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<br /> � __,= ap�r�Mfii�h.slntl not.be w�easaoably withf rcW. If BOROVYC[filLS W R�lt)C01rEfa$C dCSCR-I1E�YbOYCs l.ender may.at
<br /> , , 1.l0[�E[el���110d�►Cla�t0 f�Ct�OC��ttlQEf���tS 11!1�FtnQCCty 1n a�[�i%�C Wit1t��.— -- -
<br /> ��f11t�11��ICIES�tifif�i�S S�l��tf4���C IO j.C11{�G[�tl(�S�11i1CTUdC 8 5[all�ti�il101t$�$C CU1USC- �.tliaCi . _
<br /> alull M►e tl�t right to hold tLe policies�renewaLs. If Lxtider iequjres.Ba�rowar sbatl P.�P�Y S�va w l.ender aq neoeiptsc .
<br /> _ of paid pemiums�f emewal notices. In th4 evait of loss.Bo�mwu sfiall give�xa�npt notice to the insurance ca�rriec and
<br /> - . I.end�# I.eodeetnsy ms�ice poof aftos4 ffnot�usrle promp8y by Borrower. �
<br /> UNess Leader wd Bomnwer usl�wise ag�x in writiag.ins�uance pcnceeds s�U be applied m mt6iation or tepair of .
<br /> , t�e pPope�tY dmns�d+�f tbe nstaation or np�a is tconomicalh► feasi'ble aad Lcnder's secudty is nns tesszned if the
<br /> • isstattian,a nepair is not ecaaomiplly feasibie or l.a�der�s 5ectuiry would be fessencd,tLe.inwrance PNceeds s1�I1 be
<br /> applied tn the s�ts socored by this Savrity I�nt,wh�her c�r saE tben due.witis any eacess paid to BaQOwer If _
<br /> �er sb�ndonc tha PmQerty.or cioes�noc ancwer wit6in 30 days a no6ee fmm i.ender t6at the insurance carriec hps
<br /> ' oEfered to ssule a claim,t1�n Le�der may caltece the insatsree pr�s. Ltnder may usc the p�oaeds to tepair or nstoR '
<br /> � ttw P�operty or w pay wms sec�u�ed by tbis Seruriry Insdsuna�t,wbett�er ar not then due. '[he 30�day periad wili 6egin wljen '
<br /> . the notIce is given: . . - .
<br /> : Unless L,ender atd Barower othecwise ag�nx in writiag,any application of pcoceeds to pritxipat shall not exund or ,
<br /> postpone t8e dne due of tbe mond�[y paymeats refemed ca in�ragraphs i and 2 or chaage tbe amouaE s*f the payments. If
<br /> - under}mrap7ph 21 thd Ptope�ty is acquiced by Le�e�Borrower�s right to any insarance policies.a*aiY�ocoeds res�lting
<br /> from damage to the PrnP�rtY Prior w tl�e acqoisrtion shaIl pass to Lenckr ta the extent o�t�e snm�s�iry this SocisittY
<br /> � Insaumtnt immediately prior to the acqeisition. ' . • .. �" •. ," :,°�
<br /> i. O�cX Pre9ervatjoo, Msiatesaace aad 1'rntedioa ot t6e P++npert�; �u�er�� �1�; ,
<br /> I.easeiolds Barower sdall occupy,esta6lish,and use t1�e PtopenY as Bor�nwer's princigat�R'�siictyr days afteF
<br /> . - the extcution of this�Sxurity L�.st�wnent and 3hall continue w occupy ihe-Piropeny as:8c�ae�'s'ps�..-ipa��esideace for at.
<br /> least'one year after i6e date of occupaney..uniess Lender att�erv�nse agc�ees in wr�r�,.which c�o-sedt shall not be
<br /> iuu�a�abtY wit6hela,�ci�•�mte.�e�cteauatiag cu�umstances esist which are beyon�Boi�a,i�rs cont�ol. �3amwer`s8all nat
<br />--- des�roy,dartiage or impair tbr�perty,ailaw the prape►ty to deteriorate.or commit waste•on the Property. Borrov�tr�hail
<br /> -:� ' be in default if any fvsfeitute acuon ot procadin$.whether civ�or criminal.is 6egun that in Lendes�good faith jndgrt�ent
<br /> • caild resWt in`forfe�t�.of tf�e PtoP�Y ar otherwise materialiy im,pair tlie lien created by this Seccrity Insatanent or
<br /> R`.z,� Lender's seeuciiy iat�-Boaower may cute such a default and reiastate.as pravlded in paragraph I8,by causing the action �
<br /> �� � _ - or�'mg to be�smi�ed wa�t a rnitag thai.in t.ender�s goaa faith detemeination.pmeleedes forfeiture of the Borlaaer's� , .
