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<br /> - --iR[��LS fla1B-OE�3-g8t[.?f R�fC_Q�DQEIIy._/�1Gj?�ACYmEOLS�8L{t�1tlOGS 3��SO bC COYCiCd.�t$I1S$tCliillyl -
<br /> �p$�jp,�. /�Of f�1C f0[�$OlA$1S tfEfC�ICd W III ttliS S .!d'll�t�/�SWt11C11��S t1lC��QCI'�I o .-- -------- �•—-- -- - --•----
<br /> � BORROWFR COV@T�►PPfS t6at 8ortnwer is tawfully seised of the estate heieby conveycd and has the riglu to grant
<br /> aod caavty the Pcdpe�ty and t6at tbe Pm�aty�is�meacumbe�ed.except far cncombra�nc�s of recocd. Bomuwer warmnts aad
<br /> �ill defrnd 8eaa�1lY t�e tiik tcrthc.Propeny A�unst all cl�ims wd dem�nds.subject to any encvmWaooes of reead.
<br /> . THIS SECURTTY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform covenatits far natiumai use aad nat-anifarm covenaots witb ..
<br /> -- Wnitad varistioaa by puisdictan ta oonstiwte a uaifozm sxuritY inswmrnt covermg neal pmPartY-
<br /> UNII�URM C4VENANTS. Bormwer and Lender covesunt aad ag�ee as foliows: •
<br /> �. ��at r�.��•a�•c��wr•e.�a.a t.a�e c� so�ro�Sr,�i�,�y�x wi�a�e� , ,
<br /> p�cipal of ana i�ce�n u,e adx�riaeacea by the rr««o aaa any pre�eo��a late chacges ane uadts uje Na�. . ,
<br /> L .I�tirs far liura a�d I�ra�eG SubjocE to applicablt law ar to a wntten wa=�v-a by i:ender,Bomowu sh�ll pay tu
<br /> L.eader on tde day motiiily.paYmaiu ue due�mder the Note.tmW t6e Note is paid ui�II,a sum("Funds"�for.(s3 Y�Y • .
<br />_-_ , tues and a�eats whtch may upi�t priority over thig Sa;urity Tnstramenc as a lien on ihe Qiopeny:N)Y�Y�Id
<br /> _- P�Y�a ��us on t6e Fmperty, if auy, tc)Ye�IY t�r�a ProP�Y inswance psemiaras;(d}YeuiY fload •
<br /> insut�tr:e pre�aiams,if aay;(e)Y�Y���s�'�P��!��Y+and<� �Y��"���bY Barowcr to ,
<br /> __ ��m�d�ce with the p�uvisioos of parsgraph 8,in liea af if�.paytnont of mottgage iirscuance premiums- '1^hes�
<br /> �' ioems are caIIed"F.scmw Itemc." Lender may,u any time.collect aud hold Fiinds in an amatmt pot to eacaQ the a�axunwn
<br />- airi+wnt a tender fa a federalIy:nlated mortgage loan may requiro for Bnirowerls escrow account und'er the federal•Rsal
<br /> - �state Settk�imt Aocodu�es Act af 19?4 as ame�ded from ti�ne to timG 12 U.S.C.$2601 ct�Cg.("RESPA"�.ttatess anotl�er
<br /> ja�d�at applies to t1�e PY�nds sets a lesser amoun� If so.Lender may.at any,time,collecc and hold Fends in aa a�aawt not to —
<br /> - ei�cad the tesser amaun. '�.e�xkr mAY estimate tbe aneau�t of Fands due on the basis of eurtent data and rwsonable
<br /> . estnn�tes of expenditures of futune Fscnow Items or atherwise ia accordance with applicabk law. F .
<br /> - . The Plu�1s shaU 6e held it►an institution whose deposits sie insured by a faieral a$encY,u�;ot eatiry
<br /> ° _ • 4�du�'mg Lender.if Lender is svch an insutution)or in any Nederal Home l.oan Bualir..I.eader shaU apply thrFi�`to pay _-_ ---
<br /> . � the Bscmw itaras. Lender taay not charge Bonower for holdiag and ePP�B�Funds.annually analyziag ttie escrow _.�:-�==
<br /> ': acco�t,or vaifying the Escrow lieau.untess Lender pays Bomower intecest oi► ihe Funds and applicabte law permits s�'�d
<br /> �.eader ta isu�kc such a e1�►rge. Hoc+rever..Lend+etmay�me_�orrower to Pay.a one=time ci�ar8e fos an iiWePeadern_ie� " _ �"!�;E,:�,,:
<br /> _..:;:-: ; �" ��
<br /> - • estau tax nportin8 service used by I.ender in cont�eccioa wilii lfus Ioai�unIess appSicable law provsdes otT�eranse:�llnTess ar�... . . ;��.;�--
<br /> sa
<br />- � agc+xment is made or applica6le law requires iateres[c�be pai4l.ender shall not be reqaired to pay Bonower any�aterest or • ;��_
<br /> easniogs on the Funds. Borcower aad Lcnder may agree in writing.however,that interest sfiall be pa4d on the Fwuis. Lender � z�,�,._�.
