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<br /> � rnt�sra���t�.s e�o�s�o�a� � � : . � . .
<br /> � Trwior�x+d�lwtthidocwn�ntlMtTru�loiisabouttoaxscul�baD�fdWTruuandnotartwrty�yiandlh�tthipow�r
<br /> --- -- -- - =d�M��(ofinihatta�dcE�rc�tpravtd+ssss�aR�t������ccth�►_�n��tnlha�aAnt_��� �._-
<br /> � ot�0rfiultorbrs�chdobtipa�onund�►tfuDeedofTnutincludlt�Q,bntr�alNmitsdlRihste�de�'sriQhtoaMve�sPropsrlysWd
<br /> by 11N TrusMS�rNhout arh►judicial Proceedt�W Trwtor npresents and werraMS thst th(s acknowl�lasmen!was execuMd O!I
<br /> Trwlor aiaw tlts execi�Eion d ths Desd at Tru�t .
<br /> ` - � � . - � /!(�L �• .�Ait�9%l�c:.�sar! � - .
<br /> . : • ' (Marviu M. Heirid�► � - , � .
<br /> . . , :�.
<br /> .
<br /> � ' ' .. aniae E. Benric��sY►uaor S�1ife
<br /> � ,
<br /> THIS DEED OF THUS�:is f�de,as ot the � day of A�t ' � - 19�1:by and amons
<br /> ._:. .:-•:: .
<br /> ..... . . . . . .... _
<br />-- ; - ;. : ht7sband
<br /> _- _ _. . ttteTnt�oz. Marvisi 1�1,• �irie3�s� arld_�....a.,� � sm*,,.��g. ��� .and:wi€8. edctl ft1 I�is cit�t.
<br /> _ ... vrirh�iiratl�i�y��•"• �`""�"'`' Alda. 1� 68810 (hereln'Trusoor,"whether one or c�are).
<br />-- � ����16�IW�. �VM! �L�"� mTi i �n -- i �� •
<br /> . =;°�t�oae.irwilinp addrasa is�`P.�. Hos L507� �d ISla�lc7r:NB 68802 (Neceti►"Trusles"�,and
<br /> w�� 1he8siiefciAiY. 1?iv� P�ofnts_Banh. - - - • .
<br />- wttose mailitiy eddreas is;.3� A eoz 15�7. (�a�fd Ial3*+�- I� 68802 (herei�"Lender?. _
<br /> "� FOR YALUABLE CONSIDERATION.inctuding�ender'a extensioa ot credit idea�tiffed herein to �''Ot^ ��•=�i� �
<br /> T.- .� Jaciive L. Ae�icbs. ht�bat� a�d w�e (hereln"Barrawe►':whethe�one or more)and fhe Vust heretn craated. � -
<br />- the receipt of which is he�eby ackrtowtedged,Trwtor hereby irrevoCabiy grants,transfers,conveys and aasipns to Trustee�IN
<br />= TqUST,VYRH POWER OFSA�.forthe benefitand�ecurity of Lender;under and subjecttothetermsand conditions bereinafterset
<br /> �.:n`�� 1oM.ths rael propsrly.described as tallowx
<br /> _ -,�;. Lots �ree (3) and F+aar (4). in Block Three �3), P�aw�ella Additian to the Yillage of
<br /> .. ..
<br /> �,=f}.� Alda� &!11 Caaity� Ne�aslca-
<br /> -:. �,
<br /> . Tagether wiM ail buitdi��s,imp�ovemenis,fixtures,streets,alteys,passageways,easements,�Ighb,prtvileges and appurte-
<br /> � nances tocated thereon or in anywise peRaining thereto.and the rents,issues artd proflts,reverslons and remaindars thereot,and
<br /> : - such personal property ihat is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a flxture,including,dut not limited to.heatinq and
<br /> r..:
<br /> � cooliny equipmenX and topether with the homestead or marital interests.if any,whfcb interests are hereby reteased and waived;ali _
<br /> ?�. of which,inctudinp replacamenta an0 additions thereto,is hereby dectared to be a pan oftha reai�estate secured bythe lien otthi�
<br /> � Qeed ol Trust A�d all of the fote�oing being referred to herein as the"Property". -
<br /> Thia Oeed of Trusi shalf secura(a)the payment o!the prtncipal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory rtota or credit
<br /> F:: apreement dated At�t�st 8� 1991___ ,having a maturity date of A±+�+�� 9. 1395 _
<br /> .
