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<br /> � 18.�O�OIi�I�i�101M' : , ' . ;, t " � .,
<br /> w��e�.�w.�a,Exwwon a tn.tini.io►v�tn�nt or moaHledton a amorfimtoa dtne.�uns..cuna eyr�.
<br /> ------ -=a.dorrru�—�r.�.it�rL��san7r���•►waeorrowu�s�alr�atop�raoetaeetaes�tnac�rn�ner.�n.Ii�bMM�t.—.-_-=
<br /> dlh�aipinlBartowrand8arcw�r'saucc�orsininMr�il.l�id�raHillnotD�n�NindbcAnxn�r�Onoca�dirq�spw�t° . .
<br /> sud�succ�ora rMu�b�xbndlin�/crp�ymMKOrotlwwiM modiNan�o�aYon W th�wnsa�sd bf►ihisONd dTruM
<br /> by nna+ar any a.nar�m.Q.by tn.aripina�eonow.r ana eoaowws wccMSOrs rn i�. -
<br /> (b)iMdM's Pow�s.lMNlfotat�r�g tl+�Ua6H�H a eny�pino�lirbit br ibe.P�Y���1t��� .
<br /> mrntlon�d.aadw�Itrot�taMcUrgtl�l�4rnor�arg�oHhisQ��ddTrt�tuponanitP�dtlNP�t7►noNh�nalhKNOfor� .
<br /> tNMNdas�eaihtorfhsiullamoue►tof aIl unpaid obii�dtans.Lartd�rmaN.hantlmtb8msand withqRndk�ly niw�anY
<br /> p�r�on.o B�W..t�I•�u�•�h or aiM.amr a n�s oerms ot aay s w�h obit�tlanr.t�l a��►���t�}{�
<br /> or nco�w!►.oI cwta to bs nl�wd or reconwYsd at any tlrM at L��dsi's opiori anY P��Pa�or ail d the P[ope►y,
<br /> (h Wca or rM�an!►a1t�or additlorW s�cwilY tor aaY cbti�tlon h�stn mMitlorNd.a(vi�naks oompo�idons or_a�/Ier .
<br /> art�n�manla wilh d�hlors ia reiNion fhanb.
<br /> �h
<br /> . � ���Fp6�rw�q by L`��dw Not s Ml�w My iorbe�nnc�by Lender in exercisinQ an�l�ht a��rud�hsrounde'r.or
<br /> ofMnvhs Madd bS►aPPNcabit Iaw:sh�ll riot bt s wai�ror of or D��fie sxercbs d arry wch�t.or aemedY•Ths . :
<br /> prpcuranentd�nsuranaearthe paymsnt of tsxas or other tiensor charses GY tender st�W nat 6e s wairer M lender'a ri�Mb
<br /> iCqle�ale 6n m�uritY of it�e irtde6�pdne�s sscurod 6�r fhis Qs9d Of T�st. The covenaab and synMnOnb t�srdirnat+ -
<br /> td}�oo�ses�!!��11��s��Joi�K and�taf Li�h�lr C�flaw ,
<br /> � tiinsQ shali Dind.and t!!e ci9Ats�Mr�urwer shatl inuro to.tl�e resp�ctive aucee�ors and af�os ot L�nder and Trustor:ICft : _
<br /> corsrsanb and a��+een�sMs ot Truuor shall be jo"mtand se�rsraL The captTons and hs�din�s of u�e p�w�ravt�s a a�ts�ss�a .. ._�
<br /> Tnst a�a for conrenience anty sna us nat tu.bp wed to in�erprat or cbflne 1M P�ovista�s Nsrsoi
<br /> •te}t1��MtoNiar�w.TtNparuashKWSirsqu�ttlutacopyotanyaoticsotdatautthereur�derandacoP!►otanyqoNce . . ..:�:° .
<br /> ot aiate herwnQer be maited to e�ch perty�a this Dsed d T�ust et ths sddress aet brth abow in iha mannpr P��bl► -
<br /> appRcabis law E�ecept to�ra�!►otl�er notic�rsqaired under applicabis taw to br�iYas in enatlfar msnner.anY notice Pr��. . ,,
<br /> fatnlhisDwddTruKShatl6eptvsnbymailinpwct�calicebfl���mai{addresfedtoth�othe►PWa�.atthslid�}roipapt � . •
<br /> foM abova.MY nodcd P���for In this Deed ot T�t shall6e eNsct(vs upon mdlirp in the mannar ds�i�naMd heirein."It : :...-:-
<br /> - Tru�tor is moro tu�'�ns Psr�on+�ot�seM to ths addrea set tordt abovs shell bs notic�b atl�uch psrsonf. •' : ..
