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<br /> � `�=� � pet;od�,�L�,�q4�e�. The insutsa��{xo�thr ins�uao�:,;nl�be cli�en by eorra,�er sulrje«�L,endesh - .
<br /> �ppe�vat which swll not 6e unesasanbly witf�ircid.�If$on�ower fni�s to maintain co�erage ckscn'bed�boYS.Leeder a�ay,�t .
<br /> �l.e�Y op�ion.abtAin cov�rage W peu�ect i.etider's rigMs irt the Property in accadanc�c with patxgraph 7-
<br /> ----- -- -- Itit insu��nct�iki�se�1�vvafs stadt-brac�pta4�tu�en�r at�!stssiU inct�dc-a staa�snl�ttgage.claa.se�l�xiEr_�- -- —
<br /> — � -- -=-s6a�inve tTie rigi�w tiotd Vie poticks�d�e�wais. 3f Ixnder r�equirrs,Borr�wer sh�lt p�nP��Y�SI�e�v Lernkt a!t nceipts . _
<br /> of paid p�emiwos aod m�ewal notices.' Ir�the event of loss.Bamwer shali give prcxnpt ndic'e m the insurma caRiet�M.
<br /> . I�der..l.endet nu�y m�lce proof of loss if not made'pcomPUY bY Barower. � .
<br /> � " Unlass Lender aed Barower atherwise.agee in writing.tnsG�+tan�precads`siraii be applial.to restoration or t+epsic af
<br /> ��Y�E��the i�rstaation ar se�ir is eiaamically feasibk and-Lender's{ceuriry is not lesserxd- I€the ' .
<br /> rcstoeation or repair is uot ecaamiplly feu�bk or t.ender'�security would be fessened.t�e insurance proceeds st�l�# .
<br /> . � appiied to the sums se�urcd.by this Socuriry iasuwnent;whettier or not then due.with any excess paid to�nwer. lf �
<br /> Saeuwer�bmdo��s ihe Ptopeit�c.or does not amsvrer within 30 days a natke from Lender tErat the irouance cartier hi►s.
<br /> affeted�o xp�e a cla�an,thea t�t�de�ms}�colket the insurance proceeds..Lender may use tl�e 1��5 to rtp�ir or s�tae �
<br /> the prvpeny a w pay wms secund by this Socurity L�strument,whett�er or not then due. The 30day ptriad wiil begin when .
<br /> the notice is airen. . .- �
<br /> Unksc i.ender and Sarmwer aherwise agnee in ariting,any 3ppticarian of�pmceeds to principal shall rat extend ar �
<br /> • postpone the due due of the niarthtY PaYmeats nfemed to in P�B�Phs 1 and 2 or ch�nge tde amount of the paymenu. If � .
<br /> ��P�EhPh 21 the Ptope�ty is acquiral 6y i.ende`Bacrawet`s rig6t to any ins�pnGcies and proc�ds n5ulting .
<br /> ftom da�nsige to ffio�Ptapetty priar to the accryisi6an sba11 pass to irendes.to the exteat uf the sums seruied by this StcuritY
<br /> Insuurnent immedi�tely prior to the 3cqeisitiao. °
<br /> - i. .Occ�p�cX Preservatioa.Mai� aad Protection ot tbe Property; Borra�rer's l.ain Applic�Uoa; .
<br /> 1Ra�eMold�. 8or[�ower stall nccupy,estaWist�,aad use the Ptoperty a4 Bozmwer's principaf residence within siaty days after_
<br /> tl�e e�ion o�this Securiry JasuumeQt aad shall continue to accupy.the Pt�erty as Borrower's principal residence for at ,
<br /> iqst ane yeu�afler the dace of occupancy.amtess Le�xkr dheruvise a�ees ur writing, whicb rnnsent shall not bt
<br /> �.gonai�ly withlK�d,a unksq extenuating cic¢umstances e�cist wfich ate�eyond Sormwer�s conttnL �orr8wer shall not �
<br /> des�roy.dun�Be ot impair thc Propercy.allow�i►e Pcoperty.to deteriorate.ac cannmit waste on�the Property. Borrower shail
<br /> � � be in defaalt if any farfeit�nre action or proceeding.whett�er civil or criminaf,is begun that in Len@er's'good faith judgment
<br /> • cvotd nesuit in forFoitute of the Propesty or otherwise materially impair tbe lien created by this Secunty Instrument or
<br /> • Lender's sec�its+interest. Borrower may cure such adefault atM�instate,as provided;n p�araSraPh t 8.by causing the action
<br /> or proceeding ta tie dismissed with a ruling tha1,in I.ender�good Caith determinadon.precl�cks forfeiture of the Borrower's �
<br /> interest in thc Rropccty ot olhet maisria!isapatcment of the l�en created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's securiry .