<br /> ' in the ort�inal pdncipai amount oi S 4��1•71 -.and any and ail mcdificaUons,extea�ions and renewats
<br /> , . thereot or thereto and any and atl future advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them if more than one)hereunder
<br /> ,. purauant to one or more promissary notes or credlt agraement�(herein calted"Note'7;(b)the payment o1 other sums advanced by _
<br /> `-r.��: Lender to protect the security of the Note;(c)tha pertormance u1 all covenants and egreemenb o1 Trustor set tortb hereln;and(d)all
<br /> . . present and future indebtedneas end obitpation�of Borrower(or any ot them i}more than one)to Lsnder whether direct,indirect,
<br /> aAsotute or conUngent and whether arisin�by npte,gua�anty,overdraft o►otherwise.The Note,this Oead ot Trust and any and all
<br /> � other docusntsthataecurethe Noteor otharwise executed in connection therewith,inc�uding without timitattan guaranteas,eecurity
<br /> ' � aqreements and aasignments of teaaea and rents,shall be raferred to hereln as the"Loan tnstrumenq". -
<br /> • Trwtor covenants and agrees with Lender as tollows: -
<br /> .• 1, P�ynNM W Ind�bt�dnKS.All indebtedness seCUred hereby shSll be paid when due. _
<br /> : �'. 2.Tiq�.Truatar ia!he owner ot the Property,ha9 the right and authoriry to convey the Properry,and wananis that the lien
<br /> created h�reby i�a tirot and prior lien on the Properry.except for liens and encumbrances set foAh by 7rustor in writing and
<br /> ' �' � delivered to Lender betore execuUon of thia Oeed of Trust,and the execution and deNvery of th�s Oeed of Trust Qaes not viotate any
<br />-. ��� eannect o�other obqs�tion to whicfi Trustor is subject.
<br /> ' „��.: 3. Taxy�A�b.To pay be}ore delinquency a11 taxes,apecial assessments and all other char�es ayaina!the Properly
<br /> r now or hereafter levled..
<br /> - � 4. inwnnc�.to keep the Property lnsnred egainst damage by fire,hazards inctuded withln the term"extended cov�age".and
<br /> . . ' '� suCb othet hazards as Lender may requi�e,in amounts and wlth Companies aCCeptable to Lender,naming Lender as an addltional
<br /> �5,;.. named insured,with loss payable to tAe Lender.fn cese ot toss under such policles.the Londer ia autho►ized to adJust cotleot and
<br /> �,.�,r._.,• compromi�e alt cialms thereunder and�hall have the option o1 applylrtg a0 or part ot the insurance proceeds p)to any indebtedness�
<br /> - � aecured her'eby ana in such order as lender may determine.�ii)to the Truator to be used for the repair or restaraUon of the PropeRy
<br />. , r:�-�� ` orpU)farangatherpurpaseorob]ectaatisfactorytoLenQerwllhoutaHectingthelienofthisOeedolTruaetorthetuilamountsecured
<br /> � hereby beiore such payment ever taok ptace.Any application o}proceeds to indebtedness ahal)not extend or po�tpone the due
<br /> • � QaM of�tg ptyments under tt�a Nate ar aure sny defau�t thereunder or hereunder.
<br />-_ _ �� , 5. EiErOw.Upon writtan demand by Lender,Truetor�hail pay to Lender,In such manner es Lender may de�ignate,suHieient
<br /> aumato enabie lendarto pay as they become due orte or more of the tollowing:(i)atl taxes,assessments end other charges agalnst
<br /> � - -.-"��:� the Property,pi)the promiuma on the property ins�rance required hereundee,and(iti)the p�emiums on any mortgage inaurance
<br />, . '�'�*. required by lender.
<br /> "'' � 8. MainMnane�.R�pata and Canpllane�wifh Law�.4rustor shall keep fhe Property in good condlUOn and repair,ahgtl
<br /> • � �, ���� � prortlptly repatr,or roplace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;ahall no!commit or permit any waste or
<br /> . :. deoerlaratlon of the Property:shall not remove demotish or aubstantiatty atter any o!the improvementa on the i'�ope�ty:ahali nct
<br /> • ' ;;r�;�:� comMi�,sufterotperrr�anyacttobedoneinoruponthePropertyinviolaUonofanytaw,ordinance,orreyufatian;andshaitpayand
<br /> promptly diecharge at Truator's cost and expenae all Bena,eneumbrances and charge9 fevled,lmposed or a�essed againat the
<br /> � _ `��'__ ' Ptoperty or eny p�rt L�reot .
<br /> "+ �'` � �. EmkwM OoiniQn.Lender Is 6ereby assigned aff compensafion,awards,da�ages afiQ atner paymen�ar r�lref(here�nafcer -
<br /> • . _�.-•. r, .
<br /> •.��. "Proceads'�in eannecHon with candemnation or offier tatcing of the Property►or part thereot,or tor conveyance ln Iieu of condemna-
<br /> ",��x Uon.Lander shall he entlUed at its option to eommence,appear in and prosecute in its own name 8ny aeUon or proceedings.and�
<br /> � ,.•. '� •'=`''�`'�'� shaii also be enttNed to make any compramise or aetUement 1n conneetion wNh suoh faking er damage.tn the event any pordon of
<br /> - ,_- N�CiNlpMnil�uMun10M411w.t0/M '
<br /> ' . �a°r."-�:�-y_,. • O1fN11111MWMidCm�err4ltuMitdSn.�MAYaewlen.Uno61n,lWruls _
<br /> _�t�,;_ '
<br /> . .
<br /> :...� . --
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