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<br /> , �/.11idl�!�lQYIlEd IDO[I�i j�i11�I1T�n4C�f i,�O�ditiOn 0�IIti�t�,'�Ofti SQC4�Od�fY t1i15 SOClitity�t:
<br /> Bor[aRa sinit.ixY�P���4�to maintain tZe iaiurance m e�ect uaW sucb tmae ss 4he requir�ment far the <
<br /> - ' inwrmcetern�aataiaacoadanoe�rithBorsavdsaad�La�der'sRrittm�torappticsbkafsbcPmpectS►•Lrnder .
<br /> �. Lqeetio�. I.endet or its aamt aiay malre tasooabktatria upon:aad ia� �
<br /> � sl�itpvc8orm�varaetic�eattbetimeoforpriostoaniaspectionapecifytn���onabkcausefortbeinspecdon-
<br /> ! Ce�iawtiw. The pmceeds af aay awrard or claim for dam�a�es.direct or conseqdei�aal,in ooanxtioa w�ith ,
<br /> ,ny conaannana►or ar�er niun�af any puc af tLe Pmpercy.a foe conveyaace in uw or condamnadon.u�e beKbx . .
<br /> ` �ssi�aedsudshallbep�idtoLaid�er.
<br /> In tlie event of s wul niting�the Propetty.tbe proceeds sbaU be applie8 to the su�as secared 6y this Savrity
<br /> ., ��whetha or aot t6en d�xitb auy ercess paid to Borrn�ra.tn the event af�putial taicing of the Property. ,
<br /> uulas Bocs�ver and L�ender atha�rise aSra itr�vtitiaE+the snms secarod brtbis Sccurity Instr�ment shsq be redured��7i
<br /> the amount�tlie procads mWtipiiad,by the fotlow�iag fractioa:(a)the total amowit of thc sums secnra�iiamodistely
<br /> - bdae thc taitiag,divided bY N)tt�e fsir m�rlcet valne of the PropettY imme�istelY before the tatdng.My�shall be '
<br /> -_ pa�itoBorrower. � � '
<br /> _- If tlie Property is ab�ndoned by Bomo�ver,or if.afta uodce bY Leada w Hormwa that thc oandemnor uffe=s to� >
<br /> -�- m�lceanawraMa�rsextleacl�imfordamsga.8onowerfailswnspoadtoLmderwFthin30daysattecitiedzterlic�odoca : .
<br /> �iven,I.ead�sis,d�uthorizod to oollect and apply the proGaeds,at itsopaon,dther to ta�w�ariepairofthe Pr.opertY oir _ .
<br /> - tothe sums secist+od by this Sxnrity Insaua�ent,wbether orn�theu due. . : - �,, � .
<br /> -uy Uakss I.ender snd Borro�a othenyise sgra in wris'sn8s an3'aPPlication of procoais to princi��at sball n�oxtend or
<br />•:.;;�c; postpone the due date oithe moniWY paymrnt�refecred cd in paragr`apbs 1 and 2 or chsnge tlu amo�t ofauh P�Y��
<br /> `���?� 10. Borruwer�Not ltek�ued:Fortiaua�oe By I�esder�Tet a Waim. Extension of tiie�me for p�yment or . _
<br /> ;s.,,,,<_ ,
<br />�y::;z,� • tnodifiestion+ef ptnoRization of the snms secarad by this�Y I��ent grantod by Lender to aiay successnr 4a _
<br /> . .-_
<br />.. _..
<br /> ,. _ - - -- -interest of BcfrroWer shaU�sot aperate ta cetease thelia6�lit�of.the original Borrower or Botrower`s suceessors in mteres� • '� -
<br /> -�- • ' a • i a��y sncc�ssar'sh iaterest ar rePus=Lo-enien��imtfor -- - -
<br /> , ,. - --- -
<br /> Lrnder shail not�e requued co commence proceod�ASs 8� � T=
<br />„, psyment orothecwise modidy siuortization of the sums suurod by this Seearity lnstruraent by reagon of aay demand made =-
<br /> hy the ori�Bonowu or Borrawer's suceesso�s in interest.Any forbearar�cc by l.rnder in exercising anY right os remedy `
<br /> - shsll�utbe a�+$iverofor precIudetbeexercise ofaay rigi�t or remedy. -
<br /> fl. Siocawrs atl•Mdp�8e�s�.Joi�t ssi Se►ecal I3ab�itl.Co3i�ws. TIIC COY�I1aRtS AAd A$�@GlI1E(It5 OP
<br /> chis Security Instrument shall bind Andbeaefitthe sutcessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subjoct to the provisions ,
<br /> ��S�Ph 17.Borro�ver's cova�nt4 uid agamentss�alt belaint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> -� ! �Instromrnt but das not e�iocate the Notr.(a)is casigcsing this 3ea+irity Instrumeat only to moRgage.Srant and coi►veY
<br /> sin
<br />,�'.4., i
<br /> i:,;:�; that Borrow+e�s zntaat ia the Property undec the ternis of this Seccaity Instrument;(bl is not personally obligataf to pay
<br /> • � the sums secuTCd by this Se�uriry Instniment;and(c)agras that Lender and any other Borrowa may agra to sxtend
<br /> ;�`��•,:::
<br /> .. modify.forbear ot make aay accommodations with regard to the tes�us af this Secority lnstrument ar the Note without •
<br /> that BortowePsconsent-
<br /> ` lZ, I.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law whicb seu maximum toan
<br /> charges.and[hat law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other toan charges collected or to be coltected in
<br /> connectioa with the loao exceed the pemiitted limits.then: (a)any svch loan chargc shall be reducod by the amount
<br /> � nece.csary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already colleeted from Hoaower which exceedod
<br /> • ' permittad limits will be refunded to Bdreower.Lender may ehoose ta make this cefund by reducing the prineipal owod