<br />=t�..-�, intenest in tlte Property ur ot�er IInaterial impaim�ent of the liet�created by this Security Inscnunent or Lendeils secvrity ,
<br /> inte�est. Bomnwer shall aisu�be in defunit if Borrower, during ttu loan applicadon process.gave materialIy false or
<br /> inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or faited w provitle Lender with any material information)in wnnectian with
<br /> .��`-� the W�n evidenced by the Note, inctuding,but not limited to.reprcsentations conceming Borrower§ occupancy of the
<br />����:. Propetty as a principai residecroe. If this Security Instrument is on a teauhold,Borrower shaft compty witb all the provuions
<br /> of t�lrase. If Aocrower aequ�fee title to the Property.the teacehold and the fee title shaU not merge.unless Lender a}ees
<br /> �-" to t�e�erger in writing. "
<br />' 'r ' . �:` prutedion of Lender's Rights ie tht Propnty. If Barrower fails to pe�mm the covenanu and �gnecments
<br />- ca�tained in this Secarity Instrument,or thete is a tegal proceeding that may signifcainly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> � Propetty(sucb as a procceding in bankrupecy.probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws ar regulations).then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessaty to protect the vaiue af the Property and t.ender's rights in the�Pmperty.
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security lnmument.appeanng
<br /> `'•• in court.paying reasonabie attorney.s'fees and entering oa the Praperty to make repain.Aithough l.ender may take action
<br />.`r• _� undec th3s pazagraph 7.Lender dces not have ta do so.
<br /> -' Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shaA became additianal debt of Boaower secured tiy this
<br /> Security lnstrumen:, Unless Borrawer and Lendcr agrec to other term.s ai payment,these amoun�c shall bear interest from the
<br /> :s�:•� date of disbursement at the l�lae ratc and shall be payabie.with interest.upon notice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting
<br /> � p�a t
<br /> �Mortg,�ge lnsurane� If l.ender mquired mortgage in.surpnce ay a condition af.making the loan secured by this �
<br /> - �� Security Insuument.Borrower whaU ppy the premiums required to maintain the moct�ar�insurance in effect. ii for any .
<br /> ";- `. reason. the mortgage lnsurmue wverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to br in cffect..Borrower shall pay the
<br /> - premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgs�g: insurance previousty in effect.at a cost
<br /> substantially eqnivatent to the eost ta 8orrower af the martgage insurance prevwusly in effect.from an a�temAte mortg�ge
<br /> -.,.�:r inscurrr approved by Lender. If substantiaUy eyuivafent mo�r4age insurnnce caverage is�ot available.Borrower�hali pay to
<br /> Le,�dex,each month a sum equa)to one-twelflh of the yea:�3}°�ongage irnur�ncc premia�:�eins paid by Barrower when the
<br />-'�7: insurance cavei�e lapsed ar ceased to be in effect. Lendes�:iTl Accept.u�c and retain tF�se paymentti�.�A toxs reser�e?n lleu
<br />- - of mortgage iruuaance. l.oss reservc p�ymensc'�ay no lo:�er be reyuirc�,at thc optian af l.ender.ii mortgage insuranre
<br /> _::=;',' coverage(in eII�e�ount and for the period tha3 f.ender cequires)pravided by an insures approved by Lender.again becomes
<br />- avail�ble and is d'ataincd.Borrower rhAU pay fhe premiur.l�requircd to maintain monga�e insurance in effect,ar to provide a
<br /> •. .:�
<br />..:_.._,.
<br /> -- - - -- --.�` losc t�8'etve.Urtf(I ihC fCQUiiemetn fot mofi�:tge insaiat�ce cmiYin:ncu�v�attCe�iih att��:sfltes dgn:CZi'�t:iit ^h,�r^,tt •tcs•�et-- ------_
<br /> an�H�:�der or opplicable law.
<br /> 9, lnspection. Lender or in agent may make rea.wnaBle entries upon anJ inspe:�iom nF thc Property. L,ender shall
<br /> '`� give Bonower notice at the time of ar priar to F+n inspectian�pccifying reasonuble c7use far the inspection. _
<br /> - � 10 Condemnation. The pracecds of uny awArd or�laim for damages,direct av conseyuentiaJ.i�c�nnection witb any _
<br />_ Singlc F.rmily..Fanaie NadYreddk\tac Cti1F()R�11�5'fltll�l�tiT..t'nifomi Crnrn.+ni.,9l90 i1m,�r J.Jb lx�gr*i
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