<br /> _ imetest. Bortower s1u+11 also be in def�ult if Bomawer. during the ioan applicatian pnocess. gave materially fatsc or
<br /> = in�ccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed to provide I.ender with any matedal infoRnation)in connecttan with
<br />:� tE�e 3our evidenced by the Note„incluc6ng. 6ut not limited to, representatians conceming Bonower's accupancy af the
<br />-_ propetty as a principal�esidenc�. If dus Se�vrity Instrument is on a leasehotd.Borrowershall comply with all the provisions
<br /> of tbe lease. If Borrower acquaes fee title to the Proper[y.L�x teasehold ared the fee titte shail not merge unless Lendes agrecs ,
<br /> .. to ttie merger in wriring.�
<br />-== 7. Profection uf Lsader's Rigfits io tbe Propestss 1f Bonower fails to perform the covenants anc!agr�nts
<br />_ - ' contained in this Security lnstrument.or thece is a legal proceeding that may tiignificaaUy affect L.ender's• righGs �n �he
<br />--- ` Ptqperty(such as a practeding in banlcruptcy.probatc.fnr condemnatian ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br />:,_ Lender may do aixl pay fos whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Properry. •
<br /> �:., l.ender's s►ctions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which hati priority over this Securiry Instrumen�appeanng �
<br />• in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny N make repairs.Although Lcnder may take action
<br /> �� under this pa[agrapb 7.l.ender does not 6ave to do so.
<br /> :..
<br /> _ Any amoun�s d�.cbur�ed by Lender under ihis paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Barrower seeured by t �s
<br /> - Secutity tc�strumenti Unless Boaower and Lender agree to other terms of paymen�these amaunts shall bear interest from 1he
<br /> `" date of disbutsement at the Note ratc and shal!be payabie.with interes�.upon notice from l.ender ta Barrowcr reyuesting
<br />^;;.: pay�� —
<br /> 8. Matg�ge Insur�n� If Lender required martgage insurance as a condition of making the toan secured by this _
<br />--= Security Inctru:rwni. Botl;awer sitall pay t4�,pn.-miums required to mair.tain the mar[gage in�urance in effect. If,far any i
<br />-��". reasca�t, the mcnagage insurance cove��:r�.quired by Lender lapre�; a�r ceases to be in effect. Barrower shall pay �he � _
<br /> -_ prem.:ur.ss reqnired to ob[aisn coverage subsiantially equir•alent to the mongage ir�sccrrnce previausly in effer4 at s�cost —
<br />- = sa�-�.antialty equivalent to the cas�t to Borrower af the mc.�age insuranee pmvioasi�.in etfec�from an altemate mangage =
<br />- �- . insam approveh by i,ender. iF substantiatly equivalent cir�iz�agc insura�ce coveraE::s na1 avaitabte.Borrower shall pay ta
<br /> :-t-� l.endet eacb mr�::h a sum equat to une-iwelfih of the yearly mmtgage cn.�.;;rance premium being paid by Barrawer when the -
<br /> = insuranee covera�-��apsed or ceased to he in effect. l.ender will accepn.;cw:and retnin tltese p.+yments as a lcw�reserve in lieu
<br /> � : of mortgage i�s,�ance. l,o�s teserve payments may no tonger,be rei�Gired,at�hc aption ai Lcnder.if mortgage insu►ance
<br /> �_�•»_ cmverage�in the amount ae�c�f�r theperiad that L.cnder requires)Qravided by un ins�rer approved by Lender again becames -
<br /> � z�u'.ab1e and is oMaineQ.Sc�rcwer shall pay the premiac:�s:�required to maintain mora��e in�ur•mce in eifee�or to provide a _
<br /> � (c�s reserve.�cr.iil the requirarant for martgagc insuranaz ends in acrnruance with�ny wrlttcn agreement between Sorrdwcr _
<br /> ' and Lender or applicAble law. _-
<br /> - 9. Ins�tlon. L.ender ar its agcnt may makc rc�sonabte ennie•��n and impcctions of aFe Plroperty. Lender thall =
<br />=�°�= give BorrowerrIIatice at the time of or prior tv an inspectian spccifying r�tianablc cauae for thc ittsqet�ion. _
<br />."f� 10 Condemnatioe. Thc pracee�i�nf any award or claim far damagc.,direct oc cnn�eyuentiat,in conneccior�with any
<br /> .. 5:::,,:r Famliy•-Manele Haeli�Mdie�}ac C�IF'URN 1`STRC�IF.�T--l r.:`vm�Co�cnanir 919� �pu:�i•J�,���+�a.� _
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