<br /> under the Note or by making a diroct payment to H3rrower.li'a refund roduces principal.the reduction wi11 be treated as a =
<br /> �. �astial prepayment without Any prepaymrnt charge under the Nota �,
<br /> .,::': ':
<br /> 'i� 13. .Legislstloe Afrtcting I.ende�s Ri&hts. 1P enactment or eapiration of applicable laws has the etfect oP =
<br /> �,;;��.,, -� tmdering at�Y provision of the Note ar this Security lnstrument unenforceable according to its terms,Lendet.at i�9 option, _
<br /> :' may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and.may invoke any remodies _
<br /> ' permittcd by paragraph 19.lf Lender exercises this option,Lender shall take the sups specified in the second paragraph oP _
<br /> _ ;,�` paragrsph 17. _
<br /> • 24. Nodcea. Any natice to Bonower provided for in this Security Ins[rument shall be given by delivering it ar by =
<br /> ' . mailing it by first class mail unless applicable taw requites use of another,method.The notice shall be directed to the _
<br /> Property Address or any other address Barrawer designates by notice to l.ender.Any naticc ta Lender shall be given by -
<br /> flrst class mail to lxnder's addrtss stated herein or any ather addres.g l.�mder designates by notice to Bonower.Any notice -
<br /> _ -- - �.����n�,,.,{n rbic�enriw lnsuutnent shall 6e deemed to t�ave been given 10 Barrower or Lender when glven as provided -
<br /> - �.`� inthisyaragraph. _
<br /> � • �,� ]S. Govarniag 1.aw;5erenbility. 'I'his Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and thc law of the
<br /> ':� �:t jurisdiction in which the property is tocated.ln the event�hat any provision or clause of this Security lnsirument or tho
<br /> . '' Note conflicts with applicable law.such conAict�hall not affect other provisions af ihis Securiry lnstrument or the Note :
<br /> whieh can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and tht
<br /> � Notr are declared to be severable.
<br /> l6. Borro�rer's Capy. Borrower shall be given ane conformed copy of the Nnte and of this Security tnstittument.
<br /> ' 17: Tnnsfer ot tbe Praperty or a BeneflcLl�laterae 1n Borroxea li all or any part of the Property or uny
<br /> - interest,in it u sold or transfened(or ifa beneftcial interest in Barrawer is sold or transfcrred aad Horrower is not a natural
<br /> � `=i . Detsoe�witliau�Lender's prior written wnxnt,Lender may.at its option,require immediate paymcnt in tnU oP all sums
<br /> , � ��'•� secured hy.this Secutity Instrument.However.this option shall not be exercised by Lendcr�iP exercise is prohibited by
<br /> federal taw asoithe date of'this Security Instrument.
<br /> __ 1P Lender exercises this option,t,ender shal}give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period -
<br /> � :.`�rj .. of not less�han 30 days kom the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Aorrower must pay aU sams seCUred by
<br /> �' � -�"� � this Security lnsitument.liBorrower Paits to pay these sums ptior ta the expiratian of ehis peric+d,Lender may in�oke uny
<br /> ��:;:�;�� : --��• . remediea permitted by this Securiry lnstrument without further notice or demand on 8orrowet.
<br /> • .�;�. • ls.Borrow�s Right to Reiestate. 1f Borrower meets certain canditions.Horrower shall have lhe dght to h3ve
<br /> � , 3;�� mforcement of this Secusity lnstrutnent disrominuad at any time prior to the earlier nf:(a)S days 1�r such other period ay
<br /> applicaibte law may spccify for relnstatement)btfore sale of the Property pursuant:tv any pawer of sale cantained in this
<br /> :'.�:�;,' .�� . 5ecnrity Instrumeat;or(b)entry af asudgment enforcing thig Securiry Instrument.?hose ccraditions are that &�rrawer:
<br /> ,;..
<br /> -� � ' _ „ (a}pays Lender aU sums which then would b�due undsr tri�is Securit Instrument rind the Note had no ac�eleration
<br /> .. _ .:�.- ,
<br /> .. - - - �r �- - accurred;(b)cures any de!`sult oi any other covenants or agteemeets;(e)pays aif eapenses incarre�irr-enfiming t� �
<br /> �:-'
<br /> � � _ . r„�+s�., ° 5ecurity lnstwmenl,induding,but no!limitai tof teasonable attorneys'fees;�nd(d)takes such actinn as l.endrt may
<br /> ' �. _ { 'j' reuonably require to assure that the lien of this Socu»ty Instrnment,l.ender's tights in the Yroperty and Borr��wePs
<br /> ' "-7��' _ obligpiion to_pay_the.sums secured by t1ils.5ecurity Instrument shall_continue unci�anged. Upnn reinstatement by
<br /> . . .�..;�:,�, � Borrowtr,this Security Instrumeat anA the obligatians secured hereby s�alt remain fWly effcctive sti if nb acceTeratioa had
<br /> •" - �-•`��=" ocaurrat.Howrver,this right to reirrstateshaU not apply in thecase ofacceleraHon undrr paragraphs 13 or 17.
<br /> , �::.,�Jai -
<br /> . :i`; t .
<br />