<br /> ' ' sbaU give to Borrower,v►ithout chazge,an aar►tial accaunting of the Punds,showing crediu as�d�bits to the�unds gnd the � �,`�,��;y_
<br /> , piupose fa which each debit to the Funds v�as made. The Funds are pledged as additional seca�i���r atl siuns secuced by _-_ ---
<br /> � this Saurity Ltsttume�rt. —_ -
<br /> ' If the launds he]d by Leader exceed the amounts pernuued to be held by applisabte law.i.ender shaII account to :�ti.�.,-.-
<br /> • �omuwer fav the excess Fwtds in acconctance with the recpimements of applicable taw �the amount of the�Js heid by ----
<br /> • Lender at any time is not su�cicnt to pay the Escrow Items winen due,I.ender mag so notify Baimwer in wr�ssg.and,in
<br /> . such casc Borc�ower shall pay ta Lender the amount necessa�Y to make up the de&ciency. Harcnwer shatl make up the ��i'_.
<br /> t: . ` �ciepc.y in�a mone than tweWe montlilY payments.at Lender's sole discretiotF. �-__
<br /> e
<br /> ' Upon payment in fufl of ail sums secured by this Secwriry Inswment,I.ender st�all pramptly refund to Soaower any _ _
<br /> ��. Punds held by Leader. If.under paragraph 2t.1-ender shall acquire or seli the Propeny,Lender,pdor to the acyuisition ar �r��-
<br /> ` sale of the Property.shaU apply any Funds held hy Lender at the time af acquisi6on or sate as a credit against the sums :��r';`�;
<br /> :��• secured by this Security Instrum�mt.
<br /> � ' •��:;_'
<br /> App��on of p�yments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all payments receiveQ by Lender under �..;�,
<br /> ',, �"� . para�aphs 1 and 2 shaii be applied:firs�ta any prepayment charges due under the Note:second to amounu payable under •��+f��.�_s:=_
<br /> :��n.�,:_
<br /> ,,,� paragraph 2;third,to inter�est duo;fourth,co principal due:aad last,to any tate charges due under ihe Note. ___:_ __
<br /> q, CA�s�es; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taues.assessmen�s.char8es,fines and imposidons attributable to the ,,
<br /> �•,., Pmperiy whicb may attain priority aver this 5ecuriry fnstrument.and teasehotd payments or ground renu,if any. Borrower �r-. : °
<br /> � shall pay these obligations in the manner provlded in para�raph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bortower shall pay them on :,. ���
<br /> time directly to the persan owed paymen� Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under '�.:r��;°�'
<br /> ;'':'• _ ttris paragrapfa. .If Borrower makes these�ayments direcdy.Botrower shall pmmptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing .,
<br /> _ the p�rme�s, '::,..,�;.,.,.
<br /> - ' ' Bairower sha11 promptly discharge aa��i:en which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bortawer:(a)agrees ,:•;.�-r.-;_
<br /> - . ie►writing ta the payment of tf�e obligatron secured by th�lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)coneests in good faith the _ '�'.;
<br /> lien by.o�defonds against er�forcement of i he lien nn.�eg a l proc e e dings which in the Lender's o pinion o p erate to pcevent the } ;
<br /> enforcemerrt of the lien;or(c)secvnes from the hotder of the Hen an agreemem satisfactory to L.e�ader subor dinadng the lien �_
<br /> -�,:;;,,: , to 4us Se�r":y Inswmrnt. lf Lender de3e�mines that any part of the PropeAy is subject to a Ei�which may attain prlority � . '
<br /> ;., :=, _ pver thL9 Sectuity InsVument.l.ender may give Borrower a not�ce edentiiying the lien. Borrawer sfia11 satisfy the lien or take , _
<br /> - •
<br /> �'• ` - e3ne o!more of the act'�ons sd"forth above wnhin tU ciays of[i�giving oimanr. - � -�
<br /> ' S. Hs�ard or Property lnsuranca Bortower shall keep ihe improvemenu now eaisting or hercafter erected ott the �
<br /> :,.�.. :'.- ; . , .
<br /> Property insured against loss hy fire.hazatds inctuded wlthin the term"extended ooverage"and any othcr hazards,including ,,
<br /> '� floods or ttooding.for which l.endcr requires insurance. This insurancc shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> .� �, �:.
<br /> , # , ibti3b2S f!!� f/�ags2o)6poge�! � '� . .
<br /> � ,.�fr.i��v'. �� i� .. ,
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