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-•�°l.T�_n �.� -- -•'-_ <br /> � y_m_-..���+1 '�"=-..-.- ..�------w—- . . ... cnilL�rq. <br /> —��.:_,� . 93- �.o�oi� <br /> moePtsBlt wm�v�U►e tmpmvemenu now or hrtedter e�eaed on d�e p�ripeny,and.0 arenients..ppunawte��,wd <br /> Axturor now or ha�afla a p�ut of �ho pt+openy. All �I�enit md �Iditiotu nh�ll �Iw b� ooverod I�y thb �auity <br /> In�qurnent.All af the fq+e�ain�i�rcfernfd ta In�hl�3ecurity Irolniment a the.Prapeny.• <br /> �OftROWER G�OV8NAN7'S�iW Baruwer b I��wf�ully�ei�ed oP tGe euate I�e�sby convryed�nd hM U�r�sht w�nqt and <br /> oonvry the Pmperty wd th�t�he Propaty ia u�mbe�ed,aaoept ior a�cumbwr�oe�of r+eoo�d. Harrawer w�nl�and w!U <br /> dtfeM rrnenlly the titk 1u the Proparly a�airot dl cidms iuod�krwid�.wbject to�ny�af ra:oM. <br /> THIS SECURITY lNSTRUM�N9'corribinea unifufm cavenuqn for nuional use�ml rwn•unifam caven�nu whh Umittl <br /> v�rlrtbna by jwi�dictian to constipua r uniform�ecurlty i�uurumrnt oovulnQ n�l pnoperty. • <br /> UNIFORM COVF.I+IANTS. Burrowce wwl I.uuk:r wvuw�u wai�r�x:ur fulluwr: <br /> 1. Pl�ya�a�t of PHNCipY aid LMe�+e�t; P�'eP��t �ad Lde Ch�a. Bormwer �htll P�P��Y WY wha� due Ibe <br /> princlpl af and intpest on the debt ovlde000d by 1hc Note and any pnepayment�nd latc clw�cs duc under the Note. <br /> 2. F1und�fot Tua�sd Inur�uce. Subject to�pplicable law or 10 a written waiver by l.ender. Borrower clull p�y w <br /> Lendcr on U�c day nanthly paymau�aro due under the Nwe.untfl the Nae is p�xid in full.a sum('Funds")for: (a)ya�rly uuca <br /> — and�ssessmenta which mAy attain priorhy ov�r ihis Sccuriry Instrun�eiu x,,�liru ax�U�e FnipeMy:(U)Yrurlr I�r�1wIJ p�yn� <br /> or ground rems on tha Pmperty.if any;lc)Ycarly h�zard or prcrperty insaraac�premiums:(df Ycarly flood insurancc p�tmiums. <br /> If any:le)Y��Y �SoBe incurance prcmiums. if any: and 1��nY wms Poy�ble by Bormwer to l.ender. in Acvord�nce wi�h <br /> the pmvicio�of puagcoph 8,in lieu of the payment of rtartgage insuranoa premiumv.77xse itema nra wllod"Fsctow lums.' <br /> Lender mAy. at any time,collact w�d hold Funds in an wnoum na to exoeod the m�cimum amourn a lender for a fakrally <br />__ related mongago loan may requim for Borrower's escrow aaoaum wider the feder�l Real Estate Scalement Procedurcs Act of <br /> 1974 ns�urended from time to time, t2 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq. ('RESPA'),unlcss andhcr taw dnt applies to tho Fundi <br /> sets a lessu amoutu. If w. L,mder may. at any time.colloct and hold Fw�ds in an art�ount not to exoad the lesser amount. <br /> _ L�eaid�er may estimate lhe arr.ount ot Fwids due on the basis of curnrart d�ta and rwsonrbla estimate�of expenditunes uf fuwre <br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in acrnrdanoe with appticable law. <br />;':r The Funds shall be held in an instiwtion whosc deposits are insut�ed by a foderal agency, in�trumentality.o�n entity <br /> � (including Lender.if l.ender is such an instiwtion)or in any Federal Home Lo�n Bank.I.ender shall appiy 1he Funds to pay the <br /> Fscrow Items. Lender may not charge Barmwer for holding and applying the Funds.annually an�lyzing the esnow an�ount,or <br /> ? verifyfng the Fscraw Items, unless I.ender pays Qorrower intemst on Ihe Fundc and applicable law permits I.ende�to maJce such <br /> -_ a chsirrge. However,Ixnder may requirc Barrower ro pay a one-dme charge for an independent re�l estate tan neponing service <br />_- used by Lender in connoction wiuh �►his loan, unless applicabie law provides atherwise. Unless an a�reemeru is m��de or <br /> -.