<br />-- (f}In�p�e/at,•L,uncler may make or cauae to be maae reasonabls entries upon and in�pecHHons of the P�operty.prcvkk� ,
<br /> that L,endsr at�ll stvs Truator nodce Onot to any such inapectlon spscHytnp reasonable cause theretor related to LendeR's • •
<br /> - trnxest.in ihs Property. . . _.. ..
<br /> - (�)p�eNwsys�Upon payment of sIl aums secured by this Ceed of Truaf,Lendershall roquestTrustes to�ecam►elllhe
<br />=-- pcaparty snd shst{suaender lhis Deed of Tiust and all nates evldenctnp inGebtedness secured by thla Ossd aiTruat to Troqes.
<br /> •- T�uaEee eha0�ecorney the PropeRy wifhout wartaMy and wHhcut charge to ths Psmon or Persona Is�al�y 8^��°1D
<br />�'y; Trustw shatl pay aIl coab of recordatlon.(f any. •
<br /> ` {��p��propNl�;�Ay���As additional aecuriry for the payment ot the Note,Tivator hereby grants
<br /> ,.:� 4,�i�fer uc�dsrths IVebraska Uniiorm Commerci�t Cade a aecurity iatereat in alt Nxtures.aqutpment,and other Pa�wnal P�'r$►
<br /> used in connecdon with the real esffite or imDrovemenb loceted thereon.and not oiherwlse dectarod a dse�ned 1u be ai��
<br />- _ . the real e�1s�scured hereDY-This inatrume�tshall be consVUed ss a Sscufiy ll�reement under aak4 C.od�an0lhe Lendsr
<br /> = shatl havs aN the r�ghts and remedies of a securod parry under aaid Code in addition to the�pMs snd remedies crsatsd under
<br /> ' 8nd accorQsd tde�nQer pursuarnto this Oeed oiTrwfi proviQed that LenOer's dphis and remedias under this Pars9�+�h sh���
<br /> be cumulative with,and in no way.a Gmiration on,Lender'a dghts and�emediea urtder ai►y afher securiyt a�reement si�ned by
<br /> BoROwer or Truator. •.
<br />•�- {i)�,i�n�and Enwmbrsno�s.7rustor here�y warrents and represents that there is no Cefault under 1he prov(sions otany
<br /> mortpape,deed o!trust,lease or purcAase aantsact describinp all or any paR of the PropeRy.or other conlracR insuument or
<br /> a9reement conatituUng a lien or encumbrance against aIl or any part of the Property(colteCtivvely,"Liens'�,exiatin�es of the _
<br />° � d�is of thls Ceec!of TruaA and that eny and aIl existlnp Liens remai�unmodlfled sxcept as diactoaed W Lender in Trustor's
<br /> `;.� wdtien difclolu�e ol Ilens a�0 encumbrances provlded for hereip.Trwtor shsll ttmely peAorm a�I ot Trustors obli9aUons,
<br /> =° cov�rysnp,�epresentattons and warranties under any and aIl exlsitiap and future Liens,ahatt promptly forvirard to Lender Cople�
<br />°=F'' p�ap notlCes pt detault sent In ccrtnection with any and ap exisUng or future Liens.and ahall not wlMout Lenders prtor wcit0en
<br />;_�_'�
<br />- cansen!in any manne►modify the provlsions o1 or altow any tutura advances under any exiadn�6r fuWre Lkna�
<br /> (j)�pppe�as d psynNn�.Untess otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inctudin�wilhout ItmitaUon
<br />_" payments ot prfna'�pal and Interesb insurance proceeds,condemnaUon p:aceeds and rents and pro�s,ahall bs appliad by
<br />_ �� Lende�to the amovnts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in auch order aa Lender ln I�i sole E3scretfon deems destra6te�
<br /> ��%� (1��wr�bAity.lf any provsion of thls Oeed o1 T�ust confllct�wlth appucable taw or is dectared invalld or otherwlas
<br /> -�.^+ unentorcesbts,suct�conNiet or mvalidity shall not aftect th9 other provlson�of thla Dee�ot Trust or the Nots whict�can be
<br /> ._;..� �lvsneftectwithouttheconHicUngprovislon.andtothisendthepravl�ionsottht�DeedofTrustandtheNotearedeclaredfob� _
<br /> =�z�� ��(Ij Twna.The terrr�"Trustor"and"Borrowe�"aha11 include bath s+ng:�ar end plural.an0 when 1heTrustor and Bortower
<br /> --- sro the same perao�Hs).lhose terma as uaed M this Deed oi Trust shatt be interchan�eabts.
<br />--- (m)�iow�nkp taw.Thls Oeed ot Trust shall be governed by the taws of the Sfate ot Nebraska. '
<br /> TrosWr haa exacuted th�s Ceed ot Trustas o}the date written alaava � �
<br /> , l�atv�.rn �H� C Q uator H1?9b�rid
<br /> _t..; <�•�c� �, �.c�nti�
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