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<br /> � 'iei�i�(e)a�Me.�tlastr3�ii0slf�1rei1�slie�MieeV�sto�n+�a,lrswiiellY�iehrlt�atl�ei+�
<br /> � ar W tirt f1i0�e�o aretie iefalt��e.�e�iee tle iMe�ealA�ti tlie a�li�e�q rewlt ir ameiasf�:�ttl�e s�s ` .
<br /> �- - -- � - .see�e+�l�tiis�_�le_�wMt�i�Ic_�t lic Ft!�eetT�1�e�wtioe i�Y Mlur i�tar�Beee+s�e,c dt tYe ri�t ts '
<br /> , _� rli�fal�a11�'�oodaat�s ai tMe ei�t M iri�s ee�et aeiiw b aNert tie�e at�feladt ar`aa�F��-° �--
<br /> < ietws.d�re�eNseeeMafiwai�it�lieieWtjsaitc�e+eiw�ri�dstcttieirtsqeeiNeliatYe�otk�I� .
<br /> � �.�N���4*p�r�!4�iw trB K dt tirr seesd i7�See�it!L�brw�e�t wltM�t t�cll�er- �
<br /> �ia�i�q i��e tie�ec�t�Ytawi aq of�v eeseiiesl�teei b MM�Yw..t.aier iU De atitki to
<br /> �eet.,��/�e.us i��ie.wewii ue n.e�r..�ewii.+i ui.rn/a/ti 1!,MiM�++��i.c,wc N�i�ei�s. .
<br /> r�lcafew�e�s'�ia�ia�l�dttdee►Wrea � . . ` .
<br /> It lic�w�e��t s�le i�t�wirM.TrwM�i��ae�a Mtke et iefatt i eadt e�t7 v'�Yek a�!/�rt d tke .
<br /> • ptMert�isMe�la�iaWla�it,a�ia��ts�iwNioeti�Ire�er�aerHe�b�!!�'+���8iri+o�w�a�itstMe
<br /> ' Mre*NrsNS r�eriei b�Il��,�Ier tl�e tl�e a�irei l�s aAlimiYe 4*.Tr.�tee i�o she wtiiic�wtia u�
<br /> ale 1�t�e�ers�s a�i i�tl�e r�iMee1��7�ie�Ye law.Tn�eee.wiliiart i�i ea Baavwer,�11�dl tie
<br /> � Pnleetyat�ilka�etia�ls/Me�iiiierattretl�ea�i�laoea�iwiertYeter�rie�Wte�i�tMe�eticeeft�icLr
<br /> o�e or woe�e/�ree1�a�iaqaioie�'fflsieeieiersi�.Tnrlec�q lo�a�e��ie ofall aray+/�rse1 ot�e F�a j�atf#9' -
<br /> �1ic�orea�eat at tie t�wc�i�i}i�ee ef aq�nni�nl�seiei�lei sde.I�ie�or ib�ia(pte�a!1����
<br /> _ Y�tiats�tnle. � . � _ , , � .
<br /> � .Up�re�e�t ot�q�t K ttia�eice 1�ii�Tr�tee�all idtrer to tie!�Tr�tte''s.�d eaneytiy��ie ,
<br /> ' Pe�e�et�.Tie reeivf�i�d�e.?�`�lea's�eti aYlt ie Ri�a hek�iie�ee ot tl�e.tr�tt ot tre s�ea�sts wMe�tbeiei�.
<br /> f.~.. Trw�lie�ii�ll a�t�fie��oeai+�i�esak�ir t�efo�lswi�i ae�:W to aU a�ddre ak.i�d�.�t rot�i�ei
<br /> � te.Trs�lat's kes t�F i�1r!�+�Lw a�i reawile attan�t�te�(b}to al!�searal�!tii�Sec�sity
<br /> � I�tra���ii(e)�9exee�stotle/eesoaoct�e�o�kpUl�to&. •
<br /> ZO 1.eMe�:ii�.�bresio�.Upon accslttatiai under pariS�Pb.13.ar aixindomnrnt of ihe ProprrtY. Ltndee(in � � .
<br /> ' ' . persop;by�a►t oriiY T��Y���sln�be eatitkd to+eater upon,take pa�ssastaa.of and manage the .._
<br /> --_- -_- --propertlr md to coltect-the rents af t6e pra��r�thv5e pasi ds��A1iY rmts colle�tal by f-�ader-ar the receiyer
<br /> . shalf be applied 6rsi to p�yment of the casis afmamgeme�E of the pinperty and colloction of rents,inetuding,bua not , .
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees,praniums on receiver's lxmds aiidsrawmble attomtys'fees.and then to the snms secare@ by .
<br /> this Savrity Instrument. ,:". � . ..
<br /> 2l.Reooa�et�Upon psyment of all swns securad Iry this Security Instrumrn�Lender shaII�eqaest:Trasta to
<br /> recanvry the Property and shaU surrender this Security Insuumrnt and aU notes evidencing debt se¢ai�d by tlris SecuritY �
<br /> Instrummt to'fnistee.Trusta shall ia:onvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person os pe�sons
<br /> k�lly aiptled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. ,
<br /> 1Z.S�iqitrte Tnrta.Lender�at iu option,may from time to ttme remove Trustee and appoint a succawr trusta ,
<br /> to any Trustee�ppointed hereunder by an insdrament recordod in the county in whicb this Security instrament is recordod. ..
<br />--�� �thaut conveyance of the Property,the succeswr trustee shall succeod to al!the•title.pawer and duties conferred upon ,
<br /> = Trusta haein att�by appficable law. - •
<br /> -- 23.Reqoat tor Notices.Horroaer requats that capies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> � �ddtess which is the Property Address. ,
<br /> 7A.Rtdas to tiis SecadtY Iasdranent.If one or more riders are executod by Borrowes and tecordod together with
<br /> this Securlry Instrument,the covmants and agraments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> suppkment tlu covenants aad agrammts of'this Sceurity Instrumrnt as if the ridcr(s)were a part oP this Security
<br /> Instrumrnt.[Cheok applieable box(es)J
<br /> = ❑ Adjustable Rate Ridcr ❑Condominium Rider ❑ 2� Family Ridsr
<br /> � ' � Giraduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Devetopment Rider
<br /> �Other(s) (spa9fy]��OWI.EDC6F.MENT OF YOWER OF SALE
<br /> . BY S�oNINC3 HEtow, Borrower accepts and�agas to the terms and covenants containod in this Socurity
<br /> Instrument and in a�y rider(s)eaECUtod by Borrowe*and ruord 'th it.
<br /> � .... ~d+q'L•��..... ..(Seal?
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