoc then dne. , -
<br /> _:.:_� Unks�1�endel aad Bonoarer othe�ris�e sg�ee in writiag. aay appfic�tion of pcocoeds ta pcincipal sb�tl nat eatead or
<br /> : -,t . poatpane the doe date of tbe monthtY paymeots�fer�e�to in psr�graphs 1 and 2 or dw�ge the amouat of such paymeats. _
<br /> 11.Sorrowar Not Rllered:Forbeuaioe E�r i.eadec Not a Wa(rer.Eatensian af Me time for p�yment or modificuion -
<br /> � �; °l ot amorti�iae af tbe snms secucod by this Savtity Insuurtleot gr�nfed by Lcnder to any suoocssar in�iqurcst of Bonnwu sball -_----_--
<br /> � eot aperate w release the lia6ility uf tde origival Romawtc ar 8amawer's suaxssozs in inte�es�Lender shall aot be nquiiod ta -�W.-
<br /> .-; �. �,.,,.,,
<br /> .;_ �mmedce ptucecdings against atty succe.c.sor ia inte�sst or refuse to extend dme for payment or ad�e�wise madify antoRir�tIon u=-
<br /> . �,,� af the sums sewned by this Secudry Instrumeat by r�raso»of any demvd made by t1�e origiaal Borrawer or Borrower's �
<br /> ` �`t;•;'. suasessors ia iatenest. Any foc6earance by Lender in execrising anyr right or nrt�oRy shall not be a waivcr of or prcclude t6e -
<br /> exencise af any right or remedy. ` . �"`�"�*"'�`
<br /> IZ. S�oae�ar�and As�ns Boaad:Joiat s�od Serenl Ltsbility, Co�nera.The covenants aad agrueements of Wis ��'�=-
<br /> �. g m
<br /> 4- Socurity t���^t shall bind annd benefit the sucascors aed assigns of Lender aad Bomawer.subject to the provisions of ��
<br /> . . ��'_ p�ragr�ph 17. Bormwec's cavenants and agneements stwll bc joint and severa}. Any Borrower who arsigns this SecurIty �,$�•_
<br /> . jr buhament but does mt euecute the Note: ta) is co-signing this Secuary Imtmment only to mongage.grant and canvry thH
<br /> ' � �' Borrower's intecGSt in the Property under tbc terms of thjs Sxucity Instrument;(b)is not personalty obligated to pay the sumg :'��
<br /> ' secuned by this 5avrity instrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower raay agr+ae to extend.modify.forbeu oc -�_';
<br /> i.-� maice an}r accommodations with regard to thc terta�af this Security tnsmutxat or the Note withoat that Borrower's cat�sea� �. __
<br /> '�'•� 13.Loon Cbatses.If the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan charges.
<br /> and ihat !aw is finally interpteted sa that tfie interest or other Toan charges callected or to be callected in connectton with the � ' . .'`
<br /> ' `�` loan exceod the pem�itted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shal!be redu¢ed by the a�nount necessary to reduce the cGuge ': _
<br /> . � to the peimittod timit;and(b)any sutr�s already caltected from Borrawer which eaceeda!petmiued limits will be refutdod to -
<br /> Bormwes. Lcnder may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed undcr the Nate or by maicing a dimt
<br /> ' pAymeat to Borrower. If a refund roduces principat. tht reductlan will be treatcd as a partia! prepaym�,mt without any ; . ' ��:.
<br />-_ 3�;:� prcpayment cf�arge under the Note. , �
<br /> • �,:� 14.Natkes.Any notice to Borrower provided for in thts Secvrity instrument sha11 bc given by delivering it or by mailing . . . _
<br /> `�-� it!ry first dass mail unless applicabte taw requires usc of another methad.The notice shail be directed ro thc PropeRy Addr�ess : -
<br /> :j.�: . :.--
<br /> � Y. oe any other address Horcawer designates by notice ta Lender. Any�noticc to Lender shall be given by first class�mail to __
<br /> � '�'= i.,ender's address stated hcrein or any other address I.ender designates by noticc to Borrower. Any notice provided for in t1�is =+,".—
<br /> ; Securiry Instrument shali be deemed to have bcen given to Horrower ac Lender when given as pravidod in'this paragraph. � . -rt
<br /> ' � r ���'' 15. Governi�Law;SeverAbiHtq. 7'h�s Sccuriry lnstntment shall be gavemed by federal law and the !aw af tl�e '. -
<br /> ;�i'• judsdletian in which the Prapetty is located. In the event thac any provisian ar clause of this Security lnstrument or r,he Note
<br /> � conflids witH applicable law,such coMict shall nat affect ather provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note whid�can be �
<br /> ,,� ,�,;i. . :�,, ',` given effec!aithaut�e conflicting provisian.To this end the provisians of this Security lnstrument and the Nott are declared
<br /> �" to be severable.
<br /> j`'r`���#•��N li,Borrower's Co Barrower shall be iven ane conformed co of the Notc smd uf this Securlt lnstrument. '
<br /> PY• S Py' Y
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