=,� -- applicable law requires interest to be p�id. I.ender shall na 6e required to pay 8orrower any iaterest or eamings on 1he Funds. <br /> ��"°� Borrower wd i.ender may agrec in writing, however.Ihat inten�st shall be paid an the Funcis. l.ender shall give to Bornower, <br /> �r — wlthiwt ct�uge,an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credi�s sud debitc to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> ��-�.=i�;s� dd�it[o tbe�umis wac mtde.Ti�e Furuis ue plecigeci ax additianai securiry for eii sums secured by tius�vnty instrument. <br /> i� � If the Funds held by Lender exceed ehe amaunts permitted to be held by upplicable law. l.ender shall account ta Bom�wer <br /> - � <br /> for the exctss Funds i�xcordance with the requiremeMs of applicable law. If Ihe amount of�he Funds held by l.ender ut uny <br /> '"'' time is not sufPciem to pay the Escrow Itetns w•hen due,Lender muy so natifjr Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower <br />" - shall p�y to L.ender the amount necesswy to make up Ihe deficiency. Borrov►.:r shall muke up Ute deftcieacy in no more than <br /> . twelve manthly p3yments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender sh;rll pnimptly refund to Borrower�ny <br /> Funds hcld by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shull Acquire nr sell the Propeny,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the time of acquiaition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> � ��,�ti•_• 3.Applkation of Poyments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all paymentx recelved by I.ender under parographs <br /> _.. � 1 and 2 she{I bc applied:fint,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; ,emnd,tn amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> ` ��`''- third,to intcrest due:fourth,to principal due:and la.t,to any Iutc vfi�rges due unricr the N��te, <br /> = 4.Clwtges; Uens.Borrowe�shall pay ull taxes,�.sses�ments,chsugcs, fines und imposiNom attributable to�he Praperty <br /> � ' which may attain ppority aver this Security In�trument, anJ IeLSChold payment� or ground rents, if uny. Borrower shall puy <br /> �, > these obligatians in the manner provided in puragrupb 2,or if not puid in that nwnner,Borruwer tihall pay them on time direcdy <br /> ,�,�.•., <br /> ;'�: � to�he person owed payment.�Bonowcr shnll promptly furnisfi t��I.eixler all natireti of umounta to be paid undcr this puragraph. <br /> �� If 8orrower makes�hrse paymems direcUy, Burrower�hall promptly furnish to Lcnder receipts eviJencing the payments. <br /> ;�' - ��•"1�` �„�;' Borcc�wer shull promptly disrharge any lien which hus prirri�y over�hir S��urity In�trumem unless Bonower:(u1 agre�es in <br /> ;�:� writing to the puyment of Ihe obligation kcured by the lien in u manner sKCeptuble���l.enJer: Ib1 c�tests in ga�d fai�h the lien <br /> _._ • ;��,��' by, or defendx ugain:t enforcement of the lien in, Icg•rl pruc���ling� which in thc l.rnder'� i�pinion op�rate to prevent �he <br />�-,' ^?`•,'x���:`.�„•, enforcement of the lien;or(r)secures from thc holder of the licn an a�r�tment�uti,f'uctory tu l.�:nder�ulxirdinuting�he lien to <br /> �;:• . . <br />`s" .,,�.�•_�".�.' this Securiry Instrumcnt. If I.endcr detcnnines thut uny purt of the Pn�pert}� i�,ubj�rt t��a licn which may atwin priority over _ <br /> 'i.+s�;:a�::.. this Securiry Instrument, Lcncfer may givr Borr��wcr a m>tic�iJentit'ying�hr licn. Burr��w�cr�hull ,uti.t'y�hc licn or talce nne or <br />